Session 96     February 17, 2016

Session 96     February 17, 2016

29th of Faurilden, 3:55pm.

Our Impunity Team Building exercise proceeds as planned. Thorfus has the grapplers retrieve the rubbery infected first. We are concerned that the other varieties of infected are more infectious. Chuq’s mental scans show the patients are fearful as they see two dwarves helmeted with hazmat suits when the grapplers bring them up the lift. It doesn’t help that grapplers are staking the corpses in a corner.

The attendant auto monkey is tasked with guarding the hallways to our back. As if by a fluke, about a half hour into our team building, we notice motion to the west. A gaggle of shapes are approaching the door with purpose. They are fungal infected! Edan drops one with a quickly loosed arrow. Chuq moves quickly and closes the intervening door expecting to lock the foes on the other side.

Curses! Despite repeatedly pressing the control panel, the door opens letting the Shit Tackies through. Behind them is an infected dwarf in power armor. A furious melee follows with the dwarves holding the line felling one after another. Edan and Chuq tandem shadow step to viciously back stab the armored dwarf. Up close,  we see that this dwarf looks like one of the Silver Throne Mercs viewed in a security recording. His weapons and shield look top shelf, him not so much. The pair step away and back, the second stab misses.

Thorfus instructs the auto monkey to take swipes at the dwarf’s armor release. Success! The power armor unfurls off the dwarf. It flees to the west followed by Chuq and Axel.

As each Shit Tackie died, it belched a cloud of spores. The air gets so thick with spores that Chuq and Edan are stranded on one side of the accumulated cloud because they couldn’t see beyond it. Similarly, when the power armor poped off the dwarf, a cloud of spores erupted from within. Edan was caught in this cloud, we fear he has contracted the dwarf’s ailment since he had a brief coughing fit.

Chuq and Axel confront the fleeing dwarf at the top of a flight of stairs to the north. He was banging on the door pleading to be let in. The chase continues as some unseen agent remotely opens the door for the dwarf. We all converge on him within the decrepit lounge/foyer we explored earlier (last session). His flight and life end at a pair of doors to the north.

To the north, Chuq detects anger and worry with his ESP skull cap. The thoughts are in ancient dwarven. Axel is rearing for another fight. He and Thorfus refresh with Healing potions. Edan hears metallic noises beyond the door. We reassess and decide to enlist auto monkeys to cleanse the vacant power armor via the antiseptic sprayers.

Thorfus determines the failsafe would incinerate the power armor by tossing an exposed spike within an airlock. New plan, the auto monkeys will widen some door ways so that we can enlist them and the grapplers against the unknowns to the north (especially any wearing power armor).

Once summoned, the auto monkeys fail to arrive. The dwarves stumble into an occupied observation room, where they hoped to review security footage to determine what happened to the auto monkeys. Boney infected charge our heroes! The young buck gets slapped around before he can close and lock the door. Thorfus soothes Axel’s boo boos. When in the clear, they read a log and can see that the auto monkeys were DISINTEGRATED! We’re on our own and done with dawdling about.

Assembled at the double door, we are trapped as the northern door refuses to unlock and the other three doors slam shut and are now locked. The dwarves can’t lift the door. Edan suggests we hot wire the door controls. He whispers advice in Chuq’s ears as the monk fiddles with the wires. The doors open! Our protagonist and his cronies lurk beyond.

The cronies are three power armored dwarves. The protagonist looks like an amalgam of all the infected types. We launch our surprise attack. Tora Tora Tora!

Chuq and the probability sword (with Thorfus in tow) shadow step next to Amalgamdwarf while Axel and Edan dance with the cronies. Thorfus commands the last surviving auto monkey to strip power armor. Edan magic missiles a crony. Amalgamdwarf utters “Lightning” in modern dwarven. Chuq and Thorfus are lanced by an arc of lightning. In response, Thorfus activates his probability sword slaying Amalgamdwarf. His cronies put up a good fight but the day is ours. That is until we see Axel skewered by both of his dance partners. It’s a miracle! As brutal as his demise appeared, he is still breathing when Chuq rushes to his aid.

When it’s just us left alive and Axel’s life is no longer about to end, we turn our attention to our surroundings. Like the other chief administrator offices, the desk here interacts with Thorfus. He reads the following options in ancient dwarven:

1. Reset the emergency shutdown of the outbound portal – blinking because the shut down is in effect

2. Pathogen Facility Map and Controls

3. Controls for the disinfection chamber

4. Memos

Funny, we spend a while examining the map yet just a few minutes later, we are fumbling about. Must be the loss of blood…The map tells us the Amalgamdwarf was once known as the Chief pathologist. To be safe, Thorfus locks all the doors.

The only memo tells a tale of how all the staff here were infected which is why the Chief Pathologist shut down the outbound portal to protect the outside world despite the rebels.

