Bookkeeping Joe hasn’t leveled 

Back to town

Guards shout out 

Quicklings stringed up

Heading to 12th night

Alessandra is taking charge of the situation 

Rescue Slaves Dusty Gnome(Meaning Finklemur is still armless)

Calligan not friendly(A few hundred people)

Lack of services 

Wall District lack of dock (east harbor recommended) 

Went to 12th night

Rotho caught 

Letter opened

It says (Read post)

Barney suspected 

They cut out hardcore

We may go party (Peter Theral)

Paw print stamp Agrees to invite

General store

New threadZ for  Quickling Rags

Going to the Lone Barrel

Leather Worker (Orabell)(John underestimates my awful spelling)

Fink gets ripped a new one by Leather worker

Meet Adelard at Lone Barrel

Baywin -Times of transition 

Magic User (Arnell fillet)

Adamantite cube (maybe magic)

Detect magic is cast on a cube and a dagger 

Aldus Runndlebrook is mentioned

we arrive at Peter’s

Directed to set together

Starchy is fed 

We ate dinner

Peter clears his throat

Gives a speech/Lifestory

 Invest in Bargemen

Treasure given to slaves

we keep things hush hush with  peter

Firmhand shakes exchanged

the spell protection from magic

we decide to show up super early for wizards

Session 21:The party starts in rough shape and immediately head to bed. Tarion is left alone at Thortons , Axel…

Session 21:The party starts in rough shape and immediately head to bed. Tarion is left alone at Thortons , Axel waves to the crossbow men at desric’s. The party stops in the cock and bull to pay rent for this month. The local islanders are staying at the cock and bull for the riots. Sthorm is still being pursued by a man with a scared face we return to our townhouse untouched. finklemur heads over to the apothecary. Makes a deal for 1700gp But cant carry it all so he get faldspar to help him. They split the watch and finklemur sent a message over to his former master Clemm (insert last name) about training. Tarion is still knocked out and Finklemur pays 170 gold to thorfus for gold storage. INCOMING public annoucement Citzens of midmark let it be know that lord thorton has solved the mystery of the death of the lordmayor it was caused by talisan.We head to thortons for our reward and a new party member who joins when the clerics enter alessta and a young boy there relationship seems strained the boy introduces himself as Virgil , Thorton decides to just spill the beans on our crimnal background with the ark. Tarion is healed. Em is brought up again is still messing it turns out she was picked up at the gate. The party then left to go speak with dead talisan and got some great info. I was then referred to alvis thiddlebrook For mage guidance and the party was denied by thorton on fighters . Abhrams heals the party and everyone was happy ever after. Then we went and trained jk we then went go take some Imperial crowns from the imperial spy house except we didnt and now everyone is going for training except this time we everyone was swindled 1250gp for training for tarion 1500gp for faldspar 3000 for the dwarves. after the dwarves went to see about resizing there chainmail and then we went to desrics, the party speaks with desric about the key they found we tricked desric into giving us more gold we end with training.

session 18:

session 18:

To start off connection issues……Coming back from the devilfish the party decides to head to the guard house as a light rain starts to fall. Apidius the pearshaped man is seen and called out to he asks if we have had luck with our investigation and then asks if we would like to speak with the surviving guards. The first to  be  interviewed was a older looking half-elf with massive strength …the party drilled him with questions one after another about barons facial features.  Oswel Poer was the half elfs name. The party asks possibly about drugs being involved, Jennon and Edony two human female guards , Jennon has a neck like a bull and has been a guard for a year she mentioned albertis a pigeon chested coward guard. Tarion talks her up, she apparently spoke with Jennoen recently about barons wife.  Edony dark haired human girl who we allowed to sit , the women seemed to find Baron attractive ,the mayor was oneshoted blood everywhere. None of the guards seemed to care for lysender. The party then interviewed Apidius ,and was allowed to see the body. Talisan had cast a spell or two on the body to preserve it but otherwise the body was pretty putrid and rotting. Asks about the pure silver ring. we the head up to talk to the captian gosprend, tarion refuses to shut the door. They ask about perhaps arden grell having something to do with the death of lord mayor. A reason for the impeirals possibly being in charge of the assassination is to incite chaos and distrust between natives and colonists ,  Cecilie Pilla fishes in the canal reported the body of baron.The party heads over to the lucky gam and then to talisans where the palor is found to be just for show and talisan is asked about the strange blocks inside of the head of baron possibly being an a reason for his power. Questioning talisan about lysander and baron aswell as illusion spells. the party after speaking with talisan the heads over to albertsis for further questions.  Albertis works for the silver throne now run by dwarves. the party then heads to thortons and on the way there is a bunch of cabbages on the street they get advanced upon on arrows attacked by the cabbage people and then 3 more  enemies advance upon the party finklemur defending the driver is soon to be wrecked and is very scared . Tarion ,finklemur are held by a oncoming clerics spell then the wizard casts burning hands on axel bring him near death  iralle is sprinting to axel to help heals him and then is dropped by a arrow axel fights and defends ir alles body near death everyone thinks there done for  and then guards approach maybe saving the party i cant tell im to scared there is a nat 20 rolled for the guards and they take down a enemy and  they take down another we all survive and live to fight another day.

