Session 66 – July 22, 2015

Session 66 – July 22, 2015

Hoping to entice the undead Dwarves back into firing range, one of our last chicken lures is tethered then lowered to the floor below. Taking the bate, we pepper him with missiles until he slumps over the dead and mauled chicken. The invisible Socrates lends a beak and a talon so that we might lasso the body, then hoist it to our floor above. Keeping watch, Axel hears one of the other four undead dwarves mutter “Fool”.

The carcasses stench is unbearable, forcing all but Uthruk to retire to the pedestal gallery. Left to himself, Uthruk discovers a platinum necklace with a jade stone pendant, another black card with the Silverthrone constellation design, and another multi tool. He heaves the body back through the elevator hole and joins us in the pedestal gallery. 

Meanwhile, Thourfus uses his gold key to activate a pedestal. We notice the room lights flicker and hear a chime from the dais pedestal near the gallery window. The message about power is replaced by an image of a winged dragon. Thorfus reads out loud the ancient dwarven text “Ancient Red Dragon”. He then mutters a bunch of statistics which no doubt apply to the Red Dragon. 

Moving his hand over the word “Vartiations”, the image above the pedestal changes to that of a wingless dragon. The ancient dwarven names sounds like Pan Lung, vitals mention a 55′ long water dragon. This information sparks a little heated discussion among the Starchie Boys until a loud bang is heard from beyond the gallery window. 

Rushing to the dais pedestal, Thorfus finds an ancient dwarven message that the occupant of cell C is trying to open the cell door demanding too much power. Scanning the options, he touches “Cells” then “Occupancy” then skims through the three options. Cell A has 5 small lizards described as pack hunters that are slated for additional study. Cell B is empty. Cell C has two large reptiles approximately 50′ long and are also slated for additional study. He quickly returns to “Cells”, then touches “Synchronization”. A new message : Error, synchronization power compromised, system rebooting.

Glancing through the window, we notice the blue glow is no longer below the partially raised doors to the East. To our surprise, 6 medium sized reptiles running on hind legs emerge from behind the raised eastern. They are barking to each other. 2 of the first six soon dash southward to what looks like a large doorway leading outside to a green lush jungle beyond. Those 2 are quickly followed by 2 other lizards emerging from the partially raised door to the east. The remaining lizards investigate the closed door to the west after another loud bang is heard. 

Thorfus touches the command to open Cell door C. 5 more reptiles scurry into the center room. As two humongous reptiles emerge from the now raised western doors, some of the smaller lizards flee to the south. Those that stay, begin to stalk one of the larger reptiles. The reptile closest to the south runs into the jungle beyond after felling one of the lizards. His companion slays another lizard forcing the survivors to scurry northward into a space below the gallery. 

The monstrous reptile notices us gawking and lunges at the gallery window. Thorfus uses the Electrical Deterrent. A blue spark coruscants about it’s body, wracking it in pain, before all the room lights extinguish. The gallery window yields to the blow but holds together. 

We ready ourselves. Most of the Mercer Mercs ready themselves all the way back to the main portal room. Fitz lays an oil trap before the window. The beast’s second lunge bursts through the window but the strange metal mesh within it saves us from being showered by flying glass. Ftiz’s fire trap hurts the beasts massive head as Thorfus charges aggressively, pressing his multi attack button. He and a score of his doubles, sever the beasts head. It’s body slumps dead as we are sprayed with blood, 

The lizards below have called the elevator platform! Chuq, Talon and Belroar hurry to cover the opening. Four of the curs are riding the platform up. Three leap a charge at Chuq, Beroar and Thorfus. Talon and Chuq strike  with set spears as only Chuq is bit. Fritz tosses in a molotov, killing the reptile Talon stuck. Belroar’s Yeager and Chuq’s daggers fell another. 

Two arrive on the elevator platform. Axel moves up as Chuq moves back. The Boys slays another quickly. The lone survivor flees over the reptiles carcass, down to the floor below and then south into the jungle. We heave the monster reptile body off the gallery. It’s landing thud spurs a lone medium sized lizard to dart out the southern exit. Then we examine the damage done to the dais pedestal. It’s severed near the base. Returning it to it’s proper position doesn’t help any.

Shortly after, the lights turn on again and the intact pedestals reactivate. Examining the last three pedestals, Thorfus reads a report on the King of the Lizards. Also about a Dangerous monstrous predator, that has no bioforge options. Lastly he reads about the medium sized lizards : pack hunting predator, further study necessary for use as anti-rebel weapon, no bio forge options. 

While Thorfus is at the library, Axel, Belroar, Chuq and Fitz take the elevator down to another locker room. The door hear is propped open by a Ancient Dwarven Multi-Tool. Looting the lockers, we find a 10′ Monk Stick, another leather armor apron and a pouch containing a silver biconvex key and two stones. The propped open door’s panel is glowing red. Bringing the new silver biconvex key close to the panel, it flashes green the returns to red. 

Fitz limbos under the propped up door and has a better look to the south. He sees a path flanked by cairns topped by human sculls. He can’t decide if the wall beyond the raised double doors is either a portal to a jungle or a whole in the wall leading to a jungle. As the sun sets and stars are seen, Belroar sees that the constellations are the same as Midmark’s.

Chuq and Axel have collected the loot strewn about the lizard statue with the humanoid body chained to it. The haul is impressive with many platinum and ancient dwarven electrum coins. Fitz detects magic on the key, 10′ monk stick (I thought there was a third, anyone?)

As the time is approaching 9:00 pm our thoughts are on how we are going to rest tonight…

Session 64 – July 8, 2015

Session 64 – July 8, 2015

Fulbrecht is pounding on the glass, as we approach the southern locker room. A klaxon can be heard  from above. Our lead group ascends to the Human research gallery where the klaxon is blaring over a familiar scene. Talon and the Mercs have recovering from a melee with the Undead Ogre last seen behind the west vivisection room. Talon reports the Mercs’ success, an unconscious Xelina was the price. He also point to one pedestal near the glass. Its’ ethereal display now says in ancient dwarven “ unauthorized tampering, desynchronized cells detected, security has been notified, if this is an error access the security program.” We did it again….

On top of the cacophony, a thudding is coming from the east. THorfus examines the open doorway to the west, while Chuq sees a human standing beyond the east vivisection room door. No doubt, like the Ogre, this body was last seen lying on a slab. His scars are visible now, he looks like the top of his head was shorn off then reattached. Unexpectedly, the door rises – there is an undead kobold moving to attack. We fell the kobold and the human with little effort.

Now it’s more babel in ancient dwarven. Looming over Thorfus, the articulated floating cylinder says “New dissection candidate identified” – back to work! Spying something on the slab farthest from the doorway, Chuq shadow steps across the room and dons a golden crown/helmet. Thinking himself clever he yells in modern dwarven “Stop!”

Ftiz contains the murder automation by sealing the door, with just a few saps on the wrong side.

Belroar slips in the room before the door slams shut, brandishing his Silverthrone card and barks “Halt”. Thorfus tries a command in ancient dwarven. The dissector ignores everyone, turns and advances on Chuq. It’s attack is quick and true. Close to death, the Monk shadow steps behind Thorfus by the doorway. Axel and Talon charge – Talon hits! Belroar raises the door allowing Chuq to scurry to Brice. Uthruk enters as Fitz closes the door again. The fight is in earnest now!  Our muscle takes some licks but answer back in kind!

Brice soothes the monk’s aches, so he returns to the fight. Belroar begins to fashion a connections between a javelin and rope hoping to bring down the dissector in a trap. Before he can attempt his plan,  Thorfus takes out the machine. 

