If Ronan allows Chuq a moment with the skull cap, he will ask the Night Court some confidential questions via Brice…

If Ronan allows Chuq a moment with the skull cap, he will ask the Night Court some confidential questions via Brice about Thorfus:

1. Like Brice Hissell & Marchmain Sithis, the Xen Tel machine has captured Thorfus Ironhand’s and his uncle Dolman’s souls. Does Brice know if either souls are reincarnations from the time of the Dwarven empire or contemporaries of her own lifetime as we know them?

2. If they are her contemporaries, Chuq can deduce how Xen Tel acquired Thorfus’ soul, does Brice know how Xen Tel captured Dolman’s soul?

3. How does she feel about Xen Tel capturing her soul?

4. How does she feel about Xen Tel torturing and tormenting Thorfus’ soul?

5. Did Xen Tel capture Chuq’s soul?

6. If yes, how does she feel about that?

7. Has Xen Tel ever threaten her or her afterlife?

8. Is she concerned that Xen Tel might torture her soul as he does Thorfus and Dolman?

9. Has Xen Tel made any promises to or about Throfus Ironhand?

10. What was her opinion of Throfus Ironhand before her death?

11. What was her opinion of Axel Rhumkul before her death?

12. Did Xen Tel capture Axel’s soul?

13. What is the Dark King’s actual identity? Which Lord Marshal was/is he/her?

14. Does she know which/who is the current vessel of the Dark King? (ie, and Islander, Colonial, or Undying?)

15. Does she know the identity(ies) of the Dark King’s lieutenants?

17. What is the Dark King’s mission/agenda and how does it help or rival Marchmain Sithis’?

18. Has she ever considered the fate of the Brother’s of the World Forge if her Xen Tel Crusade succeeds? What did she think/feel about their fate?

19. Does she know of any other reincarnations from the Ancient Dwarven empire? If yes, who and where are they?

20. Chuq will solicit any comments/opinions/theories from the Night Court about any of these questions.

Session 119

Session 119

Midnight, 28th of Jourilden, 26 hours before the first high tide before the double high tide.  

The party collects itself at the cafeteria centered in the largest underwater dome. While they deliberate with each other, the shark men linger about curiously. Chuq demonstrates the curse is lifted by moving a severed giant squid tentacle within the zone of animation. The shark men are relieved and eager to move south to the sword of Dagon dome.

We decide to investigate the ‘metal fish’ before leaving, At the NW diving well, we learn how to shift the metal fish slung in its cradle about the room by via tracks in the ceiling where the sling is anchored. When the ventral side hatch can be reached, Thorfus and Edan explore within the metal fish. Behind the hatch is a 4’ x 4’ space with a windowed hatch leading further forward into the fish. Past the windowed hatch is another 4’ x 4’ space with a dorsal viewing port looking mostly forward and a control surface with 10 buttons lit with power next to a lever flanked by two pairs of seats. Behind a panel if the fore wall is where Edan discovers the fish’s power supply. Indicator lights imply the fish has less than a quarter capacity remaining.  

Edan also discovers a hidden panel that telescopes out with a crystal cylinder containing a plant within labelled as O3 generation micro-algae carbon scrubber — 294314. When asked, Kalguun suggest Nola Davendoor of Xen K’hel would know more about this devise. Edan and Thorfus teach themselves how to control the fish by observing how it responds when actuating the controls. The two decide to take a ride in the submersible and wait patiently as Cannis, Chuq and Ronin do their best to free the craft from it’s cradle. They can hear the three fumble about via the Broachie Talkie. Eventually the ruckus attracts the shark men who express their desire to report to Sha-Ki. Ronan frees the fish by severing the cradle’s chains allowing Thorfus and Edan with most of the gear and monkeys to drive south as Cannis, Chuq and Ronan swim with the shark men.  

Sha-Ki is happy to see us, especially since our success fulfills Dagon’s promise. His fervor waxes as he encourages us to take the sword of Dagon to ‘strike down the surface dwellers who do not follow Dagon”. We are invited to join their celebratory feast of the recently undead.

Moving our meeting to the hanging air pockets so that Chuq can speak to Carchus without the ESP skull cap, we convince Sha-Ki’s people to run off the sea hags and trolls guarding the wreck in the cover, move the sword of Dagon to the beach for us, collect any unclaimed treasure from the now clean waters about the domes to the north and deliver much more water breathing corral. Chuq promises to tell our tale only to Carchus, so that he has first distribution and copy rights. Carchus also learns that Cannis ‘isn’t so dumb’ either!

The shark men excuse us from their feast which lasts for some time. The feeding frenzy bloodies the water and causes collateral damage to the smaller, younger or weaker shark people. Left to ourselves, Ronan agrees to wear the skull cap to speak with the night court. Considering he is the least threatening if they possess the wearer like Brice had.

Our parley is long. It bears validations and confirmations as well as new troubles and options.

The Night Court, speaking through Serithaz only this time, is doing fine and the one before (Brice Hissel) is contained, their transfer into the skull cap went well. They have ‘spun out’ Brice into many iterations: one that was broken; one that was tortured; one that is mindless and the original. They can also collate the iterations into a version that can answer any questions we have.

