Session 147 March 15, 2017

Session 147 March 15, 2017

Noon, 4th day of the Great Fair, Glavnonne armory wing

AD clock reads

The lonely undying fire giant corpse’ control cube is collected then it’s decapitated to forestall subsequent reanimation. An arrow silted murder room is found to the south. Its single islander undying attendant is quickly murdered and mutilated same as the fire giant. A parallel murder room can be seen across a wide cavern that lies behind Glavnonne’s entrance palisade. A wide pit in the cavern evidences where Finkleworm must have burst the Fire Giant’s defenses from behind.

An immense gutted armory is found to the north with an adjacent trophy room adorned with various racial banners hung from its ceiling. Banners for Gnolls, Kobolds and Islander tribes are seen here. A fully stocked smaller armory is found east of the trophy room. While investigating its contents, voices are heard approaching. An ambush is set and sprung which kills a team of Islander fighters, a mouthless Cleric and a pair of undying Fire Giants. A newly discovered transpatial tube launcher engulfed most of the investigators in a magical ball of fire. The survivors of the explosion are dispatched by the party’s weapons. The TransTube and all the ammunition are looted.

Edan spies the main hall where more foes are lying in wait. The party is shadow stepped to a catwalk above and behind the ambushers. A group of Islander fighters and an eyeless Cleric fall to a surprise attack with the TransTube. One of the pair of undying Fire Giants is singed by the explosion. Stranded two levels below the party, the pair of undying Fire Giants in the main hall slink into hiding keeping the party observed, no doubt informing their handler(s) of our activities. Like the first team, the dead have no loot worth taking.

We descend to the middling catwalk where undying are milling about with raw material in their hands as they enter into an overwhelmingly hot room to the northwest. Those that return from the room are empty handed. Ignored by these undying we approach their destination where we find a conveyor belt manufactory staffed by gorilla autonotoms heating material delivered by the undying, hammering the material into shape and impregnating nano fiber material into sheets that are conveyed to a central steamy pit where the stuff disappears from our view. Kalgunn adores their industry and laments its beautiful.

Axel’s power armor allows him to endure the manufactory’s heat so he crosses a catwalk to another door. There he finds a 50 x 50 x 50 cube room where the catwalk continues to surround a giant 30 x 20 cube hanging from the ceiling. A bedraggled unhealthy dragon’s head hangs from the bottom of the cube. Undying armed with spears jab the cube causing flashes of lightning that prompt the dragon to belch dragon flame into a whole in the floor below. There are steps to a raised dias where there is a very large autonotom shaped like a dwarf made of solid metal with no exposed joints or gears.

Axel returns to the party reporting what he’s seen. We decide to immediately assault. The undying attack, surrounding us quickly. Chuq and Ronan succumb to the manufactories’ heat as the party is shadow stepped to the door Axel had closed. They are dragged by the dwarves into the Cube/Dragon room where they recover in a minute. The door is spiked shut before we open up against the occupants since we hear loud grounding from the palisades. Ronan and Axel move to slay the undying stabbing Arumtaxis. The rest engage the A-1000 with Thessalhydra acid, Ice walls and magical lightning. Eventually all undying lay slain, Edan and Chuq move to release Aruntaxis leaving Thorfus alone to face the A-1000 with the last of our lightning in his hand. Edan yells at the back of Chuq’s head “Get his blood first!” Chuq turns to say “Who, me?” when time just stops…. for station identification. Until next Tuesday…

Session 31 February 5, 2017

Session 31 February 5, 2017

Three souls down on their luck answer Urman’s summon. He hires all three, Gamli Bronso the peg legged and the twins Matia and Kaeso Vademor as guards for the Djoside Keep. Urman balks at hiring the twins since they are petty thieves that fled Vademor the original home of Vorigan the vampire. After charming Matia, he believes the two are no more than what they admit to. He also learns Matia has the skills of a cutpurse and Vademor is a spiritual acolyte. Needed more as security than henchmen, the two stay with Gamli in Djoside.

The Thane sends a chest with a matching pair of dwarven wrought battle axe and hand axe inlaid with mithril. The two are a embassy gift for the Stone Spear chieftain. Urman places the weapons in another chest which he wizard locks, leaving the original publicly exposed as a decoy. Both Urman and Zho ni place Continual Light enchantments on items for the newly hired guards to use in Djoside. Bryn addresses the party after he is presented as a Swordsman. Upon our return to Djoside, he wants to leave our company to stay at home with his Mother and to to assume responsibility as Balenwode Ranger. Otiben insists he include the Keep in his duties, which Bryn acquiesces. Then the Thane’s embassy heads north to Djoside on horseback.

We are greeted first by Orel Mostana the elderly caretaker. In sparkling Apolsede manner, Urman promises to support the caretaker in his dotage, in exchange for a few more weeks supervision of the Keep’s preliminary renovations. Eventually, Urman hires Bryn’s mother to attend to his daily needs. Of course, Bryn peeled off to his mother’s as soon as we arrived. Orel has a copy of the Thane’s writ bestowing the Keep to the party and mentions there is a visitor staying at the Inn who had left word he wanted to meet us. We settle our hirelings and gear in the keep before visiting the inn. There we are greeted as heroes of the community. Shortly the mysterious stranger is summoned, as expected he is Randolph the Thane’s dark hand.