Session 15 written for the 3rd time: The party got to a spot o trouble today as they angered a local judge by…

Session 15 written for the 3rd time: The party got to a spot o trouble today as they angered a local judge by “stealing” his sword from his nephew and his friends. This happened during the leaving of the sewer ater we were ambushed by them in previous sessions so the party attempts to make amends with the judge by buying back the sword from the merchant. Which is successful and the merchant was pretty cool about trading back the sword for 19gp, They do this all the while hoping to not attract the attention of the grey cloaks a form of secert police that had been skulking for the party around the parties home. The party then takes a cariage to the courthouse where the judge Arden Grell works , The party then decides that it would be best for them to send Tarion and Galron to return the sword in the name of Thorfus. Tarion lies to the clerk and says that she is Thorfus in order to get the attention of the judge, Galron was annoyed but he gave his true name to the clerk. The judge surprised to see an elf instead of dwarf asks if he may help Tarion ,Galron pipes up explaining the situation to the judge aswell as apolgizing he also does his best at at sucking up even asking about the swords orginal owner and the tales of his great grandfather and baldric evenkeel. This doesnt seem to help and judge grnell warns that this does not compeltely absolve  thorfus of his deeds, but it is said that thorfus should try to get out of town as soon possible after the warning  the party doesnt do that at all and heads t there home to pick up there hirelings stourloc kotar and kilmar and head over to the Flotzem and Jetson they spend a night healing up and then the next day head for the dwavern bath house in the sewer. The party really just going there to clean house of loot decides to take the 6 in total 1 gold a topaz(1000gp) and then 5 red spenilli(right from italy) (50gp each) using a Thorfus’s spike galron removes the gems after this they head further into the bathhouse coming to a single sarcophagus and they take a scroll case that faldspar seems to enjoy and a golden lute that plays an amazing song that casts remove fear (i assume) The party delves deeper and comes upon a mystical cool thing everyone is examining and GALRON BEING THE IDIOT HE IS goes and touches it gets teleported disoriented due to sleep deprivation(riese) galron searches around activates the trap that shoots lighting and sprints upstairs and drops to the floor he takes the damage and collapses at -6hp the party freaks out and sprints to save him(im so sorry) there is then the trap recharging the party finds galron at -8hp in a crumpled mess they freak out further Ir alle being a true friend and attempting to help galron by defending him with his shield tarion doing the same THorfus BEING AMAZINGLY BRILLANT  throws a iron spike triggering a different trap and stoping the thing from recharging and hitting the party SAVING THE PARTIES LIFE after it is detriment that galron has permanently lost a point of Charsima after all that it is time to end the session

The party was a bit smaller today at least in terms of minds. We started off going further into Kermit the killer…

The party was a bit smaller today at least in terms of minds. We started off going further into Kermit the killer Frogs lair. (our light source dimmed) Kilmar holds the lantern. The party notices a balcony that has sewage fallling from it and there seems to be further croaking coming from further in the darkness. Werid thing against the wall of a hallway . Galron charges attacking  the frog ,joined swiftly by Thorfus in the battle who lands a hit. Galron fails constantly Axel valintaly attacks with his battle axe. More frogs are coming towards the party Ir’alle puts down a frog but soon we will be outnumbered …HOWEVER GALRONS FIRST KILL HAPPENS MOMENTS LATER! Thorfus murders a frog man aswell .. After  Axel cuts down another two Ir’alle scares them off with his  preaching of his faith! Sthorm suffered a permanent injury… sorry… Thorfus kicks in a door a bit scares some goblins and then he finds out about the goblin chief room the party goes in search of loot . The party finds a large amount of loot thanks to Thorfus  and is his stone cunning he finds a wonderful amount of silver and a beautiful blue gem… Thorfus beats the stuffing ou of a ape but, THEN GALRON DEALS THE KILLING BLOW TO THE  CARNVIROUS APE HIS 2ND KILL!!!!!THORFUS WAS KNOCKED DOWN… WE traveled got a bit lost and then found the ladder galron and Axel went to retrieve the loot but, they  saw some guys in rags messing with our coin , they easily scared them off and Galron and Axel take the monkey as well as the loot. We lifted the unconscious bodies to safety from the sewer. Sold a monkey for 300gp to Talasein . Ir’alle confronts a rambling old man…he asks about the Grey watch and pays him 2 silver to keep his mouth shut then the party retires. in total 580 split among 5 both in xp and  gold