Probing further, Serithaz shares with us what the Night Court has learned from Brice: She died quite young at 254 years old in her first and only consecutive life. The timing of this death coincides with when the party slew her in the under city of Xen K’hel. She was found by Marchmain as an acolyte and was raised by him when he gave her the holy symbol that allowed Xeno Tel to speak with her remotely. Her first mission was with a previous group that she had ambushed then planned to do the same to us. Her Holy Symbol was made of same material as the information reliquaries which allowed Xeno Tel to speak with her directly. Before her death, Xeno Tel cultivated her as his agent and encouraged her help in his plans. Marchmain had decided the Starchie Boys would be the best bet to find the lost anti-virus cure. We had a better success rate than Marchmain’s own soldiers. Brice was meant to deliver the anti-virus to Marchmain herself or subsequent to her death, via a possessed Chuq.

Brice knew Marchmain had initially died when the crystal tower fell and that the dwarf we met was that ancient soul in a new body. After her death, Brice within the ESP skull cap, used Chuq’s body to communicate with Marchmain about our anti-virus adventure. He was unconcerned that we overloaded the pathogen research facility and slew the catatonic Praxilthalmus, expressing only slight annoyance. Since the party acted precipitously, he couldn’t respond in time. Whenever the party returned to Xen K’hel, Chuq’s possessed body would contact Marchmain to report on our adventures below the city.

Xeno Tel had recently awoken sometime during the last Tenrilden, contacted by ‘those beyond the stars’. He was forced to sequester himself within a section of his orbital palace to escape Praxilthalmus’ virus. Xeno and Marchmain are concerned about the magical orbs that prevent their transports from reaching Xeno Tel’s orbital palace, since Praxilthalmus’ virus turned them against Xeno Tel.

Through Serithaz, the night court agrees to work with us against Marchmain and Xeno Tel. Their first priority is to keep the Anti-virus cure away from Xeno Tel’s orbital palace. If it was delivered and successful, Xeno Tel could then prepare the way for the others beyond the stars. Those others wish to visit Media to the detriment of all non-Dwarves. (Thorfus is somewhat taciturn during this part of the conversation) Not a person or dwarf, Xeno Tel is the machine that controls the orbital palace or the gate keeper. Perhaps if the need were great, delivering the night court to the orbital palace might allow them to overwhelm/confront Xeno Tel maybe even wresting control of the palace from him! Admittedly, this possibility is only conjecture at this time. Since Araquel has animated the dead similarly to how they have, it is thought the secrets of the virus can be unlocked from Praxilthalmus’ corpse. Allowing Marchmain other attempts at an Anti-Virus cure.  Angry that Praxilthalmus left with Araquel, Marchmain told Brice was to immediately contact him if the party found her body again. Marchmain is worried that she is alive.

Next we speak of Kalgunn the Elder. He knows more than want they have learned but currently has defenses up. Kalgunn has lied (has always lied) about his abilities and intentions, knowledge of Xeno Tel and the cataclysmic event(?). Like a machine manipulating us for what is coming. His primary goal is survival and secondary dominance. He wants electricity from Xen Khel but they don’t know exactly why. Kalgunn is strong but they might bluff him to reveal more. Sounds like a job for Edan. Whatever the cataclysm is, it approaches soon. Kalgunn is worried he won’t survive this cataclysm which is why want to know what it is.

Araquel’s power, like their own, comes from Lysander. Lysander, the ancient dragons who’s sloughed off scales are what they are??? They are what’s left of Lysander so they are one with her. When asked about the Dragon Orb in Gronk’s possession, they dismiss it’s risk since the ancient Dragon Orbs where never powerful enough to effect the Ancient Ones: Azreal (Dragon Emperor); Prixithalmus (Emperor’s Consort), Lysander & Dagon (deity of the Shark Men, lost to the deepest deep). The dragon orbs only control the Dwarven bioforged wingless dragons like the river dragons under Gronsk’s sway. The monk feels a little dragon envy at that….

The night court and Brice don’t believe Kalgunn has spoken to Marchmain. Marchmain is aware of Kalgunn from Brice and told her he doesn’t want Kalgunn near the anti-virus cure. Since Kalgun regards Marchmain as a rival, it makes sense to us.

Marchmain’s designs hinge on transporting the cure to the orbital palace. Protecting the magical orbital orbs from the anti-virus or any other threats is our best course.

Xeno Tel is the original program controlling the orbital palace. Xen Teler is the corrupted program resulting from Praxithalmus’ virus. Azreal did not know Xeno Tel had survived.

They are curios why Drays & Gronsk are involved with Mermen succession and will advise us after we have parleyed with Drays when we return to Midmark.

Session 116 July 7, 2016

Session 116 July 7, 2016

10:30 am 27th of Joureldon, in the larger dome where we first met the Sahuagin fighting the undead.

Cannis and Chuq supervise the shark men removing the undead pinned to the walls. They establish a butchering spot south of the marked animation line near the cafeteria. A monkey autonotom notices crabmen to the north who quickly take note of us. The pair are felled easily. Then Chuq and Ronan discover a flailing sea lion behind another door to the north. It bloodies their noses before falling to Thorfus’ sword.

Ronin discovers notes about the Sword of Dagon. We meander about to allow Edan the time to copy text from the crumbling aged papers. We explore a diving well room north easterly adjacent to the dome. Above the pool of sea water is a 10’ x 20’ metal cigar shaped tube suspended by chains attached to the ceiling. It has fans on one end and a clear window on the opposite end of a downward facing hatch. There is a panel on the eastern wall of this room that has five unlit buttons.

