I have an add on for my blog that tells me when there are broken links.
Suddenly I had 13 broken links, all to Rootsweb.com. The issue is that there were all RSL entries. Clicking them took me to Ancestry.com. Ancestry acquired Rootsweb many years ago.
Somehow I missed the notification that the World Connect feature at Rootsweb that allowed one to upload GEDCOMs would be changing to read-only and accounts would be eliminated. This means that no more GEDCOMs may be uploaded to this website.

The good news is that information that is there can still be searched. The bad news is that links to my RSL entries are broken on the Rootsweb site. Thankfully, I was able to find archives at the Internet Archive‘s Wayback Machine for all but one surname.
Sadly, one cannot modify those GEDCOMs with corrections. This leads to the issue of does one request that their tree be deleted, or leave it in hopes it is helpful to others?
At the moment, I am not aware of any errors in that data, so I will leave it for now.