Additions to the People and Places discovered while compiling the P&P Excel file :

Additions to the People and Places discovered while compiling the P&P Excel file :

Master Dain – Long Market, Vargen, Master of the Order of the Celestial Dragon whom the Mercer’s hire and transport to Vargen in order to train Initiate Chuq Nourus

Gerbod Glover – High Town, Vargen, Human Male Council of Ten representative for High Town who is a member Goldsmiths’ Guild, allied to the Mercer’s Guild

Eadgytha Brawith – Far Harbor, Vargen,  Dwarven Female Council of Ten representative for Far Harbor who is a member of the Jewelers’ Guild; allied to the Bargeman’s Guild

Vitel Fairefax – East Harbor, Vargen, Human Male Council of Ten representative for East Harbor who is a member of the Sail-makers’ Guild; politically allied to the Bargeman’s Guild

Avice Penzance – West Harbor, Vargen, Elven Femail Council of Ten representative for West Harbor who is a member of the Carpenters’ Guild; politically allied to the Bargeman’s Guild

Sancho Wolbeter – The Sink, Vargen, Human Male Council of Ten representative for The Sink who is a member of the Chandlers’ Guild; politically allied to the Bargeman’s Guild; expected to be replaced by a Bargeman’s Guild member the next election

Noeë Warminster – East Wall District, Vargen, Human Male Counceil of Ten representative for the East Wall District who is a member of the Money Changers’ Guild; politically allied to the Mercer’s Guild

Anketel Jowkyn – West Wall, Vargen, Dwarven Mail Council of Ten representative for the West Wall District who is a member of the Brewers’ Guild; tenuously politically allied to the Mercer’s Guild

Oggery Newbiggin – Temple District, Vargen, Half-elven Male Council of Ten representative for the Temple District who is a member of the Scriveners’ Guild; politically allied to the Mercer’s Guild

Feldenminxus – Kobold Warren, Vargwater, Fen King of the Vargwater Fen kobolds who ordered the evacuation of the warren as the Starchie Boyz and Mercer troop invaded, instructed his people to rally at an unkown location in the surrounding woods; thought to disagree with the decision to kill all the prisoners

Ingrannus Ribmoller the Tinkerer – Long Market, Vargen, crafted the SB’s spyglass

Adalune Beamsly – East Wall District, Vargen Captain of the East Wall District guard; hires the SB to investigate the Quickling attacks then orders Ellisondro to trim the Beggar’s Copse

Bronze Virgin – Fen’s Edge, Vargen, Inn where Adelaid Grodekop is staying while looking for her son Aubrey

The Badger Club – Sink, Vargen, former lodgings of Immaculate Rostom in the Sink district

Long Market – Vargen, currently represented by Odard Brevermann, Leader of the Mercers Guild in the Vargen Counceil of Ten; location of Godfreed La PetiteSmith’s General Store, the Lone Barrell, shop of Ingrannus Ribmoller the Tinkerer

Far Harbor – Vargen currently represented by Eadgytha Brawith  member of the Jeweler’s Guild; location of Phillip Vigor’s shop

East Harbor – Vargen currently represented by Vitel Fairefax member of the Sail-Maker’s Guild

West Harbor – Vargen currently represented by Avice Penzance member of the Carpenter’s Guild

West Wall District – Vargen, currently represented by Anketel Jowkyn member of the Brewer’s Guild; location of the Twelth Knight, Winking Swordsman

Temple District – Vargen, currently represented by Oggery Newbiggin member of the Scrivener’s Guild; location of the Verdant Fellowship Glen, Ark Temple and Temple of Merendur

Kobold Warren – Vargwater Fen, fomer base of operations of Kobolds harrowing the Vargwater Fen ford; currently the tomb of prisoners slain under Barnier Brocket’s orders

Session 34

Session 34

24th of Laureldon, morning underground in the sparring training room.

Chuq examines the next door for traps or noises beyond. Even though he detects nothing amiss, Lamia’s obviously does since her teeth are bared as she follows us through the door. Taking point, Thorfus cautiously approaches several intersections found along a north to south tunnel beyond the training room. 

We search three rooms, two off western branches of the N-S tunnel and one eastern. We catalog 36 short swords with 24 hand axes in the first room, 20 javelins and 18 kobold spears in the next room and an uncounted number of crude clubs in the last. The compartmentalization stupefies us. We speculate the order was imposed by some other than the kobolds themselves.   

The second western branch and the southerly end of the main passage lead into two different cenotes. Each showing signs of artificial modification, most significantly each have sloping ledges spiraling along the outside edge with tangential branches roughly corresponding to cardinal directions. 

We decide to explore the southern cenote in force. Taking the first western branch from the ledge, we kill the three kobolds apparently guarding beyond a left hand turn to the south. These guards prompt us to follow this southerly route until we see daylight. Chuq scouts ahead silently until he finds an opening into daylight. We have found another natural cave entrance into the kobold warren. The party examines the adjoining clearing and surrounding forest from the cave entrance, then decide to return underground.

Returning to the south cenote, the next two branches off of the ledge seems to be abandoned nesting chambers similar to those we found off the great cavern. A lone kobold is surprised in the next southern branch. Killed quickly, we find his widow guarding two eggs further in the room. For her safe release, she agrees to escort us through the fighting room to the big room and then to the dragon temple to pursue her king. She says her king, Feldonmixis, smartly made plans to leave when the Starchie Boys and the Mercer Men invader their lair. Feldonmixis instructed his people to rally deeper in the woods so that they all can go to a “safer place”. 

She leads us from the cenote to a wooden door at the end of a 20’ foot passage along the eastern edge of the large cavern. When asked, she says the kobold’s prisoners can be found through the southern passage from here. Her side of the deal fulfilled, she leaves the way we came.

