
Session 174 October 25, 2017

2:30 am 4th of Onrilden below the Necropolis

AD Clock

The group prepares their assault by inventorying and allocating resources. The modern power armors and lightning axes offered by Kalgunn are apportioned. Before taking flight in a skiff, another skiff is set on a breakneck collision course towards the eastern quadrant of the giant stalagmite looming 150′ above the staging floor. The makeshift missile plummets on target, just where a circumference long mezzanine cuts the stone of the stalactite. Edan pilots our skiff to the western quadrant opposite the crash site. A goodly sized force of Islander undead, power armored fighters and man sized warrior automaton are guarding the western ledge.

A fight breaks out, both sides knowing full well the mortality of the confrontation. Edan brings the skiff along the outside balcony edge where flames, lightning and arrows are exchanged with deadly effect. Two sorties of electrical orb automaton flank the skiff fore and aft. The aft sortie targets the skiff’s bank of batteries with their lightning bolts. Recognizing the danger of losing all power while hovering, Edan lands the skiff on the exposed ledge to save the party from an unexpected plummet. Prixilthalmus leaps into the air assuming her dragon form. Her tactic panics the lower echelon of Islander fighters who flee north and south.

The assault moves north and east after the skiff lands. Scouting northward, Bavmordo sees a group of fighters, automatons and Xeno Tel clerics approaching. Prix enlarges Bav who lurks to ambush the new group while Nash and Wednesday move to form a norther line of defense against this new group. Kalgunn rips open a large hatch that shows an Overseer control room crowded with more automatons and undying warriors. Rallion and Edan organize Sturloc and Kotar to defend Lambertus from the horde in the Overseer chamber as Lambertus floods the room with flames from the skiff’s starboard armament. Kalgunn does his best to hold off the foes flying to the south targeting the skiff’s bank of batteries.

The clamor of more unseen forces can be heard from within the Overseer’s chamber as well as foes approaching from the southern edge of the balcony. The party fights on…


Session 170 September 27, 2017

2nd of Onrilden

AD Clock

A week after Amadeus, Bavmorda and Lambertus have trained in Villams’ outpust tunnels, Majilis approaches the party to discuss our plans. He reports Shadow Elves have been asking after members of the Keepers of the Council. The price to keep our ways secret is settled after a lengthy negotiation for all of our remaining gems and bejeweled jewelry in exchange for highly useful Gnomish tools. Tools such as a dozen each gas & acid deep gnome darts, adamantine spear and hand held cross bow bolts, and 2 summon earth guardian scrolls. They also agree to forgive the trainees sent to the gnomes.

Majilis mentions the Ancient Dwarven suite behind the incineration chamber. Since Axel decides to leave Thorfus interned in the administrator’s office, we don’t offer and advice or help to Majilis. Promising to keep our plans secret, Majilis and a few other deep gnomes escort the party to the form Umber Hulk/Goblin lair where the party ascends towards Glavnone via the central vertical shaft Ralion used to hook up with the party.

Before the party splits from Majilis, Kotar notices the night cap is missing. A brief panic ensues before Nash puts it on his head and obviously has a private conversation with the ancient devil fish. Nash reports Serithas agrees to cooperate with Nash to poison the minds of our foes. When Edan explains Chuq Nourris was tricked by the same promise, Nash decides to not wear the cap at this time.

During the trek, a monkey autonotom is attacked by a cave fisher that Axel kills with an arrow. The party also takes the time to examine Ancient Dwarven machinery along the route, finding uncut gems in a stone crusher. A horde of Bugbears travelling in the opposite direction are avoided when over two dozen are discovered. Eventually the party halts to rest, the journey to Glavnone will finish the next day…

Session 169 September 20, 2017

Session 169 September 20, 2017

3:50 pm 24th of Masrilden

AD Clock

As we settle to rest, Prixilthalmis asks Bavmorda to retrieve an information reliquary. Prix plans to save a copy of her virus to be used against Xeno Tel if she is not present to render aid. When asked, Edan gives one over and watches Prix clear the memory of a reliquary and begin the process of programming the virus. Prix states the overall process will take several sleep sessions but once completed, will allow Edan, Kalgunn or Serithas to use the virus against Xeno Tel and possibly cause the orbital palace to crash upon her ex-husband! She explains how her original delivery was via the Crystal Tower which is no longer attached to the orbital palace. Now she wonders how to deliver the virus. She hopes it can be done from someplace within the orbital palace.