Markings on the cigar attract Edan’s attention. He consults Kalgunn who identifies the word Telergy as some sort of sigil for a specific group of Ancient Dwarves. Kalgunn explains Telergy (or Xeno Telergy) was short hand for a group that used the ancient dwarven metal found in circlets, cubes and portals to control living things. They had a complimentary group that used the same metal to control constructs like monkey, repair and assembly autonatoms. This other group was known as Xeno Teler.

Continuing our exploration when Edan is done, we find a man with the face of a manta ray. Once he sees us, he begins to casts a spell. A hail of missiles and blows ends his days. Another silver inquistor mask falls off its skull, which we pocket. We find his spell book(s), a silver passkey and notes that talk of an imperial discovery and exploration of the domes. There was minimal power at that time. The Imperials found mad devil fish elders in containment which shortly died. They conducted more experiments on freshly caught devil fish. Eventually, the Imperial researchers went mad and had to be put down.

The notes mention that the containment would not be taken off line until further notice, likely to keep something dangerous sequestered. Other notes talk of the promising nature of the sonic explosive in another dome and their intent to use the manufactory facility to make more devices. Seems the imperials where planning to turn on the manufacturing machines a next morning but we deduce the written rumor of Baldrich Evekeel learning of the research domes when he had captured the Dervish Citadel on Lonely Isle put a timely stop to that plan.

Edan reads the following Spells in the book(s):

1st: Jump; Friends; Shocking Grasp; Magic Missile; Read Magic

2nd: Mirror Image; Web; Invisibility; Darkness 15’ Radius

3rd: Haste; Fireball

Monkeys are tasked with repairing the lift doors in the undead magician’s room so that we aren’t surprised. Ronan climbs the lift shaft to peer at the floor directly above. He sees a dead withered garden centered with a giant heroic statue of a dwarf champion standing over a vanquished sinuous winged dragon. The garden is capped by the crystal of the underwater dome. Draped over the statue is a giant squid, no doubt undead. Strewn about the garden are about 10 flopping undead beached Mermen.

When asked, Kalgunn tells us that the statue is Xeno Tel standing victorious Lysander the green dragon, a common motif for Imperial Statuary. After the monkeys have repaired the lift door, we return to the central cafeteria to explore further west. The squid and Merman seem more than we can chew at this time.

Imagine our surprise as we leap upon a lonely undead man behind a deak, he survives our initial assault and is quickly joined by a horde of undead creatures. Oh, and they brought a sea troll.

Session 115 July 13th, 2016

Session 115 July 13th, 2016

6:00pm 26th of Jourelden – surrounded by sharks and Sahaugin (shark men).

Later the next day, we learn our attendant Shark Man is named Sah-Jin. He arrives shortly after Ronan’s victim is chum in the water. Miming at the party and repeatedly pointing at our sleeping druid, Cannis, it appears he wants us all to sleep while his brethren munch on the soon to be dead Gooter the Kaligan slaver. After our slumber, somehow, we will then speak with Carchus and a shark man lord/leader. Sah-Jin’s attention makes Gooter uneasy. We are loath to giving another man over to them. Well, that is all of us except Ronin. Feigning our possible heroic intervention, Thorfus encourages Gootter to talk to save his own skin.

Gooter talks about Alain Grell’s plan to sell the experimental vessel to SilverThrone but they weren’t interested. It is curious that they didn’t feel the need to keep the propulsion method out of the empire’s clutches. Grell had called the experimental vessel the ‘Wrath of the Waves’ though we didn’t notice any armament or armor on board her. About a dozen independent pirate ships and crews that plague the waters about Angmar’s Folly were ostensibly allied with Alain. His personally commanded fleet was five vessels that included the Cranky Archer & the Pale Hydra (both likely lost during the Empire’s naval attack).

Gooter describes a tall, skinny, old, white goateed man with a cultivated accent known as the Gardener, no doubt an Imperial contact who had enlisted the dervish assassins responsible for Thorrell’s murder. Chuq shares Gutter’s personal impression of the Gardener with Thorfus, who recognizes the man as Jardin. Gootter claims the Gardener sails under sails with the Red Crescent, an Imperial sigil.

Pragmatically, Chuq explains the mortality of Gooter’s imminent future and offers the Boys will hear his last words and consider fulfilling any last wishes. Gootter says his last words and asks that his soon to be widow, Virginia be comforted. Since Thorrell is now dead, any potential solace will only likely come from us. At best we might visit her closure if we find ourselves back in Vargen. Edan ends the interview by stabbing Gutter with a dagger at the top of his spine. The body drops below our pen as a shiver of young shark kids frenzy over the still warm body. Sah-Jin expresses pride over the antics of one of the kids, sharing images of it’s cannibalistic origins with Chuq.

The party spends the next few hours waiting on Carchus’ return. Some sleep while Chuq and Thorfus keep watch. During this time, Chuq speaks with a random shark. We learn the local shaman shark man, Sha-Ki has foretold of land dwellers cleansing the ‘bad water’ for Dagon’s children. Unfortunately the local lore doesn’t have a parallel to the Mahdi, so Chuq fails to persuade the sharks he is the actual true Voice of Dagon.

Edan’s rest is uneasy though. When he wakes, his mind is distracted by wailing and lamentations of being shut from the world within a dark quite chest. He grumbles about other fantastic visions but doesn’t share the details with us, his only true friends.