Chuq retrieve the two Mercers teams guarding the two intersections near the barracks room. He returns with 10 combatants. Using a 10′ spear we open the door to the temple. Assaulted by a foul smell, we find kobold and human corpses littering the floor. Obviously these individuals slew each other. Across the chamber from us is an impressionistic bust of a dragon’s snout on the wall. 

Orion aids the only survivor. Claiming he is from Vargen, he clutches a 5 inch metallic sphere. His name is Barnier Brocket. His tale is that he was sent by the Bargemen’s Guild to deal with the kobolds. Not explaining how his group made their way into the kobold’s inner temple, he recounts that his men fought the kobold’s here while he decided to grab the unoffensive sphere in the bust’s beak. His act triggered some sort of soporific. Which is why he can’t relate any other details about the combat. He suggests a reward from Rotho Waterman of the Bargemen’s Guild for the sphere and Barnier’s safe return. 

Looting the bodies, we find short swords, cloaks, torches (8) and a week of rations on the human bodies, 21 gp plus some silver. The kobolds have 19cp. Within the altar before the idol are 27sp and 47cp. 

The door to the south weakly resists opening. There is another door covered by arrow slits along the walls 20′ to the south. Thorfus looks into the slits and sees nothing of note. There is a modest wooden throne on the other side of the door. The throne is flanked on the eastern and western walls by breathtaking tapestries depicting a battle between dwarves and dragons. The tapestry to the east depicts Dragons overwhelming their dwarven foes. To the west the Dwarves are superior to the Dragons. Behind the tapestries are the arrow slit alcoves. Axel has to force the only door leaving this room. We find that it was barred from the other side. 

Similar to the temple, there is a carved dragon head on one wall of what is a bedroom . There are odoriferous furs on the walls and on the bed. Chuq can open one of the two locked iron chests against the east wall. Within are 2 transparent clear and 1 opaque crimson stones and 200cp. Two of the mercer men lug along the unlocked chest. 

Left to himself, Axel activates a movable tooth in the dragon carving. A door opens to a very small southerly tunnel which curves east. We have to crawl for 5 feet then the dwarves can stand with Chuq crouching. The tunnel ends in a wall. Thorfus opens a secret door he finds into a 20′ x 20′ room with table and chairs with two exits and a trap door. It is lower level tunnel that Asthon explored alone yesterday.

Chuq returns to the throne room to retrieve the Mercers only to discover Barnier is missing. Baewin does not have an explanation, she just shrugs demurely when pressed for an explanation. We leave with everyone and meet the dwarves in the trapdoor room. We all search the trapdoor tunnel and fine another cave entrance with a path going northwest into the jungle. It is now raining and we have no sense of where we are in relationship to our original entrance. We close the door and return to the trap door room. 

We choose to explore to the north from here where the path slopes down. Finding another intersection with options to go north to a chamber or NW to a sharp curve, we deduce where these passages end and turn around and explore pass the boulder trap.

Travelling to an open doorway, we find a finished 30 x 30 room. Within are a cold fire pit, straw mattresses and another open door to the west. To the west is 60′ hallway with two doors to the south at 20′ and 50′ distance. 

The first door way, enters a 30’ x 30’ room with rings on the walls with 16 dead prisoners shackled to the rings. There are 12 human corpses with the remaining all male dwarves. The furthest room has 18 dead bodies shackled to the walls. A woman elf is alive here. Crazed, she initially resists help. As we leave, she asks us to return. She explains the kobolds were not happy because of the waste but obeyed Barnier’s order to kill the prisoners. She was a member of Gundalsofus’ caravan to Midmark when she was captured. Thorfus had to break her free because Chuq could not unlock her manacles. 

Returning to the barracks room, we take Adelard on a tour of the kobold lair to attest to our completion of the mission. He agrees for the sake of the fugitives, we should  now return to Vargen. He shares our suspicion of Baewin’s alleged collusion with Barnier. The plan is to isolate her from her most loyal mercenaries lest she or they are Bargemen’s Guild agents. 

Session 33

Session 33

23rd of Laureldon, evening underground.

As the band prepares to engage the kobolds to the north, a kobold voice is heard : “Show them your fangs boys”. Those we can see withdraw to the north passage, shortly a clamor can be heard from the direction they went. 

Axus and Ashton decide to inspect southwest tunnel while the room is held by the Boyz and Mercer Guardsmen. Following the downward sloping tunnel, the two enter a roughhewn room 20′ feet across littered with bones and straw. Axus retrieves his axe on the way down. Ashton notes heavy breathing to their left. Axus advances, Ashton covers his movement with his bow. Two terrified kobolds lacking the will to fight are comforted by Axus, he introduced them to his battle axe. They find nothing of worth in what is obviously the Dire Weasel’s lair.

Thorfal suggests we explore the NE passage when he learns the southern exits are secured. Chuq stays with the Mercer Men to keep their morale up while the Starchie Boys explores to the north. 

Looking NW at a three way intersection, two kobolds archers are seen on the far side of a four way intersection. Fadlspar foolishly goads the tough guys into charging the archers only to fall into a pit trap in the center of the intersection. Axus, Finkelmur, Starchie and Thorfal fall into the pit. The archers withdraw laughing and our friends are helped out of the pit. We decide to call it a day. 

On the way back to the Mercer Men, we are ambushed by two more kobolds archers lurking in the NE passage off of the three way intersection. Thorfal is fatally stuck and mimes Chuq. Faldspar covers our movements by casting wall of fog. Several arrows/bolts shot wildly at the ambushers kills another kobold. We stumble back to the Mercer Men and rest to replenish our spell power.

Watches are set. Near the end of his watch, Axus’s hears a kobold challenge “Done playing, yet?” from the north. Irked, Axus lets loose several arrows making the kobold withdraw. He finds a dead woman in the intersection and sees another pair of archers covering the three way intersection from the northwest. 