Before Fitz can seal the door again, the Boyz all retire to the gallery. After our post battle clean up, we opt to exam the west vivisection room.  

Belroar wants to euthanize the single thrashing human body lashed to a slab. Chuq senses someone else’s feelings as he enters. Taking off the golden helmet, he loses the sensations. Donning it again, he speaks to the thrasher, expecting some acknowledgement. The body continues to thrash, but now Chuw “hears” a wailing voice in his head. Not understanding the words, he mimics the sounds out loud. Finkelmur recognizes it  as ancient common. Handing over the golden helmet, Finkelmur hears the same cry over and over again. “Stop the cutting” 

“We will ease your pain” Belroar whispers as he stabs the thrashing body. 

Finkelmur and Chuq search the drawers as Thorfus collects the strange metal instruments on the slabs. Belroar searches the nest of junk and drawers in one corner. He finds some trinkets and many clean bones.

The drawers contain organs that have been dressed and appear to be freshly butchered. We find Kidneys, hearts, lungs, intestine, stomachs, spleens, back bones, brains, feet & hands( the limbs separated by races – lizard men, elves, humans, kobolds & ogres). Thorfus tests the cube and gold amulet found in the rubbish heap with the raised pedestal in the gallery room.  The amulet causes the ethereal message floating above the pedestal to be replaced with a new interface. In ancient dwarven it lists “Security; Holding Cells; and Cube Interface” 

Touching CUBE INTERFACE the message changes again to a list of five options of random ancient dwarven letters and numbers.  The first choice yields to an image of a dwarf that is perfectly alive and healthy. Dwarf moves about and a detached voice from the pedestal says in ancient dwarven “So they’re here now. They’ve made it into the portal system. Don’t know what the chief is going to do, continue work, security on high alert” then the dwarf looks at something to his side then freezes. 

Second option shows the same dwarf speaking “Odar I don’t know if you are receiving these. No attacks here but the battle is not going well. They should have better luck at Pathogens. This stuff is hundreds of years old don’t know if it will help fighting the rebels.” 

Third option shows same dwarf. He appears not as well groomed previously with  more haggard look in his eye. “Now we’ve done it. So, the chief bio forgers sent some of the specimens through the portal. It failed! A whole wing is now quarantined. Security keeps us in our rooms with only one bathroom for everyone.”

Fourth option is the same dwarf bedraggled worse than before. ”Lost all communication with rest of the facility, on emergency power protocol. No portal, some have had an argument with security team to leave. Others will try again I will wait for the all clear. Maybe we can pull out”

The last and fifth option shows our dwarf disheveled and somewhat emaciated. “Most of the supplies are gone, can’t get to cafeteria, no hope of rescue. Looks away, static, much later he is hysterical “the dead, they have come back. It’s revenge for what we have done to them!”  

After selecting the last option, the screen is now blank, Thorfus plays with the ethereal image until he finds and chooses “Holding Cells”. This list appears: Records of Current Occupants; Synchronization Status;  Door Locks; and Sonic Control Deterrents. 

Selecting Current Occupants shows: 

1. Three lizard men

2. One elf

3. Three elves

4. One ogre

5. Two kobolds

6. Three lizard men

7. Four elves

8. One human

9. Three humans

10. Three elves

11. Two lizard men

12. One elf

13. Empty

14. Four elves

15. Empty

16. Two humans

17. Empty

18. Three elves

Next, Synchronization Status:

1. Synched

2. Synched

3. Synched

4. Desynched 100%

5. Synched

6. Synched

7. Desynched 100%

8. Desynched 100%

9. Desynched 100%

10. Desynched 100%

11. Desynched 100%

12. Desynched 100%

13. Desynched 100%

14. Desynched 100%

15. Synched

16. Desynched 100%

17. Synched

18. Desynched 100%

Thorfus changes number 4 from Desynchronized to Synchronized. Belroar take the elevator to check and finds a single naked ogre in one of the cells we could not open. Belroar slams the door shut on the Orger and runs back to the gallery to tell us what he found.. 

Thorfus now synchronize number 8 with Uthruk, Finkelmur and Fritz checking to see if there is actually one human occupant. They find a humanoid sitting with his back to the door. When spoken to, he doesn’t respond. He is before a makeshift altar and the walls are blood smeared. The old dark man turns and hoarsely barks in ancient common “Humans? Here? You come to free us? Are the dwarves dead? Did the dragon emperor send you?” Everyone is curious after Finkelmur translates.

Our interrogation of the man is far from one sided. Hardly fazed when we explain his time is long forgotten in our most dim past, he peppers his short answers with pointed questions about the dwarven people, the city of Xen’Kehl and our opinion of the Dragon Emperor (which is undoubtedly his patron hero and the architect of the downfall of the Dwarven empire). He encourages Throfus to kill Brice as an apostate, claiming her “Zen Tellar” is an imposter. He also is very interested in the SilverThrone company and their agent Marchmain Sivis. 

Piecing his answers together, we know his mission was to poison this research facility from within. His magic seems to be a cross between Wizard and Cleric, perhaps he is a sorcerous witch? He calls his patron deity/hero Zen Tellar but insists the god known to the dwarves today as Zen Tellar is actually Zelina Tel. An evil personage that was cut off from the ancient dwarves and entrapped by some instrument of the Dragon Emperor of old. 

His intents seem aligned with ours after we loosely sketched our suspicions of the SilverThrone and Empire conspiring to enslave Midmarkers. But he is reticent to assume the Dragon Emperor could be an agent of evil.  Perhaps we should lubed his tongue with food and drink before exchanging information but we hoped he could lift the curse of undead from this place. 

He claims he can help somewhat but insists on the boys killing Brice in return. We still look upon Brice as a dupe but maybe he is right and she’s the best actress we’ve ever met? We need to know more about him, his mission and his relationship with the last Naga before we have our meeting with her.

Session 56 – May 13, 2015 (partially uncomplete, you’ll know when…)

Session 56 – May 13, 2015 (partially uncomplete, you’ll know when…)

21st of Anureldin, after midnight.

Droart the merchant and Thorfus spend some time getting to know each other. Hoping to work out a deal for the curious mask of sky vision, Thorfus invites Droart to spend the night in our camp. Droart is eager for a hot meal and some company. The conversation first moves into a possible supply for security limited partnership. Droart is eager to move on from Xen’Khel. Thorfus’ entreaties are politely refused. Unfortunately Droart’s counter offers are not in line with the Boys immediate plans. 

The talk then shifts to Droart’s time at Xen’Khel. Good thing Dwarves like talking about themselves like people do. He shared a lot about the last 7 years he spent here. 

We learned of several reputable business owners on the mountain, the veritable pillars of the community if you will: Flipa Grell is the local weapons smith. Ancelm Wardale handles alchemical supplies. Gian is an armorer. The local inn, the Sleeping Colossus is kept by Cvenild Piereson. The Sleeping Colossus is known as the largest in on the mountain. Droart describes what could only be a dormant autonotom in the common room of the Sleeping Colossus. 

With little prompting, Droart then tells of some local gossip. Old Stimmens, a local brewer, recently witness a winged dragon in the sky just the other week. In addition to the elders, Grell Wardale, Gian and Cvelnid, the Sisters help keep things orderly here abouts. The sisters are three mind reading Nagas that occupy the temple on the highest slope of the mountain. The temple is the only know entrance to the caverns of Xen’Khel. Entrance into the caverns is only granted to those that are successfully judged by the Sisters.  

Weary of being judged, Thorfus asks if there is another way into the caverns. Droart explains the Rafters are known to have an alternative route. It is also known that those that use the Rafters’s way don’t necessarily fair better than those that pass judgment. Droart suspects the Rafters roll their customers after leading them into an ambush in nearby caves. The Rafter’s are lead by Tamás Ebor, a man that Droart doesn’t trust or approve of.

