Session 18 September 25, 2016

Session 18 September 25, 2016

Alfbrande’s suite after midnight.

Batukan and Otiben decide to explore the unknown caves along the south wall of the canyon while Urhman and Zho Ni are resting to recover their magic. Their first discovery is a large circular cave closest to Alfbrande’s abode. There is a roughly circular pool of foul stagnate water about knee high deep in the cave. Practically in the pool’s center is a stone sarcophagus. Before they can investigate further, Otiben is overcome with an uncomfortable feeling prompting him to beg the two leave the place.

They move further east along the southern wall and take a swim in the lake to explore another cave. The cave is a mostly north-south tunnel that appears hewn not natural. It ends transversed by a metal grate that is littered with debris and moss. Beyond the grate can be heard thunderous rushing water. His courage returned, Otiben swims down the tunnel to the grate to inspect what lies beyond. Batukan secures him via a life line from the cave mouth. Beyond the grate is a whirl pool draining the water away. Wanting a possible future escape route, Otiben attempts to bend the bars of the grate but fails. The two slink back to Alfbrande’s to share their findings. When we are all ready, the party returns to the Sarcophagus cave with Otiben watching from without. Lifting the lid we find inside a very old Orc corpse with a shield, mace, dagger, copper war god holy symbol and a death shroud. The corpse grabs Zho ni’s hand as he lifts the dagger then drops back in a final rest.

During the night, Alfbrande tells of his party’s caper. Over a century ago, they entered the crypt and explored down to the first level. They discovered a throne room where they were attacked by spirits. Loosing this fight, Alfbrande was the only survivor with his wife and their companions all reanimated undead. Whereas his cooperation was coerced by the promise of his wife’s heart, the other adventurers were cursed to guard within Vorigan’s crypt ever since.

Feeling little can be gained by anything else, we decide to assault Vorigan’s crypt at dawn. After dodging the patrolling giant skeleton golems, we face the elite skeleton guards posted at the crypt entrance. The fight goes mostly well but takes too long. As a giant golem nears, we rush through the crypt doors and slam it shut to avoid an unnecessary altercation.

The darkness holds many secrets. The first of note was a towering grotesque statue of some nether creature whose visage misses an eye. Bryn clambers up the statue to poor holy water in the missing orbit only to have his sight removed in his same eye. After caring to the poor lad, the statue is defiled further by adorning it with Eostaria’s blessed springs. Next we are beset by a horde of shadows in a throne room. All but two flee from Zho ni’s rebuke and are quickly felled. Feeling bold, Otiben sits upon the central throne which promptly summons an undead servant willing to do as Otiben bids. It is tasked to find items of value in the crypt. As it lumbers off, we decide to press further south…


Session 129 November 2, 2016

Early evening, 12th of Tanrilden, main deck of the Jolly Gorgon in the Midmark harbor

AD Clock reads

Ironhand’s new crew is slightly weirded out about the night’s happenings. Leaving port, keeping station overnight just out of the harbor then returning to directly to a berth crowded by the Keepers isn’t the typical fare for this merchant crew. Our self-selected moniker of Keepers of the Council isn’t official yet but unless Jardin proclaims otherwise, Axel, Chuq, Edan, Ronin and Thorfus will answer by that name. Captain Thorfus mostly disregards the Jolly Gorgon crews concerns by directing them to their duties. We set off with little delay.

Shortly after leaving the harbor proper, all but Chuq feel the mental buzz of a Devil Fish. Drayz has sought us via his human lackeys all night and is relieved we are alive and in possession of the Sword of Dagon. Thorfus agrees to hand over the Sword to Drayz’ Merman allies. They agree on a code phrase to vet the merman’s authenticity (curious that Drayz chooses to be away during the exchange). The code phrase is “Starchie flies to the moon”.

Serithas notes to Chuq that Drayz is assiduously avoiding mental contact with Chuq and the Night Court. Though curious to know why and engage Drayz directly, he doesn’t want Chuq to press an encounter with Drayz at this time. Perhaps Arraquiel could explain the youth’s reticence, so they will pursue the matter further when the Keepers seek after Arraquiel in Vargen.

Another hour into our sail to Hughe’s island village, we are met by a school of Mermen.  The apparent spokesmerman of the school announces the code phrase correctly then introduces Gharspa former secondary advisor to the late Merman King and current primary advisor to Prince Narusth. The night court confirms the Mermen’s sincerity then Chuq tries to coerce Thorfus into further negotiations for recompense or sanctions from the Merman. He goes so far as to remark to Gharspa that the instrument of peace that his Prince needs is actually our instrument of peace so all the factions (Devilfish, Locathoth, Mermen and Suahagin) should likely come to Midmark’s table to negotiate.

Thorfus takes the honorable and conciliatory path and simply asks for a bonus of water breathing corals to be delivered the day hence. His concession to the monk is asking Edan to disable the controls to the Sword but not alerting Gharspa that he now has a dud. Fortunately,  Edan has learned how to control the Sword of Dagon after studying the records we recovered.