An hour and a half into the next watch, Mercer Men wake Axus reporting voices to the north. Axus kills another kobold as a man rushes pass him into the camp. This hostage says there are at least 30 more prisoners held in three separate pens in lower caverns. The rest of the watch is uneventful. 

Upon waking, Ashton heals the injured then decides to rest further for more healing spells. During Ashton’s rest, Axus rescues another prisoner when he kills her kobold guard. He charges a pair of archers in the four way intersection and slays them.  He orders a forward camp at the three way intersection. A single kobold is noticed during the preparations.

24 of Laureldon, morning

Back to full fighting trim, the boyz set out to explore the NE tunnel. Beyond the first three way intersection, we find a second three way intersection with northern and SE spurs. Taking the SE spur into a 20’ x 20’ chamber that features straighter, plumber walls and a level floor. A primitive table and a stool occupy the space. Chuq covers the NE exit as the room is searched. A questionable wall prompts a more thorough search which  discovers a hidden trap door. After a quick check by Chuq, Ashton elects to explore the dark small tunnel. After several turns and slight uphill climbs, Ashton returns and reports nothing found.

Rallying together, we leave by the NE exit as the slope rises. Ashton notices a side passage 10′ above the one we are traversing. He climbs above to investigate finding a simple boulder trap manned by a lone kobold. They come to blows and Ashton falls to his club. Chuq and Axus scramble up to help and the brigand gets intimate with Axus’s BattleAxe. We disarm the boulder by removing the pole lever. Ashton needs care, we return to the Mercer Men.

Planning to return to the boulder trap, Chuq espies two goblin archers NW of the first three way intersection. As Axus and Thorfal advance on the archers, two kobold spear wielders spring out from the flanking corners. Thorfal dispatches a spear wielder and archer. Finkelmur slays another spear wielder. Thorfal takes the last archer’s head as it tries to flee. 

We decided to collect all of the kobold corpses and create a demoralizing Hot Gate Wall south of the pit trap in the four way intersection. A couple of light crossbowmen and spearman Mercer Men are left guarding the wall. Returning to the boulder trap, all climb up to the higher passage. Walking west, this corridor connects to the four way intersection from the east. Continuing west beyond the intersection, we find the large water chamber we entered from.

Returning to the Kobold corpse wall, we assign some Mercer Men to cover the southernmost three way intersection while we explore northward from the corpse wall. First we encounter another three way intersection with a NW leg leading into a chamber and a NE leg sloping up. Choosing the NW leg, we hear wind coming from a very large high ceilinged chamber. A search of the main chamber and five side chambers leads us to conclude this was the kobold main living area that has been abandoned and stripped of everything worthwhile. A short hallway is found on the north western end with a well-made door leading to what appears to be a combat practice room. Specifically due to man sized dummies showing excessive damage in the groin area. There is another door exiting this room. We wonder what’s on the other side as we call it a night.

BTW – last gibe, honest. Except for Faldimur and Finkelspar!

Session 30 – Oct 22, 2014

Session 30 – Oct 22, 2014

Morning, Laureldon 21

Starchie Boize will spend the day preparing for the Kobold Expulsion. Thorfus wants to buy flasks of oil and strips of cloth. Axel wants forest colored garb. Chuq needs a set of thieves’ tools. Orion wants to search for others of his faith. 

First, Finkelmur settles account with Phillip Vigore the gem merchant. He is told never to come back into Vigore’s shop but other Starchie’s Boyz are welcome to trade with him. Philip is commissioned to fabricate the officially licensed Starchie Boyz ® insignia. Our sigil is a paw print with runes of SB in the paw. For either a brooch or cloak clasp of bronze, the cost is 40gp each. We leave after paying a deposit of ½ the price. Everyone will have a badge.

Next we visit Reinauld von Waybeck’s, the tailors to pick up Fink and Ashton’s clothing. Additional orders are placed then we leave for our next stop.

Leaving Reinauld’s, Thorfus enquires about a nearby obelisk. For a copper, one of the vagrants loitering about allows Thorfus a peak at some carvings on the obelisk. We learn the obelisk commemorates the execution of the Lord Governor Kalagram, an Imperial that ran the fort out in the Kelwater. From where we are we can see a tower atop a bare rock in the bay. Once an Imperial prison, it now incarcerates prisoners of the Council of Twelve. Not unlike Lord Governor Kalagram’s former castle which is now the meeting place of the Council of Ten. The story goes that after emptying the Midmark Dungeon of Imperial prisoners, an elf emptied KelWater prison of Imperail prisoners. The party knows this Elf as Aldus Runnelbrook. 

Taking Harbor road from High Town to the gate into West Harbor we arrive at Long Market. Turning onto Market street, 6 blocks past the fruit seller is the house of Granus Mulhawler. Finkelmur’s spy glass is ready along with something extra. The something extra is a ring of metal set inside of which is his former flawed emerald. Attached to the end of the spyglass, one can see an emerald city! Fink keeps the two items separate. Thorfus picks up a mirror for 20gp.

We are sent 8 blocks the way we came. Then one block after taking a right is a small dead end courtyard with a small livestock market. Orion notices a healthy mastiff bitch that looks rather viscous. Curiously, Starchie doesn’t like this place. Thedear sells the dog, then explains her commands to Orion. As we walk away, Orion casts Animal Friendship on ‘Lamia’. He will spend the next week teaching her commands.

Thedear told us where to find a general store and locksmith. At the General Store, Gottfried Lepetitesmith sells Axel 6 flask of oil and rags. Panzers beware!