Next, Droart mentions the tale of Lady Em, fair damsel enthralled by the Dark King and her liberator Talon, head of the MidMark Militia. Thorfus quickly switches to old Dwarvish (Tolkien or Dwarven??) and warns Droart should stop right there. Talon is notoriously self-aggrandizing. Thorfus valiantly saves Droart from a late night of grandiose gestures and peacock strutting about the camp fire.  

To set the record somewhat straight, Thorfus stresses that Talon is Starchie Boy sell sword, not the commander of the Midmark Militia. He also explains Em is as common as they come and lucky for her, she never was enthralled to the Dark King, whoever that might be… Droart questions Thorfus version of things. Perhaps Thorfus would not be so confused about the details after reading a copy of the story circulating. There should be a copy in the Sleeping Colossus inn.

When asked about the surrounding environs, we learned there are apes that desire men for their own pleasure. These scourges can be found somewhere to the northeast of Xen’Khel. Droart refuses to beleive the Starchie Boys found Balric’s Gem.

It seems the 3 Nagas have held the Temple since the fall of the ancient Dwarven empire. It’s been there habit to open the temple doors every morning to allow supplicants to be judged. The Dwarven archeologists feel indignant their heritage is coopted by the Nagas. They prefer the Nagas be expelled and Xen’Khel a Dwarven demesne only. 

As the conversation fizzles, we organize a watch for the night. Not to waste an opportunity, Belroar spends his watch getting to 

After breakfast the next morning, we leave talon and the mercs guarding our camp, he wants to come with don’t need him to talk to much.

Owen, his group and Droart escort PCs and Fink to Ghermin Guards in front of gate (Metteck) surprised we finally arrived, ushered in, three more guards dicing/gaming. Asks about delay, find anything in fort? about to leave, glad to have us hear. looking for treasure? thorfus has a clue, Desric loans 800 for 1200 back so we can buy the mask. Droart loiters for protection.

No idea how to charge thorfus battery

We are invited to move in the mansion. 

Small group of men approach as we are moving camp to the mansion. “Hey you there, looking for treasure”

Try to sell a map, not impressed with axel’s. Belroar offers to hire owen’s group for 1 gp/week.

Thorfus tries the mask – fly about words – “WEAK LINK” in the sky. “Next available Xen Telar Continue ?” Yes in ancient dwarven. everything goes black, focus above an island not large with dormant volcanoe, settlement near the coast with a fortress to the west. about 200 miles to the south east. fortress is in good shape with a silver thorn flag above. looking for slaves by the excavations – none. Now looking for Alain Grell. within the fortress yards are stockpiles of supplies and dwarves everywhere. Dusty Gnome is scried in the harbor. Trying to move NW from the island – see Next Available Xen Kel Continue, yes in ancient dwarven back to where we are. Looking about Xen Kel for another entrance, scanning advance camp wall and adjoining slopes of the mountain – nothing. Little activity, nothing on the first plateu, across a dangerous bridge, few buildings before the next wall. Open doors beyond the gate, nothing about the naga temple – larger mansion than ours there are dwarves, the archeologist. Looks like an adventuring party rallying about the mansion, then march towards the naga temple.

Checking for more nodes above Xen Kel, only Xen Telar to the E & S

Checking for more nodes above Xen Kel to the S – Zurnost’Khel

Zurnost’Khel to the south Zurilum’Khel

Zurnost’Khel to the west – Weak Link, Xen Telar

Fulbert Charmouth hired by Belroar as a mercenary.

Brice doesn’t want to expose the key to the Nagas

Chuq doesn’t want the Naga’s reading our minds and wants to find a private route.

Thorfus doesn’t trust thieves or any ambush and wants to take the straightest route to keep our combat effectiveness.

Its 8 am, we collect everyone and organize the cart with our gear. Leave the wagon at the mansion and begin the march to the naga temple.

Pass the first wall, we see the first bridge Its’ made of two almost flat stone spans that meet midway across. 2 wagons wide comfortably or three abreast. Pass through the 2nd wall, buildings beyond are less dense and avenues are wider

third wall, men are lingering about the gate of the 3rd wall. six armed men in leather mostly armed with swords. One greets us asking if we want to talk to the nagas.

Tomas is willing to help out if we can’t get through the gates (nagas). Now across the longer 2nd bridge. 

The Temple – pillared and tiered into the mountain peak. Open large double doors. 70 x 40 room raised dais in the center column large chair or throne on the dais ne & se corners 30′ foot statues of dwarven warriors, the far end is definitely in the rock of the mountain.

we are tested, judging our intentions. they can not judge thorfus, brice and chuq. since we did not fail they let us pass with a warning about ancient evils of thorus’ ancestors. beyond them is a 20′ wide slope leading down. 

passage widens to 40′ across as we descend and slightly turns to the right. 200′ and no branches and spiraling down, the radius of the spiral seems to increase as we descend another 500′ spiraling down, 200′ straight then we find the column hall. The hall is 300′ below the temple axel. There is a point of light at the other end of the hall.

Socrates reconnoiters and spies a group of 12 dwarves at the opposite end of the chamber reading ruins on the wall. They are near an exit from the hall that leads to the NE. We entered from the NW. 

John – I’m itching to use it, so can you clarify how the Monk ability to Speak with Animals will work? As an…

John – I’m itching to use it, so can you clarify how the Monk ability to Speak with Animals will work? As an ability, I read as that as will. But the description says “The ability to speak with animals as druids do.” 

Speak with animals is a 1st level druid spell. Unlike the 2nd level Cleric spell, the druid spell area effect is one animal type in 4″ radius of the druid (one animal within 3″ radius for cleric). Duration is 2 rounds per level. 

Here are my questions:

Since this an ability, is the casting time ignored?

How often (frequency) can a Monk use this ability?

At will? As often as a Druid of same level?

Added to P&P 02/24/15:

Added to P&P 02/24/15:

Reccemirus Lole – attendent of the Ark Cathedral typically met by Chuq at the entrance to the Cathederal

Randall Shrall – bargemen guild member assigned by Peter Thorell to transport the Starchie Boys to the Rock of Kelwater prison

Ingraham Macclesfield – head clerk at the Kelwater prison, escorts the Starchie boys as they inspect Rotho Waterman’s body and the cell his suicide occured in

Amis Junkyn – Captain of the Bawdy Bachelor, a midmark merchant ship that is tasked with transporting the Starchie Boys from Vargen to Kaligan village and any other points to follow the slavers

Crispieonus Eckmire – Captain of the The Flaming Maid, wanted by the Midmark Navy for slave trading; Will Spayne claims he is a ‘good fellow’

Girars – Mercer Man guarding the fort main gate that alerts the Starchie Boys to the tapping in the keep’s dungeon

Recusin – Mercer Man that alerts the Starchie Boys the harbor is blockaded

Brigitta Dyconson – Admiral of the Midmark Navy commanding the armada blockading the Kaligan harbor. Her command was sent by Lord Thorton to capture the Dusty Gnome, free then return any slaves and tranpsort Perette to Vargen

Alcock Barker – Scout of the Midmark militia, member of the taskforce sent by Lord Thorton to capture the Dusty Gnome; agrees to train any Starchie Boys ready to advance

Godfry Gotokirke – Swordsman of the Midmark militia, member of the taskforce sent by Lord Thorton to capture the Dusty Gnome; agrees to train any Starchie Boys ready to advance