Before Gharspa and his school leave, it is suggested that the Keepers are travelling to Vargen soon and could seek out Gronsk who then could invite Prince Mascalus to a summit. Gharspa sees merit in the suggestion. If his liege agrees, there might be a missive with the water breating corals tomorrow. Being land dwellers, we suggest a fee could accompany the missive, he scoffs at the materialism.

The sail is uneventful until the next morning. Chuq assess Bellisentes natural hand to hand ability and is surprised at her aptitude. She is taught basic forms to practice, perhaps the physical activity could fill out her gangly frame….

AD Clock ready

Without incident, the Jolly Gorgon arrives at Hughe’s home fishing village. We lay anchor and board a skiff with Hughe and the henchmen after Appleby has scanned the locals for Inquisitors. Hughe had already sighted his mother washing laundry by the river. Surprisingly, he asked after his father. Somehow, no one seemed to not notice his confusion….

Our slip is meet by Olef and Kenny, two fisherman, at the pier. They are obviously nervous about our arrival and murmur to each other in response to our statements and questions. Chuq’s assurances are shrugged aside by the two as every other reply is an encouragement to leave. In contrast, Thorfus is buried under a buxom embrace from Hughe’s mother Annabelle when he presents the lad to her. Noticing that the crowd is missing young ladies or children, Bellisente enquirers after them amongst the women watching by the river. They are as tight lipped as the fishermen.

Smelling worse than rotten fish, we press Olef and Kenny about the lack of young women and children. Eventually they break down and explain we are all being watched from the old imperial fort above the village about an hour through the jungle from the village. The occupants are holding the children and young woman hostage. Fearing for the hostages, we agree to leave the way we came and promise to return under cover of night to mount a rescue. The plan meets with their approval and we are escorted by the crowd to the docks after Thorfus hands over a small fortune of 100 gp to Annabelle for Hughe’s care and education.

Hughe’s only regret is saying good bye to Meow our newest mascot. When asked Meow likes the idea of living near so much fish so he leaps off Chuq’s shoulder and orbits about Hughe’s ankles in anticipation. The boy is happier than we have ever seen him.

Once the Jolly Gorgon sets off, we collect in the aft cabin so the Chuq can shadow ferry the party to the verge of the jungle beyond the village. A path to the imperial fort, Kurlumen is nearby. It takes less than hour to walk there. The drawbridge over a deep gorge is down. Edan casts an invisibility circle that allows us all to enter unnoticed. At the bailey there are two guards posted on either side of a double door. The night cap tells us the two are imperial agents wondered by instructions to allow unknown guests free entrance and access to the fort’s guest, someone who makes them uncomfortable and repulsed.

These two are very disciplined. They heed Chuq’s mental instructions to open the double doors and one agrees to escort the invisible guests after telling us the guest is at the top of the tower and that the hostages are held in the near tower. He leads us down then up and through hallways until he is challenged by a Dervish. The Dervish warns him that the guest is at it again and that he’d likely want to keep clear. Mentally, the guide is told to follow the Dervishes advice. The guide describes the rest of the journey before departing.

Up more flights and through several trap doors leads to the peak of this tower. It is joined to its companion by a decaying bridge which is occupied by Alain Grell and several victims. He is spied through the key hole of the door between us and the bridge. Waiting until turns his back to the door, Chuq slips out, slinks across the bridge then stuns Alain from behind using the Marlin bursts from the surf. “Bet you never thought to see me again” claims Throfus as he trusses up the agape villain. Ronan emerges from Edan’s circle to help Grell’s young victims.

Looting Grell’s sleeping chamber yields a chest containing some armor and clothing as well as numerous correspondences between he and Jardin detailing their machinations to steal the Wrath of the Waves plans and Grell’s eventual return to Midmark society implicating the Starchie Boyz as the perpetrators of all of Grell’s crimes. The most recent letter admonishes Grells’ excesses and suggests Hughe’s island might have to be cleansed to cover up his behavior.

With Grell in custody and everyone but Edan visible, we collect the hostages here and descend below to rescue the others. The imperial guards and Dervishes all follow Jardins instructions and do not interfere with us in any way. A young Dervish’s motivations and actions are challenged by Chuq. His discipline, composure and sense of purpose gives the Superior Master pause. However, it doesn’t stop him joining Thorfus in obliquely ridiculing their treatment and lack of morality in their treatment of the hostages. Too our dismay, we learn that Grell had shoved two of his young women hostages off the bridge to their deaths. When called for, Flamemaster Beneyt, the leader of the perhaps as many as 20 Dervishes in the fort, does not answer.

Our return to the village with the survivors is met with surprise and celebrations. We are given a hut to keep Grell as we wait for the return of the Jolly Gorgon. Axel unloads his weeks of frustration in the underdark and loathing for the loss of Spite into Grell. Thorfus has little time to interrogate Grell between Ronan’s scalping and Axel’s burning and chopping. Alain is defiant through most of it, confident Jardin will ensure his return to Midmark. Eventually he realizes these are his last minutes. But not before he boasts of stealing the wrath’s schematics from the Admirilty’s summer home then trying to pawn them off to the Silver Throne. He lasts long enough for us to return the Jolly Gorgon with him.