After the spell casters have rested, Nash decides to talk with the now dead Thorfus. Nash asks:

1.      What do you want us to do now that you are dead? “Save my mother, save the world… I failed… keep your shield up… make sure my mother is taken care of, give her all of my wealth…I fear for her safety

2.      Is there anything you want to tell us? – more of the same as before – “get back to the skiff… we need the cure, kill Jardin for me!… save Em!… Kill Marchmain & the Dark King… give the map maker my share of the estate…

Next the party collects themselves to return to the Gnome tunnels. At the vertical shaft they meet Ralion, a ranger sent by druids to investigate stories and reports of Canis a former associate of the Starchie Boyz. Ralion has disturbing news of the surface world. He asks to join our cause, in as much for the Druids of the Verdant Fellowship as for the sake of friendly company. Realizing our gnomish allies suffer from a lack of protein, it is decided Thorfus’ body would be left in behind the incineration room so that it might not be on the dinner menu tonight.

At the giga worm tunnel, Harasib gets in line with the party and escorts us back to Vilim’s. Eventually the party has an audience with Vilim after turning over the beetlemen eggs and egg remnants to Majilis who shares stories of the underdark with Edan after a jeweled tip is offered. Majilis hints that resurrection might be found in Negron which is corroborated by Vilim later. Seems there are ancient dwarven machines that might return the dead to the living.

Vilim’s tongue is more loose than Majilis’. In exchange for most of our jeweled treasure, the hefty gnome chief tells what she claims are all her secrets of the under dark. She admits to luring the hulks to cull the goblins tribes which we then tidied up for her at the exorbitant price of Thorfus Ironhand’s life. She tells ancient stories of her ancestors that slaved for the hidden ones in places that made them sick. Her brighter ancestors deduced a cure for stone sickness which they keep secret to this day. Ancient dwarves took the essence of what made someone a dwarf out her gnomish ancestors to make a race of servants. As a people, they have move past this ethnic slight.

Of the brain eating Silence, she states the gnomes trade with them none too often. Yet the Silence will readily trade for ancient dwarven technology, because they worship it as a living thing with spirits trapped within that must be liberated. Once freed, the spirits roam freely within their city. Their closest settlement is Zavphrom, where the Righteous Halberd is known to haunt The Righteous Halberd is an escaped slave from the Necropolis, a geurrilla subversive operating in the Silence’s territory. He is an upsider like us.

Vilsnarg, the largest settlement of the gnomes can be found east about 8.5 lanterns from here. It is bridged by an ancient dwarven aqueduct, ruled by clan Vilsnarg, their king and his court. Above Vlisnarg is an entrance to a mine, nearby is the dark water river and a chasm. All converge three converge at Vilsnarg, anyone can follow the darkwater directly into the gnome territory. Beyond Vilsnarg is Malgrom a truly mixed society comparted to Vilsnarg.

To the southeast is the hidden city of the dead attended by slaves brought below by raids on surface populations. It is a hive of industry just since the last few years. Rumors say that one of the lords might have been killed or exiled. The hidden ones are preparing for war against the Silence.

Majilis is tasked with providing a map of the Necropolis for us. There is a ring city around the Necropolis populated by elves and slaves. The dead part of the city is column of stone, a spire with bridges where the hidden ones that are not awake roam,   attended by pedestals that magically move around. There are guardians that take care of the dead, their lair lies above a stockpiles of nano carbon, where weapons of war are being made. There is a teleportation device. The top of the spire is where the lords sit on their thrones, they are undead that an ancient dwarven device keeps alive. 12 or 11 lords are all connected to a phylactory that keeps them alive forever.

Villam suggests how to get close to the Lords to do harm. She suggest travelling via the mines to the gigaworm or darkwater to negropolis past shadow elf outposts. An alternate: through silence territory past Zayphrom taking the dark water river to Vilsnarg or the gigaworm tunnel to its end near the necropolis. She thinks an alliance with the Righteous Halberd would be successful against the Silver Throne Lords.

Session 165 August 23, 2017

Session 165 August 23, 2017

5:37am 23rd of Masrilden Temple of the Flesh God

As expected, three dragons assault the temple of the Flesh God just before dawn. Their approach was heralded by a violent storm front unnaturally rolling in from the east.