Jacklyn Megmaiden – Magic-User of the Midmark militia, member of the taskforce sent by Lord Thorton to capture the Dusty Gnome; agrees to train any Starchie Boys ready to advance

Dagaric Clifford – Cleric of Ark Temple, member of the taskforce sent by Lord Thorton to capture the Dusty Gnome; agrees to train any Starchie Boys ready to advance

Alain Grell – Nephew of Arden Grell, went missing since his Uncle was found dead (supposed suicide); known by the Starchie Boys as a gang leader in Midmark city who’s gang would mug people for their hair; one of his victims, Merget Behme was freed from the slaver fort dungeon below the keep

Merget Behme – Grell’s Lamb liberated from the slaver fort at Kaligan, she was one of Alain Grell’s hair scalping victims in Midmark. Returned to Midmark with Thorfus and Axel

Susanna, Kendal, and Arbella – wives of crewmen of either slaver ships (Dusty Gnome or Flaming Maid) that live in Kaligan, interogated by Perrete as part of his investigation – of course they don’t know where there husbands are

Dennet Castelton, Gilly Owsteby, Orrick Southampton and Grimbold Groneman – crewmen of either slaver ship (Dusty Gnome or Flaming Maid) that left town with open tabs at the Broken Oar

Kelwater Prison – former Imperial Fort located on an small island of rock in the Kelwater, liberated from the Empire by a force led by the elf Aldus Runnelbrook. Currently used by the Vargen Council of Ten as a prision

Slaver warehouse – pair of warehouses on the road to the former Midmark Navy fort above Kaligan village used by the slavers to hold, sort and disburse the slaves; found abandoned and approbriated by Master Dain of the Order of the Celestial Dragon as a new headquarters/satellite of the Monks.

Slaver fort – former Midmark Navy post abandoned over 50 years ago, considered haunted by the natives since a storm sealed the cliff caves below the fort. We found over 100 slaves in the dungeon below the keep. Understood by the Order of the Celestial Dragon and Perette Celandre as the Starchie Boys new base on this side of the Midland

Broken Oar – “The best inn on Midmark”, only inn in the village of Kaligan, owned and operated by Will Spayne

Phoenix Egg – Old Imperial anti-fortification weapon that burst into spreading flames when impacted against its target, discovered as part of trap in the slver fort keep’s dungeon

Session 44 – Feb 18, 2015

Session 44 – Feb 18, 2015

13th of Denrilden, very early morning

The dwarves agree to set their picks and shovels aside while we interview the former lambs resting in the dining hall. (This must have really hurt Angry Jacks feelings, he is more than taciturn the rest of the time…)Their answers do little to deduct the source of the tapping. Few have been here long enough to notice any sounds from below their cells. 

Watches are set to hear for tapping in the dungeon. Ashton’s group, the 2nd watch, hears tapping. Thorfus’s makeshift water meter is vibrating slightly. Ashton dashes up the stairs and wakes the Boys but not the spell casters. Thorfus insists the ‘fire egg’ be left in the chest for now. Returning to the dungeon without it, Thorfus notices the tapping has slowed in frequency and intensity as we wander about looking for clues. 

Fearing our chance is slipping, he taps the floor with his dagger in response in the center of the dungeon. Coincidentally the spot is directly below where the ‘fire egg’ was suspended  before we safely removed it. We’re all shocked when three loud booms follow. It’s no doubt a reply to Thorfus’ taps. He follows with two taps of his dagger’s pommel. Now we hear scratching from below. 

Chuq suggests we use the ‘fire egg’ to illicit more of a response from whatever is below. Our large chest is brought down by the faithful Mercer muscle. Kept at the foot of the eastern stairs, the lid is opened. We pause to listen. Then the egg and chain are lifted and slowly moved to the center of the dungeon.  Once there, a mewling noise can be heard from below. We try to ‘sound’ out the space below by moving the ‘fire egg’ to the southwest edge of the room. It doesn’t work. The ‘egg’ is placed back in the chest and we call it a night. 

After daybreak, Finkelmur suggests he might use a reverse enlarge spell on sections of the dungeon the floor to access the space below. Before we have a chance to develop a plan around this idea, Recusin the Mercer Man guarding the front gate to the fort alerts us that things are happening in the Kaligan harbor. Captain Junkyn has sent a deck hand to alert us the harbor is blockaded. 

The people in the dining hall are organized while most of us head to the top of the tower to look for ourselves. A sizable warship is mooring near the Bawdy Bachelor. A larger warship is keeping station in the harbor while a third blocks the entrance. Through the looking glass we see Perrett and Master Dain boarding a launch with soldiers and a priest. 

Down to the dock! Thorfus ahoys Perrette. Everyone in his party are visibly more relaxed when they see the Starchie Boys. Perrette’s party mistook the Bawdy Bachelor for the Dusty Gnome. We explain the Dusty Gnome got away before we arrived. Perrette handles the introductions. Admiral Brigitta Dyconson commands the Midmark Navy taskforce. Her command includes Alcock Barker, scout of the Midmark Militia; Godfry Gotokirke, swordsman in the Midmark Militia; Jacklyn Megmaiden, a Midmark Militia Magic-User. They are accompanied by a cleric of the Ark, Dagaric Clifford and Master Dain of the Order of the Celestial Dragon. 

Perrette has word from Midmark and Lord Thorton.  From Lord Thorton a sealed letter:

To Axel, Thorfus, et. al.: There have been some surprising developments here in Midmark since Perrette returned, and I have the uneasy feeling that your group somehow figures into them. As you may have already heard, on the evening of the 11th, Arden Grell was found dead in his apartments – apparently killed by his own hand after (most conveniently) penning a letter taking full responsibility for selling slaves to rogue elements of the Bargemen’s Guild under the direction of one Rotho Waterman. His nephew (Alain Grell), meanwhile, has disappeared from the city. This undoubtedly makes Teverik Anduril’s election as Lord Mayor less chancy, but my instinct tells me that this is a gift to be treated with some suspicion. To wit, as you read this (if not before), Perette should have arrived in Kaligan to ensure that Arden’s suicide doesn’t prove contagious among his co-conspirators. You can meet him there if you wish, or wait for him in Vargen where he should be arriving shortly. Either way, I would appreciate hearing through his agency your candid opinion on these events. Lord Ardwine Thornton

Copy of Grell’s suicide note:

I have betrayed my commitment to upholding the laws of Midmark and the honor of the Grell family. For my offenses, there is no forgiveness and justice can only be had with a hangman’s noose. For my crimes in abetting Rotho Waterman’s slavery ring, I pass judgment one last time –against myself, Arden Grell, once chief magistrate of the City of Midmark and forevermore criminal. Goodbye.

Third Letter :

Greetings, friends! It relieved me to no end when Lord Thornton’s man returned from Vargen with news that you had arrived there safely. I worried that you may have been lost and that, what with the previous adventurers who vanished, our little venture was cursed. Thankfully that doesn’t appear to be the case. You should know that Elspeth sends her regards and that Faldspar has moved back into the townhouse while searching for Tarion (with some help from that Sthorm fellow). From the looks of him, I would say that Elspeth is keeping him well-fed! More seriously, I write to let you know that my cousin Ghermin recently left Xenilum’Khel and will be setting up a temporary shop in the small adventurers’ encampment within the ruins of Xen’Khel. While I have not shared the specifics of your business in the ruins, he has been made aware that your group may be bringing up new treasures from the deeps. He has agreed to act as my agent for the purposes of buying these treasures (since our agreement gives me right of refusal on anything you liberate from Xen’Khel and subsequently choose to sell), which should make your venture somewhat easier. I would ask, though, that you send a detailed list of anything Ghermin buys on my behalf – just so I can double-check the information he shares with me! Anyway, I hope your good fortune continues and I look forward to knowing soon if my hunch about Xen’Khel’s secrects is correct. Desric Three-horn

The letters are mostly read out load, until more sensitive passages are reached. Admiral Dyconson’s mission was to arrest the captain and crew or the Dusty Gnome, rescue any lambs and return them safely home, then take Perrett to Vargen for further investigation and interview Patriarch Galen and the Bargemen’s Guild leader Peter Thorell. To her party, we report our efforts in Kaligan and suggest they all join us in the fort to inspect the liberated lambs and the documents we discovered. 