Retiring to a private room, we discuss Randolph’s plans for the embassy. He grew impatient waiting for us so had relocated to Djoside and hired a barge to ship us to Crossing. When we arrive in Crossing, he will make some arrangements then we will deliver the gift to the Stone Spears. After his briefing, he agrees to raise Otiben from Rutterkin to Waghalter over the next week. During this week, we settle arrangement in Djoside so that we leave the day after we had arrived. Urman gives the hirelings their assignments and rooms in the keep are assigned. Zho ni proselytizes to the village and his plans of a new temple are accepted eagerly.

The trip to crossing is without incident and our arrival with no fanfare. Randolp excuses himself leaving the party to explore the town. After a settling in two rooms at an inn, we explore the town perfunctorily and finish with a visit to the a Druid grove north of the town proper. There we speak with Druid Geirnot briefly. He isn’t interested in joining our adventures, even after we reference our partnership with Kymil and the Grand Druid circle in Finnesheim.

Later Randolph introduces us to Dietrich, his field scout. Dietrich briefs us on the bugbear bands threatening Crossing. There is a major settlement in the woods blocking the western Mountain road and a smaller outpost directly west of Crossing. He has investigated several battlefields where the Bugbears confronted Elosha’s minions. Those encounters were inconclusive and don’t seem to have improved either side’s position. Dietrich has very old intelligence concerning Mydius the Hedge Mage. His newest information is that there have been reports of Mydius aiding the Bugbears but never seen travelling from his tower in the east to the areas of engagements in the western woods.

Our embassy to Bori Stonespear is an appearant success. He accepts the Thane’s gifts, confirming the clan’s commitment to the Vale. He pledges up to 50 warriors to confront the Bugbears since their presence also challenges his suzerainty in the region and eminence among the other clans. If pressed, the women can join the men for a force of 75 fighters. We spend most of the time trying to determine the most effective way to defeat the Bugbears and Mydius. Three options seem obvious: a combined assault on the western Bugbear outpost to lure the settlement and Mydius into a confrontation, a clandestine infiltration into Mydius’ tower to lope off the head as it were or a two pronged plan with the Stonespear’s facing the Bugbear outpost and an infiltration team to Mydius’ tower.

We realize our lack of hard current intelligence leaves too many factors in question. Elosha’s commitment to the fray is wholly unknown. What threat she will pose to our newly allied Stonespears during and after confronting Mydius and the Bugbears is unknown. Mydius’ specific behavior and capability since secluding himself is also unknown. Urman is concerned Mydius’s skill outstrips his own. We decide Bugbear hostage(s) will answer some of the open questions. A plan is outlined to procure hostages while Otiben and Randall continue training.

Session 30 January 29, 2017

Session 30 January 29, 2017

Andros Ashwind identifies several items from the Necropolis. Of note Otiben keeps a Vampire’s Tooth Dagger and Bryn is carrying a Flametongue Spear. Otiben argues for keeping Vorigan’s staff, it’s powers seducing him. Zho ni is vociferous in opposition with Urman and Batukahn supporting the position that being an instrument in service to He Who Devours, it must be destroyed for the protection of the Vale. Andros Ashwind also purchases Vorigan’s entire library, promising to destroy or bury the most evil tomes.

After the Thane dismisses the party, booty from the Necropolis is pawned off to jewelers and pelt dealers filling our purses with coin.

The party spends the next two weeks training to advance in their professions, administer their various business interests and prepares for their northern embassy/expedition. During this fortnight, Zho ni casts Remove Curse each day from all those pulled into the full moon nightmares. Each casting, the cleric can feel a curse lifted but brave Bryn continues to suffer night nightmares. Kymil the Druid and his retinue bid us farewell and return to Finneshiem to organize a return mission the the Necropolis.

Batukahn helps Bryn become a Swordsman (I think his HP must be rolled), Urman studies to become a Magician and Otiben drills Embrek into a Swordsman. During this week, Zho ni can not pay a discounted tuition to the Temple so he spends the time crafting scrolls. Otiben visits the boxing ring to collect our cut. He also takes a match, soundly knocking his opponent off his feet in the first round.

Zho ni’s ambition gets the best of him and he proposes pawning the Irohnhand shield to the Temple to offset his tuition. His and the shield’s notoriety convinces the Cannon to elevate Zho ni to the same office with a commision. As the Vale’s only other highest Eostaria clergy, Zho ni must spread her mysteries abroad. Specifically, he must also erect a place of worship in Djoside adjacent to the former Ironhand keep.

To pay for Embrek’s advancement, Zho ni had gifted Vorigan’s mace to Otiben, who later sells it to the Thane’s quartermaster then hands most of the proceeds back to Zho ni. Otiben and Batukahn also visit the mine, setting the miners to quarrying stone and digging deeper for more copper or other ore. They return to Mannheim with smelted copper and another partial bar of Mithril. This in turn allow Zho ni to not only pay the pawn of the Apolsede Shield (moniker must have changed the week it was on display with Ironhand a footnote reference on the placard) and make a significant payment to the Thane’s grant.

