Session 133 November 30, 2016

Session 133 November 30, 2016

6:00 pm, 20th of Tanrilden, returning to the Jolly Gorgon.

AD Clock reads

We notice two cloaked men loitering by the Jolly Gorgon’s dock. The night cap tells Chuq that the two are looking for the Starchie Boys – Ashton, Axel, Chuq, Finkelmur, Orion or Thorfus. Leaving everyone else in the shadows, Thorfus approaches the two alone. The pair, Chik Rasorer and Rowley Feiffer, are militia the Starchie Boyz rescued from Grimtooth’s Gnoll pack. Along with all the other captives, we safely escorted the two to Vargen where we booked their passage to Midmark so they could report for duty and deliver Thorfus’ first report to Lord Thorton. Now that their enlistment is finished, they want to sign on with Thorfus. At the Jolly Gorgon, Thorfus assigns them to Kotar’s mercenary squad. Kotar is pleased to see familiar and friendly faces.

Ronan suggests we acquired the last two items we left at the Merendur temple poison cabinet tonight. It’s hoped they will help when dealing with the Mermen and Devil Fish. Before we make the attempt, he runs a personal errand at the Marlborough gambling house. Rolf tells Ronan that the streets have no rumors about Ronan’s first heist at the Merendur Temple. Ronan purchases some dog froth before leaving to meet the party by the Merendur temple.

Edan decides to stay on board the Jolly Gorgan to continue his research, so it is only Axel, Chuq, Ronan and Thorfus that collect near the Salty Judge later that night. Axel and Thorfus enter via the front gate asking for help to deal with the Keeper Estate hauntings while Chuq and Ronan swim in the Tarwater to the tower proper. The plan is for Chuq to shadow step the swimmers via Thorfus’ or Axel’s view of the interior using the night cap. The plan is put on hold as Chief Librarian Chartain Beltram, the cleric Calle poisoned during our last infiltration, is introduced to the dwarves and proceeds to escort the two to his office, enthused to research ancient lore about ghostly hauntings.

In his office, outside of the ink room, Beltram excuses himself to collect some text. Axel and Thorfus position themselves so that as Beltram returns through the door Chuq can shadow step behind him into the ink room. His infravision allows Ronan to lead Chuq across the ink black room to the poison cabinet door. At the door, Chuq uses the continual light Starchie badge to examine the door for traps. Then Ronan uses his key to unlock the door and the two enter the cabinet as the Starchie badge is stowed away making the room dark again.

During this time, Beltram explains that imperial text tells of a place in between places where sometime souls can be trapped there due to injustice at death or unrealized ambition in life. There is mention of a banishment ritual, a little ceremony of the bell, book and candle. A cleric arrange candles in a petragram within the locus of the haunting, but a missing text needs to be chanted as a golden bell is told. The spirits will likely fight during this ritual. To discover the missing text, he suggests a cleric of the Dragon Emperor or a sage with knowledge of religious customs. Beltram doesn’t fully comprehend the passage that says the spirits are trapped in the realm of transpatial energy. Edan would definitely like to learn this! Thorfus beseechs the librarian for more help, Chartain promises to continue his research during the night. He records Axel’s and Thorfus’ names so that he may send word to the Jolly Gorgon by midday day hence.

Before they leave the office, Thorfus asks Beltram what he knows of the Mad King. Surprisingly there was a Champion of Lysander known as the Mad King during the ancient dwarven rebellion. Beltram promises to research this further during the night.

Within the poison cabinet, Chuq fails to pick the display case lock so Ronan has to yank it off. The net and jug are snatched. Ronan pauses to examine some scrolls but none seem worth stealing. As the two cross the doorway with the Starchie badge aloft, a massive tendril of ink slams into Ronan’s chest. He feels himself slipping away but by force of will resists. Looking over his shoulder, Chuq step the pair across the room. This allow him to contact the stalling bungling Thorfus’ mind. Asking for a quick exit, Thorfus shows Chuq a view over the water between the temple tower and the harbor. The thieves step 10 feet above the water and plunge into the surf. Ronan swims away with their loot as Chuq loiters under the covered causeway to support Axel and Thorfus if necessary. The dwarves are escorted out without incident though they can hear a commotion occurring within the temple behind them.

Axel and Thorfus walk to the Jolly Gorgon while Chuq and Ronan swim to the mill house, where they spend the night. On route, Thorfus alerts Edan of the nights events via the broachie talkie. Edan cast invisibility with the Merendur wand in his possession.  A short while after the dwarves are on board the Jolly Gorgon, Almeric wakes Thorfus because the Harbor Master is calling for the Captain.

The harbor master is accompanied by several acolytes of Merendur and Chartain Beltram. Thorfus greets the crowd from the gunwale. Thorfus resistance to the ship being boarded or searched spurns the harbor master to seize the ship. The crew and all their possessions are searched as they disembark. Since they are looking for a cloak, everyone, including the captain, are forced to relinquish theirs. Thorfus sends the crew and mercenaries to drink the night away as he keeps an eye on the ship from the dock. Eventually the harbor master retires with his lackeys left onboard searching. As he leaves, Chartain tells Thorfus that he and all his companions are banned and are anathema. He hopes we don’t take any sea voyages.

After dawn, 21st of Tanrilden.