Taking harbor road towards Fens edge, we pass two blocks where Market street intersects with Harbor road then turn into a blind alley. Within the locksmith’s, Sophia Bothelwaith offers to sell lock tools to Chuq for 25 gp. Ashton asks the small woman a question in a peculiar tongue, but she seems to ignore him. Then in Common, he asks about an alchemist. She has not knowledge of an alchemist but the party recalls the potion merchant cart. Chuq pays for the lock tools after Ashton nods his approval of the deal. Finkelmur picks up a crowbar for 1sp. As we leave, Sophia suggests we look to her for any lock help in the future. 

From the direction of Fens Edge, we see some people approaching in mourning clothes. The women and two young men are canvassing the merchant carts along the road. Ashton can’t drop some eaves, so we wait until the women closes and asks if we are locals.  Ashton answers we are not then asks how we may help her. Albreve Grodekop, her son, was killed and she is investigating his murder. She attests Albreve sought a life of adventure in Vargen. Rooming in Fens Edge he occasionally worked as a caravan guard or for the Bargemen’s Guild. Her two other sons followed her to Vargen when Albreve stopped sending money regularly to her. Asking about, she learned Albreve was thought to be questing for treasure in jungle ruins with someone named either Renauldus or Ardmen. The two sought a special suit of plate armor who’s wearer never felt the heat of the jungle. The three are rooming at the Bronze Virgin. 

Taking Market road to High Town, we enter Temple Square. We can see Castle road heads out to the old Castle from here. Ashton visits a Verdant Fellowship shrine, a small grove between the Ark Temple and Merendur’s Temple in the northwest corner of Temple Square. A low wall surrounds the grove which is well tended with many trees bearing fruit. Ashton approaches an Elf Cleric, introducing himself. The Elf asks about Edith Elforig (not a favorite of Ashton). Ashton diplomatically says she has had struggles and seems to have lost her way. He mentions our failure with the Quicklings the previous night.

Now to visit the Wizard’s, the wonderful wizard at the end of an alleyway. Talking to Finkelmur at his door, they barter spell swaps. Finkelmur wants Find Familiar but can’t afford the 2,000gp the wizard demands for the spell. Unfortunately, the Wizard is not interested in trading for any of Fink’s spells.

Elissondro, the Wall District Guardsman, makes small talk then escorts us into a lounge in the guard barracks before fetching Captain Adalune Beamsly. Thorfus attests to our encounter by displaying the blood stains on his sword. Adalune politely doesn’t admonish Thorfus’ sword care. See session 29 summary for details of our Report to Adalune. He is incredulous since nothing has ever come out of the Lonely Copse before. 

We are awarded 50gp for our information and Adalune asks if we will try to deal with the Quicklings. Since we explain another job is our priority, he asks we report if we move against the Quicklings later. As we leave, Chuq tips Ellisondro another 15sp, asking him to report anyone else’s moves against the Quicklings. Ellisondro offers an escort to inspect the copse, but we delay for now.

Finkelmur visits Mane Joledir the money changer and explains we have not found her money but we know who burgled her. She offers another 200gp above the official reward if we get her money back. 

We spend the afternoon at the 12th Knight, and then retrieve the clothes ordered today. We spend the evening reading, socializing and training at the 12th Knight.

Morning – Laureldon 22

It is raining lightly today. The carts, wagons and animals are loaded. Leaving via the Wall Street gate, we pay the tolls – 5sp for each cart, 8sp for each draft animal and 9sp each for the people.

Travelling northeast past the lonely copse, various fields and then into the jungle, we encounter a group of pilgrims variously armed with swords, bows or crossbows. Avilard Pichter answers when we ask for him. Confirming our identity, he introduces Baewhin the other captain. We discuss operations then proceed. At midday, while resting the animals, a small caravan is met travelling in the opposite direction. 

Chuq trots along a wagon, conversing with Alwin Wixley. This group is from Midmark.  They had a close call with some harpies. Merchant’s Haven was a mess, apparently Gnolls had occupied the fort for some time. Now the Militia are back and making repairs. Herliwin is currently in command. He is a nice enough fellow, serious and somewhat overbearing. The Harpies were in an old castle and they saw some cat creatures that worried the men. Alwin Wixley wants us to send his regards to Herliwin since we are headed that way.

Shortly after, Ashton hears insect sound to the left of our column. Avilard mentions there are large insects around here. Ashton & Chuq investigate. Arriving simultaneously, the pair see a couple of holes bored into the ground capped with loose earth. About the mounds are six 9’ long brownish beetles. Ashton sees Chuq has caught their attention as he slinks into view. Running for his life, all 6 pursue Chuq.  Dashing directly to the road, Ashton alerts everyone before Chuq arrives. Finkelmur hurls darkness at the beetles as they burst from the bush. We organize ourselves and wait a few minutes. A beetle head emerges from the darkness and is quickly followed by the other 5. 

Archers let fly! The Giant Beetles survive the first salvo. Orion holds two beasts with entanglement. His second entanglement holds the remaining four. All six are slain at range with missiles.

Not wanting to leave a threat for other travelers, Chuq and Ashton return stealthily to the anthills. Listening and hear nothing, Axel helps Thorfus down a rope into the burrow. Ashton follows Axel 30’ straight done. Finkelmu feather falls then helps search the lair. Fortunately empty, the three trudge in an ankle’s depth of muck and fungus. Spending 20 minutes searching they find:

9 stones;

1 deep blue mottled opaque stone

1 yellow green transparent stone

1 pale yellow/brown transparent stone

2 striated light/dark green opaque stones

1 white translucent stone with a pale blue glow (magic?)

1 rich olive green transparent stone

1 red sardonyx with white opal bands 

1 rich brown opal stone with a gold center

A cloudy green potion

A dark blue potion

A scroll

Finkelmur and Ashton pocket beetle larvae, Starchie gets Fink’s larvae as a snack. Ashton stashes his larvae in his backpack.