As we all proceed to the fort, Chuq presents his qualifications for advancing to Brother of the Order to Master Dain. The master agrees Chuq is ready and volunteers to teach him the skills. Master Dain asks after the suitability of the former slaver fort for the Orders new home. Chuq explains the poor condition of the fort but suggests the two empty warehouses are not only newer but more appropriate for the Order’s needs. It’s decided the two will inspect the warehouses after reviewing the fort. The conversation moves to our ‘fire egg’. Based on our description, Master Dain says we have a Phoenix Egg. An old imperial anti-fortification weapon that leaks sheets of flame when bursts. The sheets typically spread along the floor from the point of impact. 

At the fort, Perette, Dagaric and Alcock review the charts and ledgers we found. They conclude there isn’t any new info to suggest further investigation, just more material evidence. We tell our tapping tale from last night. Admiral Dyconson explains the fort was a former MidMark Navy outpost fallen into disuse over the years. She knows the nearby cliffs contain a cave complex that has not been mapped. Admitting that the navy has no plans to restaff the fort, she welcomes the idea of the Order moving into the warehouse to keep an eye on the village and any other slavers returning. She also seems amenable to the Boys improving the fort and exploring the cliff caves. Everyone shares our conclusion the slaver ring involves agents of the Empire when we show the platinum pieces we found.

Those of the Starchie Boys that can are offered free training by their corresponding professionals in Admiral Dyconson’s party. No doubt as a reward for our help in shutting down this slaver hub. We ask Perrette if he would like to spelunk with us. He’d like to but has to board the the Leering Sherif to Vargen so that he can  interview Peter Thorell and Patriarch Galen. Adelard tasks some Mercer Men to guard the fort when we return to Kaligan harbor.  

Before we all set off, Perette approaches one of the lambs, Merget Behme, to closely admire her hair. The mouthy prisoner from last night charges Perette from behind. Axel intervenes and the jerk dodges around him. Chuq sees the two scuffle and delivers a text book ‘The worm bores the apple’. The sap is paralyzed for three minutes. Merget explains that Alaine Grell’s gang tried to harvest her hair when she lived in Midmark. Knowing how sensitive she is about her tresses, her protector only had her safety in mind. She knows she is safer among the Boys than with her champion. They both quietly follow us all to the harbor. 

The liberated prisoners are ferried by four launches to the ship bound for Midmark. Perrette wants to investigate the village for further leads to the Dusty Gnome. The crowd at the Broken Oar don’t say much even though it looks like most of the village are gathered here. All of the fisherman are present, their way to work being blocked by the Admiral’s armada. 

Will Spayne of the Broken Oar, “the best inn on Midland” comes forward. He tells us Raneir (Captain) built the warehouse 6 years ago. The locals pay no heed to the Fort because it’s haunted. 50 years ago there were some caves below the fort. A storm collapsed the caves and now the spirits are trapped forever in the fort. When asked about the slavers, he only says the “Captains were good fellows and since they only came out of night” He had no idea what they did in the warehouses.” Crispieonus Eckmire captains The Flaming Maid. Ranier captains the Dusty Gnome.

Now we want to interview any family of either crew in Kaligan. Spayne tells us that would be Susanna Vilant, wife of Kendal and Arbella. They are fetched but their testimony adds nothing. Spayne tells us Dennet Castelton, Gilly Owsteby, Orrick Southampton and Grimbold Groneman are crew members of either the Flaming Maid or the Dusty Gnome that have left open tabs at the Broken Oar. More names to add to the Wanted List. During the interviews, we search the 2nd floor rooms off the balcony overlooking the common room and the 1st floor rooms. All are vacant but nothing is learned.

Before we end for the day, Perrette does ferrette out a story of a wizard in the foot hills northwest of Kalligan that has bought slaves. No name but only a direction to follow. The next week will see Ashton, Chuq and Finklemur train to their next levels while Axel and Thorfus travel to Midmark with the liberated lambs. 

While in Midmark, the two dwarves plan to:

1. Visit Em’s parents and update them on the search’s progress

2. Visit Desric Three-horn to update him on Xen’Khel mission

3. Visit Elspeth at the Cock & Bull and check on the townhouse/Faldspar

4. Visit Roland’s Gems & Jewelry Shop to sell turquoise stones

5. Visit Aldous Runnelbrook to sell the kobolds’ stolen tapestries

6. Visit Ir’Alle and see what’s new with the tombs

When we are back together, we will enact Finkelmur’s plan to shrink the floor of the dungeon. Will it be animal, vegetable or mineral down there?

Session 43 – Feb 4, 2015

Session 43 – Feb 4, 2015

4:00 pm in the foyer of the slaver keep above the village of Kaligan, 12th of Denrilden

As we loiter about the foyer to the keep, a familiar face saunters into the bailey. It’s the indomitable Angry Jack. Sharing a subdued smile with the boys, he explained his independent slaver investigation lead him to Kaligan. Shortly after his arrival he noticed our troop converging on the keep. Unfortunately he has nothing to add about the slavers but is eager to help us out. 

The inner door is unlocked. Since Chuq found no signs of a trap, he shoves the door open with the butt of one of his 10’ long spears. Our lanterns shine upon a wide dining hall with a centrally placed crude 10’ long table flanked by benches between two stone support columns.

Four in total, a pair of benches flank the table on either side. The heads are bereft of seating. This symmetrical room has wooden doors along the two 10 foot diagonal walls angled into the central space on either side of the entry door. Keeping with the mirrored floor plan, a pair of ascending and descending stairs can be seen on both east and west sides of the hall.

We examine the eastern door. Feeling safe, we pass through and find a ladder leading up to a ceiling trapdoor in the south east corner. Various weapons litter this space. There is a single high backed close to the arrow slit covering the foyer to the west. Cautiously lifting the trapdoor with a 10’ foot spear, Finkelmur climbs the ladder to take a peak of the floor above us. He sees a room that extends across the southern face of the keep from the east corner to the west corner. The far west end is partially hidden because it extends beyond view to the north.

Thorfus descends the ladder so that together we investigate what is another fighting room beyond the western door in the dining hall. Just like the east fighting room, the west room has a ladder to a ceiling trapdoor in the SW corner with a high back chair near the arrow slit. Thorfus and Chuq approach this trapdoor the same way except that Thofus enters the room above to find sundry littered about but nothing specifically for the murder holes above the foyer. 

Returning to the first floor, everyone looks about the table. Someone left with food still on the plates. The easily amused of our group starts playing with the cooked chicken as if it’s Christmas morning.

Chuq and Thorfus walk up the eastern ascending stairs. They find a door to the north at the top landing  with the rest of this large room opening up to the south. The southern walls of this room are identical to the southern walls of the dining hall below.

Searching the northern door, we have to ask Angry Jack to pick the lock after Chuq stubs a finger. Beyond the door is a 10’ square room utility closet. The three of us descend to the dining hall and climb up the western stairs. 