Edan researches the various information pedestals. The ancient dwarven demands a silver paskey to override the power reservation protocals. The different pedestals give details of the four infected types we have seen here. The prognosis for our own infected is good, we have days to find a cure. Hopefully Luppa can help us….

Meet Zho ni, the bastard child of one of Donaria’s most politique Paladins. Recently, the same patronage that kept…

Meet Zho ni, the bastard child of one of Donaria’s most politique Paladins. Recently, the same patronage that kept his true ancestry secret and paid a local Manheim Cathedral to raise him has dried up. If this is because he’s now an orphan or due to some political mix up, Zho ni doesn’t care. He has his own life to live… with Eostaria in his heart and a flail in his hand!

Session 94    February 2, 2016

Session 94    February 2, 2016 

During the week Pons is training.

Kalgunn and Edan negotiate a deal. Kalgunn agrees to trains Edan on how to construct an Electrical Sphere Autonotom in exchange for historical tales of the Isles of Curabel. They assemble one but need a control cube to activate it. Kalgunn also suggests that if he was taken to one of the functioning flying scrying devices (about 200,000 feet) he might be able to locate the Conclave in Exile’s base. From this unknown location, he might be able to restore the entire network of scrying devices.

On the 28th of Faureldin, messages have returned from Midmark confirming Ryker’s identity. Canon Alaric Winterbergh from Midmark has arrived to vet Ryker, the two spend all their time debriefing. Marchmain then sends us a message that the patrols in the under city have been canceled and that Dorea he has asked the leadership in Xenilum Khel to allow the SilverThrone to guard and the Brotherhood of the Forge to administer the cultural treasures of Xen Khel.

Edan asks Kalgunn to help recover the chief engineer’s deleted records. Kalgunn confirms they are not accessible. He does explain that if one were to set the power controls for the engineering facility to overload, the entire facility would be lost to the molten earth depriving all the dependant facilities of all power. Anyone who did so could escape via the portal system, so long as their first destination had access to the outside. 

The Committee for Portal Reconnaissance Feasibility decides to shroud the Engineering portal room in Darkness then send an autonotom via the portal to the Bioforge Research Facility. The surface Boys gather our band together and head from the estate to the high peak temple. Several militia ask Thorfus if there might be a final libation before they ship out. Thorfus’ agreement is met with cheers from the blokes milling about. The sentry at the temple is now only five guards watching the sun drift across the sky. 

Collecting Derich, we all meet in the engineering facility. Our plan is enacted without casting darkness, instead we shroud the one strobe light in the portal room but the portal for D does not activate. Thorfus reactivates the power to D so that we can proceed. Our first look shows just a little damage to the octagonal room. Thorfus commands the monkey to step through the portal to look about. The monkey is greeted by a docile undying that invites the monkey to follow it westward. Thorfus keeps the monkey within control range which annoys the undying. It undoubtedly wants the monkey to follow to Marinthala’s office. 

When the monkey turns to leave, the undying utters ‘wait’ and the two stare at each other for some time. Eventually a pale islander holding a banner enters the hall way. His appearance is familiar to Thorfus. Noticing the open portal, he rushes towards it yelling at someone unseen that the portal is open. Thorfus has the monkey encourage him to enter so that we can capture him. Chuq’s mental probe is interrupted as the Islander stiffens. The islander speaks in ancient dwarven to the monkey asking who it serves. He asks if it serves the chief pathologists, engineer, botanist. Stating it doesn’t serve the same master, Thorfus looses control of the Monkey. Chuq then shuts the portal down as Thorfus rushes to the engineer’s office to deactivate all power to the Bioforge research.  

Now we open the portal to the Pathogen Research facility and send a single monkey to reconnoiter. The monkey exams doors to all cardinal points. Since the rooms beyond are all occupied by mounds of molten slag but the southern room, we instruct the monkey to enter the southern room. It is carpeted with ash. An arrhythmic pounding is heard from a mirrored wall to the west. The money presses the single button on the only pedestal, which causes the northern door to close, a shower to sprinkle followed by a burst of air. Then the southern door opens.  

Beyond is a 10’ wide corridor running perpendicular to the west & east. At either end are wall sized windows that become visible as lights in the corridor light. Behind the windows are mutated creatures throwing their bodies against the windows. The bony creatures to the west are fracturing their window. The monkey examines the opposing door to the south and sees beyond it another room with furniture, doors to other areas, plant boxes and four flesh sloughing humanoids loitering. What other secrets are hidden in this hell hole?

Session 89    December 30, 2015

Session 89    December 30, 2015 

18th of Faurilden, 4:00 pm

Thorfus and Edan are healed before we searched around for traps and other nasty surprises. Feeling safe, we pocket the plans and turn our attention to the closet in the south. Within the closet we find a series of shells connected by pulley and chains. We collect a trove of precious gems from the shelves.

Mixed with the gems, we find two peculiar backpacks and 60 small metallic slugs. Play with a backpack shows that one actually becomes a pair of wings. It also looks like it needs one of the batteries we have for the power armor. The other backpack has a tank connected to a wand a hose. The packs are made for dwarves but the straps look long enough for a human, elf or power armored dwarfs to wear. The packs are stowed with the party gear without any further experimentation.