Otiben considers hiring a barge to open a regular trade route from the mine to Djoside. Urman advises leaving this in the planning stage since we won’t be in country to administer directly. Urman puts out word we are hiring security for the Keep and hopes some prospects will show before we go north.

Session 140 January 25, 2017

Session 140 January 25, 2017

6am 27th Tanrilden

AD Clock reads

At 6:00 am the morning after the skiff assault, Thorfus and Almeric discuss the situation on the wreck of the Jolly Gorgon. There are Wall District watchmen ashore monitoring the dock, the man and dwarf and obviously the sky. Almeric reports that the Jolly Gorgon isn’t going anywhere anytime soon its current condition. Also, most of the crew no longer wish to serve Captain Thorfus. The only exception are himself and two others from Shelton, Astin and Ericus. The other hands have consented to help get the boat to where it may be repaired but refuse to stay on hand after that. Turning the conversation to actually repairing the Gorgon, Almeric speculates there might be someone in Vargen who can help but he knows for sure that Xenilum Khel has a dock that can fix the JG but of course the crew won’t be around for that trip.

Thorfus learns from the Wall District guardsmen that the nearest dock to ours in Hightown harbor has a crane that is owned by the barge men’s guild. After triaging the injured mercenaries, Thorfus visits Edde who operates the punter’s crane dock. Almeric organizes the crew to tow the Jolly Gorgon to Edde’s dock while the party goes in town to shop.

Our first stop is a local Ark Temple shrine on Wall Street. Brother Feskin, a fan of the Em/Talon pulps, cures light wounds for most of us for our signatures on a copy and a discounted price. Next we return Tericius the armorer’s cart then invite him to the Gorgon wreck to estimate the skiff/barge job. While visiting Jaharis at the burnt down 12th knight, Chuq sends a message via Wall District watchmen to Captain Ellisondro telling him of our intent to depart and asking for alerts of any questionable going-ons at the High Town/Wall District gates. We return to the Jolly Gorgon after Thorfus gifts a large (1K gp) gem to Jaharis. There, a man delivers a message after introducing himself as a grey cloak.

The message is a hand written note from Jardin ordering the Keepers of the Council to cease all operations against the Bargemen’s guild leadership. Other options are being arranged instead. The grey cloak leaves shortly after handing the note over, explaining the need not to be seen with us. Thorfus bargains with Edde negotiating on price for the barge, dock use and crane operation. Now awake, Edan hires Tericius agreeing on a bonus rate if the armorer can finish the job to Edan’s satisfaction in less than 6 hours. Actually, Tericius doesn’t earn the bonus. The job takes the 12 hours he originally estimated.

Thorfus stays at the punter’s dock to supervise. During this time, Edde tells a rumor of a riot in Far Harbor last night. Human rioters assaulted the Brotherhood of the World Forge, even killing a few dwarves.

Axel, Chuq and Ronan visit High Town to outfit for our trip north. Axel acquires provisions and equipment while Chuq and Ronan negotiate a healing mission with the Ark Temple. Father Pradays, the dog frother, arranges a mission after a tip of froth from Ronan. He leads Sisverto, Cuerte, Finkelheal and a bevy of acolytes to the punter dock to treat our injured. The clerics get everyone back on their feet. Before they return to the temple, Thorfus purchases a small fortune of healing potions and holy water from Pradays, who isn’t interested in giving a volume discount. Edan convinces Priest Finkelheal to enlist as his henchman to the relief of Father Pradays. Seems the two were not overly fond of each other.

Once the skiff is affixed to the barge and it is obvious we plan to set off without the Jolly Gorgon, Edde asks Thorfus the ship’s fate. Thorfus suggest letting her go for a very good price which prompts Edde to dash off into the night. He returns some time later with Merrick the Punter leader. Merrick is very happy, seems the future is so bright he can afford a fixer upper yacht for the easy days ahead. He pays Thorfus enough in cash that the party almost comes up even after today’s shopping spree.

The barge quietly gets under way, floating eastward until we are well beyond any Vargen eyes. With confidence, Edan handles the skiff’s pilot controls causing the whole cobbled contraption to silently lift out of the water and into the sky. Moving at a hurried walking pace, the Keeper Skiffle rises no more than 60 feet above the surface and slowly turns northerly. To port, we can see the copse outside of the Wall District has been calamitously been disturbed. To investigate means nearing Vargen. Edan keeps her steady as Ronan suggests someone fetch a spyglass for a better look.

Session 139 January 18, 2017

Session 139 January 18, 2017

11:20pm 26th of Tanrilden on the dock watching the burning Jolly Gorgon

AD Clock reads

Through his rapport with the battling monkey autonotoms, Thorfus hears the following from the now vacant modern power armor suits: “You have served the hidden ones admiralty. May Xeno Tel preserve you. Suits 2, 4, 5, and 6 critical count down command authority.” Moments later the power armors explode, the flames erupting from the suits on the top deck the midship cabin’s windows exploding outward followed by rolling jets of flame.