There, Em is allowed to face her tormentor. Our gift to her is for her to deliver the slaying slice to his neck with his own sword. The crew have no quarrel with his fate since they are well familiar with Grells’s infamy on the waves. With enough sunlit remaining in the day, we prepare for the return trip to Midmark. Em decides to stay with us for now.

Session 124.1 – Master of Spring Adhemar’s revelation of THOSE WHO COME (as told by +John Carlson and + Rahm…

Session 124.1 – Master of Spring Adhemar’s revelation of THOSE WHO COME (as told by +John Carlson and + Rahm Benisaeko)

On another note, has Axel shared Moysant’s commission to spread his prophecy? Chuq needs to alert the order. Want to resolve that conversation via Google+ +John Carlson?

+Rahm Benisaeko: That would be fine; I imagine your intent is to let Adhemar (Master of Spring) know about the prophecy. Since you still had two days of training after Axel’s arrival, that should be easy to do while at the Ark Cathedral. What exactly do you tell him? Everything? Also, do you approach the Ark hierarchy, too, or leave that to Adhemar?

+John Carlson : yes, Chuq wants an interview with Adhemar. He reports the prophecy, his source (Axel) and our intent to pursue a solution in Vargen. If pressed, he will outline the circumstance of Axel’s abandonment and subsequent journey to the surface. Providing details about Axel’s travelling companions only if asked. I leave it to Adhemar to inform the hierarchy since I think the highest levels should be dealing with this. Of course Chuq is willing to join him or answer any future summons as long as we are in Midmark. And he solicits Adhemar’s advice including a speculation about the Mad Lord’s identify.

+Rahm Benisaeko: Chuq is able to schedule an audience with Adhemar on the afternoon of the 9th of Tanrilden, following his day of training. The Master of Spring sits and listens quietly to this report of a prophecy about the end of the world, its source with Axel, and the means by which this doom may be averted. After Chuq concludes his tale, Adhemar thinks for a moment before replying: “You say that this prophecy was given to your dwarven companion? By whom? Were they also dwarves and is the claim that this comes from Xen’Teler? I must admit, Master Nourus, that your friend’s story defies belief and I wonder if you are being sent after a red herring to obfuscate some danger closer to home … I will share this with Patriarch Darvo, though, and see if any of the Ark clerics have experienced premonitions of this danger of any kind. Any further details about the origin of this vision that could bolster your claims would be appreciated.”

“Regarding talk of a mad lord, I agree that there have been persistent rumors that the last few Dragon Emperors suffered from some kind of mental instability — but these are just rumors, started by the small number of refugees that have arrived on the islands in the last decades and spread by those who feel safer believing their enemy is brutish rather than cunning. No one can vouch for their veracity — believe me that the Order has investigated — but I would like to think that, if the world is endangered, we are not beholden to a tyrant. I noticed that you do not ask about the Consort and Liar, though … are they already known to you? Having a firm identity to go with those titles might make this story seem slightly less fanciful to those who do not implicitly trust the judgment of you and your companions.”

“Master Adhemar, your admonition of a red herring lies at the root of why I am reticent to answer your questions. Myself and my companions have learned to share our intelligence guardedly and unfortunately, the current political climate in the City of Gulls holds my tongue despite my duty to you as apparent leader of our Order. However, my band is in possession of certain items that can be used to authenticate not only my veracity to you but yours to myself. Please understand, the effectiveness of these tools will rely on your willful relaxation of your formidable mental disciplines but not before my own veracity can be ascertained. Once we are both satisfied, all that I know can be shared with you in less time than you can possibly believe. With your leave, I can arrange a private interview at private location in the Sellsword Quarter. What say you?”

John, the plan would be to invite Adhemar to our lair at the C&B. Then with the Boyz approval (attendance is optional) demonstrate the liar box, then use it to convince Adhemar I mean no harm as I use the night cap & box on his open mind to ensure his identity (likely ask him to imagine/remember his earliest memories of Chuq on Lonely Isle). Then either take him down if he is an impostor (with the Boyz help) or share all Chuq’s memories concerning Kaligan, Kotar/Arraguille, Bioforge, Marchmain – Xeno Tel dream, Desric, Engineering, Kalgunn, Pathogen, Special Research, Praxithalmus, Uthruk’s separation, Dark King forces, Axel abandonment then saga to the surface and rumors of Kotar’s last known sighting.

Adhemar will look at Chuq with a puzzled expression. “That’s an interesting proposal — I suppose, as the most senior member of our Order available, that it would be sensible to check on the accommodations of the only monk in Midmark not currently housed at the Ark Cathedral. I believe your lessons with Master Archembaud conclude tomorrow afternoon; I will make arrangements to visit this location of yours after dinner to both inspect it and offer my official congratulations on your advancement.” With that, he has you relate directions to the meeting place.