Eventually Chuq senses the overly proud and chipper sand shark arrive within the dome. Not long after that, Sah-Jin delivers more water breathing corrals to the party. The party swims to an enclosure hugging the southern dome wall where we meet Carchus and the aforementioned Sha-Ki, the shark man lord imagined by Sah-Jin. Carchus and Chuq interpret so that Sha-Ki and the Boyz can parley. As per the random shark’s story, Sha-Ki expects us to ‘clean the bad water’ in exchange for the sword of Dagon, which he expects us to ‘to conguer the surface in the name of Dagon’.

The sword of Dagon is a large lozenge suspended over the floor by chains in the room we are in. Based on our visual inspection and Sha-Ki’s answers, we deduce the Sword of Dagon is actually an ancient Dwarven underwater sonic weapon (more like a mine or bomb) and that this particular dome is not only a testing/proving ground but also a manufactory for the weapon. We attempt to parley not only the sword but the entire dome as payment for our services, but Sha-Ki is reticent to abandon the Dagon’s ‘promise land’. We plant the seed that they just might have to if we are expected to fulfill the ‘conquer the surface in the name of Dagon’ part of the prophecy. The ‘bad water’ as described is undoubtedly another Kaligan/BioForge undead curse, albeit possibly the largest we have encountered to date. Confident we are the men for the job, we agree to cleanse the water after suggesting the Shark Men turn over all terrestrial items they found when settling within the domes. Sha-Ki agrees to the logic that Dagon likely left those items for our benefit. Besides clothing and other trifles, the shark men hand over a small fortune in imperial platinum coins and statuaries.

Edan and Kalgunn examine the sonic weapon, learning a bit of its inner workings, controls and likely usage/testing here in this dome. They interview Carchus about the adjacent tunnel and the sea floor beyond the tunnel. They figure the tunnel leads to a proving ground for the weapon. Carchus description tells that the weapon indiscriminately effects everything in a very large radius. After Carchus mentions a fresh attack on the Midmark navy moored in the hidden bay, we decide Chuq should return topside to assess their condition.

Using his cloak of the manta ray and shadow stepping, Chuq covers the distance ahead of Carchus. Bellisonte and Captain Evenwode tell that while the Bitter Horse was answering a call for help from the Dirty Maid north of the hidden cove, Sea Hags and Trolls boarded the Javelin and slew the entire crew. Worse even, the Bitter Horse wasn’t able to save the Dirty Maid from an assault of undead sharks and shark men. She sunk with a great loss of life. Also, Humprey the cleric has not been seen since yesterday and presumed missing.

Understandably, Captain Evenwode holds the party responsible since his fleet is waiting for either a high tide or our help to free the Wrath of the Waves. Chuq’s assurances that the party is trying to fix the undead problem fall on deaf ears. The captain does agree to the suggestion that the fleet and mercs abandon the cove at dusk to spend the night in safer waters. Pons has ‘volunteered’ to hide in the tower every night on the beach. It’s hoped he will use his hiding skills to observe the beach overnight and alert the returning fleet and mercs if trouble is afoot in the morning.

While the monk is away, the party prepares for our assault. Our monkeys are repaired via the material littered in the dome and more water breathing corral is collected. We set off the next morning joined by a shark man clean up crew and Carchus after Sha-Ki has blessed us all by anointing our persons with fresh killed meat. Funny how their idea of success tends to include red salty water….

Session 113 June 29th, 2016

Session 113 June 29th, 2016

25th of Joureldon 2:50 pm, about ½ hour after the battle.

While mopping up, Admiral Dyconson comes ashore and asks to speak privately. She says the best time to move the experimental vessel would be the 15th of Tanrildon with an secondary alternative 4 days from now. Both days will have higher tides that will help unbeach the vessel. We suggest that Cannis and Edan can magically extricate the vessel sooner without the higher tides. She returns to the Bitterhorse expecting our help the next day as we prepare to enter the tunnel below the broken tower.

We pile our gear and ourselves into the rail cart and have the monkeys push us along the tunnel at a walking pace. About two hundred feet into the tunnel, the arching walls are suddenly sheathed behind a clear 5” thick substance. Edan and Kalgunn discuss the discovery and speculate it might be a strengthening reinforcement or leak proofing of ancient dwarven crystalline technologies. 50’ further along we notice a light glowing from tunnel walls, whose source appears behind the actual walls. Another 50’ and we find a shaft of light cast from the ceiling of the tunnel. Eventually we realize the tunnel is no longer lined with stone but is simply the clear coating and above us can be seen the dark murky waters of the hidden cove.

The tunnel is sectioned every 50 feet by an opened transverse doorway as wide and high as the entire tunnel arch. When we can see beyond the clear sheath around each doorway, we see a stone adjunct extending 10’ perpendicularly to the tunnel in either direction. Undoubtedly the opened doors are nestled within the stone adjuncts. Near each transverse doorway are smaller hatches in the tunnel arch that have circular handles. The hatches alternate at each doorway, either to the left or right sided walls. We bar each hatch as we go along after Edan divines how to do so.

The terminus of the tunnel is 450 feet beyond the lift shaft. Here a transverse door occludes the tube. A larger shadow looms over the stone adjunct. Later we learn the shadow is the broken hull of the Dusty Gnome. We investigate the hatches next and discover a 10’ square alcove beyond each. The alcoves contain ancient dwarven helmets and environmental suits meant to be used with the canisters we found at the lift shaft base. We collect a total of 8 each. Unfortunately, the suits are all dwarven sized. Each alcove has another hatch that must open to the water beyond and curious holes in the floor.