The slugs spur us to examine the cylinder robot that hurt our leader and our health. The robot has as many levered doors as the number of slugs we found. Confident the robot is safe without the slugs loaded into it, Edan pockets both cylinder robot and slugs in his gear.

We move further down the corridor to the east. The last south facing door opens easily. In the room there are a bed, a drafting table, foot locker, an information pedestal and closet in the south. The table and bed are empty. The door leads to a water closet with running water. 

The footlocker has a red light that turns green when Thorfus passes his platinum PAS key by it. Confidently, a robot monkey opens the foot locker’s lid causing the room to be bathed in darkness. At the same time, Boris falls away from the floor slamming into the ceiling above our heads. We hear the sound of breaking crumbling stone above us. Chuq brandishes his continually lighted Starchie Boyz badge. The darkness and the badge cancel each other, so that we can see by the light of our magic weapons and/or infravision. 

From the floor, we see Boris, the monkey, the footlocker and a Gargoyle sitting on the footlocker on the ceiling. The Gargoyle is belligerent, but not for long. It’s head shatters as Edan slaps his pommel against it. At it’s demise, the objects above fall back to the floor. 

The footlocker is locked again. We decide to play with it later and turn our attention to the information pedestal. The display above interactively tells us of the power connections from the Engineering sections with the other underground labs. It is implied by the schematic that the Engineering section is far below the others. We learn that “There is a power failure in the Bioforge Research area, maintenance needed”.  The other labs have stable power. A blinking point on the display refuses to give details. We are stymied by this message : “Information on this area not available without special clearance, please contact Xen Khel administrative for required permission” Thorfus’ platinum PAS key fails to grant us permission. 

Thorfus and Axel now take a few minutes to review the contents of the 13 different information cubes we have collected. Eventually they come upon a cube that reports on the occupants of the cells in the bioforge research lab. To our dismay, we learn that all the cells are empty and have been synchronized. Our failure to rescue them stings deep for some of us. We also learned the synchronization controls have failed, there is physical damage to the cells. Thorfus activates the reptile area pacification system several times, getting a kick from potentially shocking anonymous victims!

Thorfus uses his PAS key to change the footlocker display light to green but whenever we try to open the locker, the light turns red. Chuq suggests we find the last whereabouts of the Engineering Administrator deducing the necessary PAS Key would be on his person. 

After speaking with some autonotoms, we search to the west and find the Chief Engineers office after meeting several patrolling autonotoms and seeing a large open space occupied by a immense multi limbed robot repairing other regular sized autonotoms including undying. The Chief Engineer’s corpse rest here, sitting next to a desk similar to the Bioforge Chief’s desk. The desk allows us to deactivate the ‘Swarm’, view personal recordings, control the shutters & the master power! Grasped in his cold hand is another platinum PAS key. True to form, Thorfus ensures the PAS key goes from the dead hand directly into his.

Searching the desk, we find a some loot. One item of note is a wooden box that gives Edan the willies when he handles it. Later we learn the box is enchanted to rattle when a lie is told. We also find a glowing dagger, a wrought gold head band and a pair of bracers. Later these items secrets are also learned. The head band negates mind reading and sending for the wearer and the ‘My Fortress’ bracers keep the wearer protected when the embossed golden runes are traced by a finger. Chuq pockets the bracers and Edan keeps the headband on his formerly bare head.

Thorfus uses the new platinum PAS key to access the chief engineers desk controls. We learn the ancient dwarven letters for the various Xen Khel research areas:

D – Bioforge Research Facility

C – Mechanical Research Facility

F – Engineering & Power Facility

G – Pathogen Research Facility

X – Special Research Facility

For each letter, we can cut off power completely, set the power to a percentage or cut off power completely from the desk.

He then reads the remaining recordings of Kalgun Thrust. The recordings tell the story of Kalgun’s last days during the rebellion. He ensured the rebels would not learn anything if engineering fell to them by deleting all but his last recordings from his desk and information reliquary. He set the counter measures that incinerated anyone that enters the facility. He expresses his surprise and disdain of the rebels (‘former slaves’) elementary use of Tran spatial energy. Realizing engineering was woefully isolated, he tooks steps to ensure power to the other facility wass maintained indefinitely to so that they can continue their work well after he and his staff pass away from hunger or more nefarious reasons.

Now we want to know where engineering is located in relationship with the other underground facilities. We extinguish all light sources and cover ourselves so that we may open the shutters and view our location without revealing ourselves. Our prep was for naught, the vista we see is totally unexpected. Instead of the giant mushroom forest cavern we see a hell-scape of magma lakes and erupting lava geysers. The base of the mountain is alive with molten rock (continental drift be damned). Realizing the engineering facility is a death trap for the unsuspecting Finkelworm, Chuq advises So Krates to alert his master to halt his downward tunneling. Obviously we are far below the Bioforge and what we suspect is the Pathogen facilities. 