So, his offer is to meet you at the location of your choosing on the evening of the 10th of Tanrilden (when we are picking up the game Wednesday). It’s up to you whether we save the resolution of that for the session itself or deal with it here in the comments — either would work, so it’s more a matter of how involved the other party members want to be.

It doesn’t seem like anyone objects to resolving the visit via G+, so let’s do that:

After Chuq finishes his last day of training with Archembaud, who has been mollified as to your dedication and attentiveness to his teaching after a rocky beginning, he makes his way back to the Cock & Bull for a quick meal before Adhemar’s scheduled arrival. Shortly after sunset, the Master of Spring appears as promised at the gate to the townhouse’s yard and is allowed entry by the hirelings. They escort him to the door and announce his arrival, whereupon he has Chuq lead him on a brief tour of the premises. He doesn’t comment during this walk-through, but afterwards quips: “No one, Master Chuq, would be able to question your commitment to asceticism after seeing these accommodations. I am satisfied that your lifestyle is in keeping with the Order’s tenets. Now, I believe there was some other business you wished to discuss?”

Yes, always staying true to the roots of MurderHoboing! – “Master of Spring, this box has an ancient enchantment that chimes when a lie is stated in its presence. We have learned in our travels that a family needed it to curb the excesses of an unruly uncle. I will start by demonstrating its capabilities and then will ask you to state your identity before I share all we know about the prophecy…My name is Chuq Nourus Superior Master of the Order of the Celestial Dragon and I was born on the Lonely Isle. I discovered a talent long lost or abandoned by the Order that allows me to step from one shadow to another without travelling the actual distance no matter how far the two shadows are.” Pause for effect…”The building we are in is a mansion with chandeliers, servants and marble floors; My wife is an Elf named Philomena; Immaculate Cantor and I had lunch today….”

“Before we begin, feel free to test the box further by stating some facts and/or lies”

The box reacts as expected to Chuq’s statements, rattling loudly at the lies and remaining quiet for the truth. Adhemar looks impressed and begins speaking: “I am Adhemar, Master of the Spring and highest-ranking member of the Order of the Celestial Dragon in Midmark. I am also Patriarch Darvo of the Ark Cathedral.” As you would expect, the box starts silent and then rattles … however, Adhemar simply closes his eyes, begins breathing deeply, and repeats: “I am also Patriarch Darvo of the Ark Cathedral. I am also Patriarch Darvo of the Ark Cathedral.” With each repetition the box grows quieter until it is silent.

Adhemar opens his eyes: “That is a powerful tool for the discovery of truth, but it can be tricked by means of mental discipline with effort and practice. The box doesn’t know truth itself, but rather compares the spoken word to what the speaker believes. While trickier and more invasive than any mind-reader I have encountered previously, if your innermost being can reflect the lie perfectly, the device will be blinded by that false image.”

“Brilliant deduction Master, now that you have discovered its limit we can adjust our usage appropriately. Boyz, let’s look upon the Master’s discovery as given in the spirit of faithful cooperation.” (FYI, this man’s AC is 2 and he attacks four times a round for 5-30 damage each hit).

“If there are no further objections, allow me to demonstrate the powers of this golden skull cap. When I don the cap, it allows me to read the thoughts and emotions of those around me. I can also send messages to other minds that are not only words but images, feelings and whole memories. This is how I plan to share all I know about the prophecy with you. Of course, you will have to relax yourself to allow me to penetrate you mental defenses. Shall we begin?”

Adhemar nods: “There are many in Midmark now who would question my sanity for agreeing to this request, but I have seen nothing to suggest duplicity or ill will on either your part or that of your companions. You may commence.” With that, he closes his eyes again, relaxing muscles and slowing his breath. Through the skull cap, Chuq can feel Adhemar purposefully lower his mental defenses.

Via the Helm, “Master of Spring, see now my last memory of our monastery on Lonely Isle… now if you may, show me your earliest memory of myself.”

Assuming the shared information is as expected, Chuq says out loud “No worries, this is Adhemar. Now I will share with him…” All of the following :

1. Grimtooth’s tale of fleeing the Dark King.

2. Lifting Arraquill’s curse from the Imperial Fort.

3. Bioforge experimenter’s vivisection notes

4. Desynching ancient captives & Desric’s back story

5. Marchmain ESP attempt followed by Xeno Tel trip

6. Chief Bioforge researcher fight/notes discoveries

7. Edan intro (met Uthruk in Skarnwode) then Illske encounter (village massacre, our fight then flight)

8. Engineering exploration – Kalgunn & Dwarf Baby’s Mama message

9. Chief Pathogen researcher fights/notes discoveries

10. Illske capture of Axel

11. All of Special Research

12. Runnelbrook help with helm then Ark healing

13. Night court – agreement, ancient history & Brice revelations

14. Return of Axel

Of course if he fails the last test, I alert everyone via the helm and ask the Night Court to overwhelm his mind with noise as an initial distraction.