We spend the night camped on the top floor of the tower. The next morning, we speak with Admiral Dyconson and Captain Evenwod explaining freeing the vessel might take longer than expected. They are somewhat dismayed, but we assure them we will work hard to finish by the 4th day. We want to spend the interim exploring. To placate their concerns, Cannis does some perfunctory stone shaping around the vessel. Edan studies the mechanics of the vessel some more. His mind is awash with design possibilities. His avarice mirrors Thorfus’ for Xen’Khel.

Setting off from the wreck in a long boat, Chuq uses his Manta Ray cloak to survey the waters. This is when we first discover the actual wreck of the Dusty Gnome. The wreck broke evenly across the tunnel with the bow resting on the western side and the aft the eastern. The impact must have flooded the tunnel section below it. The ancient dwarves obviously designed the tunnel to sequester failed sections in such an event. The tunnel continues beyond the Dusty Gnome, perhaps going as far as the small cliff island that hides the hidden cover. Strewn over the seabed are items or cargo among the kelp. There are no bodies to be found except a pile of bones near the aft section. After surveying the bow, Chuq returns to the surface to report his finding and enlist Cannis to investigate the aft.

The two note 5 different chests worth recovering from the bottom before they investigate the wreck. As they both swim towards the lowest deck, Chuq ESPs hate, anger and anticipation in the shadows. Cannis grabs hold of Chuq as they swim quickly to the surface. We strongly suspect at least one Sea Hag and as many as four Sea Trolls lie in wait, likely with murderous revenge in mind since we massacred their brethren the day before on the beach.

We do what we do best and analyze the danger with an open debate. The consensus is leaning to exploring the tunnel beyond the wreck with the hopes of discovering the fabled sonic weapon to use against these foes.

Session 111 June 1, 2016

Session 111 June 1, 2016

24th Jourilden 2:00 pm at Anchor 2.5 miles away from the hidden cove.

Admiral Dyconson and Captain Evenwod spend some time explaining the details of the experimental ship and how best to disable it’s propulsion in case it get’s away. They also detail what they know of Grell’s fleet, which isn’t much. We also learn that Grell had boarded the Leering Sheriff with over 100 men while some of her crew were on shore investigating a devastated Kaligan. With our discussion over, Chuq begins his underwater reconnoiter.

On the way to the hidden cover, Chuq is ambushed by undead Sharks. He is seriously blooded and shadow steps out of danger. Another step followed by another bite takes Chuq to the cliff face of the small island blocking the hidden cove about 30’ above the water line. Refreshing with his only healing potion, he steps to the NE finger of the cove. Now he can overlook the whole cove.

What he sees is somewhat horrifying. There is ship debris mixed with floating bodies all about the water. In the SW pocket of the cove can be seen the beached experimental craft with a large gaping hole in it’s hull. On the small sandy beach are more bodies amongst several completed burnt out buildings. What can only be Sea Hags are strolling about the corpses occasionally feasting on the dead flesh.

Steps to motu and spends the night on the leeward side waiting for the fleet the next day. The party is worried Chuq is captured. Swoop the pigeon is sent at dusk to look for Chuq. MIssing the Monk, Swoop claims Chuq is dead. After speaking at length, Cannis tries to convince Capt Evenwod to sail sooner. The captain insists on sticking with the plan to attack at dawn.

The next morning, Thorfus punches Chuq as he steps onto the Bitterhorse deck. Reporting the condition of the cove, the Bitter Horse enters the cove expecting trouble from undead or Sea Hags. A sailor notices the word Gnome on a piece of debris. The sailors feel the bodies have been floating for several days, (no more than 3 or 4). The bodies are checked for undead, then we dock at a pier. The party searches the beach for trouble.

Within the imperial tower ruin we find Vain Potak, the former Grey Cloak’s body suspended by his ankles hanging over a central hole in the floor. Inside the pit, three feet below the edge, we see an Ancient Dwarven control panel. Lowering a lantern on a rope, we determine the pit is 130’ deep. One body found on the second floor is clutching a piece of quality red cloth. More indication the Empire is responsible for this massacre.

A quickly shut door to a shed to the east prompts us to rush to investigate. Inside is Peter Razlin hiding amongst the wood piles. Peter claims to be a hostage shipwright originally from Sea Breeze. His story was that Imperials were to meet with Grell out on the water. Grell turned on his crew then the Imperials attacked the cove, slaughtering everyone but him.

Once finished ashore, we examine the beached experimental vessel. The mysteries within prompts Edan to consult Kalgunn. They agree the ship uses an electrical sphere autonatoms as a power source. Kalgunn claims the design of the control box for this ship is his own!

Session 111 June 1, 2016

Session 111 June 1, 2016

24th Jourilden 2:00 pm at Anchor 2.5 miles away from the hidden cove.

Admiral Dyconson and Captain Evenwod spend some time explaining the details of the experimental ship and how best to disable it’s propulsion in case it get’s away. They also detail what they know of Grell’s fleet, which isn’t much. We also learn that Grell had boarded the Leering Sheriff with over 100 men while some of her crew were on shore investigating a devastated Kaligan. With our discussion over, Chuq begins his underwater reconnoiter.