The plumes on the deck unfurl into wing shapes. Through the smoke and waving hazy air those still standing witness the wings are attached to small scaled skinned humanoid shapes. The creatures’ heads are horned and their wings are leathery and bat like. Their dramatic arrival spurs the gawking Wall District guardsman to flee with reckless abandon. The tumult caused by their flight draws Thorfus’ attention, he sees on the northern horizon a burning fire to the north east somewhere in or beyond the Wall District. Perhaps as far away as where the partially excavated berserker autonotom rests. Ronan joins the guardsman as far as the building where the unconscious Axel lies comatose. Followed by Chuq, Ronan rushes to Axel’s aid with healing potions in hand.

The winged creatures fly towards shore with murder in their minds, as divined by the night cap. As they pass, Thorfus lets loose with a bolt of lightning from his Axe. Unlike before, the grip of the axe vibrates violently in Thorfus’ grasp as the lighting lances towards the flyers. Following Ronan’s example, one of the mercenaries helps the unconscious Bellisonte gingerly drink a healing potion. Awakened, she helps the injured on the dock after confirming Sturloc is alive if not completely well. Two healing potions later, Axel takes to peppering the burning Jolly Gorgon with arrows.

Chuq and Ronan shadow step onto the dock to help Thorfus combat two of the winged devils. Eventually Thorfus downs both. During the melee, a power armored Dwarf battling two devils on the Jolly Gorgon and dodging Axel’s arrows, turns to flee. He leaps from the conflagrating ship to the dock but slips on the landing, plunging into the dark waters below. The flying skiff had returned during this fracas, and was struck once by Edan’s lightning and then again by a fusillade of the elf’s magic missiles. Edan ignores Chuq and Thorfus invitation to board the passing skiff so they are only joined by Ronan after it had turned and was making another approach to the dock.

Using the shadows cast by the crew, the three shadow step from the dock onto the flying skiff, surprising the three Dwarfs on board. Ronan occupies one while Chuq and Thorfus slay another. As Thorfus charges the pilot of the skiff, Edan strikes it’s hull with another volley of magic missiles. This brings the skiff crashing down onto the Jolly Gorgon. The impact stuns Chuq, Ronan falls as if he was run through and by an act of sheer will power, Thorfus survives only to be laid low by the pilot’s battle axe shortly thereafter. The devils on board the Jolly Gorgon are crushed.

The wrecks are about to sink but are saved by an ice wall from Edan’s Merendur Wand. As the ice solidifies, Axel leaps onto the sheet to confront the pilot. The pilot charges across the downwardly sloped ice, misses Axel and drops into the water. This allows Axel to aid Ronan and Thorfus. Thorfus regains his feet but Ronan, much like Axel before him remains comatose.  Axel yells to the mercenaries on shore to recover the Keeper’s loot in the Jolly Gorgon. Edan organizes the crew to repair the ship before the ice melts.

Edan then searches the skiff, paying intense attention to the engines and it’s structural integrity. Unfortunately, the skiff is broke in twain by the crash. He does learn the skiff’s flat keel is composed of reliquary/portal gate metal. This puzzles Kalgun since the metal needs a flame as hot as dragon fire to mold. Writing is discovered on the gunwale near the bow, the word “Suttung” is below an etching of an anvil with crossed hammers. This also puzzle Kalgun since it is obviously a maker mark but one he doesn’t recognize. Edan then studies the pilot’s helm and through fiddling almost raises one half of the broken skill from the other.  The skiff appears to be powered by a bank of 8 modern style triangle batteries, three of which are still powered showing a total of 9 charges.

During the mop up, shortly after midnight, Caesar the cat familiar returns. His arrival coincides with a intense light show in the far eastern sky.  The fixed star over Lonely Isle bursts into sun like brilliance. Calling for the spy glass, Edan’s body coruscates with creeping arcs of pure energy. Oblivious to those around him keeping their distance, Edan lifts the tossed spy glass to see a fiery jet erupting from a cylinder streaming down. Eventually the jet of flame fades and then goes out, masking the cylinder in the darkened sky. The Fixed Star over Lonely Ilse is now gone completely. Kalgunn comments that the cloaking device must still works.

Through his scrying mask, Thorfus views both the Lonely Isle and Xen Khel. Each are quiet night time landscapes. No longer arcing with energy, Edan listens to Caesar’s report. The familiar expects trouble. Synnove’s henchman was followed to a fortified tenement block in High Town where he was next seen dead by the hands of a very angry man that must have received Synnove’s message. The same very angry man told a nearby boy that the Dwarves have to pay for their naked aggression. Caesar left as he saw many men arming for battle.

Then runners arrive, seeking Captain Ellisondro. Their report is that the Twelfth Knight has been destroyed by walking armored things that burst into the inn and torched the whole place. Captain Ellisondro tells Edan that he heard rumors to the effect that the Triad leaders meet at the castle of the three guilds in High Town.

While Ronan still lies unconscious, Thorfus borrows his swimming Ring to search for the Power Armored dwarves that sunk during the fight.  His pal Gronsk, the devil fish arrives and after a short negotiation, agrees to help find the pilot on the bottom of the bay floor. In return Thorfus promises to deliver the message in a few days. After a rebreather at the surface, Gronsk swims Thorfus to a suit of armor standing on the bay floor. Tying a line then recovering it to the surface, he finds different kind of magic battle axe and a bouncing betty mine.