Chuq dives into Adhemar’s memories, focusing on the time before the Order left Lonely Island. Much of it flashes by quickly in a montage of daily devote living, but with the help of Serithaz you are able to focus quickly on an early memory of a young initiate in trouble for losing his temper while exercising in the keep’s yard. It’s a blurry picture, almost forgotten, but it does match your own hazy recollection of a senior monk scolding you. Following upon that are brief glimpses of Chuq over the years whenever he made an impression on Adhemar — which was, admittedly, not often prior to the last year.

Assuming that is sufficient proof of the monk’s identity, Chuq shares his recollections of the party’s adventures as outlined above. It flashes by so quickly, it’s impossible to even process every bit of the story as it bursts into Adhemar’s consciousness. His eyes flicker open and get a dazed and faraway cast to them; it is almost an entire minute after the sharing of memory before his eyes focus back on Chuq.

“I … I don’t know what to say. Your memories defy belief and yet they are as clear to me as my own. These dwarves … they truly have the capacity to do what Axel’s vision threatens? Those terrible wonders beneath Xen’Khel are real? Then you must go and find these potential saviors and prevent the arrival of these monsters. I must go and consult with the senior monks about the situation on Lonely Isle; to see our former home become the stronghold of these Silver Throne deceivers is unacceptable. Perhaps I can undo the mistake the Grandmaster and I made in leaving that place.”

Oh snap, had no idea the cap could search through another mind like Professor X or Spock!

“Now you see why despite all that besets Midmark, we are needed elsewhere. Consider that to any resurrected Ancient Dwarven soul, our occupation of the Lonely Isle can be viewed just as abhorrently as you feel now. Meaning they will likely feel the Orders return as more invasion and less reunion. Also, there would be a deep longing in my heart if I was not part of that return. Allow me to also share some secrets of the Ancient Dwarve’s constructs. The knowledge will serve our Order well in any combative encounters. Also, with Lord Ironhand’s permission, there is one other item we can exploit. Thorfus, would you be so kind as to use your mask and scry the Lonely Isle and share your vision with us?”

Chuq will night cap data dump his Automatom, bonuses and Thorfus scrying.

[Regarding Professor X, keep in mind — hah! — that you knew what was being sought and were helped by Serithaz; not necessarily typical circumstances.]

Adhemar considers Chuq’s words, but counters: “I cannot promise that the Order will stand by while these servants of the Ancient Dwarves corrupt our former home with their works. Any accusation of ‘invasion’ from those who would descend from the outer dark to enslave the world are laughable. Still, our Order’s numbers are reduced and we are dispersed throughout the islands, so I will promise that no move will be made precipitously.”

After that he will allow Chuq to share the automata information and scrying information (assuming +Follow Me, And Die! has no objections). When that is done, he will excuse himself to begin his consultations, wishing Chuq and the party good fortune in their hunt for Kottar/Araquiel.

Session 123 September 7, 2016

Session 123 September 7, 2016

11:00PM 3rd of Tanrilden, behind the Cock & Bull

Chuq, Edan, Ronan & Thorfus have a change of plans. Instead of delving in the sewers, they decide to interrogate Aardman with their liar box. The night’s carriage is hailed to return and they pile in. As the carriage heads to the Courthouse, we notice some sort of police action at the Marlborough Gambling Hall down the street. Curious that Ronan had visited the place shortly before…

The guards on the street outside the court house are on edge and nervous but allow us entry. We send the carriage to wait down the road by the University before meeting Lord Thorton in an office. We wait as he finishes some paper work. He listens to our plans then shows us a letter from the city’s Council of Elders directing him to refuse us access to Aardman with any magical items. He wants to follow the word of the directive but not necessarily the spirit. He agrees to conduct the interrogation while we listen and prompt from another floor via our Broachie Talkies.

The Night Court and Cap are still insulated by Thorton’s items but he does pass a liar box test. However, the Night Court can tell that the attendant guard, Gifford, plans to report our behavior to someone else after we leave. Chuq mentions this to Lord Thorton hoping the magistrate will be guarded with the guard in the future. Bellisonte demonstrate the liar box function by stating some outright lies. Boris is made invisible by Edan so that the familiar can follow Thorton clandestinely. Following Boris via the night cap, Chuq can locate Aardman’s mind when Thorton meets him in an interrogation room a floor below the room the party is occupying.

After many questions and back and forth, Thorton has no doubt the Aardman’s accusations against Perette and The Barldric/Starchie Boyz are all lies and that the Grells (Ardnan & Alaine) & Peter Thorell were slavers. Unfortunately, he doesn’t give up his benefactors, why he is changing his testimony at this time (except that he feels safe now) or who is feeding him information from out of the court house/jail. Serithos corroborates most of Aardman’s responses but admits something else is hidden. Thorton is curiously quite during the interview not following any leads on his own. At the end, Thorton puts on a show, vociferously herding us out of the courthouse. No doubt to cover his cooperation in the eyes of those guards reporting to the City Council or Admiralty.