On the way to the hidden cover, Chuq is ambushed by undead Sharks. He is seriously blooded and shadow steps out of danger. Another step followed by another bite takes Chuq to the cliff face of the small island blocking the hidden cove about 30’ above the water line. Refreshing with his only healing potion, he steps to the NE finger of the cove. Now he can overlook the whole cove.

What he sees is somewhat horrifying. There is ship debris mixed with floating bodies all about the water. In the SW pocket of the cove can be seen the beached experimental craft with a large gaping hole in it’s hull. On the small sandy beach are more bodies amongst several completed burnt out buildings. What can only be Sea Hags are strolling about the corpses occasionally feasting on the dead flesh.

Steps to motu and spends the night on the leeward side waiting for the fleet the next day. The party is worried Chuq is captured. Swoop the pigeon is sent at dusk to look for Chuq. MIssing the Monk, Swoop claims Chuq is dead. After speaking at length, Cannis tries to convince Capt Evenwod to sail sooner. The captain insists on sticking with the plan to attack at dawn.

The next morning, Thorfus punches Chuq as he steps onto the Bitterhorse deck. Reporting the condition of the cove, the Bitter Horse enters the cove expecting trouble from undead or Sea Hags. A sailor notices the word Gnome on a piece of debris. The sailors feel the bodies have been floating for several days, (no more than 3 or 4). The bodies are checked for undead, then we dock at a pier. The party searches the beach for trouble.

Within the imperial tower ruin we find Vain Potak, the former Grey Cloak’s body suspended by his ankles hanging over a central hole in the floor. Inside the pit, three feet below the edge, we see an Ancient Dwarven control panel. Lowering a lantern on a rope, we determine the pit is 130’ deep. One body found on the second floor is clutching a piece of quality red cloth. More indication the Empire is responsible for this massacre.

A quickly shut door to a shed to the east prompts us to rush to investigate. Inside is Peter Razlin hiding amongst the wood piles. Peter claims to be a hostage shipwright originally from Sea Breeze. His story was that Imperials were to meet with Grell out on the water. Grell turned on his crew then the Imperials attacked the cove, slaughtering everyone but him.

Once finished ashore, we examine the beached experimental vessel. The mysteries within prompts Edan to consult Kalgunn. They agree the ship uses an electrical sphere autonatoms as a power source. Kalgunn claims the design of the control box for this ship is his own!

Session 109 May 18, 2016

Session 109 May 18, 2016

7:45pm 15th of Jourildan, in the alleyway after the heist

Calle leaves us, then we stow the robes and join the wagon for one last trip to the C&B. Cannis talks up Aliron Bartly a local clock maker with heavily damaged hands. After collecting Edan at the Town house, Thorfus speaks with Ferry at the C&B. They set up a tentative meeting later to sell some information or magical items.

We hire another wagon to New Town. Thorfus speaks with Edony the big hulking islander now the head guardsman of the New Town watch. Drays is waiting for us as we arrive. Pons wears the ESP blocking circlet to be kept out of the conversation.

We fulfill our end of the deal, first allowing Calle to ready the Imperial Scroll to Drays via Telepapthy then handing it over to Owen. Drays promises to send a Devil Fish to Gronsk around Vargen and have it return with news of where Grell’s secret base is. Before we leave, Owen slays Calle after we confirm to Drays that we would hunt for Alain Grell once we know where his secret base is. Chuq sensed Calle was at peace and welcomed her death. Drays explains she was the love child of Arden Grell and one of his maid servants. Her mother slew Arden’s wife in a fit of passion prompting Arden to kill her in return. Fleeing from Arden, Calle first encountered Drays when she was about to plunge into a canal to take her own life. Knowing the Grell family line will likely end at our hands, Drays arranged for her pain to end tonight. Mercy? From a devil fish? Will wonders never cease…

Drays proposes another job for us. After we bring Alain Grell to justice (our words), he wants us to deliver the fabled sonic weapon to his candidate heir of the Mermen in hopes is would tip the balance against Gronsk’s opposite candidate. Gronsk has promised to loan the Dragon Orb to his candidate. We can expect Owen two days hence with word of Alain Grell’s secret base.

As we exit New Town, Edony asks Thorfus to investigate a loiterer who keeps her post under scrutiny. Cannis, Ronan and Chuq shadow step behind him. He is very focused and displays little emotion. Cannis charms him but his behavior doesn’t change. The man claims he is a pilgrim and asks to be let go in an inflection less voice. Chuq yanks his hood showing that this man is actually an undying autonotom. Summoning Pons, we transfer the ESP blocking circlet from him to the undying which immediately crumbles to the ground lifeless. Throfus explains to Edony what it is while Cannis arranges the body for transport by binding it in it’s clothing and blindfolding it. The wagon driver extorts more cash from us for doing his civic duty. Next stop, Lord Thornton’s.

In a Grey Cloak interrogation room, the undying is strapped down. The ESP blocker is removed and the body is animated again. Chuq drops our control circlet onto Thorfus’ head ready to yank it off at the first sign of trouble. Throfus has a short conversation with a ‘Lord Marshal’ who drops control of the undying when he realizes the conversation is going nowhere. We tell Perrett it was likely the Dark King and of our encounters with him in Skarnwode. After more discussion, we leave the body here and return to the C&B.

16th of Jourildan

We shop, supply and explore. Runnellbrook identifies the wand, it summons ice storms (x4), walls of ice (x9) and cones of cold.