Thorfus searches below again for the other missing dwarf. He and Gronks have another negotiation to learn that just a half hour ago Merrick the Punter returned with a deal from Lord Thorton. He and the other Punter’s guild leaders now have an agreement that makes them subordinate to the Triad but since they are still wanted in Midmark, the embargo of Vargen would continue.

Session 138 January 11, 2017

Session 138 January 11, 2017

9:00 pm, the 26th of Tanrilden on board the Jolly Gorgon

AD Cloak reads

Thorfus watches on the top deck as Edan studies below. Everyone else is resting, specifically, Chuq is napping before he and Ronan plan to swim across the Vargen Harbor to plant memories into the remaining Punters. After pacing the deck for over an hour, Thorfus spies a heat source floating over the buildings of the harbor district. It moves from the north in an almost straight horizontal line to the southern docks and is soon lost among the masts of the ships moored in the Triad held docks. Wanting a quick way to investigate, Thorfus rushes below decks but can not rouse the sleeping monk. Seems the previous sleepless day was more than Chuq could bear. Next Thorfus informs the invisible Edan of what he has seen. Kalgunn deduces the mysterious flyer must be an ancient dwarven flying skiff. Casting invisibility on Thorfus, the two disembark the Jolly Gorgon to investigate. Axel is assigned deck watch while Ronan is left to sleep below.

When they reach the Jolly Gorgon’s previous berth, they notice a new ship flying an ensign from Crescent Isle lashed to our previous locale. They notice Synnove the Triad harbor master pacing nervously. Shortly after, Synnove tells one of his lackeys “Need you to get a message to the bosses, we some people from upriver are here looking for those Midmark… just tell the bosses we have visitors from upriver.” Then Synnove sends the rest of his night time crew for drinks in doors. Edan ask Boris to follow the first lackey but they decide to keep watch near Synnnove.

Meanwhile at the Jolly Gorgon (read in your best Ted Knight), Axel gets his first look at the flying skiff as it skirts the docks from the bay side moving west to east. As the Jolly Gorgon comes into the skiff’s view, it’s course straightens directly for the Jolly Gorgon and steadily rises above the waves. Higher and higher it rises until it passes directly over the deck where a spout of flame ignites the top of the central mast. Barking orders to Bellisonte and Sturloc, Axel rushes to the ships moorings.

As Sturloc and Bellisonte raise the alarm and rally the crew and Mercs, Axel prepares to engage the skiff as it turns about to assault the Jolly Gorgon once again. The battle is mostly one sided as the skiff makes three more passes over our ship. After the central, the aft then forward masts are set ablaze as crew emerge from below and attempt to control the fire. Axel attempts to grapple the skiff with a line but fails twice. Ronan carries the comatose Chuq to the shore when he fails to wake the monk. Sturloc sends the missile armed mercs to help Axel return fire to the skiff then tasks the melee armed mercenaries to help him save first Edan’s work then the party’s three large chest of magical weapons and treasure. Bellisonte renders aid where she can but the skiffs fiery attacks and dropped bombs kill an alarming number of the crew. Most flee ashore leaving the Sturloc’s team below and Axel’s team on deck to stand and fight among the flames.

The first relief was a small band of Wall District watch that quickly disappears once they take in the plight we are facing. If they had stayed, they would have seen six shapes drop to the deck after all three masts are burning beyond control. Those on the deck are then beset by three dwarves in modern Dwarven Power Armor sporting Silver Throne badges on their cuirasses. The other three power armored dwarves plunge through the top deck, landing among Sturloc’s team laden with the large chest. Taking a quick measure of the threat, Sturloc commands his crew to abandon the chests and escape to the top deck, planning to seal the deck hatch behind them. Their exit is barred by two Dwarves forcing a fierce melee that butchers most of our men. Ronan and Axel eventually stand off against one Dwarf brandishing a lightning axe that mirrors Thorfus’.

The three assailants below decks ignore Sturloc’s team and are heard smashing the contents below decks, no doubt looking for Kalgunn. Too many minutes too late, Chuq suddenly gains consciousness on shore and takes in the catastrophe. A nearby crew man is handed a large purse of gold and told to rush to the Wall District guard house to alert Captain Ellisondro of our plight. The gold is meant to grease as many palms as necessary to reach Ellisondro. Yelling to the others on shore to care for the wounded, Chuq shadow steps on the fore deck. Eventually only a heavily wounded Chuq and Ronan are facing five power armored Dwarves. Lunging for the unconscious Axel slumped on the deck and Ronan’s hand, Chuq shadow steps the three onto a nearby roof. Preparing to defend the injured on the dock and ashore, they see the power armored dwarves return below deck. Supposedly to search some more before the burning ship sinks. Chuq commands the crew on the dock to remove the gangplank and cut the moorings so that the Jolly Gorgon could be shoved off the dock.

Then Captain Elissondro arrives with a sizeable force of guards men. Knowing Axel is OK, Chuq and Ronan shadow step back to the street and give Ellisondro a quick report. Ellisondro agrees to tend to our wounded and help release and push the Jolly Gorgon away from the dock. As we are working on the dock, Edan and Thorfus arrive. Understandably, the invisible Thorfus demands and explanation which Chuq gives albeit only what he witnessed since waking. Thorfus isn’t terribly happy Chuq planned to scuttle his ship if only to drown the boarders.