AD Clock reads

Acolyte Cicily Hands over a rolled up parchment from Father Gyldenbollicks:

To the Keepers of the Council: First, let me offer my most sincere apologies for failing you at the Grell Estate yesterday. After the recent miracle with Patriarch Darvo, I had become overconfident in Evenkeel’s favor and too quick to forget how little we know of the realms beyond this one we call home. Second, let me apologize for not sharing some key information with you immediately: Arden Grell was not consigned to the lye pits outside of the city, but rather taken in secrecy to the family estate in Seabreeze and interred there by friends in the admiralty. I have spoken with a young cleric involved in these irregular proceedings and he has provided the enclosed sketch of the grounds showing the location of the unmarked grave. Perhaps this would appease the restless spirits of the house? If not, I have been discussing the issue all night with the Patriarch and his closest advisors and there may be a way to forcibly eject the spirits – apparently the ritual in question is imperial in origin! The mainland seems to have (correctly) held onto what the Ark has labeled superstition in error. If you would like to try that route instead, I should be prepared by tomorrow afternoon. With my sincerest apologies and condolences for your deceased comrade, Father Habreham Gyldenbollockes.

Thorfus sends the still invisible Edan to warn Chuq and Ronan to stay hidden since the search continues. Edan takes the broachie talkie with him. When Edan joins Chuq and Ronan at the mill, Ronan’s mind is touched by Drays the Devil Fish. Drays wants the repair for the Sword of Dagon and offers to examine Ronan’s mind for the same tampering he sensed in several city guardsman and his lackey Owen. Ronan refuses the examination politely then excuses himself to confer with Chuq and Edan. They leave the mill beyond Drays influence and discuss their options. Edan has already written false found research of the repair. No one, including Serithas, is interested in Chuq’s plan to confront Drays in the canal or to force an violent encounter right now.

Returning to the mill, Ronan invites Drays into the Mill claiming he wants to see who he is dealing with. Drays agrees only if Chuq leaves. The monk acquiesces. After Drays enters the Mill, Ronan reads the repair sporadically so that he can prompt Drays to answer some questions. Drays tells that the “Mad King” was a hero of the DevilFish during the ancient dwarven rebellion, also known as the !!Lord of the Night Court!! that had disappeared. Drays also agrees to collect the skull of Calle since Ronan is willing to negotiate without being so forceful and rigid like others. After Drays departs, Edan and Ronan decide to keep their Mad King revelation secret from Chuq and by extension, the Night Court.

Edan returns to the docks to tell Axel and Thorfus of the Drayz meeting. Since we have the skull, and know the location of Grell’s body, we decide to visit Sea Breeze. Later, the harbor master clears the Jolly Gorgon allowing Thorfus to set sail. Although the harbor master offered to waive our dock fees because his searchers ruinously soiled Thorfus’ most fancy cloak, we leave too soon for any real recompense. As the Jolly Gorgon crosses the Tarwater, the swimming Chuq and Ronan shadow step aboard.


Session 132 November 23, 2016

11:30 am, 20th of Tanrilden, entry foyer of the Keeper Estate fka the Grell Estate.

AD Clock reads

While Axel, Chuq, Ronan and Thorfus inspect the grounds and outbuildings about the mansion, Edan and Father Habraham explore inside. Footsteps and sobbing from the second floor draw their attention, so Edan sends Casear the bold to inspect. He follows his familiar shortly after. The three outside then join Father Habraham in the foyer and we all follow Edan to the second. More sobbing can be heard behind a door, so enter to find nothing within.

Edys Appleby is summoned to inspect the room but lunges at Chuq with a dagger. Struck unconscious, the illusionist appears to be over 90 years old. Father Habraham’s healing are ineffective. As we hoist the old man’s body, Thorfus witnesses a shimmering between him and the floor. His magic axe’s lash is too slow to connect as we hustle the dying illusionist to the front door. As we approach, we hear doors slam shut and the curtains flutter as if in a stormy wind. This is followed by the sound of shattering window on the 2nd floor then we see Edan fall to the ground outside. His fall wasn’t too bad, he recovers quickly. Habraham fumbles with the front door exclaiming it won’t budge. The monkeys have no problems opening the door so we can all exit.

As this occurred, Ronan was inspecting another part of the estate. Leaving Bellisonte with Father Habraham, we meet Ronan on the first floor. We rush to the basement when someone begins to yell hysterically. Outpacing the rest, Chuq and Ronan rush down a hallway. Ronan promptly slamming the doors shut behind them. Thorfus barrels through the first door after his monkeys fail to open it. Beyond is a hallway where Chuq can be heard laughing. The monkeys quickly open the various doors in the hallway discovering wine cellars. In one along the north is found a lonely rusty old sword. Following the laughing, Thorfus discovers a secret door, behind he finds Chuq the Monk shackled and chained between two pillars with Ronan carving into the Monks back.

This room strangely resembles Alain Grell’s lair in Kurlumen. After Ronan is subdued, Chuq’s bleeding flesh spells “ring Grell Bring Calle”. Thorfus shows Alain’s head making Ronan go limp; he seems himself once he recovers. While the three examine the disturbing trappings in the torture chamber, Edan has grasped the rusty sword only to be burned by the heat it radiates once it’s in his clutches. Ronan allows us to sheath the blade in his scabbard so that we might take it with us.

Wanting to destroy Alain’s toys, we collect various devices and an abundance of hair before ascending a spiral staircase to the top floor of the mansion. Beyond the single door at the top landing we see a transparent figure writing on the wall. The writing appears to be in blood. Thorfus sends a monkey to show the apparition Alain’s head. As the figure turns, Chuq and Thorfus flee in fear for hours through the streets of Midmark until they reach the Jolly Gorgon. The two have aged 10 years older. The Ghost disappears through a wall.

With Thorfus gone, the monkeys behave off. Ronan takes the box with Alain’s head which causes the autos to follow him out.