Back at the C&B, one of our mercs reports that the Grey Cloaks busted up the Marborough gambling hall because fugitives were thought there. The Grey Cloak apprehended Rolth and a Magic User named Applebe. We have no idea if these two were the fugitive sought or for what crime, but the night’s events show that having Grey Cloaks loitering down the street from C&B also keeps an eye on us. Cannis’s pigeon swoop reports to Chuq that our submersible is still at the navy floating docks but that the Grey Cloak guard also includes a large woman now. Suspecting it’s Em in disguise, the party set’s off on foot for the docks to the south since the carriage is long gone.

The party is followed by a Grey Cloak as we pass the gambling house. Edan hides in shadows until the Grey Cloak passes and follows him as we travel to the docks. There we hire a row boat for 1 gold piece while our tail rushes back the gambling hall with Edan following. There the Grey Cloak confers with a city guardsman before the two split running in different directions. Edan follow one as Boris the other. Boris’ prey, the guardsman rushes to a watch house which quickly empties. The horde of guardsman run towards the docks. Edan’s Grey Cloak rushes to the paper bazar where he speaks with another Grey Cloak. This second Grey Cloak mounts a horse and leaves toward High Town. Edan steals another horse to follow until he sees a gaggle of Grey Cloaks running towards the docks. He then alerts Chuq, Ronan and Thorfus via the broachie talkie.

The three shadow step to the floating dock to get ahead of the guardsman/Grey Cloak posse, leaving Bellisonte at the dock with the rental row boat. The Grey Cloaks guarding the submersible threaten the three when they arrive, until Thorfus correctly answers Perette’s questions. Perette removes a protection ring allowing Chuq to confirm his identity with the night cap. We were correct, Em is with Perette and the Grey Cloaks, there plans is to escape the city.

Perette’s loyal Grey Cloaks told him that Aardman had changed his testimony. Thorton had issued a secret warrant for Perette’s arrest. He went into hiding because that was out of character for Thorton. He uncovered a plot to take him down and learned the Grey Cloaks were planning to capture EM. Realizing the risk, he acted first. Apologizing for bringing the authorities to his hide out, we talk over options on how best to avoid capture. When Ronan suggests Perette and Em could hide with Alainon Bartling the watch maker, we put our plan into action. The brilliance of Ronan’s plan is that Alainon is a known Islander sympathizer who was tortured by Perette in the past. He is also fiercely loyal to the islander pulp fiction hero, Em. Relying on Em’s notoriety and a good deal of coin to convince Alainon to help, it’s hoped the Grey Cloaks would overlook a former victim of Perette.

Perette hoped to escape on the Wrath of the Waves which is currently heavily guarded by the navy. We also want to use the Wrath but as a distraction to hide our escape from the floating dock. Thorfus realizes his autonotom control circlet will allow him to control the Wrath since the Navy has installed an electrical orb autonotom in the Wrath. To start, Chuq shadow steps to the bow of the wrath of the waves to cut the lashings. Surprisingly, he notices eyes watching him as he is within the shadow. As the lashings are cut, Thorfus commands the ship to take off catching the Monk by surprise. As the rear lashings burst free from the ships force, Chuq steps far away from the action happening on the nearby dock.

Ronan leads Em, Perrette & Grey Cloaks to the Midmark side of the floating docks where they meet up with Chuq & Thorfus. Perette’s four loyal Grey Cloaks are left on the floating dock as the rest shadow step back to Midmark. Telepathically, Bellisonte is tasked to retrieve the Grey Cloaks with the rental rowboat and the rest take the long way to Alainon’s.

Session 121 September 7, 2016

Session 121 September 7, 2016

11pm 28th of Jourilden, aboard the Bitter Horse

Cannis and Bellisonte start the night’s activities by healing Thorfus of his wounds. Captain Evenwode has organized the sailors to rescue the X Ship into land and boat parties. With Edan levitating the beached end, Cannis smoothing the path into a smooth sloped ramp, and Thorfus & his monkeys excavating more stone from under its keel, the x-ship is freed on the first attempt.

Evenwode plans to get under way in the morning. During the night, Edan identifies Ronin’s ring of swimming, the mirror frame of teleportation and Sword of Dagon. Unfortunately he learns nothing of Cannis’ enchanted rope. The fleet sets off for Midmark the next morning, a journey that should take three days since he plans to lay at anchor every night.

When we notice Admiral Dyconson is staying on board the experimental ship and that several vats of holy water were transferred to it, Chuq, Edan and Thorfus shadow step on board to investigate what’s happening. After some pleasantries and Thorfus determines there aren’t any electrical autonotoms on board, he and Chuq leave Edan there and return to the Bitterhorse for the rest of the trip to Midmark. Edan reports his activities daily via the Broachie Talkie while Thorfus begins Ronin’s Hero training.

Each day brings new sights on the waves. We pass near a monstrously big Manta Ray that the Night Court assures Chuq is a mindless vastly distant cousin. A magical display of eerily calm seas draws our attention when we see feminine watery spirits cavorting in the air above the dead calm. Evenwode expresses intense disinterest demanding the fleet has one duty, to return the experimental vessel to Midmark safely. The fleet sail on, our curiosity left unsated.