The rolling clouds from the east blanket the sun during the last minutes of Myrientaxis’ life. It takes three belches of dragon fire to end the ancient bronze. He returns in kind to the smaller of his opponents weakening it enough that Bellisente’s revenge attack wing electrocutes it dead. Miraculously, Bellisente’s pilot intercepts the unconscious Chuq Nourrous plummeting to his imminent death from the air. She snatches the monk’s limp form as the larger Red Dragon grasps her wing man from the sky, slagging the automaton monkey with a point blank belch of fire.

Thorfus watches Bellisonte and Chuq fly away through eyes of another monkey hidden in the canopy of the banyan. He, Axel and Edan have lurked in a cabin close to the entryway of the Temple of the Flesh God. While the three monitor the battle outside, Amadeus persuades Prixalthalmus and her escort of Sturloc and Kotar to flee into the tunnels below the Temple. His entreaties are for naught, so he proceeds on his own. Nash is ensconced in another cabin, praying to Merendur for the power to survive what comes. His thoughts and feelings are jumbled and conflicted since Sarachino his companion was recently consumed by a mysterious freezing growth that erupted from a footlocker in an adjacent cabin. To save himself, Nash had to leave Sarachino’s body behind. The regret is painted all over his face.

As one, the Dwarves and part Elf give the order to abandon the Temple after the last dragon, a blue, arrives and alights the banyan tree via a lightning strike. The topside monkey returns via one of the fighter bays. The Beserker Autonotom covers the party’s retreat. Hopefully the two dragons outside will be delayed long enough for Zayid’s plan to explode the ship via an engine overload happens.

Far below the temple, in the spiraling tunnels, Amadeus discovers a Bullette’s body. Amadeus decides to butcher the body to harvest valuable body parts but his efforts are interrupted by a deadly Cloaker. Leaping to the rescue, Thorfus inadvertently strikes Amadeus unconscious before abandoning sword play for wrestling the Cloaker off of Amadeus’ limp body. The fight for Amadeus’ life alerts Edan and the others. Working together they defeat the cloaker and hopefully can keep everyone else alive.


Session 163 August 9, 2017

Su-monster mash

As the teams square up against the last of the Su-Monsters, a ramping up rumbling is heard from the engines.

Edan and Caesar dash along the catwalk to read the dials and lights on a panel of the topmost engine. As the others fight for their lives, the two examine the engine and compare the controls against the schematic reliquary. Caesar confirms the noise is coming from within the engines as Edan determines the single lever before him will deactivate the damaged engines from cycling on. Before he yanks the lever, he checks for traps. At the same time, Nash is overwhelmed with fear then flees from fight by dropping down to the bottom deck. After the top engine is silenced, the two engines below cycle on and emit a burst of coruscating lights.

A wave flows through the hallways, leaving Amadeus, Edan, Sarrichino & Bellisente bent over wrenching up the contents of their stomachs. The last Su-Monster suffers the same allowing Chuq to sneak behind where his vorpal dagger eviscerates it dead.

On the mid deck, a Su-Monster confuses Laurent into inaction right before Axel paralyzes it with a punch from his venomed gauntlet. Thorfus quickly takes its head. Recovering quickly, Amadeus follows the fleeing Nash to the bottom deck into an empty closet with a closed hatch on its floor.

For Amadeus, Bellisente, Chuq, Edan, and Sarrichino something has opened up in their minds’ eyes. It is as if they have access to a new world beyond this world that they can use as a weapon. A weapon they will call psionics. Powers of the mind like those seen from this ships AI.

Spying a lonely Su-Monster lurking behind Edan’s web trap, the party collects on the top deck as the gravity switches and devises a plan. The plan goes off without any difficulty, the last Su-Monster is slain by a volley of arrows after the web was alit. The gravity switches back to normal shortly after. Chuq and Thorfus tackle the turn coat monkey autonatom. It is trussed into a sack for safe keeping.

Now that nothing is trying to kill them, the party examines the cloning room from without. They spy clones of Virgil, Finkelmur, Derich and the ancient human and Canis growing(?) in tanks flanking a central tank holding a monstrous mound of flesh dotted with many mouths and eyes. Its tendrils emerging out the top of its cylindrical tank, twining about into the other tanks and into the walls of the ship. Edan reminds us that the big tank should house the template for the other cloning tanks.