Edys dies form old age when they all meet outside. Unfortunately, Father Habraham fails to resurrect him. Bellisonte goes looking for Chuq. Edan examines the sword which is no longer hot when held. He removes his mind blocking circlet but doesn’t get a response from the sword. Ronan suggests Father Habraham speak with the dead to ask Edys for advice.

It is now 4:00 pm back as Habrahim cast speak with dead. Minutes pass before we are speaking with Matillis Orlebar and Sibilie Grell, the two spirits haunting this house. They want Adren Grell and his illegitimate daughter, to be with her and to punish him. Father Habraham advises to bury those two in blessed ground since they are both dead. Arden allegedly committed suicide while jailed for slavery and Calle was euthanized by Grayz the Devilfish. Before we leave for the Jolly Gogon, we ask Habraham to blesses a patch of ground in the garden so that we may bury Edys there.

Sarcophagus cave – looted crypt of ancient Orcish King found at the base of the southern wall of the Necropolis…

Sarcophagus cave – looted crypt of ancient Orcish King found at the base of the southern wall of the Necropolis chasm near the river drain, an ankle deep pool surrounds a circular dais where the king’s sarcophagus rests. Evil people are repulsed by this cave.

Primordial Death Idol Statue – over man sized black stone statue occupying an alcove in the entrance hall of Vorigan’s keep. Bryn was struck blind in his corresponding eye after Zho Ni told him to poor holy water in the empty orbit.

Main Worshiping Hall – very wide room 2nd after the main entrance in Vorigan’s Crypt, guarded by two scores of shadows. There is centrally located throne that summons an undead servant who will do the bidding of anyone who sits on it.

Zacarias Danson – human herbalist that live n Mannheim. He answered Zho ni call for Henchman and wants to join a party of adventurers to find exotic and remote plants. Was passed on since Urman also collects plants.

Embrek Forbolson – retired Dwarven fighter that answered Zho ni’s call for Henchman, looking for something interesting to do in his retirement. Enlisted with Zho ni.

Drahsen Solbergsson-Annel – unfriendly corpulent Odagard captain of Golden Griffon that Randolph the spymaster claims has sold advanced weapons to the Northman invading the vale. Dead after Otiben stages a diversion that allows him to force Drahsen to drink untraceable poison.

Golden Griffon – Odegard merchant ship who’s crew has mostly deserted after the captain’s assassination leaving the first mate stranded in Port Finnesheim.

Vincentius Lurio – Falstadian Captain of the Delilah that suggests the party might be hired on as day laborers for the Golden Griffon to get on board her. Popular with the Port Finnesheim urchins due to his generosity and kindness, mostly displayed with free candy.

Ankle disquise – non magical singly worn sock trick known to all Half-Orc horseman as the best way to disguise themselves in human lands as fair skinned and cultured academics. The technique is nigh flawless when combined with any bound book….

Baudy Sailor – modest inn/tavern that the party has hired each time they have visited Port Finnesheim. Batukahn trusts the stable hands with his horses.

Marcus – innkeeper of the Baudy Sailor

White Lilly – upscale tavern frequented by most ship’s Captains in Port Finnesheim. Batukahn and Zho ni have drinks with Captain Lurio while Otiben stalked Solbergsson-Annel.

Maescia – elderly Drow head librarian at the Port Finnesheim library who researched Vorigan the vampire for the party. She also purchases artifacts and documents on behalf of the library

Lady Azaria – ambassador of the visiting Druids who was abducted recently shortly after visiting with Maescia the librarian.

Greymantle’s Wrath – Dwarvish iron side that sunk the Ogre Galleon who’s wreckage has washed ashore north west of Port Finnesheim.

Druids – elvish band lead by Kelzhan that are camped north of Port Finnesheim’s walls. With the Thane’s and Urdjan knight’s cooperation, they are investigating the Vales resistance to the Frost of Alonestr.

Frost of Alonestr – commenced over a 100 years ago at about the same time the Enchantress emerged as a leader of the Ogres to the South. The effect moves across the land in waves starting from the south and sweeping to the north but the Vale and the Elvish Enclave are resisting its effects compared to the rest of the continent.

Kelzhan – Elderly elvish leader of the Druids residing in the Druid Gardens. Agrees to help the party cleans the Many Mouths of Vorigan’s Undead threat. Purchases the party’s Druid documents and warns that Alosha the witch is likely plotting her revenge against us.

Kymil – elvish Druid of the 6th Circle who agreed to help the party against Vorigan, will meet us at the Necropolis when we send word of our assault.

Just Call It Home – small human fishing village west of Port Finnesheim. Was raided by Ogres ship wrecked by Gremantle’s Wraith. It’s inhabitants host the part to dinner after the ogres are slain.

Garam Thul’Mashka – captain of the Ogre Galleon sunk by Greymantle’s Wrath, commissioned by the Enchantress to raid the Whitefish bay . Presumed lost at sea.

Thul – Ogre epithet for Sailor

Lady Grim – commander of the Mariner’s Fort in Port Finnesheim. Pays a bounty for the slain Ogres.

Orkarhest – an abandoned ruin, the former capital of the Orcs that ruled all of Alonestr in the ancient past. It is believed to be in the lands of the Northmen.

Necropolis – former Orcish town at the bottom of a 100 foot chasm somewhere in the Many Mouths. Doesn’t flood due to a subterranean drain found in the southeast wall of the chasm. Currently occupied by Vorigan the Vampire, his undead army and an uncounted number of Human & Humanoid thralls and overseers. The party hopes to defeat/drive off Vorigan so that they can eliminate the undead threat of the Many Mouths.