Thorfus dons his control circlet and sets the monkey autonatoms on board to assault the Silver Throne Dwarves. Two dwarves are quickly trapped within their power less armor when the monkeys extract their suit’s batteries. This prompts the leader to send a lightning bolt straight up into the sky. No doubt as a signal to the skiff. Thorfus sees in the monkey’s eyes that the other dwarves are preparing to fight ….

Session 137 – January 4, 2017

Session 137 – January 4, 2017

The afternoon of the 25th of Tanrilden in the library of Parnel Folet

AD clock reads

Chuq and Edan spend the afternoon researching Dragons until evening. Before taking leave, we discuss Folet’s lifelong fascination with Dragons. Chuq and Edan intimate they could introduce Folet to an actual Dragon for a face to face interview. When we determine from further questioning that Folet can’t help our party with money, services or outright enlistment, Edan decides to compare notes about the recent spike in trans spatial energy which Kalgunn deduces is Xeno Tel preparing for the Return. Edan confirms the relationship between modern magic and the ancient texts’ reference to trans spatial energy. He also explains that for some, their deepest desires are manifested physically due to the abundance of trans spatial energy. This is how he explains Folet’s patch of scales growing on his arm. The two wizards swap spells, then the party returns to the Wall District for the night.

During our walk, Thorfus and Chuq debate the merits of assassinating the Punter’s since we know their hideout. Thorfus wants to finish the job as promised; Chuq refuses to actively participate in Jardin’s political coup d’etat. Deciding not to decide just yet; the party escorts Edan to a haberdashery that is closed for business. On the way, a tail is noticed following us. Ronan ducks into an alley, then waylays the obviously homeless beggar. Sinnove the Triad dock master hired the man to follow and report on us. Ronan grapples the man and chokes him until he slumps unconscious to the ground.

Using an overly complicated knock to get the haberdashery’s attention, Edan somehow convinces the store owner, Andrea Shyrwud,  to service him after hours. Our half-elf wizard asks everyone to wait outside while he conducts his business. Chuq follow Thorfus into the alley where the beggar is sleeping. Realizing our leader means to kill the man, Chuq convinces him not to kill some sap who’s death would tell Sinnove as much about us as the beggar telling the story himself. After Chuq consults with the Night Court, Thorfus agrees changing the beggar’s memories of the day suits our needs as well.

When asked, Serithas claims he can influence the dreams of a sleeper by pulling their mind into the Night Cap like he had done to the soul/mind of Brice Bissel. Knowing Devil fish’s proclivity for devilry, Chuq suggests planting the fantasy of a day spent feasting, boozing and womanizing with several beauties on the Keeper’s coin in the beggar’s mind. Serithas reluctantly agrees to do so and after asking permission to use the night cap proceeds. After Serithas claims the deed is done, we join Ronan out on the street to wait for Edan. Problem is, we never see Edan. His disembodied voice informs us he is ready to go, seems he’s keeping his movements secret from those hired by Marchmain Sithis looking for Kalgunn.

At the Wall District/High Town gate, we meet Captain Ellisondro of the watchman. He catches up with Chuq and tells of the hardship throughout all of Vargen due to the Midmark Trade embargo. This sways Chuq so that when the party returns to the Jolly Gorgon, he suggests using the newly discovered power of Serithas on the punter’s. Everyone agrees (and decides to sleep with their ESP blocking rings from now on), so shortly after, Chuq and Ronan swim across Vargen harbor to search out the Punter’s ship. Keeping low in the water amid ship, Serithas reports he discovered the minds of our targets. The swimmers have to wade for some time before all three fall asleep. When they do, Chuq ask Serithas to plant memories of a letter from Lord Thornton promising money and men to use against the Harbor Triad since they have kept their Dog Froth prophets to themselves. To formalize the deal, all three are invited to Midmark to take possession of the money and troops. The mission was a partial success, the next day we learn one of the punters was sent to Midmark to meet with Thornton.

Captain Ellisondro also told of the half buried metal statue in the Quickling Copse. His men tasked with trimming the underbrush and deadfalls in the copse claim the statue’s pose has changed from one of supplication to lowered arms braced against the ground as if to lift itself. His entreat for us to investigate is obvious but we don’t commit. The following morning, the prospect of Thorfus commanding a giant autonatom moves us all to visit the copse.

Thorfus’ control circlet offers only the slight glimmer of a mechanical mind in the construct. The urge to respond to his bidding is felt but the force to act is insufficient. The two monkeys in a sack he brought along are eager to repair the autonatom but before they are released, Chuq confers with Serithas. Serithas calls the giant is a Berserker which is a weapon introduced late in the rebellion. If it’s mind was right, he claims it was once his specialty to coopt berserkers to the rebellion’s side but since this one is damaged he can not influence it. Hoping repairs might change this, Thofus lets loose the monkeys. While he supervises, Axel, Chuq and Ronan return to the Vargen for supplies and the other monkeys.