Like the eastern side, there is a door to the north at the landing and to the south the room opens into a space similar to the dining hall below. This door opens as Chuq picks the lock left handed! We find a 10’ foot square weapon cache with some armor. Chuq discovers a small wooden coffer behind a bunch of long swords leaning against the wall. The coffer seems safe enough to him so he didn’t notice the poison dart trap until after the boys have taken turns slapping him back to consciousness. Pocketing the dart, he finds two blue turquoise gems with 56 gp within. The coffer is closed shut and slipped into his backpack. Perhaps Axel can assess the value of the gems after he finishes playing dolls with the Mercer Men not guarding the descending staircases.

Beyond a northern door between the two landings we find an ascending circular stairway. Angry Jack, Chuq and Thorfus lead Sturloc, Kottar, Adelard and Beawhin up the spiral stairs. The first landing extends North to South along eastern wall of the 20’ x 20’ tower. At the landing is a large chest, a simple table desk and chair. Atop the desk are what appears to be map of the local waters with color coded routes marked without any legends. There is also a singular sheet which we suspect was torn from a bound book. Upon it are listed the following:

23F Edonea Styrtover

35F Clemency Lillyng

18M Wigayn Langabeard

32F Etfled Tirevache 

42M Thybaudin Rilly 

38M Malik Otter

The unlocked chest is deemed safe, then opened by Chuq with his long spear shaft.  Within is scattered some coins: 10sp, 5gp & 2pp. The platinum pieces are stamped with a crown. We suspect Imperials, the rat bastards!

The lid and bottom of the chest appear to be true. We find more 3gp when we shove the chest from the wall. At our behest, Adelard sends for some strong arms to take the chest down to the dining hall. 

Before leaving, Chuq overturns the desk and chair. There is a key adhered to the bottom of the desk with a gummy residue. Thorfus pries the key loose and confirms it’s for the chest before the muscle takes it away.

Continuing up the stairs the next landing has a typical straw mattress bed and a ladder ascending to a ceiling trapdoor. Chuq lifts the door with his long shaft (yeah, like saying it…) as Thorfus peaks above. Finding the crenulated top of the tower, Thorfus is buffeted by strong winds as he ascends. There is a large spy glass mounted to the center of the tower. It is tipped down but the last viewer was looking out beyond the harbor of Kalligan. Thorfus takes a few minutes viewing the surrounding seas and more of Midland island. He espies a ship sailing in the distance, but its range is uncertain. It could have left from Midland but Thorfus can’t say for sure. 

We toss the bed. Finding nothing specific, we notice that there was more furniture kept here in the past. Satisfied this direction holds nothing new; we descend to the dining hall to collect everyone for the foray below ground. Good thing this group of Mercers can switch from goofing about to serious business quickly.

As a group we descend the eastern stairs. They end at 40’ x 20’ room. Entering from the NE corner, we see doors on the northern ends of the east and west walls with a door on the south wall directly across the room from the stairs. There is another door on the south wall opposite the western stairs from the dining hall.  Here is another desk, chair and a peculiar reddish glowing ostrich sized egg shaped sphere dangling from an eye hook embedded in the ceiling. A chain emerges from the south wall 7 feet above the floor. It snakes up to the eye hook where gravity pulls it straight down since it is attached to the ‘egg’.

The closest east door is opened. The room beyond is 20 x 20 barracks for five occupants. Each of the five beds is paired with a foot locker. Yells for help are heard from the south before we can search the barracks. We yell in reply asking why help is needed. A crowd beyond the door all yell simultaneously. It seems they are imprisoned. Seemingly not trapped and unlocked, Chuq begins to shove the door open with his 10’ spear. He stops short because the door resists in an unfamiliar way.

Glancing over our shoulders we see the ‘egg’ is swaying. Chuq hops onto Axel’s shoulders to get a better look at the ‘egg’. Still glowing red, it is neither hot nor cold. It’s top has a mounting that the chain is attached to. 

The people on the other side of the door are no help. It seems they are held in the dark. We confer and decide to secure the chain with spikes at the wall and eyehook to arrest it moving into or out of this room. Having the brawniest shoulders, Angry Jack hops on the desk and grasps the chain directly. Axel and Adelard fashion a life net to catch the egg with a cloak. 

As the door is fully opened, Jack is tugged by the egg because the chain was severed somewhere on the other side of the wall. Chuq hops on Axel’s back again. He places another spike a foot away from the current spike near the eyehook. The egg is lowered by alternating the spikes. It and the attached chain are stored in the large chest. 

The prisoners resume their pleading. We find four cells packed with people here. It must have been harrowing to be trapped in the dark cramped together. Chuq successfully unlocked two cells but we all had to take turns trying to bend the bars for the other cells.

Everyone has to help nurse some of the worse off prisoners. Some had been beaten severely and were close to death. Brice and Ashton made alot of new friends today. During this time we tried to identify the prisoners. Those that could answer were all from Midmark City or from the smaller communities about it. Surprisingly no body claimed to have been sentenced by Judge Grell. Instead we heard that most were arrested and figured they were serving time until they would be seen by a magistrate. None of them had any idea they had left MidMark and were actually across the great bay on Midland Island. We didn’t find Em or any of the persons listed on the page we found in the tower. 


A single door in the south leads to a closet containing assorted torture gear. Most of it is old, outdated or showed signs of little use. Organizing the healthiest refugees and Mercer Men, everyone is herded upstairs to the dining hall. Suspecting there are more prisoners, we return to the dungeon and open the west door on the southern wall. Four more packed cells are here. 

The prisoners here suggest looking in the central room for a key but we can’t find one in the desk. Chuq can’t open any of the locks. Ashton is lucky with one cell door. We all take turns bending the bars to liberate the slaves here.

In total, over 100 souls were freed from the eight cells. The western cell block also has a closet to the south. The torture tools here seem more decrepit than those from the east cell block.

The last door to the west leads to another five occupant barracks. We toss both barrack rooms will little regard. The loot includes clothing that is distributed to the prisoners and weapons are handed to those wanting them.

The Mercer Men are tasked to guard the keep while the Starchie Boys continue the search of the fort. First we check the NW tower. The door is stuck so Chuq climbs the wall to the first break. Within, the upper floors have collapsed within the tower. We move to the NE tower. The door gives and within is litter and little else. Leaving the barracks and stables for daylight, we leave the fort to search the warehouses passed on the way here. 

Both warehouses are searched relatively quickly. Within, both warehouses have two floors, holding cells and barracks style rooms. Looting yields a few gold pieces, suits of leather armor and assorted weapons. Confident the warehouses pose no further risk, we visit the Bawdy Bachelor to check with Captain Junkyn. 

He has nothing to report but is impressed with our results. The Bawdy Bachelor isn’t large enough to transport all the refugees to Vargen in one trip. It is suggested we leave the refugees guarded in Kaligan while we return to Vargen to arrange passage for all the refuges directly to Midmark. The captain prefers to make the trip tomorrow in the daylight. We agree since we want him to review our new sea chart in the best light. 

It’s been a long day but the Boys are far from weary. We walk back to the fort alert, keeping the talk to a minimum under the moonlight. Thorfus keeps the conversation going. He likes the idea of moving into the Fort as our own local base of operations. The humans can’t help but notice the glint in all of the dwarves eyes as ideas for renovations are bandied about. Any excuse to swing a hammer….

The mood has definitely shifted by the time we return ‘home’. It’s a gaggle of old chums that tramp up to the front gate of the fort. No longer fearing death at every corner, our eyes rove over the ruins imagining newly dressed stones over the pitted and crumbling masonry. Girars the Mercer man greets us upon our return. His mood has not changed since we left. If anything, the tapping he heard below the dungeon has wound him up worse than  a cocked crossbow. 