Session 22 November 20, 2016

Session 22 November 20, 2016

Mid-Morning, 21st Floranur, Chief Librarian Maesica’s office, Port Finnesheim

Urman sells the Illusionist spell book to the Library. First we are offered money but when we ask for tools to use against Vorigan, another sun stone is added to the offer. We agree to the deal, Zho ni keeps the second sun stone. Then Urman asks after new spells but lacks the comprehension to learn his first choices: Stinking Cloud, Knock and Mirror Image. After our visit to the library, we exit the port and visit the Druid Garden not far from the city wall.

The party is greeted by two elves armed with bows that lead us to a small clearing then into a round hut. Within we meet a female and two mail elves sitting by the central fire pit. The eldest of the three, Kelzhan invites us to sit by the fire. He explains this group of druids have converged on the Vale to investigate the Vale’s resistance to a frosting that is sweeping over Alenostr. Besides the Vale, the Elvish Enclaves in the north west also effectively resist the frosting but both locals are slowly succumbing. They know the frosting commenced over a 100 years ago at about the same time the Enchantress emerged as a leader of the Ogres to the South. The effect moves across the land in waves starting from the south and sweeping to the north. The Thane and the Urdjan knights are cooperating with the Druids and as such they are willing to help the party with their mission to cleanse the Many Mouths.

Kymil of the 6th Circle is selected to join our next foray. He arranges to meet us at the Necropolis via his own path, we only have to send word as to when we expect to arrive there. Next we negotiate the sale of the various Druidic scrolls we have. Though Kelzhan is somewhat disinterested, we sell the lot for a good deal of coin. Then the conversation moves the various item we have collected and our encounter with Alosha the witch.

Kelzhan is repulsed by our tainted seeds stating they are allied with dark spirits. We learn Nisalia, a druid that abandoned the order to study with Alosha was the druid we defeated. Seems Alosha is an foe of the southern Ogres as well as the Enchantress. Before we depart, Kelzhan warns of Alosha, he feels we should expect her to exact revenge against us for chasing her northward.

Then we retrieve our mounts from Finnesheim and head out on the western road after having a serving of blessed meal. At Just Call It Home, a small fishing village, we meet a man repairing a door. He greets us friendly and explains the door was smashed by Ogres looting the food kept within two days ago. He didn’t witness the crime but his injured son did. Zho ni heals the lad’s wounds before we follow the obvious Ogre tracks leading to the west.

Eventually we find wreckage littering a beach. Searching about the wreckage for clues, Otiben notices a cave further west in the cliff face at the edge of the shore. We collect about the cave mouth, then Otiben springs a stone trap by the cave mouth. This precipitates a deadly altercation with four shipwrecked Ogres. Half of them fall quickly and the last two yield after they are caught in Urman’s web. Before they are euthanized, they tell us they were deckhands captained by Garam Thul’Mashka (Thul – sailor). Captain Garam was commissioned by the Enchantress to raid shipping and villages in the north.

The sailors of Just Call It Home are happy to hear of our success. After a celebratory fresh fish dinner, we return to Port Finneshiem and spend the night at the Bawdy Bachelor. The next morning we visit Lady Grim at the Mariners Fort to collect a bounty for the slain Ogres. There are no other bounties or odd jobs so we follow Otiben to the market place where he asks after the costs to fashion a silk balloon. The cost is too rich for our purses so we decide to pack it up and return to Mannheim.

On our return, Otiben confers with Randolph who is pleased with Otiben’s success. The surprising death of Solbergsson-Annel has caused a mass desertion of his crew leaving he first officer stranded in Port Finnesheim. Otiben is hoping to continue his training with Randolph but is disappointed Randolph doesn’t have any assignments at this time. While arranges his things, Urman notice the messenger ring has a response. It is “Orkarhest Help”. Orkarhest is an abandoned ruin, the former capital of the Orcs that ruled all of Alonestr in the ancient past. It is believed to be in the lands of the Northmen.

We decide our next step will be another confrontation with Vorigan after Otiben completes his training.

Additions to Curabel People and Places XLS:

Additions to Curabel People and Places XLS:

Richie Lefician



Brother Ir’Alle

Ghaspar Thomramiel

Flamemaster Beneyt









Admrial Sarkandur


Father Habraham Gyldenbollocks








Sky Fortress

John Carlson, would you take a few minutes and read the article, He’s Got a Lot to Kick About on page 7 of this…

John Carlson, would you take a few minutes and read the article, He’s Got a Lot to Kick About on page 7 of this issue of Dragon magazine. Want to know if you’d consider adopting these features for the Celestial Dragons. BTW, I’d like to refer to the order as such from now on. CDs for short.

Session 131 November 16, 2016

Session 131 November 16, 2016

3:30 pm 14th of Tanrilden, walking from the Courthouse to the Ark Temple

AD Clock reads

While Axel trains Ronan on board the Jolly Gorgon and Edan consults with AldousRunnlebrook, Chuq and Thorfus walk across the high town square from the Courthouse to the Ark Cathedral. There are more city guards on duty outside the Cathedral but otherwise the area is devoid of people. The guards pass the two with little fuss, within one of the handful of acolytes in attendance meet the pair as they cross the antechamber. After explaining we are here to meet with Master of Spring Adhemar, the acolyte agrees to arrange a meeting with the cleric that resurrected Patriarch Darvo, Father (Canon)Habraham Gyldenbollocks either during or after our audience with Adhemar.