At the city gate, the watch men suggest Chuq visit Tericius the armorer for metal. The three split, Ronan heads to the Jolly Gorgon while Axel with Chuq shop at Tericius’s shop. Ronan is accosted by several street thugs but intimidates them down. He reports the incident to the watchmen at the gate. They respond quickly to investigate. Axel and Chuq secure two suits of armor and a rented cart from Tericius. The rest of the day is spent watching the monkey’s make their repairs then begin excavating the berserker. Unfortunately, the repairs don’t awaken the berserker’s mind. The berserker is left partially excavated.

At the Jolly Gorgon, Axel, Ronan and Thorfus telepath with Gronsk. He has Masculus the Merman Prince’s reply:

” To the Devil Fish Drayz, from Shakihel Gazarine of Shegarra, Chief Advisor to the Rightful Heir to the Merpeople Crown, the Exalted Prince Masculus. Please be advised that the Exalted Prince Masculus accepts his estranged brother’s request for an audience to discuss the discovery of the ancient device of great power known as the Sword of Dagon. Whether this is a sign that the Great Powers have smiled upon the Blessed Merpeople or not is debatable but perhaps an agreement regarding this weapon could mark the beginning of a healthy and cooperative relationship between all factions of our nation. The Exalted Prince Masculus, per the terms of the parley offer, designates the Fields of Smoke as the meeting place to discuss this and other matters, at the Middle Dark when the Short Moon is Complete, the Long Moon Just Past, and the Waters Deepest. As per ancient custom, the Exalted Prince Masculus and Prince Narusth are entitled to bring with them a small company of no greater than ten schools of ten warriors and this sacred rule of parley is assumed to be in full force. With my greatest respect and kindest regards, Shakihel Gazarine of Shegarra, Chief Advisor to the Rightful Heir to the Merpeople Crown, the Exalted Prince Masculus.”

Thorfus promises to deliver the reply to Drayz in Midmark, especially after Gronsk pressing him. In exchange for our sightings of the Ghost Ship, Gronsk agrees to investigate the bargem’s ship and learns Flowerrnave sent Merrick to Midmark to investigate the deal with acting Lord Mayor Thornton. Gronsk then leaves, expects us to return to Midmark to deliver the Merman message.

To finish the job, we plan to visit the punter hideout once again tonight to plant the memory of a positive reply from Merrick.

Session 135 December 14, 2016

Session 135 December 14, 2016

24th of Tanrelden on the JG to Vargen

AD Clock

In response to a note Chuq sends to Adhemar at the Ark Cathedral, Alaric Winterbegh visits the Jolly Gorgon early in the morning. After Thorfus welcomes Alaric aboard, he reports that Grand Master Langstom’ return to Curabel is not expected soon and he is there to remove any curses we suspect afflict us. Alaric blesses the Jolly Gorgon, removes any curses from Edan and Thorfus and takes possession of the rusty sword found at the Keepers’ Estate that burned Edan as he held it. Before leaving, Alaric interviews the party concerning their possessions and fearful flights by the Grell Ghosts.

With his exit, the Jolly Gorgon sets sail. A couple of hours on the trip to Kaligan, we pass a squat boathouse at anchor, someone is fishing on the deck but can’t see Chuq’s wave as we slip by. Eventually we enter the cove at Kaligan and go ashore with Bellisonte and Sturloc attending. As we search the deserted village, we notice smoke from a fire in the old imperial fort. This prompts us to investigate. The fort is occupied by a small force of Midmark Militia. A sortie challenges the party until they learn our identities. After that they are hospitable and escort us on a tour of the keep showing us their efforts to improve it. During the meet and greet, they mention seeing a mysterious ship that matches Chuq and Ronan’s ghost ship excursion and of the occasional undead wandering from Newton. After a bit of food and toast, we excuse ourselves then return to the abandoned Kaligan to experiment with the adamantine cube Thorfus keeps with his kit.

As suspected, once Thorfus (and it seems only Thorfus) says “Kehl” in ancient dwarven, the cube quickly expands with a dance of shifting shapes and rotating surfaces into a 30 foot tall metal tower about 20′ foot square on each side. There is a single door without handles or hinges that swings open when Thorufs says “open” in ancient dwarven, a ceiling trap door inside responds the same way allowing egress to the battlements on the roof. To close either he has to speak the word “Close” in ancient dwarven. After exploring the small interior, we exit, stand clear and watch as “Khel” for a second time reverses the process and the fortress is now a cube again. The cube/tower’s metal material seems very tough indeed. Edan suspects that with a lot of effort, the metal could be removed and repurposed into armor, weapons or tools.

We board the Jolly Gorgon and continue our trip to Vargen. Before berthing in a western berth, most of the party assumes rather minimal disguises like Thorfus braiding his hair and Chuq changing his shorts for trousers and a waist coat. Captain Thorfus is greeted by Sinnove the dock master who charges 7sp a day for his berth. Synnove is very solicitous, suggesting we visit the Winking Swordsman tavern or hiring his boys for errands or repairs. He also explains the deep water docks are bare because of Thorton’s (Jardin’s) trade embargo and that most adventuring types have moved upriver to Xen Khel since the SilverThrone is paying.