We debate the merits of severing the power to the last know location of the Dark King’s forces, the Bioforge facility. It is decided to do so, hoping that if anyone is forced to escape into the mushroom cavern, the trip would be very perilous to them. Thorfus does a quick strobe for shits and giggles and shuts the shutters. We lock the door as we leave with Chuq’s silver PAS key.

Returning to the trapped foot locker, it opens without incident after Thorfus uses our new platinum PAS key. Within are broaches, headbands, gems, jewelry, scroll case (summons an elemental) and a glowing long sword. Feeling the scroll case is not trapped, Edan determines the scroll within summons an elemental. Edan dons the new headband and Chuq can no longer read his mind. When Edan swops the new for his other band, his mind is legible to Chuq. Noticing the new long sword glows brighter than swords in his possession, Edan draws the new sword aversively. He feels the sword try to probe his mind. In ancient Dwarven it telepathically asks to his identity, asking for a Kalgun. 

We discuss who among us can endure an intelligent sword and realize the only candidate is Edan. The sword switches different tongues until it begins speaking an archaic version of Elvish. The two begin to converse in earnest. Though insulting and condescending, Edan strokes the swords ego into sharing much about the ancient dwarves. We learn the soul is that of the Chief Engineer’s grandfather, also known as Kalgunn, the ancient empires greatest engineering mind (as he styles himself). Surprised to hear of Marchmain Sithis notoriety in this age, we learn Kalgunn regards him as a rival. He blames the fall of the Empire to hacks like Marchmain, his grandson and Merinthala. 

Edan mentions that Dragons have not been seen in ages which prompts Kalgunn the Elder to hint that one can be found in area X, the special project area! Confirming what we already suspect, he also states we need all four administrator access stones to gain entry to area X where we might see ‘her’ (!the dragon emperor consort!).

Sheathing the sword, we discuss how best to use Kalgunn’s knowledge – realizing Edan can not compel him to cooperate. Edan adopts Kalgunn as his primary weapon (tacitly blessed by our malevolent Overlord). When asked, Kalgun says he is designed specifically to defeat magic and enchanted foes. Their second conversation drifts from early magic users (originally only the dwarves) to the fall of the Crystal Tower. We learn the rebels had “burned away” Xen Teler’s mind. Also, Xen’Khel was their first settlement and that all the dwarfs ultimately are from Xen Teler. We don’t comprehend his actual meaning since he is evasive on the subject. Kalgun is fascinated by the fact that some magic users claim to derive their powers from ‘deities’.

Kalgunn has answered many questions but mostly he taught us we know very little. We sit down to catalogue what else we want to ask him…

Session 84 November 25, 2015

Session 84 November 25, 2015

After healing we have Deric rest so that he can do another round of healing. 

During our first watch, Edan decides to scout to the north and is surprised to see a flaming cart hurdling south. A monkey rides above the flames with something clutched between it’s legs. As it rushes by him, the monkey drops into the flames within the cart’s bucket. Upon striking our barricade, Belroar is close enough to reach into the cart but only fumbles futilely after the object the monkey had held in its legs. A roaring explosion occurs. Belroar and part of our barricade are damaged by the blast. 

Badly damaged, we do our best to patch up Belroar. Thorfus prepares for the next monkey incursion by changing the nearest track switch to send a cart away from our camp site. We also move our barricade further north lay a derailing pole across the tracks even further north. Edan continues to scout north as Chuq stands guard nearer the barricade. 

After Edan returns to report his findings, we use a heal potion on Belroar then wait for Deric to rest & memorize his spells. After healing up, we explore the first forge room to the north. A single gorilla autonotom is still in this room. He doesn’t respond to our explorations. After some debate we decide to leave him after we have stuffed material into the monkey bolt hole in the east wall. For good measure, we spike the connecting trapdoor to the west of this room. 

While we move our barricade north, we decide to secure a ladder bridge spanning an underground chasm to our north guarded by two monkeys. Chuq shadow steps with Edan and Thorfus behind the monkeys, attacking with surprise. When these two are defeated, a hidden pair of monkeys ascend the southern chasm wall then sever the bridge tie downs on that side. 

The three Boyz “stranded” to the north watch as Axel and Belroar confront those two. Edan and Thorfus try to help with several missiles with mixed success. Actually little success if one asks Axel the hedgehogs side of the story! Belroar repairs the ladders bridge’s southern connection after the second pair of monkeys are defeated. 

Shortly after, a third pair of monkeys enter stage right, pushing an empty mine cart along the tracks directly towards the Boyz south of the ladder bridge. A fight ensues, Sturloc is laid low by this third pair. A quick group shadow step outflanks them, allowing us to render aid soon enough to save his life. 