Session 29 – Oct 15, 2014

Session 29 – Oct 15, 2014

Just before dusk, 20th of Laureldon.

After leaving Joeldia the money changer, we see a couple of city guardsmen talking to a young man on the street to the 12th knight. The young man notices and obviously recognizes the party. We approach remembering the young man as one of the 12th Knight’s patrons. He nods at Axel as the guardsmen are carefully not paying attention to what’s going on. The young man asks for Finkelmur , smiling at our old mage when he catches Fink’s attention. 

He asks us to follow him. His employer would like to speak with Finkelmur. We follow him into an enclosed garden down the road from the 12th knight. Orion, Axel, Chuq, Finkelmur, Thorfus follow into the garden. A man is sitting under a tree accompanied by a tough looking dwarf with a battle axe, he is Philip Vigor the gem merchant. The guardsmen block the doorway. 

“Come closer, its safe” he says. “Your wizard might have tampered with a business transaction. You are from Midmark and have a rep. Finding you was not too hard since your staying at the 12th knight.” He demands the cost of the gems plus 50% interest, about 180gp. Or he wants the Enlarge spell removed from Finkelmur’s spell book. To settle his grievances, Axel agrees that Philip Vigor gets first appraisal rights on all our gems up to 180gp. After Philip suggests we will have a blank slate for any future gem dealing. Philip promises not to smear Finkelmur’s reputation in town but has refused to do any future business with Finkelmur.

Later at the 12th knight the innkeeper, Jahares Frank, has heard about our time in the jungle. He congratulates us on our Merchant’s Haven rescue and treats us to diner. Tastes better than Grade D but edible!

5 people arrive while we are eating. Four of them are refugees (Bess, Clarice Higgen, Averal, Millie) from Merchant’s Haven. Aelf’s brother in law Almeris Griffeth confirms our identity. Thanking us for our good work, he rewards us with 600gp.

Almeris knows that Gerrai Pevral has mentioned other merchants want the fjord kobolds taken care of. When discussing the gremlins, Almeris attests to the veracity of Arnold the unlucky Guardsman. 

Finkelmur decides to pay off Vigor with his own money (Ashton contributes his share of the reward) on the next day (21st of Laureldon).

Gerrai Pevral enters the 12th Knight with 7 other people. He speaks with Jahares first then asks us to join us in a private room for a conference with his companions. They are Emery Langstirap, a female Elf of Crimson Caravan; Wulfriche Cartwright, a human man of Cartwright Tradesmen; Anise Thwayte, a human woman of Anise’s Wagonneers; Alvin Morshank, a human man of Alvin Morshank’s Independent Trading Coster; Fulchard Dalknotte a dwarven man of Twin River Caravans; and Walter Watford human man of Blue Bell Tradesmen. Each are willing to pay 150gp to free the fjord of kobolds. Plus Gerrai’s original bounty of 300gp for his missing employees is also on the table. This job could net a total of 1,350gp! 

Fulchard wants to know about our history and is most impressed some of the group have dealt with Automatoms. Emery negotiates the specifics of freeing the fjord of the kobold threat and records all the riders into a contract. Starchie’s Boize all individually sign the deal.

After signing, Emery stays behind to talk to us privately. She represents another party interested in clearing the fjord. This person needs strict confidentiality; we agree to meet this person. Gerrai enquires if everything’s OK, we allay his concerns. We all enter a shaded carriage which travels for some time. At a stop, the carriage is told to go the back way. 

Exiting the carriage, we are at The Lone Barrel, a nice little tavern in high town. Here are Phyllis Chombaire, and Odard Breverman of the Council of Ten. They want us to open the fjord and foil the punters (Bargemen’s Guild). One of the Dwarfs (or is it Dwarves?) tells them of the Punters offer of 400gp to disregard the fjord kobolds. We learn the Punters are trying to gain a voting majority in the Council of Ten. Fens Edge, the Sink, East, West and Far Harbors will likely have Punter representatives in the Council after the next year end election. Freeing the fjord can hold the electoral divide at a stalemate. They are looking for proof of collusion between the kobolds and the Punters. Their deal is more money and some help. 

Odard suggests doubling the reward by matching the merchant’s offer (about 1,350gp); and the Mercer’s Guild bonus: free training and discounts with associated traders. 

We learn more about the punters. They are strongly suspected of being involved in slavery. Unlike Merchant’s Haven, the town of Caligan, an odd little town, is the home of several captains that don’t seem to bring any goods into town. They have steady business witnessed by frequent coming and going of naval trade but do not trade with any businesses in Vargen. 

Phyllis offers 20 guild guardsmen as support. They will be under our command. Composed of a mixed group. Avalard Pichter will serve double duty as the guardsmen captain and observer for Perval’s consortium. He has grey eyes, medium brown matted hair to his chest, and likes to stay clean shaven. 

We leave after verbally agreeing to begin the campaign on the second day hence (22nd of Laureldon)  then return to the 12th Knight to prepare our Gremlin ambush.

At the intersection by the money changer, we searches for new construction, illusions and traps. Nothing is found. We assume ambush position. The monk keeps overlook atop the city wall, Finkelmur is the “mark’ and loiters in the intersection. Everyone else flanks the intersection covering with swords, crossbows or spells. Our wagon is positioned close to the intersection for cover and a higher casting position for Ashton and Orion. Axel covers the two nearby. We all keep vigil for a several hours after midnight. During our stake out, Wall District guardsmen patrols saunter by us, typically verbally ribbing our efforts – “Any Gremlins yet?”, usually precedes a snicker.

From the city wall, the monk can see that the copse abuts the city wall here and runs from the Wall District gate to the next tower about 100 yards wide in total. 