As Axel, Chuq and Thorfus enter the cloning chamber to examine closer, they are swarmed by clones of long standing members of the party and many of their former allies. Clones of Axel Rhomkul the dwarven swashbuckler, Xeno Tel adept Brice Hissell, hard drinking druid Cannis, Derich Khelbane the ancient human freedom fighter, former master of the Celestial Dragons Chuq Nourris, half-elvan academic turned field researcher Edan, undercover imperial inquisitor Ir’Alle, streetwise Ronan the “Smith” and denounced lord of dwarven clan Ironhand Thorfus, surround the three with murder in their eyes. Chuq correctly grabs the true Axel and Thorfus from the throng and shadow steps the three to the top rim of the large cylindrical tank. Noticing Edans’ furious gesticulations at the glowing gem fronting the gold band about the rim of the cylinder, Chuq pries it lose with his favorite vorpal dagger. As the gems clatters to the floor, the clones cease their attack.

Fortunately, Amadeus had cast a let’s be best friends spell at the Flesh God in the central tank. The two new friends mentally discussed how to save the three trapped by the clones. The Flesh God, calling himself Ziyad, wanted to help but the ship’s mind was in control of the clones via the gold circlet around the tank. Knowing the ships AI was likely a crystal like those find in the Xen Khel bridge autonatoms prompted Chuq to wrest the crystal from the tanks gold band. Once released from the AI’s influence, Ziyad could control the clones directly since they are his “children”.

We learn Ziyad was an ancient human rebel trapped in the ship cloning facility since the war. Grateful to be free from enthrallment, he laments the fate of this ‘children’. When it is explained we are champions for Prixalthalmus, he agrees to help, going so far as convincing two or his innocent children to sacrifice themselves so that Prixalthalmus can be resurrected.  The centuries in the tank’s life rejuvenating water has warped his body into the oddity that he is today. The machine that was his jailor (we strongly suspect Xeno Tel) looked into the party to make our murderous dopplegangers as well as the faceless ones we found in the engine rooms.

At about 1:37am, with Ziyad’s blessing we herd all of the now docile clones down a deck and out into the jungle. Chuq is left recovering in one of the small tanks to heal his wounds. After a bit of discussion, the gruesome ritual to resurrect Prixalthalmus is commenced. One by one, clones are brought before her still body. Their veins slit open and their blood poured over her. Finally, the vials of dragon blood are poured over her body. Almost immediately her flesh writhes and is crawling with life. The alabaster skin, subtly at first then with acceleration, contours into scale like shapes. Darkening to a red hue, the scales and all of her suddenly grow in all directions. In a blink of an eye, with wings unfurled to full width, a lustrous red dragon sweeps away the scurrying people about her with her awesome presence. She faces Myerientaxiz, now an ancient bronze dragon. No doubt she will have questions…

Session 161 July 26, 2017

Session 161 July 26, 2017

Outside the temple of the Flesh God

Thorfus tests the golden circlet and he learns he can control a monkey up to 80 feet away. Edan has the nightcap. Serithaz can not scan into the ship but can past it. The golden circlet can not scan the clones. After an introduction by Thorfus, Nash interrogates Serithaz. Serithaz tells his entire tale from his emergence from Lysander. Nash believes him to be a false prophet. Nash rejects his testimony claiming him false but sees some value to his tales.

Session 162 August 8, 2017

Session 162 August 8, 2017

11:37 pm Debating our next move outside the Temple of the Flesh God

A visitor, Amadeous walks out of the jungle. Tells us his story after Merientaxis clears his identity as not being a dragon or inquisitor.

He tells a story of a cheating ass hole that stole his shiny star thing.

After drinks he agrees to join our band and we enter the temple to confront the AI in the cloning facility

Edan examines the green shard crystals and realizes he can memorize more spells when he possesses them.

At the mid ship ladder, we see a room above and a hallway below and decide to ascend to the top deck.

The top deck is swarmed with su-monsters, Chuq slides down to alert the party.

A starboard side hatch to the north opens, a swarm of mechanical roaches stampedes into the hallway. They are blocked as Chuq rushes to close the hatch via the wall panel.

The hatch opens and the lights flicker, su-monsters swarm into engine room from deck above

Ship gravity ends. Amadeous, Chuq and Thorfus resists some sort of mental attack by the Su-Monsters.

The party splits up to save from falling, combatting squads of mechanical bugs individually.

Amadeous fells many bugs with burning hands and blinds a su-monster that plummets to its death.

