Gentlemen, it has been a pleasure, but I’m going to be moving on.

Gentlemen, it has been a pleasure, but I’m going to be moving on.

Despite the excellent campaign and storytelling, and great people to play with, I’ve simply never felt like I really connected with my character, or my place in the world.

Sometimes you feel like you are the character, and you’re living that life… sometimes it’s just a sheet of paper and some dice. Sadly, I’ve never really been able to get ‘inside’ Uthruk, and ‘live’ the campaign.

That said, Uthruk’s a pretty solid fighter, and if you guys wanted to keep him on as an NPC he’d be more than happy to stay.

I wish you all the best, and may your adventures continue on for many more years.

oops, right. my characters.

oops, right. my characters.

Uthruk should be complete. Irasha still needs gear.

Uthruk, half-orc fighter. (primary)

Irasha, elf thief. (second)