Back to business, we bowl through the dining hall ignoring all the refugees and hustle down to the dungeon. Girar’s report was that the tapping could be heard directly below where the glowing ‘egg’ was suspended. We can’t hear any noise now but the dwarves have determined that there is a hollow space below the floor. We do what we do best – the thieves listen, the dwarves romance the stone, Starchie sniffs arounds, Finkelmur picks his nose. We can’t find a thing! Nothing is heard, there are no secret or sliding doors, no loose tiles, no busts with hidden buttons, no golden statue on a pedestal, no smoking gun or WMDs! Was Girard mistaken? Is this a bad practical joke? Should we be looking in the desk? Was something looking for the ‘egg’?

One thing’s for certain, we better find a way below the dungeon quickly because the Dwarves are ready to start digging their own way down.

Session 38 – Dec 17, 2014

Session 38 – Dec 17, 2014

Morning at the Lone Barrel, 8th of Denrilden, 

Adelard escorts us to the East Harbor docks. Before we shove off, he wishes us luck and wants us to take revenge for the Mercers slaughtered by the Punters lost last night. He has not heard anything about Ardman. He agrees to send word via canoe if anything significant happens while we pursue Rotho and Barnier.

We row north by northwest pass the Rock of the Kelwater prison, von Waybeck’s place then Waterman’s former office. Inconspicuously giving the Punters compound a wide berth, Finklemur notices Aardman walking along the rope bridge from the central tower to the covered pier along the Kelwater. The Boys quickly change plans.

Finkelmur jumps over board. Feigning drowning, Fink calls Starchie for help. Starchie heroically leaps and mimes a rescue, dragging Finkelmur towards the Punter’s open piers. Thorfus, Axel, Sturloc and Kotarr start yelling encouragement at Starchie. Thorfus drops in several admonishments at Fink for being a silly old man. The punters collect about their pier marveling at the spectacle. Chuq and Perrett use the distraction to slip into the water. They hide below the row boat’s gunwale opposite the Punters.  

At the most opportune moment, they swim for the covered pier. It is unoccupied. The two climb out of the water. Perrett bars the double doors along the northern wall. Chuq attempts to lock the single door near the double doors. Not having the key, his attempt fails. He directs Perrett to the wooden ladder to the 2nd floor. They emerge into an empty anteroom then burst through the west wall door.

Sitting at the only desk in this room is Aardmann. Chuq dives and misses. Perrett follows and pins Aardman to the floor. Aardmann is not cowed, he scrambles from underneath the spear held at his throat. Working as a team, Chuq and Perrett pin Aardmann to the floor. He is brained by Perrett. 

Along the open piers, the Punters present have helped Finkelmur and Starchie onto the pier. They ignore Thorfus’ entreaties to allow Finkelmur and Starchie time to recover from their near drowning. Under protest, the Boys row off to the north slowly. 

Wrapping the ledgers strewn about the room in one of the blankets from the bed, they and Aardman are secured in the large chest by the window. Both Perrett and Chuq carry the chest to the anteroom as the exterior door can be heard being unlocked. We are discovered! A punter tough and guard lieutenant attach Chuq and Perrett. During the scuffle, Chuq sticks the lieutenant with his spear and the two punters flee across the rope bridge. Perrett severs the rope railings with his sword. Falling with the bridge, both punters are slain by the fall. 

Death by severed bridge alerts the punters loitering on the pier. Slamming the door shut, Chuq and Perrett maneuver the chest to the trapdoor. Perrett lowers the chest to Chuq as Chuq is descending the ladder. The two successfully arrests the chest’s fall to the deck below. Aardmann is only slight tussled. Scurrying quickly all three plunge into the water still within the covered pier. Chuq and Perrett are pushing/towing the floating chest as fast as they can as Punters charge through the unlocked single door. Most follow along the wooden pier as two dive after us.

The ruckus caught the Starchie Boy’s attention and intuitively they row down river to cover Chuq and Perrett’s escape. The swimming punters can’t close fast enough. Finkelmur hurls a patch of 15’ darkness about the covered pier’s single door. It covers their approach and confuses the punters caught within. Axel and Kottar pincushion the swimming punters. Both slip below the waves dead. 

Boat side, the ledgers and Aardmann are extracted from the chest then we haul it in with us. With subdued haste, we row back to East Harbor. Aardmann is placed back into the chest and we send a runner for Adelard. Surprised by our early return, he adroitly switches gears and helps us sneak the Aardmann to the Lone Barrell.

Osith Whixley clears the inn of witnesses so that Aardmann can be put to the question. As expected, Aardmann obfuscates. That is until Perrett calmly takes his left hand pinky finger. Aardmann didn’t expect such ruthless treatment. Once his situation is made clear, his testimony overflows with details.

Here is what we learn before and after Perrett takes his pinky:

Almrich is supposedly his birth name; some other aliases used are Reinaldus and Crispin.

Originally from a local fishing village on the Kelwater, he moved to Vargen to find his fortune. Taking up with the punters two years ago, his lack of scruples made him a perfect herder of Grell’s Lambs. 

Perrett was pleased to hear Aardmann confirm that Grell’s Lambs are indeed enthralled intelligent peoples. When asked specifically about the Grell’s, Aardmann suspects the whole family is responsible for all the lambs from the City of Midmark. Newtown Islanders picked up by Midmark City watch are very likely to be found guilty for any infraction by Judge Grell. Custody is then assumed by his son, Elain Grell, who arranges passage across the bay to Caligan. Aardmann has worked the trip across the bay as well as from Caligan to points upriver along the Kelwater and Vargwater and seldom into Vargen.

It is an open secret amongst all the punters that Grell’s Lambs are slaves but not all the punters know any intimate details. The Mercers will be pleased to learn this.

His promotion to Weaponsmaster for the Punters was precipitated by his foiling a liberation plot. One of his partners, Aubrey Grodecop, became enamored with Em. The infamous Em liberated from bullywugs by an earlier team of Starchie Boys. She was a lamb and Aubrey a shepherd, the two conspired to escape together. Their mistake was asking Aardmann for help, he sold them out and the lovers were sold to the SilverThrone trading company; specifically, the Whitefall station located along the grey flood branch of the Vargwater. Axel and Thorfus were intrigued when they heard this bit. Unfortunately, we cannot share this with Aubrey’s brother at this time, he has left Vargen.

Rotho Waterman himself raised Aardmann to Weaponsmaster. Currently Rotho joined by Barnier Brocket and 63 punters are barging up the Kelwater. Rotho plans to search the Kelwater for an underwater cave entrance to a river Dragon’s lair. He expects to kidnap a young dragon to ransom it back to the parents for their treasure. The contraption Chuq discovered in the cover pier last night will allow Barnier to explore underwater without surfaces for breath and the young dragon will be secured with the special shackles they have. Supposedly, the dragon sphere will help in some way.

The Dusty Gnome moored in Caligan is waiting to unload a lot of the latest lost lamenting Lambs unto punters barges. Since Rotho left about dozen punters behind, the Dusty Gnome will likely wait for few days before anyone shows up to unload its cargo. Aardmann is willing to show us various delivery points upriver along the Vargwater and Kelwater but he doesn’t have any names to share. The only one he knows is Grimtooth, a gnoll leader working on Merchant’s road. 

Crispin Eichmeir captains the Flaming Maid, a ship that also ships Grell’s Lambs across the bay. He doesn’t know where the Flaming Maid is at this time. More than just curious, he was reading the ledgers for any leverage against his bosses. Lastly, he is willing to cooperate for leniency.