After the bugs are defeated, the Su-monsters flee to the upper deck. Thorfus follows, confronting a swarm of Su-monsters. After Amadeous webs the Su-monsters before Thorfus is dropped by those still mobile. Chuq fashions a way for those below to ascend towards the engines. He and Edan ascend to the engines where they take a ladder to the upper deck. Nash joins the two and they assault the Su-Monsters from behind. Axel rescues Thorfus and safe guards his body as ship gravity reverts.


Session 156 May 24, 2017

Early hours of the morning, 20th Masrilden

AD clock reads

Once the party is once again on the deck of the Keeper Barge, Edan and Lambertus confirm the location of our ancient dwarven submersible. They find a shadowed quiet alley among the warehouses were Lambertus can Locate the Object in privacy. Before he calls on the powers of long dead dragons, Edan suggest Caesar the invisible cat slink into the Merendur warehouse to have a look see. On his return, in his own loveable way, Caesar informs Edan that the submersible is actually in the warehouse. It is set unceremoniously on the floor, obviously not a position that can be launched easily in the water. The cats certain tactical assessment was that both Edan and Lambertus can easily take on the guards present if necessary.

The three return to the Keeper Barge to report their findings, which includes an ongoing exodus of several Midmark Navy ships heading out into the night. The Keepers decide not to move against the Merendur clergy just yet, since the submersible is secure in their possession and we don’t have a secure locale to keep it, we all agree it is safe where it currently is. Several keepers express their fervent desire to give the Merendurs a bloody nose, especially the Matriarch. Next we interrogate the dock workers about the navy’s mobilization.

Lord Thorton and the council have ordered the admiralty to tighten the blockade of the now diseased Vargen. It’s is hoped the sick people of the city and their Dwarven invaders can be contained by sea power. We later learn that the militia is also mobilized to secure Midhaven and the former Bargemen’s ferry across the Vargwater. Having to move across land means it will take another day or two for the militia to arrive at their posts. The keepers decide another conference with Jardin (Thorton) is not necessary before we ship out at dawn. It is our intent not to get involved with the Vargen situation. Our mission to save the world takes precedence.

Our departure from the floating island is without incident. Once clear of the harbor proper and any curious eyes, the barge is lifted above the ways by Captain Thorfus who sets our course for east of Vargen to skirt the harbor. Axel spends the day training Chuq. It appears old Saw Tooth’s house boat is anchored close to where it was before our scuffle. Thorfus keeps us well clear of the house boat, ignoring Ronan’s desire to rain acid on the domicile.

Edan sits down to read Saw Tooth’s journal. It tells a tale of his schism with other clerical authorities in his home city. The following persecution for his beliefs which prompts his flight from home when he realizes refuge could be found near Midmark. In those waters, sympathetic Mermen give sanctuary allowing him to live in peace and cooperation with both Mermen and the people of Midmark. His musing are suspicious of Devil Fish, noting their various plots and schemes over the years. His latest entries suggest he realized the Devil Fish are plotting against the Mermen and he intends to warn the Mermen before it’s too late. Edan shares this last bit with the party. We can’t take the time to either make peace with Saw Tooth and help with contacting the Mermen or alert the Merman ourselves using the journal as independent corroboration. Perhaps if we have uncommon luck in our mission up north, but this is unlikely.

That afternoon, the barge skirts Vargen harbor. The dwarven colossus is undoubtedly one of the bridge autonotoms from Xen Khel. It still has a section of the bridge held in its hands! Remembering our exploration within one of the bridge colossus, we debate the merits of assaulting it at this time. Realizing the Keeper Barge lacks the elevation to avoid direct contact with the colossus, we determine the best tactic against it would be with a silver control circlet. The barge continues north, we watch from our decks the blockade and burning Vargen.

Amelia helps us locate her community north of Vargen. Alighting among the humble homes, we are greeted by the locals. At first Thorfus and Axel cause a stir but Amelia ameliorates the situation by testifying to the dwarves heroism and past alliance with her husband Cannis. Accepting the two as not invaders, we are told of Cannis unending bender. We are directed to where our erstwhile Druid is lost in another bottle bemoaning the loss of his wife. Cannis is not convinced he is confronted by Amelia and his former colleagues. It take some persuasion but eventually he realizes we aren’t figments of his imagination. Though the day hasn’t ended in cheers, the party is gladdened to have put the two back together. We depart somewhat disappointed when both refuse to journey with us away from the disease and war just a short walk away from their home. Thorfus gifts a sizeable jewel and some coin to the couple before we launch the barge and continue flying north.