17th of Jourildan

Perrette walks into the C&B as we are casting calling for new meat bags . He speaks privately with Chuq & Thorfus over drinks. Apparently Peter Thorrell was killed then his office was set ablaze. His death has caused chaos in Vargen, one navy ship will be sent to deliver grey cloaks and rescue Midmark refugees.

We want to help, so decide to negotiate for safe passage for the Navy but Drays is not available until after dinner time that night. Owyn visits us at the C&B that evening with news that Arlain Grell’s base is at Angmar’s Folly. He then escorts us to a nearby canal to speak with Drays who tells us Grell’s armada is 6 ships including one that floats above the water and moves without oars or sails. In exchange for us delivering the sonic weapon to him, he promises the Midmark Navy will have safe passage in the bay and the seas about Midden.

Later that night, Edan works with Kalgunn to modify the undying cube.

18th of Jourildan

Our next meeting with Perrette brings news of Vargen’s Times of Trouble. We realize that the women who stuck Edan with an arrow was likely the other Imperial Dervish in disguise.

With tenacity and gaul, Thorfus succeeds in saving Sturrgard whose statue is now at the Ark Temple. We finish with hiring junior adventures to join our party.

Session 108 May 11, 2016

Session 108 May 11, 2016

5:30 pm 15th of Jourilden, Tarwater Harbor

A dandy by the name of George is asking about the leering sheriff. We try to hold him but only draw a crowd interested about the Midmark navy and that the Leering Sheriff is missing. We see propaganda bills of the Nativist Unions. Thorfus chooses not to use a urchin guide, mentioning Afrim to scare the urchins away.

We go to Aldous Runnelbrook’s book shop. Despite the late hour, Thorfus negotiates the sale of a good number of our magical items. Edan arranges training with Aldous starting the following day.

Our next stop is Lord Thornton’s. Thornton is abroad, we speak with Perrette, master of the Greycloaks. He is surprised to hear we rescued the Leering Sheriff and arrived on board her. We report the imperial dervish/Alain Grell plan to assassinate Thorrell and the Devilfish deal. He gives a oblique approval to ‘deal with the Devil’ so that Grell cam be brought to justice. He also explains that the heist would be conveniently easy the next night because an observance for the Leering Sheriff lost hands.

After explaining we want to sell some loot to Magistrate Grell, we take our leave of Perrette and retire to the Cock & Bull where we learn Elspeth and Holden are a new couple. Perrette had excused Lord Thorton explaining he usually works late at court, sometimes not coming home at all. Thorfus observes the loss of Desric as we pass the ruins of his home. Perrette suspects foul play not the accepted story about an accident of Desric’s design.

Talk about the C&B is :

1. Tension between Colonials and Islanders about to explode.

2. Devilfish and pirates making shipping the worse than ever been, threatening next month’s council of Marks attendance.

3. Town of Scale, South of Newton has completely disappeared after giants emerged from a sink hole, conquered the town then the unshored sinkhole swallowed the entire place, people and buildings.

4. Grell estate to be sold real cheap but there are no buyers because it is haunted by the murdered Lady Grell.

5. A new crew in Vargen has a cheaper alternative to Dogfroth that threatens the Mad Dogs. Mad dogs’ response is to slay by a thousand cuts any customers that abandon them.

That night, Thorfus interrupts two watchmen harassing a lonely Islander. Cannis notices Pons is pocketing cards during their watch. He plans along, only alerting Pons as they settle accounts.

Edan’s training begins the next day as the other boys visit New Town. Runnelbrook cautions Edan about Kalgunn and trains Edan for free after learning the magic is ancient dwarven transpatial energy. Those two bond solidly as Edan educates him.

Thorfus notices a heavily garbed Islander studying the city watchmen as well as they boys on the way to New Town. We are challenged by the gate guards due to our haul of weapons. A burly fellow with Chestnut hair escorts us to the cultists. Chuq senses we have preempted another crew already hired to swipe the scroll. Today’s secret knock is : knock, pause, knock, pause then three knocks.

Drays greets us accusedly, complaining about Finkelworm. Hearing of Fink’s lost legs, he changes his attitude. Details of the heist are settled with Kally, one of his worhipers that is a cleaner at the Merendur temple. Kally explains the scroll is kept in the ‘Poison Cabinet’, a vault where heretical writing that undermines the teachings of Merendur are kept.

At low market, a colonial pushes Dogfroth on us. When back at the C & B, we visit Dinette Otter the alchemist for potions. Thorfus buys all her healing potions and suggests restocking in case we return. Dinette sells us a high powered laxative which we will use on the lonely librarian to get him away from his post during the heist. She buys our story that it’s to raze our next recruit bit still makes us spend a small fortune for it! Cannis naps in the wagon to learn more applicable spells.

The next stop is the salty judge when we all put on the robes from Kally. Wearing the robes allows us to enter the Merendur temple along with the throng unnoticed. As we wait for Kally to deliver the SuperLax, no one gives us another thought. The old librarian wasn’t quick enough so we have to tread carefully when he has rushed out. We can’t find his key so decide to try without.

The Poison cabinet is at the far end of an 80 foot long room bisected by an ink filled pool 40’ long spanned by a 10 foot wide stone bridge. This room is pasted with blank vellum shots of various sizes on the walls and rice paper posters hung by red streamers from the ceiling. There is a deep ‘plop’ heard which is followed by a soft puff of breeze every few moments. The plop comes from the pool as if it is on a low simmer. We suspect a supernatural guard slumbers here.