Taking a moment to confer amongst ourselves, we decide Aardmann’s testimony will be best used in Midmark. Lord Thorton can publicly denounce Judge Grell before the elections; he can also dispatch ships and marines to confiscate the Dusty Gnome. The liberated Dusty Gnome lambs along with Aardmann’s sworn deposition should help the Mercer’s publicly shame the Punter’s, perhaps bring justice to all of its members. Axel and Thorfus are eager to pursue the lead up the Vargwater to save Em and Aubrey. Chuq looks forward to dismantling the remaining slave trade routes up the Varg and Kelwaters.

Captain Ischaq Stans welcomes Perrett and Aardman aboard the Chastity Snake bound for Midmark. The Starchie Boys remain at the Lone Barrel to explain the current state of events to Phyllis Chaumbire of the Mercers. At first incredulous, especially as prestigious an organization as the SilverThrone as well as others using slave labor, she accepts our handling of the situation. 

Concerned that Rotho Waterman might have an adult river dragon under his persuasion, we want to follow him upriver. Hoping to thwart his plans and return in time to help in Caligan, we rush to the Starchie Boats moored in Eastharbor. Our team is augmented by several Mercers Mercs – Kelgax, Erris, Hangust and Barromir under the command of Adelard. Let’s get to rowing!

Session 37  December 11, 2014

Session 37  December 11, 2014

7th of Denrilden

After Perrett and Brice conduct their investigation we decide to interrogate Ellisondro from the Wall District guardsman detail. Only now he is formerly of the guardsman detail. Captain Beamsly has placed Ellisondro on indefinite leave. Ellisondro’s has pursued the Beggar’s Copse Quicklings with almost quixotic zeal. Even now with a limp, he still plans to police Beggar’s Copse. Hoping to curb his enthusiasm, Chuq has committed his help in the near future. 

Changing the topic to why he was summoned, Ellisondro explained his habit of asking travelers if they have/want slaves is his own twisted sense of humor. It tickles his fancy that there might be a kernel of truth to the half whispers of Punters trading in intelligent flesh. When random caravan members clam up after his idiosyncratic questioning, he gets a little tickled. Believing his testimony, Chuq suggests Ellisondro not pursue any rumors himself but to keep an ear open for any news. 

Discussing this and other threads of our investigation, our war council decides the highest priority is the slave trade, specifically rumors of Grell’s Lambs in Caligan. Judge Grell of the City of Midmark will likely win his bid for Lord Mayor in next year’s election, and if he is part of the slave cabal his assumption of office could be catastrophic to the people of Midmark. Perrett eagerly agrees with this assessment. 

He also agrees that since Aardmann/Renauldus, the current Punters’ Weapons master, offered to get Ashton started doing milk runs from Kaligan with Grell’s lambs that there is deeper connection with the Punters than just Aardmann. This coupled with reports that a successful Dragon Sphere expedition will not only make the Punters incredibly rich it would also guarantee Rotho Waterman would replace Peter Thoral as Guildmaster, Perrett agrees interfering with the expedition tangentially forwards his mission and could create an opportunity to incriminate/expose the punters. For a while we consider that with Waterman & Brocket away on expedition, there might be a chance to secret into the Punter compound and unearth bookkeeping about the slave trade. Conceding that Waterman has a team of bean counter better suited to obfuscation than us, we figure any potential evidence might be unusable. 

The mercers are asked to hire several canoes/row boats to monitor the harbor and the KhelWater in addition to the spies loitering about Fens Edge and the punter’s compound. Its hoped that while we investigate the Punter’s compound at night or apprehend/trail Aardmann, that if the expedition gets underway we can pursue via rowboat whichever route they take. 

Fearing we are losing a chance to hinder the punters before the expedition begins; the Starchie Boys take a Mercer row boat that night to infiltrate the punter’s compound via the Khelwater. The plan is to use our potion of Clairvoyance to discern the location of the Dragon Sphere before it leaves Vargen. Chuq clandestinely swims towards the Punter’s piers as Ashton, Axel, Brice, Finkelmur, Thorfus and Starchie watch from the row boat. Approaching the covered pier known to house a fourth barge for the expedition, Chuq sees 6 punters fussing over a large mechanical contraption on the barge. They are arguing with each other about how to repair the machine in time for its intended use. Chuq hears that Barnier Brocket will rely on the machine to breath while searching the bottom of the river for whatever the expedition pursues. The weakness inherent in its use is discovered – the air that Barnier breathes will travel down tubes that connected to the machine. If something were to happen to the tubes, the machine will not help as intended.

Slipping outside the warehouse among the other piers, Chuq sneaks out of the river and infiltrates further into the compound. Within the center of the walled compound is a tower with four elevated rope bridges connected to warehouses cardinally located around the tower. One of these four warehouses is that which Chuq heard the mechanics fussing over the contraption. Another ware house directly opposite the covered pier is obviously occupied. It is well lit from within and many voices can be heard cavorting inside. The last two warehouse are dark and silent. 

Before slinking to the central tower, a punter guard armed with a short sword and hooded lantern is seen patrolling the bridge. Locking the send floor door of the covered pier, he saunters to the central tower. Locking the door behind him, he exits the opposite side and continues across another bridge into the loud warehouse. Avoiding detection, Chuq takes a moment at the central tower to imbibe the potion. Questing for the Dragon Sphere, his vision is of a dark room with a large locked chest, a more than modest bed occupied by a sleeping man and a single door opposite an open window overlooking a river. Willing his vision to the window, Chuq sees the silhouette of the Starchie Boys rowboat. Moving his mind’s eye without the window, he sees that the room is on the second floor of the covered pier. 

On the spur of the moment, Chuq takes a stab at the Sphere clandestinely. He climbs the tower wall to the rope bridge. Hearing the patrolman within the tower, he scrabbles further up the tower to a window ledge overlooking the bridge. The patrolmen exits the tower, unlocks the door to the warehouse and enters. Dropping down to the bridge, Chuq scurries across to the warehouse and clambers to its roof. Hearing the drop to the bridge, the patrolman quickly returns and calls out if anyone is there. Keeping still, Chuq watches him leave the warehouse door open and enter the tower. 

Trying his best to remain quite, the monk slips from the roof and spills onto the bridge making even more of a ruckus. This brings the patrolman back to the warehouse calling out for the intruder to show himself. Chuq hides behind the open door within the warehouse, surprising the patrolman as he bursts into the room. A quick thrust of Chuq’s spear misses the mark allowing the patrolman to reply in kind with his sword as Chuq launches into the air. Lifting himself up to the roof, the patrolman yells out load that an assassin is trying for Waterman. The compound comes alive as Chuq dashes over the roof to the river. 

The other Starchie Boys first know something is amiss when they see Chuq leap into the air and plunge into the river. Keeping quiet, he is quickly lost in the darkness. Not wanting to bring the bargemen down onto his buddies, Chuq swims down river past the piers. The Boys watch the commotion from the river. They are able to slip away.

Fighting fatique, Chuq swims/drifts with the current past Fens Edge. After resting under a pier in the predawn hours, Chuq eventually emerges from the water somewhere in South Harbor well after the fishermen have set out for the day. Wearing little more than briefs, Chuq visits the tanner that outfitted Ashton with his leather armor. They share a morning repast. Hearing a yarn about an overly ambitious morning swim, the tanner takes pity on Chuq. He tasks an apprentice to escort him to the Lone Barrel, asking for the cost of tolls only in return. Returning to the Lone Barrel, Thorfus pays the boy with a little something extra and the Boys compare notes. 

Adelard has bad news. The Punters’ have killed the Mercer spies in Fen’s Edge in retaliation. Our infiltration spurned the Punters to launch their expedition today. The Boys rush to follow – to the Starchie boats!