The flight north is with little incident. Upon reaching the Vargwater, the barge is turned westward and follows the river to Jagger dock. Setting down into the water, the barge is lashed to the dock for the night. During his shift Ronan notices an uncommon silence from Jaggers warehouses. Drawing closer to investigate, he narrowly dodges arrows flying out of the darkness. His yells alert the sleepers. During the scuffle Thorfus is magically held in place and an arrow causes Ronan to fall down paralyzed. While Edan spits jets of flame at the warehouses, the barge is released so we can escape upriver. As the jungle begins to blaze, Edan pilots the barge into the air and he flies us the rest of the night to our destination.

The wounded are tended to by Belisonte and Lambertus. All are awake and alert as we approach Meriantaxis’ mountain lair. The sun is rising to the east as we are guided by Araquille to their new hideout via the broachie talkies. Meriantaxis is pleased we acquired another dragon’s blood but notes that we have less men than last time. Explaining the archers were loss with the Salty Leprechaun, the conversation turns to the last reagent for Prixalthalmus’ resurrection.

Who and where to find 12 thinking sacrifices whose blood Prixalthalmus will have to be bathed in is hotly debated. Chuq suggests Meriantaxis could awe the kobold east of Vargen to willingly sacrifice themselves to resurrect their Queen mother. Meriantaxis resist this plan since it means being closer to the dwarves assaulting Vargen. Dwarves he knows have designs against him. Thorfus agrees since the way east is beyond the range of the barge and whether the kobolds still lair in the mountains is uncertain. The argument to search west wins the day. It is hoped the local Islander communities can be found quickly or perhaps the fabled cloning machines could be discovered so that a little bit of all of us could resurrect Prixalthalmus. The thought of enslaving more Islanders makes the former monk want to sick up.

Session 155 May 17, 2017

Session 155 May 17, 2017

6:00 am 19th of Masrilden on board the Keeper Barge moored to the Floating Island, harbor of the City of Gulls.

AD clock reads 00:00:00:03:27

Chuq sends Harb the Hunter to the nearest alter on the Island to be delved for lycanthrope. It just so happens the nearest clerical help is a small Merendur chapel on the floating shipyard. He returns later that morning reporting he has a clean bill of health. The talk at the Merendur chapel is of a plaque outbreak in Vargen newly returned Vargen blockade ship men are reporting. Harb’s good luck last the whole day, he survives the party’s antics later on.

Ronan investigates the Midmark Navy engineers either connecting our tiny steam engine to propel the barge or upscaling the design for the same purpose. The engineers report the smaller engine isn’t capable of moving the barge and upscaling would take about 10 days of fabricating before trials could begin. We decide to abandon both possibilities.

Ronan hires the Salty Leprechaun for a three hour tour out to the bay. We’ll visit the Saw Tooth the fisherman’s house boat for a bit of fresh fish and lore. Before we set off, Vernold of the Midmark navy reports our barge will be repaired and ready to ship by nightfall today. While sailing to Saw Tooth’s, a human sailing ship not flying any ensigns is bearing on the Salty Leprechaun. Using the spy glass, we don’t witness any crew on her decks. She is watched for close to an hour until, she turns towards the city of Gulls.

Saw Tooth welcomes us aboard his humble house boat after the Salty Leprechaun is anchored about 50 yards away. Chuq, Edan, Harb, Lambertus, Ronan and Thorfus take a 8 man launch from the Leprechaun to Saw Tooth’s. Ronan and Saw Tooth negotiates two weeks of fresh catch for the Salty Leprechaun’s captain while the invisible Edan slips into Saw Tooth’s shack to search his effects. The elf finds an altar, hidden chest below the floor boards and several scrolls. After small talk and further fish purchases for the Keepers, Bellisonte and Sturloc’s overdue  wedding diner feast and more pedestrian choices for Thorfus’ men at arms, Chuq leans into Saw Tooth’s more seedy secrets.

As Saw Tooth is fussily collecting our groceries, he comments on Devil Fish, Mermen, the Sons of Dagon, Sahuagin and his dim dark past. Realizing our heavily armed band knows more than the average sea man, his mood gets very dark when he absented mindedly replies to Chuq uttering a few questions in shark speak. It’s hard to say what exactly called Saw Tooth to arms. Perhaps it was Chuq insistence we are looking for sunken treasure or the revelation that Saw Tooth is a religious refugee with ideological foes in the Church of Dagon (which we might be connected to since Chuq reveals a tribe of Sahuagin are recently settled at Angmar’s Folley) or Ronan’s insinuation that shark should be on the menu for dinner. Whatever it might have been exactly, the old fisherman decides to attack.