After the third hour, Chuq hears laughter from the copse. Figures dash over the wall seeming to defy gravity by running up the vertical wall as if standing on the ground. Near Finkelmur they halt. It appears like 3 males and 1 female 2 foot tall people in forest colored clothes. After a brief moment, they move to pass Finkelmur. The trap is sprung!

Dashing about in blur, the ‘Gremlins’ dodge our spells and missiles. Their little swords flashing almost faster than the eye can follow. Then, Finklemur is struck but stays on his feet after resisting some sort of poison. He then falls to the ground when struck a second time! Ashton also falls to a Gremlin’s melee attack. Things are not going the Starchie’s Boize way!


Chuq runs along the city wall to the city gate for help. There, Ellisondro the guards man answers Chuq’s plea for help, he leaves his subordinates at the gate. At the same time, in the intersection, Axel lands a blow on a Gremlin. It breaks their morale and as a group they flee the way they came. All four escape without any other injuries. Ellisondro arrives with 5 other Wall District guards and can see how difficult a time we had. After another 5sp tip from Chuq, Ellisondro offers to fetch a healer from the temple of Merendur after his shift ends at 6am. Typically, the other 5 guards don’t believe we actually fought anyone.

Jahares Frank at the 12th knight hears our story and has no clue what we faced from out account of events. We hear a whisper from Finkelmur in his delirium. It sounded like “Quickliiiiinnng” Those that can, rest.

After sunup, 21st of Laureldon 

Fink and Ashton are healed by Sister Huget of the Temple of Merendur. Fink has lost the use of his right arm for three weeks. He questions his worth to the group. The Starchie’s Boize won’t hear it, once a Starchie, always a Starchie! Sister Huget suggests Father Maurice can help with his injury.

Session 27:

Session 27:

Bargemens Guild – known derisively as Punters, operates a ferry in abandoned Vargen

Havlin Flowerknave – portly chief boatsman of the Punters, offers 400 gp to ignore the kobolds around the fjord

Sirrae Breewood – palisade guard of the punters

Gary Pevral – caravan operator who was ambushed by Kobolds trying to travel to Midmark, offers a bounty for his missing employees and wagons, suggests possible 500gp reward for clearing the fjord of kobolds

Vicenciences Noneaton – caravan operator who hires most of the militia from merchant’s haven as an escort to Midmark

Chick and Rowlie – half-elf militia that stay with the party

Rotho Waterman – lives in Fen Edge, knows about mermen and wingless dragons

Ellisondro – human Wall District guard that shakes down the party for 10gp to enter Vargen at night

Penelo – runs the Winking Swordsman

Aelth Griffith – human merchant liberated from Merchant’s Haven, wants to reward the group if she can

Urien Lancaster – weaponsmith/armorer in Vargen

Patriarch Galen – head cleric of the Ark Temple

Immaculate Rostrom – ranking member of the Order of the Celestial Dragon staying in Vargen, investigating rumors about the Imperial Fort above Giant Falls

Fens Edge – western district of Vargen

Wild copse – lonely clump of trees surrounded by cleared land near Vargen

Winking Swordsman – Wall District inn run by Penelo

Twelth Knight – Wall District inn favored by Saunders

Starving Dragon – inn in Vargen near Urien Lancaster’s place

The Sink – Vargen district the floods often

High Town – district in Vargen where a former Imperial Temple has been repurposed for the current faiths

Temple of Merunder – sea deity shrine in High Town

Community House – shrine in High Town

Temple of the Ark – Baldric Evenkeel shrine in High Town, largest temple in Vargen

Imperial Fort – former imperial stronghold above Giant Falls

Giant Falls – water feature on the southern branch of the Khelwater

The Badger Club – former lodgings of Rostom in the Sink district

Newton – a town on the way to Xelum Kel, the Ark Temple has sent clerics and acolytes to investigate reports of undead erupting from a fissure and threatening the citizens

Session 26:

Session 26:

Ealdred &  Tesco – human militia liberated from Merchant’s Haven

Seral – Dwarf liberated from Merchant’s Haven

Tyranah – gnoll party leader of the True Fang pack

Grimtooth – flind leader of all the gnoll packs fleeing the Dark King

Dark King – leader of the undead threat to gnoll packs 

Rena & Myrna – only survivors of Tyranah’s party, escaped during Su-Monster attack

Haldor – human militia officer turned slaver/bandit/traitor, partnered with Grimtooth and betrayed his entire command

Walter & Percival – human militia liberated from Merchant’s Haven

Basewin and Elisota – human militia liberated from Merchant’s Haven, kidnapped by su-monsters

Cromwell, Basewin, Virgil, Aymeri Griffyth, Gebldus Buckland, Waldive Pesyngton and Orsolla Cartwright – Merchant’s Haven survivors kidnapped by Su-Monsters

Abandoned Vargen – west end of the Midmark – Merchant’s Haven road, place of the Bargemen’s Ferry guild

Session 27 – Oct 1, 2014

Session 27 – Oct 1, 2014

Evening, the 18th of Laureldon.

After inspections by Ashton and Chuq, the group approaches the Ferry Guilds’ palisade. Sirree Breewood the guard welcomes us and explains the guilds rules of conduct.  He ushers us into the palisade, we see other trader caravans with leather armored guardsman wandering through the area. Saunders parks the wagons in a vacant location, his attendants help him unhitch the teams.

Thorfus, Ashton and the refugees enter the inn/commissary where the chief ferry guildsman, Havlin Flowerknave is supping. The group is politely greeted by some of the patrons as they enter. Thorfus magnanimously treats all the refugees to a night in doors with a hot meal, it sets him back 50sp. The common great reminds everyone of Grim Tooth’s court in Merchants’ Haven. 