At his cell, we find Adhemar discussing civil and criminal legal aspects with Initiate Juhel. When asked, Adhemar expresses a good deal of interest in the role we negotiated for him. Apparently in full cooperation with Jardin, with the explicit intent to aid and abet the Islanders of Midmark, Adhemar is applying his considerable will to restore order and justice to the city. He laments how the city ordinances prohibit any Islander organizations, commercial or political and are structured to condemn debtors into indefinite indenture servitude tantamount to slavery. His ambition is to use his new position withJardin to coerce the city council to amend the laws or allow him to interpret the laws more favorably for the Islanders. Of course his persuasions will face significant opposition since antagonistic groups like the Native Unionists are in vocal open opposition to the city leadership. All the same, he is enthusiastic about his partnership withJardin/Thornton. He disapproves Chuq’sproposition to enlist as a Dervish, advising patience until the mental state of Grandmaster Angston can be assessed in person.

During the interview, Father Habrahimarrives. He and Thorfus speak while the Monks confer. Habrahim scoffs at the belief in ghosts and supposes the haunting of the Grell estate is tall tales and superstition. Now we have a clue as to why Newton had to face their fate alone. He is unconvinced whenThorgus argues the band of dead burglars where found without any signs of physical violence. With the promise of coin, he agrees to join us to the estate if but to only bless the house or at the worst exorcise the place if need be. Eventually we agree on a sliding scale for service rendered starting at 500 gpfor a blessing and as much as 2,500 if he confronts a powerful undead spirit. After discussing Baldric’s Gem, which is stowed away without any further research or investigation, we agree to meet five days hence to clear the estate.

NOTE – Habrahim mentioned Baldric Gem’s next public appearance will be during the Council of the Marks. A meeting Jardinexpects to preside.

During this time, Edan and Runnellbrookinterrogate Kalgunn further. Kalgunn claims Field Marshall Gorazim must have had an alternate way into the lower city of Xen Khel when he was protecting the Enclave since he visited the Research areas without having to travel through the upper city. The Liar shares an image of Gorazim derived from his Grandson’s memory. Besides being tall for a Dwarf, the image is of a full faced helmeted warrior in stylized power armor with a metallic right hand. When asked, Kalgunnexplains Gorazim lost his hand, but not how, and that a specialized autonotom serves in its place. Gorazim was not a popular personage until his streak of marginal success against the rebel assaults.

Edan summons a new familiar – Caesar, another black cat. Fortunately, the feral beast cleans up nice!

Leaving the Cathedral after 4:30 pm, Chuq and Thorfus retrieve Edan fromRunnelbrooks then collect Axel and Ronan from the Jolly Gorgon. First stop is the mill to inspect the submersible. It is safe. Before we leave, all but Chuq and Edan are greeted telepathically by Drays. He is more than miffed that his contacts in Chief AdvisorsGharspa’s household have reported the Sword of Dagon is not functional. He threatens to burn all the ships in the Midmark bay and make sure everyone knows it is our fault unless we successfully discover how to fix the Sword and tell him before we invite Prince Narsiclus via Gronsk to a summit with Prince Narsuth. This behavior pleasesSerithas since Drays is acting like a real Devil Fish. Both Serithas and Drays still keeps themselves hidden from each other. The party doesn’t want to confront this blatant threat at this time despite the fact we have water breathing abilities and fast swimming magic items.

Next we pay our respects at the burnt ruin of the Cock & Bull. On the way, Ronan visitsOrsibet the armorer. She is convalescing at the ark sanctuary up the street from her injuries of the night of the riots. Her assistants explains the modifications to the AncientDwarven swimming suits are not complete. He offers a handful of gold to ease Orsibet’ssuffering. While we examine the wreckage and admire the small shrines littering the area, an obviously drunk belligerent challenges us from up the street towards Newtown. He proclaims he is one of the rioters that torched the Cock & Bull then slewStarchie, Ellspeth and her lover then mutilated Starchie’s corpse. His drunken state interferes with mind reading, so the Monk decides to apprehend this man so that he might offer clues to the ring leaders. Hymert, the sobers overnight at the courthouse and yields nothing we can act on during the interview the next morning. Adhemar will have to execute this man because of his public admission of murder and brandishing of a poison dagger. We rest and shop the next three days until Ronan completes his training.

20th of Tanrilden

AD Clock reads

Ronan places a bounty for the ringleaders that murdered Starchie and Ellspeth at the Marlborough house. We promise 500 gp for each one, dead or alive. No one at the gambling hall has any leads but some have seen them before. Next we visit Jardin at Thornton’s estate. He has good and bad news which he delivers after handing over our warrants as Keepers of the Council and reminds us of our targets in Vargen and Xen Khel. (See session 130 summary)

Next is the Bad news: most of the Grell properties were already sold off. All of Grell’sliquid assets were seized by the city to repair the summer estates and pay reparations to some of Alain’s victims.

Finally he delivers the Good news: it’s really not Good news. He excitedly offers a field trip through the mirror to be marveled by the Empires newest inventions. Enticed the most,Edan leads Thorfus and Axel to touch the mirror after Jardin has already disappeared by doing the same. Ronan takes a minute to search about the office before he and Chuq follow.

Now everyone is in room. Jardin is standing next to a man in an unfamiliar uniform. It has the emblem of the dragon emperor surprisingly. Jardin welcomes us toGharmarost, “the greatest seaport of the world and home to the imperial navy”. We are shown a balcony to a view of an immense city 10 times as big as Midmark. Jardingpoints to a really huge boat in dry dock being plated in metal sheets. The superstructure is rounded, the frame is wood. Jardin proclaims this is the first Sky Fortress.

The city has an autonatom transportation system on rails in the streets. We witness steam work vehicles with weapon appendages being loaded onto other vessels.Jardin explains these vehicles are designed to capture the Returns’ dwarven fleet when they pass through the gate.