We decide to spend the night at the Twelth Knight in the wall district. Planning to visit the Ark Temple on the way so that Chuq can check in. During our walk, Chuq speaks with one or many flagellates publicly whipping themselves and chanting prayers in the street. He invites us to talk to Fishwick at his retreat north of the city. We learn Fishwick preaches of a fiery end to the world from above the sky among the stars. Seems Fishwick’s former favorite drinking hole was the Starving Dragon not far from where we are speaking with the flagellate. Ale was Fishwick’s favorite libation.

As we approach the High Town square, shouts and screams as weapons are drawn can be heard. The night cap warns of mortal violence ahead, people want to kill each other. We can see a commotion by the north east corner of the square. Two gangs are brawling. By standing worshippers, pilgrims and clerics are fleeing the battle. The combatants are indistinct from each other. A man in chainmail with a long sword seems familiar to Chuq. This spurns the monk to get involved with Ronan charging into help. The other side breaks ranks, chattering in some cant as they flee. The man in chainmail survived and we learn he is Captain Leafrick of the Bargemen. After a brief discussion, Leafrick joins his dispersing bargemen, imploring us to look him up to help out the Bargemen.

Guardsmen arrive and interrogate us. They understand we wanted to help make the streets safe. With a warning to be safe, they allow us to part and visit the Fellowship Grove. Asking a druid about Orion, a former Starchie Boy, we learn that he left the grove after getting word from his home village and has returned there to investigate. Next stop was the Ark Temple, where Chuq learns form an dog frothed cleric that Chuq was the last monk to check in and that Master of Spring Archembald was checked in on the 4th of Foreldon.

At the wall street gate, the guards eventually recognize Axel, Chuq and Thorfus and allows us through after they were bureaucratically making our passage difficult. As we part, Chuq asks the guards to invite Captain Elisondro to the Twelth Knight for a round of drinks on the party. Checking in on Phillip Vigore the jewel dealer, we are initially barred entry until Ronan has a one to one with Phillip. Phillip decides to forgive us for Finkelmur’s crimes, especially since we might be the only source of commerce he has in the foreseeable future. Next we patronize Jaharis Fraunk of the Twelth Knight.

After Chuq rents all the empty rooms for the night and paying for meals and drinks for everyone, including any visiting wall district guardsman, Jaharis’ loose tongue relates all he can remember of Kottar’s last visit. Kottar arrived with an odd group of men and elves that mostly kept to themselves. He asked for a sage to learn more about rumors of a Bronze Dragon lurking in the northern mountains. Benedictus Sharesen, located a bit past the Wall District watch house, researched for Kotar and likely knows where to look next. Chuq learns via the Night Cap that Kotar had Jaharis promise not to tell Kotar’s friends (Axel, Chuq (especially Chuq) & Thorfus) about his business. Seems Kotar’s patronage wasn’t as lucrative as Chuq’s.

Session 25 December 11, 2016

Session 25 December 11, 2016

The party returns to Mannheim in the early evening of the 21st. Zho ni visits the church to procure scroll supplies before joining the rest of the party at the Freelancers guild to spend the night.

The next morning, as the party is traveling to the docks to purchase canoes for the portage through the Many Mouths, a small colony of bats bomb their path with several skulls that burst into augmented Skeletal Warriors as they land. The skeletons split into squads of skirmishers and archers and join the giant and swarming bats in assaulting the party. Most of the public flee the scuffle. Those that loiter witness Zho ni send all of the skeletons packing and the rest of the party slay the fearless bats.

The band pursue the skeleton’s wake through the city. The city guard dispatched a single skeleton and those guards mopping up joined our pursuit when we explained our intent. The surviving skirmishers are found with their backs to the river docs engaged with city guards who make way when the party rushes in. When the last skirmishers falls, the archers emerge from the water and fall to our blows. The defeated skeletons leave only the skulls, their bodies dissolve into nothing. Zho ni collects the skulls in a sack and crushes them to avoid further animation. Its hoped the shards might be useful later.

Otiben convinces the party to spend a week in Mannheim to train as a Hero. The night before he begins, we are summoned to appear before the Thane. He expresses his concern that it has been about a month since we were tasked to fix the Many Mouths and the recent attack gives a real sense of urgency. We explained the success of our first investigation and how we learned Vorigan was a greater threat than we could have handled. After explaining the steps we have taken to better overcome the challenge, we promise to set out as soon as Otiben is a hero. The Thane explains Randolph’s status as an independent when we try to coerce a sponsorship from him to augment Otiben’s skills.

On the night of the 27th, Embrek arrives at the Freelancer’s Guild. His good tidings are that the Mithril vane was excavated, secreted away and awaits smelting. Since the Yuletide is imminent, he and the other miners have left to celebrate. He begs leave to visit with old friends and families which Zho ni grants gladly. But his heart changes when Zho ni explains the Necropolis assault commences on the morrow. Embrek is geared for action the next morning.

Our trip down the River Dross passes easily. After a night at the Urdjan Knight Ironclad, the party sets off for the Necropolis. During our march, a giant slimy moss covered mound of moving plants lifts from the mire. It bears down on the party under a hail of arrows, flaming oil, bolts of pure energy and Urman’s fiery airburst. After its monstrous limbs yank Batukahn and Embrek off their feet and into its brambles, Otiben delivers a most skillful backstab, allowing us to save the two before they suffocate. We find a few trinkets in its remains then set off for the Necropolis again.