Ashton extols the tale of Talon’s heroic sacrifice, which draws general attention. Some of the patrons worriedly ask about the loss of Merchant’s Haven. Ashton advises against travelling east to Midmark and suggests the militia survivors escort any traders back to Midmark. 

Havlin Flowerknave asks about the bands destination and freely offers advice. He casually mentions Lizard Men to the north keep things clear. He explains the ancient noisey building in the compound has something to do with the ferry and warns that it is off limits because of delicate machinery. He politely refuses Thorfus’ request for a tour. After Havline exits, Finkelmur plays a few bars on the lute to quiet applause.

Axel mingles with the other caravans telling of the risks along the Midmark road. Gary Pevral’s caravan explains they couldn’t travel east due to about 20 ambushing Kobolds. He has lost two wagons and two employees when last trying to travel east. He wants someone to hunt the kobold and rescue his people. 

Ashton heals Chuq, Axel and Starchie. Finkelmur, Axel and Starchie spends the night outside with Chuq and Saunders’ team. After diner, the refugees call it a night in the great room. 

A watch is set for both groups, the only happening of note is that during the 1st watch, Thorfus is approached by Havlin. Apparently word had gotten back to him about Gary Pevral’s offer to drive out the Kobolds. After some haggling, he offers 400gp to Thorfus, who holds out.

The next morning, the 19th of Laureldon, Sirrae Breewood invites everyone to breakfast. Axel splurges for the refugees again. Axel and Thorfus discuss the kobold offers privately and start a bidding war. Gary Pevral offers 150 gp for each of his missing men and suggests enlisting sponsorships from other caravan traders, perhaps for as much as 500 gp. 

The group hears of several possibly lucrative rumors: Gremlins in the Wall District, people are being scared away from Giant Falls and Undead in Newton.

After Havlin last offer is requited, everyone boards the ferry. On board, Vincention Noneaton extends an invitation to guard his easterly caravan to Midmark. Ashton suggests hiring on the militia men in our group. All but Chick and Rowlie the Half-Elves head east. Saunder pays the toll for his caravan and Axel foots the bill for the remaining 17 merchant refugees and the two Half-Elves. Before making way, Havlin plugs the Ferry guild’s candidates in the upcoming Vargen general elections. 

The ancient building makes a loud grinding noise and belches clouds of smoke as the barge gives way. An ancient chain rises out of the water! The bargeman are untying from the jetty. Her the river is wide and the depth is indeterminate in the turgid waters. Devil fish are not known in these waters but Kel water is known to have wingless dragons, even a lair is thought to be under the river. We learn of Rotho Waterman near Fens Edge knows about merman and wingless dragons in the area. Fans Edge is on the western edge of Vargen.

Less than a 1/2 hour we are greeted by another portly fellow on the other side. He also plugs the Ferry guild’s candidate. There is an ancient building here also. We are welcome to camp and are told there are meals and sleeping available in the other building within the palisade. 

Saunders is ready to leave straight away. The road is in better shape here but the land is more treacherous than the jungle on the other bank. It is mostly bog like fens. By midday the day is a scorcher. We are all fine and travel into the evening. Before midnight, we sense that verge has increased and to the north fields can be glimpsed. 

We first see lights, then walls, a stone tower west of the fields and others to the north. The towers are well made as well as the walls. The buildings are not as advanced as those in Midmark. The road skirts a copse as we approach Vargen. The copse appears wild and the surrounding land has been deliberately cleared. Saunders explains this is the Wall District and he suggests the 12th Night Inn for the night. A city watch challenges Saunders for wanting to enter after dusk. The guard asks if the people are for sale. When challenged, he says he’s joking. Chuq doesn’t buy it and looks sideways at the guardsman. He tells us Fen’s Edge is where to go to people willing to hire on help. He wants 10gp to let us in tonight. After some discussion, Saunders pays the price and the guardsman plugs different businesses. He strongly encourages the Winking Swordsman on Wall Street and says we should say Ellisondro sent you. Penelo runs the Winking Swordsman. 

The roads are well paved. Saunders takes us to the 12th Night, a large establishment. We have passed through a large archway, past a walled garden then arrive at a cul-de-sac. As we approach, stable boys offer to take the wagons. Saunders elects to care for his animals himself. The party does the same.

The refugee dwarfs express their appreciation for emancipation, returning the battleaxes. With that we part ways. Aelth Griffith promises to send a reward if she can if a few days. We tell her we can be found at the Twelth Knight. Chick and Rowlie need to return to Midmark, they agree to report the Haldor situation to Thorton. Thorfus will arrange passage and send them with a letter addressed to Thorton. Ashton plans to include his testimonial.

The Twelth Knight innkeeper offers us a free meal when he sees our condition and Finkelmur springs for drinks all night. Saunders then settles accounts, agreeing to pay for the guards that died on the job (we will get the money to any survivors). Chuq asks for his share of the coins and the party spends the night in the inn (Saunder’s treat).

Morning, the 20th of Laureldon. 

Feigning wanting to find a jewel for an elf maiden, Finkelmur enquires about a precious stone dealer. Axel and he visit Philippe Vigore’s jewelry shop. Finkelmur is offered 400gp for the moonstone and the pearl. They leave quickly after settling accounts.

Axel writes a letter for Chic and Rowlie. The letter is addressed to Thorton, reporting the Gnoll rescue and that other militia are travelling from Vargen. Ashton wants to include a chronicle of his whole experience (his testament). 

Ashton will shop for clothing, armor and weapons. 

Thorfus and Chuq visit the temple plaza, entering High Town cost 1sp a head. Chuq will patronize the Temple of the Ark , Thorfus will visit the Tempe of Merendur. 