We are ushered into a hoist, similar to the electrical hoists in the khels but obviously toEdan powered via steam not electricity.Jardin press L5, the lowest button then we descend. He elaborates on the Imperial plan – though we are going to undoubtedly fail to save the world from the Return, we are expected to discover the controls to the corrupted orbital defense system. With this knowledge the imperials will safely fly to intercept the Return’s armada as they are exiting the gate. They will board the Dwarvenvesssels, then once captured sail those vessels along with the Sky Fortress to invade theDwarven domain on the other side of the Gate.

At L5 is a very cool chamber, where we are shown a miniature version of the Wrath of the Waves engines. Jardin explains this functional miniature is the design that they will outfit at immense size on the Sky Fortress. He explains to Edan some of the design choices the Imperials have made then offers the miniature to Edan after demonstrating it’s control via a silver circlet. Thorfus tries to finagle a higher hierarchal circlet from the Jardin, but the Inquisitor refuses to hand over one of their gold circlets. We learn they don’t have a Crystal Circlet which can override their silver and gold circlets.

We learn all of the Dragon Emperor’s temples and cathedrals are busy making as much holy water as they can to fuel the full size engines. The Sky Fortress will have large external tanks of holy water to power eight to ten engines. They have yet to develop stabilizing the engines and won’t attempt to until the Sky Fortress is completed in about three weeks.

Though they can’t recharge ancient dwarvenbatteries, they have their own version that Thorfus can use to power his Lightning Axe. He is given two three charge batteries in exchange for his original which they keep for research. Chuq’s Monk Stick is inoperable and he refuses to turn it over without something traded in kind.

Jardin will not allow the admiral to shanghai Edan to join his research team. Obviously there is a power play between the two. Chuq reads the Admiral, he thinks Jardin is eccentric and powerful. Then we are escorted back to Midmark where the party departs Jardin to collect Father Habraham.


At the estate, we enter the main entrance unmolested. Nothing arises as we shout our presence save several birds flew down a hall after Chuq told them to exit the house. Time to find out the truth about this place…

Session 130 November 9th, 2016

Session 130 November 9th, 2016

Midday, 13th Tanrilden on board the Jolly Gordon setting sail from Beacon for Midmark.

AD Clock reads

Axel presides over the burial at sea without honors of Alain Grell’s body. He ensures the unceremonious ceremony is performed well out of sight of the villagers of Beacon. The sailing is smooth for the rest of the day and into the night.

AD Clock reads

Edan wakes before dawn after a night of vivid dreaming. All the others in the cabin are shocked when a sudden load bump is heard from his bunk. Surprise switches to awe when beams of bright light project out of the obviously nonplussed scholar’s eyes. Axel and Thorfus avert there gazes, one of them muttering something that sounds like “Won’t Sturgard me if I can help it!” Edan stands, obviously uncomfortable in his own skin. The beams of light slowly dim as the party continues to gawk at him. Fearing he is subject to outside attacks, he removes his ESP protection circlet and is relieved he still feels like himself. Remembering the feeling of great magical powers while dreaming, he rushes to the deck of the Jolly Gorgon and channels the pure energy coursing in his skin. Unlike yesterday, he can create twice as many magic missiles today! Ever testing the limits of reality, Edan retrieves an information Reliquary. Just by grasping it, the abundant transpatial energy flowing through his body activates the religuary as if he were an ancient Dwarven control pedestal.

We all rush to the aft cabin and find Edys Apliby dealing with the same problem. He greets us by saying “Something odd is going on…”When prompted, he creates the illusion of incomparable complexity and size. The cramped little cabin has all the trappings of an idyllic grotto, complete with brilliant foliage, sparkling waterfall and extravagant armor and clothing for himself and Bellisonte. He admits he was only trying for a few tufts of grass after dismissing the illusion. Remarkably, Bellisonte’s abilities aren’t affected like the magicians. Perhaps since her powers are bequeathed from her god, the deity’s own limits are unaffected by this change.

Edan consults Kalgunn by simply opening the sword’s chest and speaking out loud. Kalgunn is also affected and tells that he has not experienced such power levels since the fall of the Crystal Tower. He suspected Xeno Tel is releasing more transpatial energy for some ominous purpose. After the fall of the Crystal Tower, the same was done to aid in curing Prixalthumus’ virus. Realizing the Return is only five months away, his best guess is that this is preparation for opening the Gate. The energy demand to power the Gate is so high, we can expect the amount of available transpatial energy to steadily increase in the weeks to come. He also explains this process could have been initiated by an Administrator at one of the original ancient Khels, remotely or at the Orbital Palace itself.

We then talk some more about DVLs and learn that they can be created by Xeno Tel but there is no way to directly communicate with either DVLs or Demons without entering the transpatial space physically. And of course such a visit will likely leave a living being lost and stranded with just about no chance of return.

Next we examine our magical weapons and learn their eldritch glows are similarly affected. Whether the change is cosmetic alone isn’t explored at this time since our Merman meeting is looming. While Edan sets to writing copies of some of the more intriguing Jardin to Grell letters, Chuq and Thorfus explore some of the other magical devices. The night cap and court aren’t affected but that could be because we are out at sea and there aren’t any minds further away. Unfortunately, the scrying masks wasn’t augmented beyond it’s limited capacity.  Thorfus can not view other locals then those he already had.

Ronan suggests combining the night cap with the scrying mask to read the minds of those viewed via the mask. The Monk faints to the floor the three times he dons the mask. Thorfus’ mind is more resilient, he successfully wears the night cap and has his first and lengthy direct conversation with Serithas. Serithas admires Thorfus’ reverence of the Ancients. The two devices aren’t synergistic, he can’t read any minds viewed via the scrying mask.