While we recover from the mayhem, Belroar and Edan successfully activate the mining cart’s drive motors and decide to go for a ride. They disappear to the east. When next we see them, their cart is hurtling westward along the cart tracks to our north. A short round to the north over a vast open space brings their ride to a halt at a terminus guarded by – you guessed it – another pair of Monkeys! Bathed in moon light from a short tunnel to the north, they duel blades versus fists. 

The mountain shakes, a rumble surrounds us, the floor shakes and dust rains from above. Something BIG is happening.

Valiantly, Thorfus pursues the Thugee cart at his best sprint speed. Running along the elevated cart tracks, he joins the melee as one of the monkeys scampers over the edge near the terminus. Thorfus scurries after the Monkey, descending down to a floor carpeted with various metal gears, cogs and machine parts. The other Boyz collect themselves and follow northward.

As both monkeys are slain, another deafening thunder shakes the mountain. A giant shape burst from the gear strewn floor, casting a lunar sized shadow over the gawking Thorfus. The shape rises, rises and rises. Through the dust we can all see from our different places a undulating giant mechanical tower swaying over the tiny Thorfus. The immense snake like machine is capped with three arms tipped with spinning giant spiked wheels. Behind the spinning rock crushing wheels, we can see what look like an ancient dwarf fused into the mechanic. An abomination similar to the Bioforge research chief engineer. We can see a control circlet on the head of the ancient dwarf! 

From the north and the east, the Boyz array themselves for the struggle to come. Thorfus does the same by pressing our favorite button. Cheers reverb about the chamber as we see twenty different versions of our leader slash or lunge or thrust the construct’s flailing head. A head that has flailed it’s last this day. 

As is our way, we swarm about the construct trying to divine its secrets. Belroar extricates the ancient dwarven fused into the machine. Curious, no one bothers to offer the corpse any last rights. The machine itself is made of the same special metal as the portal control chairs and library cube pedestals. We consider dismantling some pieces to sell to Marchmain but decide against it. We’d rather find a way to use the construct ourselves. Hoping to do so, Thorfus dons the control circlet the corpse had worn. He immediately faints!

He recovers quickly after we remove it from his brow. Belroar offers to give it a try. Variously, we remind Belroar that the dwarves have first, second and only access to ancient dwarven artifacts. Demurely, he acquiesces. 

Edan explores the moonlight to the north and discovers the cavern exits at the southern Colossi supporting the western Xen Khel stone bridge.

Session 81 11/03/15

Session 81 11/03/15 

6:00 pm 16th of Galrilden

The Boyz have wrapped up the loot auction with Marchmain and have cautiously listened to his private dissertation with unspoken suspicion. They are dismissed along with Idony after the level training details are settled. 

Once outside, Idony obviously has something she wants to discuss. Chuq notices their pause and slinks close enough to hear the conversation over the light rain. After inviting Edan to return the next day for training, Thorfus prompts her and she opens up. She explains that her former Master, the Wizard/Illusionist (??) Jagger (aka Mick to the Boyz) has sent a letter inviting her to return to his employ. For more privacy, we all agree to retire to her “Tower” before discussing anything further.

Within the Tower, she explains that Jagger is a Gnomish Imperial expatriate who holds domain to the north. She left his tutelage because his human experiments revolted her. Jagger is trying to recreate the ancient Dwarven bioforge efforts but his work has yet to succeed. As the deaths from his failures continued, she fled from the madness to Xen Khel where she sold her skills to the adventurers that used to reside here. Since the adventurers have left, Marchmain has retained her services and it appears notified Jagger of her current situation. By her account and the letter from Jagger, we learn that not only do Jagger and Marchmain correspond but Silver Throne supplies his lab rats (read people or Grell’s Lambs) from the throngs of laborers that they move through his domain to the Glavnone mines. The same mines that Suttung the Fire Giant resides. Jagger’s letter also mentions ST has asked him to research the same unique metal unearthed from the Lonely Isle (Crystal Tower dig) that Suttung also works with. Disinterested, it seems he hasn’t researched the metal at all. 

Jagger thinks that since the new subjects are willing, or at least pliable, she would be more comfortable returning. Sounds like the new ST subjects might be modern undying horde? Jagger’s letter also mentions he dealt with the Bagemen’s Guild at the time when Idony separated. After much deliberation, we suggest Idony politely decline Jagger’s offer and continue in Marchmain’s service. 

The next fortnight is very eventful. Between training with Idony during the first week, Edan consults with Finkelmur and learns many new skills. The most exciting of which is finding his first familiar, Boris, a playful Russian (whatever that is…) blue cat! Belroar completes all of his ongoing projects. Axel and Thorfus become fixtures in the Sleeping Colossus, quickly becoming local celebrates due to the countless rounds on the house put on Thorfus’ tab.