Session 26 – Sep 26, 2014

Session 26 – Sep 26, 2014

On the 18th Lauredldon, after the Long Night’s march and a quick repast, our band of refugees encountered a lone man. He burst from the northern verge and introduced himself as Orion, a Shaman from an Islander community not too far from where we are resting. After some discussion, it was learned that after a surprise militia raid upon his village, a “golden panther” lead him to us. We were sadden and angered to learn that he is thought to be the only survivor from his entire community. Even more disappointingly, not a soul among the refugees hail from his home. We offered him succor and were blessed with a steady and stalwart companion.

Our band determined to rest in place a few watches so that our arcane might would replenish, it would not come to pass.

During the first watch manned by Axel, Ealdred, Tesco (two former militia under the command of Haldor the Vile) and Seral the Dwarf, a party of gnolls were espied by the rearguard Chuq. The gnolls were forcefully marching westward. 

Alerted, Axel and the watch organize an armed response. The gnoll leader exclaims “There he is!” when Chuq is seen ducking into the northern verge but his group doesn’t take the bait and continues to threaten the refugees. Ashton mirrors Chuq by slinking into the southern verge while the dwarfs form an archery line and Axel anchors a melee front.

Finkelmur attempts a parley. The Gnoll leader yells “Tyranah does not get fooled!”, a fight is inevitable.

Blows and arrows are exchanged, our band is hard pressed but holds! Ashton delivers an artful backstab but his target fights on. During the fracas, a second fighting line of militia was rallied by Chuq but their flanking maneuver doesn’t break the Gnoll’s line and an attempt to rally the more peaceful refugees into a third charge falls on deaf ears.

As Chuq and Starchie are felled, Finkelmur spins a spell of friendship upon Tyranah. The Gnolls stop to talk. 

Ashton aids Starchie and Chuq while Tyranah demands the slaves. His mission is to return with Grim Tooth’s rustled cattle and he isn’t taking no for an answer. Apparently frustrated by our wrangling, Tyranah gives an order in gnollish to kill everyone except Finkelmur. Ashton overhears and raises the alarm, the melee resumes!

Emboldened, Axel takes down Tyranah in short order. Then our newest friend, Orion, entangles all but one gnoll in twisting, creeping grasses and weeds. A few of our militia were caught by the spell, but survived the fight unscathed, only Ealdrid is unconscious after. Two of the gnolls lived beyond the fight, they were bound hand and snout then secured to one of the wagons.

From our foes, we reaped: a long bow with 12 shafts, a morning star, two battle axes, a two-handed sword, two halberds, 10 long swords, 20 gp, 530 sp. Tyranah had militia symbols in her kit. The long swords were dolled out to the militia and the battle axes handed to the dwarfs. The dead gnolls are beheaded and their heads lofted onto shafts posted into the ground. Perhaps other raiding gnolls will pause when they see our totems.

The surviving gnolls are Rena and Myrna of the True Fang pack. Finklemur strongly interrogates a Gnoll and learns Haldor discovered our party’s ruse and sent this group to capture the escapees. We learned that Grim Tooth left with most of the packs and other slaves. The Shadow pack stayed behind in the fort. The gnolls talked of a Dark King (possibly human) driving the Gnolls and Flinds into the lands of civilized men. The Dark King’s soldiers fight without feeling, don’t bleed and never yield. Tales of the Dark King were heard from Grim Tooth but our prisoner has never seen the Dark King himself. Grim Tooth lead several packs from the Dark King’s threat then partnered with Haldor to escape the militia patrols and earn some wealth. 

For some, persistence is everything. The group decides, again, to rest in place for at least 4 more hours. Sturloc and two militia keep the first hour’s watch. Thorfus, Walter & Percival (militia) keep the 2nd hour – they feel they are being watched but do not investigate. 

Cromwell, Basewin and Elisota keep the 3rd hour. Cromwell’s blood curdling screams wake the group! Basewin and Elisota lie bloodied on the ground. The camp is beset by large tailed simian creatures, several stand over Basewin and Elistota, within the camps’ perimeter. Without pause, Axel attacks!

The grounded simians toss the bodies upwards and we see more hanging by their tails from over hanging branches. 6 of the foul beings drop to the ground and tackle members of our group. Refugees are being tossed kicking and screaming from the ground up into the waiting “hands” of more of these base treacherous monsters. This is happening in broad daylight! 

Desperately, Finkelmur releases our captive gnolls after they agree to fight on his behalf. He arms them, then they flee with the weapons as soon as they can. Lost! Before a true interrogator could wring all they knew about Haldor, Grim Tooth and the Dark King from them. Tragic.

Axel encourages the refugees to fight in a tight formation, to shore up our defense. When he can, Chuq flees westward, yelling “Keep your hands off me you damn sticking apes!” From afar, he watches about four minutes of furious fighting, the monsters begin to withdraw, absconding with their prey. Valiant efforts score against one of these Su-Monsters, which drops his captive to the ground. Unfortunately the falls kills him… 

All is not lost, Finkelmur magically webbs three Su-Monsters and a refugee held by a fourth. The fourth releases his victim and flees.

The three held are abandoned by their troop.

Cromwell, Basewin, Virgil, Aymeri Griffyth, Gebldus Buckland, Waldive Pesyngton and Orsolla Cartwright are lost to the Su-Monsters. Those that can be are buried off the road away from the gnoll totems. 

About an hour before midday, everyone loads into the wagons (except Chuq) and the march continues west to Vargen. Later, the clouds open and rain falls most of the day.

Near sunset, we arrive at the ruins of abandoned Vargen, the original settlement to have this name. In the distance a giant stone Dwarf stature can be seen. Among the ruins, we find a wooden wall with a maintained building behind. A match to the first giant Dwarf statue can be seen further in the distance. Saunders explains the Punters control the ferry launch at this point on the river and warns that kobolds have harassed travelers near the fjord  that is further up the river.