Just at dawn while Axel begins Ronan’s training, the Jolly Gorgon arrives at the merman meet, there is a school waiting. One Merman announces Martham, chief steward of Chief Advisor Gharspa’s household is here with a message and a gift. Asking for Master Chuq and Lord Thorfus, the two surface dwellers committed to Prince Narsuth’s cause, the parley begins. The gift is 50 doses of Brunwege, the coral like plant that allows a surface dweller to breathe underwater, kept in a special sack that will keep its efficacy for 6 months. Martham explains the Brunwege has no other purpose for the Mermen save as a garnish.

It is hoped the Brunwege will permit our party to visit Shiggareth the Merman city. Martham cautions we shouldn’t visit accompanied by Devil Fish, Locatha or Sahuagin. He also instructs us to begin the visit from the fishing village of Shelton, ask after a local guide then walk along the sea floor to Shiggareth. When announcing ourselves, we can ask for the Hospitality of Chief Advisor Gharspa.

Martham chants the message we are asked to deliver. He repeats himself enough times so that Edan can record the following:

To the Devil Fish Gronsk, from Gharspa Thomramiel of Shiggareth, Chief Advisor to the Rightful Heir to the Merpeople Crown, the Exalted Prince Narusth. Please be advised that the exalted Prince Narusth has been gifted by the Great Powers of the Watery World with an ancient device of great power, known as the Sword of Dagon. This blessing is a sign that the Great Powers have smiled upon the exalted Prince Narusth and he invites his estranged brother, Prince Masculus, to join him in celebration of this auspicious time at a place of Prince Masculus’s choosing to discuss the future of the Merpeople and the healing of the great division that brings such pain to our people and strife to the Bay of Midmark. With my greatest respect and kindest regards, Gharspa Thomramiel of Shiggareth, Chief Advisor to the Rightful Heir to the Merpeople Crown, the Exalted Prince Narusth.

The Jolly Gorgon is moored back at Midmark dock around noon. Axel and Ronin stay on board training while Bellisonte, Chuq, Edan, Edys and Thorfus hire a carriage to Aldus Runnelbrooks home. The black curtains adorning the front window clenches a few chests until Aldus’ house servant excuses herself to retrieve him. He has horrific news. Rioters have burnt down the Cock & Bull, the tavern as well as the town house. Those bastards also killed Elspeth, her husband, the local potion seller and most heinously, Starchie our retired mascot. Aldous’ son Ferri was also lynched by rioter during the night of chaos. It’s Ferri’s death why the black curtains were hung. This is when we learn that Magistrate Thornton has been elevated to acting lord mayor with Master of Spring Adhemar assisting with magistracy duties.

Chuq plans to tell Aldus the truth of Thornton but Thorfus and Edan feel Aldus has too much tragedy as it is. Stalling, Chuq asks after Aldus’ Umamah, Evenkeel and his former wife. Aldus tells of how Evenkeel came to Curabel as an Admiral of an Imperial fleet whose point of view changed sometime after when he and Umamah met which coincides with Evenkeel’s discovery of his crown. Chuq seques the topic of Evenkeel to our revelation that Evenkeel was a royal Imperial Dragon, an heir to the Emperor, who after finding his ancient dwarven crown suddenly betrayed his family and lead the rebellion Aldus participated. Incredulous to this story, Aldus allows Chuq to share his memories of our confrontations with Jardin via the night cap.

Visibly struck by the news, Aldus resolves to spend his days in Midmark and speaks with us at length about other details. He plans to contemplate his role now that his home is ruled by his bitterest enemy. However, the distance of time seems to have tempered his passions. Edan advises caution even though our suggestion to go north is dismissed.

Edan then relates Axel’s underground tale finishing with the prophecy of the Return. Then Thorfus shows Aldus the ancient dwarven clock counting down. They then interrogate Kalgunn about the abundance of transpatial energy. Edan steers the conversation to learn than a possible antecedent of the name Ironhand might have been derived from the name Gorazin which meant Steel Grasp. Kalgunn tells of a Lord Marshal Gorazin, last of the Lord Marshals that secreted the Ancient Dwarven enclave into hiding after the fall of the Crystal Tower. It was Gorazin’s efforts that kept the research under Xen Khel on track to find a cure as the rebels where winning the day on the surface. Remarkably, Thornton is quiet during this conversation.

Taking our leave, our next stop is Thornton’s estate to deliver Grell’s head. Not there, the guards offer a carriage to the courthouse. We meet Thorton in conference with a few City Council members. Thorfus presents the box holding Grell’s head. We are congratulated, then Thorton pronounces our boons for bringing the fugitive to justice (some, including Jarding, are disappointed Grell wasn’t taken alive).

We are commissioned as Keepers of the Council, a small grey cloak like group for dealing with opponent without the city where as the Grey Cloaks deal with problems within the city. A letter enlisting help and solace from any city office or official in the name of the Council is handed to Thorfus. Our band will report to Thornton not Adhemar since the Master is only assisting the Magistrate, not assuming the position. Our first assignments are:

1. Marchmain Sithis – sanction with extreme prejudice.

2. Bargemen’s guild members – Rolth Barber, Malich and Havlin Flowermaid (acting guild master) – sanction or apprehend for justice in Midmark.

Thorfus negotiates other boons, such as possession of the Grell estate and any other holdings in and out of Midmark. Specifically, there is a summer home at Sea Breeze as well as any other cash deposits, investment interests, and places of honor in public places. Jardin promises to investigate these items during this week.