Rumor mill tells of strange metal creatures west of Vargen driving away the local people into the port city. We hear of the former Xen Khel adventurers employed by Peter Thorell in a series of fortification improvements for Vargen, no doubt funded by the Dragon hoard he seized from Rotho Waterman. It seems the Brother’s of the World Forge and ecclesiastes of Murender in Newton are being overwhelmed by undead and their days are numbered. There is more news of Devil Fish harassing shipping in the bay of Midmark causing the overland route between Vargen and Midmark to thrive. The Mercer’s coffers are growing. Alain Grell’s has become 2nd most wanted by the Midmark Navy. Ogres and Goblins have devastated Seahill village. Hill Giants have extorted the Town of Scale, but no one has heard from Scale since!

In popular culture, eager fans are anxious to learn if valiant Militia Captain Talon can rescue his damsel Lady Em from the clutches of the Dragon Emperor! 

Chuq spends his time alone, trying his best to learn the techniques of a Master of the Order of the Celestial Dragon. That is until the evening of the 22nd, when the venerable Master Dain walks through the door of the Sleeping Colossus. After quick introductions and drinks are served he gets right to it. 

Caton Elerio was found by the MidMark navy adrift right outside the harbor of Midmark. Her ship, the Bawdy Bachelor, was apparently beset by Devil Fish with her as the only survivor. The rub is that signs of armed conflict were noticed by the rescuers as well as an abandoned launch from the Bawdy Bachelor discovered south of MidMark city. When these happenings came to light, Lord Thorton commissioned Master Dain to investigate. Knowing the Bawdy Bachelor was hired by Peter Thorell of the Bargeman’s Guild of Vargen to transport Caton, he started in Vargen. Thorell claimed ignorance and sent Dain north to Xen Khel to consult with us. 

We explained Caton left Xen Khel with Immaculate Rostrom’s aged head, the letters of introductions from Marchmain to Thorell implicating Thorell’s connection with ST slavers and in the company of our former Mercer allies from Vargen. Considering the Mercers are currently openly allied with the Bargeman’s Guild, their treachery is obvious. Thinking her safe, we sent Caton away in the hands of death! He agrees to complete Chuq’s advancement to Master. 

Over the the next four days, Chuq’s tells him of our adventures here in Xen Khel and of our quest to interfere with ST’s plans to resurrect Xeno Tel. Learning of the Dark King’s Undying Hordes, the Imperial Gnome Jagger’s experiments, ST’s lonely isle Crystal Tower restoration then magically scrying with Thorfus’ mask, Master Dain sets off to report our findings directly to Lord Thorton. Finkelmur agrees to make him invisible before leaving (with 7,500 gp in precious gems from Chuq’s share of the loot auction and a year’s worth of rent for the Boys Townhouse from Thorfus’ purse), hopefully it will keep him safe. Before parting, Master Dain tells of the missing Grand Master Brum Langiston, last known to sail off to investigate a prospective new location for our Order’s Monastery. He commissions Chuq to return any news of the GM to our leadership in MidMark City. 

By the last day of Galrilden, Axel is once again a Mymidon, Chuq is a Master, Edan is a Conjurer and Thorfus is a Champion. We have had a second interview with Marchmain to better understand his expectations of us now that we are aware of the SilverThrone’s struggle with Imperial agents in Curasor. Our gear, provisions and adventuring tools have been replenished. Belroar has bagged three jaguars, a mated pair and their soon to be orphan. Since the cub was too feral, it’s orphanage is mercifully short…

On the 1st of Faurilden, our party marches through the Dwarven held districts on the mountain top until they meet a band of SilverThrone badged warriors loitering on the far end of the bridge nearest the Sister’s Temple. Lionet and Finnin briefly speak with Thorfus while Belroar pricks their ire. Irritated at his insolence, they walk off as Belroar taunts them further. After a quick exchange with the Temple guard, we descend the spiral ramp to the Hall of Pillars.

Curses! Our boots and cloaks of elvenkind have lost their enchantment while on the surface! Belroar’s inspection tells us that no others have entered under city since our last foray. Past the Hall of Pillars we can hear a rhythmic banging of metal on metal. Belroar notices recent monkey autonatom tracks. Temporarily ignoring this, we head to Lupa’s lair to report on our time above. Axel dons his power armor while we speak with her about Marchmain and other happenings during the last two weeks. She continues to encourage us to secure the under city to keep the evil within. Understanding we feel threatened by the machinations of the Monkeys, she agrees we should address them before we return to the Ancient Dwarven research bases. 

Before heading west to Hunt the Monkey, Hey Hey Hey!, we lean our load by leaving a stockpile with Lupa. 

Session 72 September 2, 2015

Session 72 September 2, 2015

The party is unceremoniously escorted out of the Dwarven HQ/mansion. Thorfus speaks with Idony about the behavior of the SilverThrone private troops (not a friendly bunch, about a handful) She wanted to speak with Marchmain about a personal matter but he left before she could speak with him. On the way out, Thorfus greets the men milling about the wagon. The one who talks, knows Thorfus. They are with Mercers with Odard & Adelard Pickard. Odard has been in the SilverThrone base for hours since a little after dawn. 