It’s Evenwodes singularity of purpose that prompts Thorfus and Chuq to shadow step spontaneously to an abandoned open boat bobbing in the water the next day. They discover three adult bodies and a cowering little boy in the fishing boat.

The boy’s name is Hughe, son of Hughe. The bodies are of his Uncles, slain by a “Mirror Man” that wore the false face of Hughe’s Father, undoubtedly another damn Imperial Inquisitor! Terrified that the Dwarf and Monk are also Mirror Men, the two convince the lad he is safe. Evenwode has dutifully ignored the goings on the little boat, so is surprised and somewhat miffed when the two Boys return to the Bitterhorse with an actual little boy. The crew are sympathetic to the lad’s plight and show him proper sea faring decorum. Evenwode agrees to send word to Hughe’s home island about his survival and the fate of the fishing boat once the fleet has returned to Midmark. Seems not a single vessel can be spared…

The fleet arrives late evening, all ships save the Javelin are moored at the navy military dock with little fanfare. That is until a longboat arrives from the City. Naval brass and several Grey Cloaks, including Perrette board the Bitterhorse, congratulating the Captain and her crew. The mood is jovial and somewhat festive. Perette confers with the Boys privately on the Bitterhorse’s deck. He offers a personal invitation from Judge Thornton who plans to host a banquet in our honor the next evening. Never one to turn his back on free drinks, Cannis voices his acceptance before everyone else has a chance. Accepting Perette’s invitation to return to the City via the longboat he arrived in, everything and everyone except the Sword of Dagon and Hughe are piled in. Perette arranges a Grey Cloak guard for the sword before we leave.

During the trip he tells of the New Town troubles, the lowering price and supposed haunting of the Grell estate, the new harbor master’s Devil Fish Bounty of 500gp per tail, Silver Throne’s open call for adventurers to explore a collapsed section of the tunnels below Xen Khel, apparent Harbor Triad victory in Vargen, Em’s good fortune and the literary summation of the Talon pulp fiction series where the brave hero sacrifices his live to save his Bride’s life. Edan is inspired by that one…Perette parts with us when the boat ships at Midmark, leaving us with a written invitation for Thorton’s banquet.

We make our way to the Cock and Bull for round on Thorfus. Our hirelings are sent to stow our gear before they can carouse in the common room. Thorfus speaks at length with Alanon Bartley, learning the man’s hands were mangled by Grey Cloaks for suspicion of printing anticolonial literature. Alanon witnessed a man that matches the description of Jarden the Imperial Inqusitor before the explosion of Desric’s lab. The rumor mill tells of islander disenfranchised after the last elections since their candidate was disqualified, a flying serpent (not dragon) seen over the forest north of the city, that the man in the houseboat in Midmark bay is surrounded by devil fish & fishmen and that the cult of Fishwick religion is growing his camp in the swamp is swamped with new adherents. The night ends late with full bellies and swollen heads. It’s good to be among friends and not shark men….

Session 120 – August 31, 2016

Session 120 – August 31, 2016

Noon, 28th of Jourilden in the Sonic Weapon manufactory flooded dome.

A happy and well-fed Charchus greets Chuq and the party. He tells the feast was great and that only a few small younglings were killed in the feeding frenzy. He enthusiastically accepts Chuq’s appointment as Adjutant to Chuq – Dagon’s Champion & the voice of Victory! Through his interpretation, we organize the Sharkmen war party into an escort and Sword of Dagon porter team. A shiver of sharks also join us. Charchus suggests we circle around the cove motu via the south moving at our best speed which is as fast as the ancient Dwarven submersible will move.

As we approach the cove from the south, Chuq towing water breathing Cannis and Ronin, split from the submerged war party and surface to greet the Bitterhorse which is keeping station at the mouth of the cover, coincidentally over the Dusty Gnome wreck. Once her crew hails the three bobbing in the waves, they approach swimming along the surface. Captain Evenwode and Admiral Dyconson lean over her gunwale and speak to the monk after he climbs aboard a row boat tied to her hull. As ever Evenwode asks after freeing the wrath of the waves and Dyconson wants word about Alain Grell. Glossing over their concerns, Chuq explains the Boys have returned with sharkmen & shark allies to exact justice on the man-eating trolls & hags lurking below the Bitterhorse. They agree to not interfere and are happy to hear we plan to free the Wrath that night.

Cannis doggie paddles to the Wrath of the Waves to study the night’s challenges. Chuq and Ronin direct the Sharkmen to secret the Sword of Dagon among the kelp shallows below the piers at the beach. Once secured, he informs Belisonte of the party’s return and plans for the day. She tasks Pons with policing the camp and making ready to depart. Edan needs her healing touch, she and a few other Mercs row out to the Bitterhorse where Thorfus and Edan have supervised the hoisting of our submersible onto her deck. Those shark men not hiding the Sword of Dagon establish a perimeter about the Gnome’s wreck on the ocean floor. They were told not to engage the Hags under penalty of death.