Crossing the room without touching any hung sheets is easy enough. We collect by the cabinet door as Pons monitors the ink pool. Unlocked, it opens to show a tough looking Half-elf sell sword in Merendur robes examining scrolls strewn about a long table. His name is Ronan Hachure. He has the librarian’s key and agrees to abandon his commission to swipe Imperial scroll #15 for 100 GP in gems. We promise to help if his former employers, the Mad dogs, come looking for trouble. Shouldn’t be a problem since Kally claims the Mad Dog contract was cancelled. He also likes the prospect of working with us.

Chuq exercises Pons judgement and grabs several artifacts from a display case before we leave. In addition to the scroll, Ronan hands us research notes about it that discuss Angmar’s Folly, an Imperial research base we planned to eventually visit. Most of us exit the Poison cabinet without incident until Chuq chucks the imperial scroll to Ronan, then something interesting happens….

The ink pool rises up and slams jets of itself at Ronan’s back and a hanging rice paper sheet. The sheets suddenly displays a dragon which peels itself off the page. The other jet slams Ronan towards Chuq who grabs him and slips into the nearest shadow. The pair are jarring returned exactly where they started. Chuq leads Ronan across the threshold, then the two successfully shadow step beyond the ink monster. We rally in the lonely librarian’s office and close the doors to the ink room. We tidy ourselves and walk out while Kally greets everyone she know as we pass. Shedding the robes in another alley, we make our way back to the Cock & Bull. Kally goes her own way.

Session 99 March 16, 2016

Session 99 March 16, 2016

8:30 am, 2nd of Jourilden, Pathogen Facility

Thorfus directs the surviving grapplers to rest at their charging stations before we set off to explore the living quarters in the East wing. We tour the observation ring to assess the surviving population of infected. The numbers are daunting. Instead of East to loot, we decide on the fly to inspect the reliquary library in the West wing.

Our first look at the West wing is rather dim. The automatic lighting is not working. We all hear banging to the west and squeaking to the south. There are trapped infected here.

To the south we surprise a lone fungal infected occupied with a single reliquary-less info pedestal.

Chuq’s initial charge reveals more fungal infected lurking in this room. Several minutes later, the hall is choked with fungal spore clouds and we have lost three monkey automatons. Surmising these infected were likely dwarven staff, we seal and lock this room before exploring the other computational room to the north.

We are blasted by a burst of cold air when the northern door is opened. The cold air is blowing from a vent in the ceiling. This empty room has not only two reliquary cubes but also several mysterious devices. Coping with the familiar first, Thorfus plays with a cubed pedestal that deals with animal surveys of the Curabel islands. Curious about Dragons, learns which infected afflictions the dragons are immune. The report concludes infected are useless against Dragons. Notable that whether Dwarves are at risk is omitted/missing. The other cube appears to have duplicate information.

Kalgunn explains to Edan that the mysterious devices are used to view very small things not visible to the naked eye. Small things that the dwarven researchers were using to make the infected undying. His ancient dwarven word translates to something that sounds like mihcro scope, whatever that means….

Realizing their uniqueness = value, we decide to leave all but the cubes behind? The door to the west opens to a large North to South chamber occupied by many infected. More than we can handle. Retreating eastward, Thorfus seals and locks the door. Chuq sprints to the Chief Pathologist’s office, snatching out of the air the broachie talkie tossed to him by Thorfus.

Undeterred by the situation, we devise a complex trap to funnel the horde into an ambush of grapplers. Attempting to meter the deluge by controlling the only door remotely from the Chief Pathologist’s office. The goal would be for the grapplers to secure the infected in the pen below the main floor via a lift.

20 minutes later, our plan is ready to commence. Our first two dance partners take the bait and charge the grapplers. Wait – they’re not intimidated by the grapplers. These two aren’t millennium old patients but free roaming research staff! After securing these two, a monkey is tasked to dash within to give us a view of the going ons beyond the closed door.

Those damned infected used platinum tools to jam the door open as we begin again. Thorfus commands the monkey to retrieve the tools. It doesn’t survive the fusillade of infected fists. More autonotoms are lost as Derick tries to turn the tide by holding several infected. A nimble monkey slips past the infected successfully removing the platinum tools jamming the door open. More punching, jabbing, grappling and charging ensue. The clerically held Infected giving us a measure of confidence against the hoard. Monkeys spank then are spanked while grapplers are bashed as a few successfully overwhelm infected. Judging the time is just right, Thorfus tasks Chuq with closing the door from the office. He also has a grappler toss grappled infected into a disinfection chamber to be cindered.

We are now down two grapplers. The monkeys strip a wreck to fix another. Then we try to meter the remaining infected through the door again. This time a grappler will lunge through the doorway to snatch an infected. We tidy up a bit by tossing the bodies littering the floor into a disinfection chamber for flash frying. Turning our attention to the platinum wedges, we learn they are solid primary shapes with a very respectful heft. Hoping to avoid more losses, we now turn our attention to exploring the eastern wing for “easier booty”.

Our rummaging yields some rather interesting gems and a few coins. A lone rubbery infected gives us some sport. Two monkeys grapple it allowing Thorfus to put it out of its’ misery. Until next time….