News – Alain Grell pirate in Midmark bay, Newton on the mend, Sea Hill is plagued by Ogres and Goblins, Scale has problems with Giants. Thorfus returns within the mansion to ask after Odard but is told that he won’t be available until after his meeting with Marchmain.

Returning to the adventurer’s quarter through the upper city, Thorfus speaks with various Xenilum Khel guards about Ogres, Goblins and Giants harassing village close to Xenilum Khel. He is taunting them by suggesting they would be better used pacifying the countryside. Those he speaks with are confident the problem will be dealt with eventually.

First stop is the Sleeping Colossus for baths and hot food. The patrons are all Dwarves but one elderly human. After the baths Throfus speak with the elderly human, Ancelm Wardele an apothecary. Thorfus buys him a drink of mead. Thus starts several rounds on the house by Thorfus, wetting tongues and loosening lips. The dwarves in the colossus are more concerned about the Ogres and Giants but are confident they will get what’s coming to them. He learns there are a good number of clans moving to the lonely isle. It’s not very clear why the clans are moving but their absence is as good a reason as any for Ogres, Goblins and Giants milling about. 

Thorfus checks on the activity of the upper city via the scrying mask. He notices one dwarf warrior in chain mail with what might be a Silver Throne insignia.

Odard and Adelard eventually arrive and join the Boyz for some drinks. Odard was sent by Peter Thorell and Phyllis Chaumbire to express Vargen’s displeasure that the lower city is closed to adventurers. The adventurers passing through Vargen was a source of income for all of Vargen. Thorfus feels out Odard and learns that Phyllis Chaumbire might like to know about Thorell’s connection with Marchmain. 

Caton Elerio arrives and asks after Chuq after Odard has drifted off. Thorfus explains Chuq’s situation. She wants to petition for his release. Thorfus advises caution. The party less Barmyr leave the Sleeping Colossus for the Raptor lair after Caton agrees to help in other ways. 

At the Raptor lair, Belroar notes that as many as six dwarves have inspected the lower city entrance. Araqiel explains his impressions of Marchmain and Chuq (who’s mind was no longer at the meeting). Then they return to the lower city (noting the autonatom wreck is smaller and missing an arm) to report and introduce Caton to the Naga. Caton is introduced to Derick and the Sister. She agrees to carry the Marchmain letters to Midmark. On the way back a movement to the south draws us to investigate. 

Belroar leads the way, following tracks 120 feet south pass three intersection. He turns to the east, after a short passage it opens into a 30 x 30 empty room. He is sure their prey came this way. Pons notices a small secret door where the trail ends. A secret doggie door! There is a small tunnel 3’ high, 3’ wide leading straight away. Deciding we all can’t follow the trail, the door is spiked on our side. We’re so nice…

Back at the Raptor lair, we obscure our tracks. Belroar adds Gorilla paws to the tracks. The Boyz head back to the estate after escorting Caton to the Sleeping Colossus. Odard and Adelard agree to escort Caton back to Vargen, not aware Caton has Marchmain’s missives. 

The next morning, our familiar look outs report a sizeable contingent of Dwarves marched directly into the Raptor Lair and after a seismic disturbance, they return to the upper city. That afternoon the Mercers and Caton leave for Vargen. 

On the third day next, while Axel, Talon, Belroar, Fitz and Finkelmur are training/trading spells, Thorfus reels from a knock on his noggin. Spinning at the ready with sword in hand, he is startled to see a blood caked bedraggled (and somewhat over ripe) Chuq sporting a lopsided grin. Thorfus can’t keep his eyes off of Chuq’s postulant and puckered head. The golden mind reading skull cap is melted into Chuq’s head, the surrounding skin burnt and rancid. The Mercs lounging about are sent for hot water, soup and food while the two Boys compare stories. 

During the following days, in between training and provisioning for the next delve into the lower city, Chuq’s tale is shared with all the Boyz. They know Thorfus’s dead uncle Dolman’s spirit explained that while Chuq was invisible and unconscious, his mind was in a dream inside a prison, a dream of a real place. The prison was Xeno Tel’s, an ancient dwarven machine corrupted by the rebels. It is also his fortress where his true self is preserved. Only by removing the rebel corruption will Xeno Tel be able to escape. An outside signal recently woke him from his millennia long slumber. 

Xeno Tel needs Chuq to carry something back into the real world. This is learned when Dolman had Chuq witness Xeno Tel interrogate, then destroy Thorfus. Dolman explained he is a false memory for Thorfus that Xeno Tel allows to exist, fated to meet then watch Thorfus die at the hands of Xeno Tel thousands of times over. 

Dolman’s last lesson is that the prison/fortress contains an information cube library of all the ancient followers of Xeno Tel (the Rightous). They are literally saved and Xeno Tel wants to loose them on the world. Chuq is shown one such cube, saved in a place of honor separate from the multitude. Reading the ancient dwarven script through Dolman’s mind, it is labeled “Marchmain Sivis, First Consort to Matriarch Captain Anglana, Master Architect of the Crystal Tower, and Chief of Intelligence for XenoTel2.