The Boys ingest enough water breathing coral to last the fight before sinking below the waves. Charchus has the shark men and sharks rally behind the aft of the wreck while the Boys mount the ruin of the collapsed tunnel overlooking the open decks of the Gnome’s rear half wreck. Ronin and Chuq swim decoy across the broken hull and succeed in luring the Trolls into the open. As the three monsters charge across the sea floor, Cannis entangles them with the plants littering about. Though one breaks loose and assaults the party on the top of the collapsed tunnel, it falls after a fury of blows from the Boys ending with a skillful skewer from Ronin from behind! Edan strikes the entangled with a blinding lightning flash. Then Cannis enters the entangling plants to dispatch each in kind.

As he does, a Sea Hag emerges from the dark of the wreck, her gaze flinging death at Edan – no doubt her greatest threat. Thank the gods, Edan stutters and clutches his chest before he demonstratively shakes her look from his gaze. His eyes alight with the fire of life, his and his alone! Elf is not on her menu today. She swings her look at the company of shark men and sharks answering the summons from Chuq to join the fight. Most shark men cower where they swim, refusing to fight such a fearsome sight. She was right, Edan’s missiles of Pure Energy send her soul to the afterlife. Her corpse and the trolls’ quickly disappear into the bellies of our shark allies.

Realizing the wreck is now empty of any thoughts, the Boys search the refuse, bodies and interior. Edan slyly notices a poison needle trap on a chest that Chuq overlooked. The trap is disarmed allowing Edan to collect the weakened poison needle and the loot within. Other booty is found but ultimately, not the body of Alain Grell, he must have escaped with the Imperials. Before returning to the surface, Chuq rewards the four Shark Men that did not fright from the Sea Hag with titles and a bauble souvenir. Their pride is apparent. Charchus’ is embarrassed he also was afraid until Chuq assuages his ego. Those that were feared are shamed into attending the Boys until the Sword is secured for the trip to Midmark.

The Boys return to the Bitterhorse after the water breathing wears off. Cannis rests in preparation for stone shaping the rocks holding the Wrath of the Waves. Word is sent to the beach so the Mercs would return to the fleet. Next challenge, releasing the Wrath into the cove….

Session 13 August 9, 2016

Session 13 August 9, 2016

23rd of Eostnur as the party rides into Mannheim.

Thori RedBeard excuses himself, mentioning he will speaks with the Thane about the battle of Kurzak Hizram. Left to ourselves, the party returns to the Freelancer’s to secure our war dogs. Rocco is tending the bar when we arrive. He advises that dog trainers can be found at the town market. After the dogs are kenneled, the party spends the rest of the day at the market. The spoils from our adventures catch a good deal of coin, especially after Urman enchants a local jeweler with his wit and personal magnetism. We retire to the Freelancer’s guild for the night.

The next morning, 24th of Eostnur, Thori Redbeard collects the party at the guild then escorts us to the northeastern quarter of Mannheim where we have an audience with Thane Efstein Valesborn. The Thane is attending by Urdjan Academy Headmaster Andros Ashwind on one side, Thori takes position at the Thanes other side before we are addressed. The Thane opines that where armies fail, small groups may succeed. He explains that from the Many Mouths delta, the locale of an ancient battle ground is now mostly a dangerous sprawling swamp teeming with more than murdering ghosts. Spilling out of the ruins of Necropolis, undead monster threaten the drier lands adjacent to the Many Mouths. The root cause of the undead is thought to be a cursed artifact likely hidden in the ruins of the Necropolis. An artifact desired by the Enchantress. She wants this weapon to subdue the Vale.

Thori and Headmaster Andros have testified to our exceptional successes in battle, aiding Vale-folk and lifting mysterious curses. Even the Church and Urman’s Master Kerriman have spoken of our personal qualities. The Thane has decided are the best candidates to seek out the truth of the Many Mouths Necropolis curse. After we have committed to the quest, we are gifted this gear: a dozen runed arrows; 6 healing potions; healing salves; a large hoop that will teleport all holding it directly to the Urdjan Academy; 2 scroll’s, one with shield and the other with feather fall; a letter addressed to Urman from Kerriman; a crewed barge & an Urdjan knight faery lamp.

When we explain our need to train before setting off, the Thane arranges mentors to advance Batukahn, Brin, Urman and Zho ni. During the next week, Headmaster Ashwind trains Urman, Thori trains Batukahn and Brin and Father Hubertsson trains Zho ni. Batukan hasn’t mentioned which new weapon he has mastered. Brin now can wield a long sword and spear like a veteran. Ashwind explains enchanting faeri lamps and Urdja scythes to Urman. Urman reviews his magical hoard with Ashwind. Zho ni was taught Eostaria’s Blessed Meal and gifts his copy of Turning Undead Spirits to the church. Otiben confers with the spymaster but didn’t return with much about our next mission. He fills most of his time preparing for our mission, so that on the 8th day, the party can set off via barge for the Many Mouths.