We then retire to another room to have a private conference. Jardin relates Orsibet and Tilek testified that the Cock & Bull was attacked by 70 rioters that set the buildings alight. A women cleric and thin magic user were the rioter’s ringleaders. Richie Lefician, known criminal was identified as the thin magician. The two killed Starche and lingered after to ambush us. They vandalized and left a grotesque message using our best friend’s entrails: “Welcome home Starchie Boys, this is for Nigel and my girls” Orsibet identified a fisherman than frequented the C&B was with the mob. This man told Orsibet he blamed the Starchi Boys for the death of his wife and daughter.

Jardin then explains Patriarch Darvo was miraculously resurrected. Actually, a Junior inquisitor is posing as Darvo. Adhemar was not subsumed because we Celestial Dragon adherents are proving to be great proto imperialist. He also has felt the freer transpatial energy. Word from the Empire is that Grand Master Angston will return to Curabel shortly and there are plans to move against the Silver Throne, specifically the Lonely Isle.

Session 21 November 6, 2016

Session 21 November 6, 2016

Freelancer’s Guild, Mannheim

There are two candidates for Zho ni’s call for henchmen, Zacharius the herbalist and Embrek Fobolsom a matured Dwarven Warrior. Embrek’s fire and spirit impresses Zho ni, the dwarf is his latest lackey. Though Otiben is intriqued by Embrek’s skills and abilities, we pass on him thinking Urman would bump heads with Zach’s agenda. We take note of his location, hoping to tap him in the future.

Before leaving Mannheim for Port Finnesheim, Batukahn helps us purchase the best Pony, Riding, light and two heavy war horses to be had. This allows us to return several on loan mounts from the Udrjan Academy. The ride to Finneshein takes most of the day so that we arrive at the city gates late in the afternoon.

In addition to our search for a method to defeat Vorigan the Vampire, Otiben has been commissioned by Randolph to meet am Odagard merchant ship captain by the name of Drahsen Solbergsson-Annel. Otiben explains to Batukahn and Zho ni that Randolph accuses Solbergsson-Annel of sealing advanced weaponry to the invading Nothmen that threaten the Vale while the Ogres are raiding from the south. Knowing only that the captain should be in Finnesheim, we first visit the piers to ascertain if his ship the Golden Griffon is present. It is and can’t be missed since it is easily the largest ship docked.

A local street youth informs us about the Griffon, her captain and crew and of other frequenters of the port. Solbergsson-Annel is an unfriendly opulent man who spends his time in the richer side of town while his crew can be found haunting the salty taverns closer to the docks. There is only a skeleton crew on the Griffon currently. Solbergsson-Annel would likely be found at the White Lilly tavern but the kids on the block never visit that part of town. Captain Vincentius Lurio of the Javelin gets an unsolicited mention, if only because he is friendlier to the local youths than the arrogant Sobergsson-Annel.

Next up is checking in at the Baudy Sailor, our former hostel. Marcus the keeper greets us and suggests we visit the White Lilly if we want to speak with ship captains. After settling the henchmen’s for a night of drink, food and carousing, Batukahn and Zho ni join Otiben to the White Lilly. The cleric and fighter have drinks at the front of the White Lilly while Otiben checks out the servant’s entrance. The staff is mostly attractive human women scantily clad. Otiben doesn’t rightly fit in with this bunch. He does hear that Solbergsson-Annel is currently being entertained by several house harlots.

While Batukahn and Zho ni have met Captain Vincentius Lurio in the bar and began speaking about getting on board the Golden Griffen the next day, Otiben has hired a room and Half-Orc harlot. His escort tells him about Sobergsson-Annel excesses, masochistic perversion and general loathing by the staff. Tipping her for her time, he slips out of his room despite her regret they weren’t more intimate. In an unoccupied room, Otiben stages a distraction by setting a bed alight then returns to the half-orc harlot to await the general alarm. In the pandemonium that ensues, Solbergsson-Annel is caught in Otiben’s grasp from behind. A phial of poison is emptied into his mouth before the drunkard knows what is happening to him. Slipping into the shadows, Otiben makes his escape out another empty room and down the wall under its window.

The three adventurers share one last drink before leaving the White Lilly for the night. Knowing Otiben has fulfilled his obligation and likely saved many Valemen fighting in the northern front, we decide to visit the Finnesheim library the next day. Marcus greets us in the morning before we visit the library. He tells of three different rumors: a Dwarven Ironside has sunken an Ogre galleon found in the local waters, some have said people and things on board it have been found on the shore north west of Finneshiem; an elven noble has gone missing months ago, putting the local elves on edge; since the Mariners are North fighting the war, burglars and cutpurses are becoming a bigger problem.

At the Library, we are introduced to Librarian Maescia a drow, who is familiar with Vampire Lore. We share what we have learned of Vorigan and the Necropolis. She cautions over reliance on mirrors and holy symbols and explains she recognizes Vorigan as a name for an ancient magician thought dead long ago. She agrees to research the Vorigan problem in the library for the sake of the Vale. She also will investigate more about the unholy statue that blinded Bryn, all she can say at this time is that it must be a symbol of a primordial deity of Death. When we speak of the rumors told by Marcus, Maescia explains the missing elf is Lady Azaria who visited Maescia a few days before her disappearance. Lady Azaria was an ambassador of the druids and her disappearance is bad news for the guards responsible for her safety. This is how we learn that Druids can be found north of the city walls, perhaps we can enlist their aid against Vorigan? She also told us that Greymantle’s Wrath was the Ironside that sunk the Ogre Galleon.

It is hoped that we can meet with the Druids and investigate the shore to the north west while Maescia conducts her research.