Naturally we are all concerned that Chuq has already carried “something” to the real world as he easily escaped from the SilverThrone HQ by shadow stepping out of his bonds and out into the city of Xen Khel. What does it mean that Xeno Tel amuses himself by destroying Thorfus over and over again? We were all leery about Marchmain but no one ever thought he was an ancient returned to the world of the living. Araquil has little to add. We hope Derich and the Sister can help. All we have to do is slip Chuq past Marchmain back into the lower city…. 

Session 68 August 5, 2015

Session 68 August 5, 2015

7:40 am 4th of Galrilden.

The party is strewn all the way from the elevator locker room through the demolished gallery pedestal room along the connecting southern microwave airlock pass the portal octagon, the western microwave airlock and it’s adjoining administrative hallway and finally what appears to be a security office. Belroar and Finkelmur can see Axel, Chuq and Thorfus recovering from their melee with Power Armored undead Dwarven security officer through the window in the administrative hallway. The three are scrumaging among the debris and furnishing piled over the elevator in the NE corner of the security office. Axel and Thorfus secure the power armor as Chuq examines the doors to the north and west in the office. 

Meanwhile in the administrative hallway, Shadows cast by the floor lighting coalesce into humanoid shapes! The Shadows move threateningly towards the Boys in the administrative hallway. At about the same time a ground shaking rumble is felt and heard from beyond the closed door to the portal octagon. 

Fitz watches on in horror as a column of flame erupts from the floor of the portal octagon engulfing the space previously occupied by Alick de la Porte, Arus, Filthas and Recusson. The flame cracks and buckles the ceiling as the flame rush upwards. Swept up by the thermals, the victims’ ashes rain down on a mortified Fritz and a chanting Haranth. Realizing we are betrayed, Fritz lets fly with a Sleep Spell. Haranth shrugs off the attack.

In the administrative hallway, Zelina is felled by a shadowy attacker. They are not affected by normal weapons and resist natural and magical light. Working as a team, the Boys with magic weapons safeguard their compatriots. As one shadow after another is vanquished, we realize all are dwarven in shape. Possibly more of Derick’s work… 

Owyn, Laurente and Talon notice the action in portal octagon through the arrow slits. They rush to the octagon, surrounding Haranth. Each attempt to strike the bastard is a focused act of will. Haranth’s dwoemer keeps him alive the whole time the Boys are engaging the shadow. Fitz dashes to the west microwave airlock to alerts the Boys in the Administrative hallway about Haranth’s betrayal. We are still mopping up the shadows as he arrives.

In the portal octagon, Haranth says a command to Talon. Our loyal sergeant of arms side steps, allowing Haranth to dart away to the south. Uthruk, Chuq, Belroar, Grip and Fang pursue Haranth past the dead giant lizard, through the southern door and the shimmering blue portal into the jungles of northeastern MidMark.

Haranth is spry for an old guy, it takes some time to overtake him. All the same, Grip makes sure this was Haranth’s last day on Earth. It wasn’t necessary his god’s fangs but his life did end the way he wanted. For good measure, Talon delivered the coup de grace.

Catching our breath over the lifeless Haranth, Uthruk explains he is ready to parts ways with us. Belroar and Chuq express their regrets to see him go. Uthruk patches up Chuq one last time and wanders off into the foliage. 

Back at the Xen Khel research base, Zelina is stabilized while Thorfus and Axel organize the Mercs. The party loot carried by Haranth’s victim’s is recovered, some is intact and some coins are melted slag. It’s doled out amongst the survivors. Unfortunately, there is nothing left of their bodies to recover. Not even bones or teeth!

The Power Armored undead dwarf had a Copper security key about his neck. We use it to activate portal in the octagon. All together, the Boys return to the temple below Xen Khel.

The quick eyed Belroar notices heavy dwarven strided foot prints that approach the portal arch. They all go towards the portal, none return. Thorfus uses his portal stone and copper key to deactivate the portal chair. We hope this will strand those Dwarves on the other side. Before leaving, he confirms the throne is deactivated by attempting to use the portal stone only. The throne was unresponsive. No one else should be leaving this way either. 

The Boys begin the march to the surface. We send Socrates to scout the hall of pillars before us. He reports that there are signs of battle in the hall. We approach in force expecting trouble. Belroar deduces that a dozen dwarves were involved in the fracas. He also notices marks of a large snake contemporary with the battle. He is confident these dwarven foot prints are different than those about the portal throne room.

Thorfus uses the scrying mask. All he learns is that Xen Khel is currently shrouded by clouds at this time. Now we have a choice to make. Return the way we came, knowing full well that our agreement with Marhmain has not been honored OR seek out the potentially wounded and angry Naga to conduct our pre arranged parley after apologizing for being late OR slip out via the Raptor route. Which will it be?