
Surname Inventory of the Larry & Ann Hamilton Research Files. (9 Dec. 2007)

Helpful online resources (8 Dec. 2007)

Dates & Places of My Hamilton Ancestors, Descendants of Isaac Hamilton

Query on my oldest confirmed Hamilton Ancestor

Queries for my ex-wife’s side of the family Swan, Reed, Stover, Lenigar, Miller

Queries from the web.

Other Names in my family tree.

My Genealogy Database    Descendants of Isaac Hamilton I put the descendants of Isaac Hamilton on Rootsweb to try to get more response on this line. Isaac and his children did not leave much of a paper trail, so there are many years we are not sure where they were. Please email me if you have a relative in this file. I want to add to the file, and am happy to share, just ask. (23 Nov 2007)

Hamilton National Genealogical Society, Inc.
I am the webmaster for this site. All of the best Hamilton, Scotland, Clan, and general links I have are posted there. My Dad is a participant in the Hamilton Surname DNA study. We would like other Hamilton men of the other children of Franklin Hamilton to participate. Genealogy Software I have used and use.

I lost all my email between Christmas 2003 and June, 2004!
If you have sent me genealogy information since Christmas, 2003 and before June, 2004, I would like a copy of our correspondence. Almost all the information I was sent has been entered into my GEDCOM, which I plan to update to this site over the Memorial Day weekend (2004).
Click this link for the humor I was able to find in this stressful saga.

An open letter from my father about keeping Alexander Hamilton on the Ten Dollar Bill.

NOTE: I am not related to Alexander Hamilton, we just have the same last name.

From a CNN article: “One person opposed to removing Hamilton from the $10 bill is Ron Chernow, author of an acclaimed biography of the revolutionary war hero and founding father.
He told USA Today that he believed even Reagan would have objected to the snub of Hamilton.
“Hamilton was the prophet of the capitalist system that Ronald Reagan so admired,” he was quoted as saying.


See this article where my father is quoted:

Other web sites on the issue:

More about Alexander Hamilton:
Good overview of Hamilton’s achievements.
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