As most of the party maneuvers around Saw Tooth, Thorfus charges and engages the now obvious high level cleric hand to hand. After landing two solid blows with his axe, Saw Tooth disappears leaving the party swinging at empty air. Our foe must have teleported away, not turned invisible.

As we are looting the place, a giant plume of water where the Salty Leprechaun once floated draws all of our attention. The ships previous location is now a large whole in the ocean, absent of any water or the ship, her crew or Thorfus’ archers. Ronan’s yelps as he sees fish swimming out of the ocean and plunging into the open air pit. Knowing our own business well, we hasten the looting until Stissa is noticed floundering in the surf. Ronan rescues her. On board the house boat, she reports the ship falling from the surface of the ocean and breaking below. In the water she saw large sharks eating members of the crew.

Edan and Ronan devise a plan to move us away quickly. Lashing the Leprechaun’s launch with a small boat from Saw Tooth’s, Edan uses the Merendur wand to create a wall of ice under the keels. This allows Ronan to magically swim faster than a shark and tug the whole bunch along. Chuq keeps an eye behind by drafting under the water while Thorfus and Edan look on the waves from the boats. Our flight is shadowed by large shark shapes in the water. As we open the distance from the slower sharks, a large depression in the ocean opens before Ronan. Edan lifts the Merendur wand and creates another wall of ice to steer Ronan and his tug back to the surface.

About 30 minutes later, we close on the floating island. Ronan and Chuq climb aboard the boats and we report our return to the dock master. The news of the Devil Fish attack on Saw Tooth’s is met with reluctant acceptance. A distinct local flavor will definitely be missed….

Returning to the barge, we examine the haul: 6,450 coins of gold; 370 imperial platinum coins; 3,200 ancient dwarven coins; a silver bracelet with translucent green gems; a platinum broach decorated with a diamond; a bit of scrimshaw; a magical

bauble shaped like a bird feather; two scrolls; two potions; and Saw Tooth’s altar statue (a shark headed man made of electrum with translucent green stones as highlights.

Despite the late hour, we take a trip across the harbor to Roland’s in high town. He and Thorfus have very easy negotiations over drinks for our haul of jewelry and dwarven coins. Next we visit Jardin who exchanges the imperial coins for midmark gold coins. The talk returns to upscaling the steam engine since Chuq can now advance to a Warrior and what to do about our purloined submarine. Lambertus has a locate object spell prepared, we need to return to the floating island and determine if the sub is actually located where we suspsect.

Session 148 March 21, 2017

Session 148 March 21, 2017

2:00 pm on the 4th day of the Great Fair, Aurumthrax torture room

The A-1000 stutters during its melee with Thorfus making the machine wholly miss attack opportunities. As it stutters, the flowing liquid like skin becomes static like plates or armor. The effect becomes more frequent as Thorfus throws more bolts of lightning at it, eventually exhausting two modern batteries. On the catwalk, Ronan collects Aurumthrax’s blood from a weeping wound on the dragon’s side.  Axel hands Chuq a healing potion as Sutung the Fire Giant opens a door in the northern wall curios to the fracas in the torture room. He ignores Chuq’s greeting so the monk leaps from the catwalk to the floor hoping to dose Aurumthrax with the healing potion. Edan examines the torture cube controls, devising a plan to release Aurumthrax.

Our efforts are foiled as a trio of undying fire giants bursts through the floor level double doors. They split, charging separately at Axel, Chuq and Edan. Chuq’s foe slams his mighty hammer into the adventure’s athletic frame. Three Fire Giant Undying in flames burst through the first floor door, behind the trio is an horde of people. Chuq escapes by shadow stepping directly to Sutung by the door. Axel, Edan & Ronan move to release Arum from the cube, each taking a position on a separate side.

The A-1000 proposes an alliance to Thorfus in the name of the Conclave to survive the return : “Hail, Thorfus of the Ironhand once Steel Hand Clan! Abandon whatever madness the traitorous cleric’s words to your comrade have inspired! Our long awaited brethren will arrive soon from the Great Dark and they have let us know that these islands will be spared in the coming holocaust if the Conclave in Exile can subjugate those who rule here as heirs to rebels. This return will happen – the desperate plans of Sivis and Azrael cannot prevent this –but it need not be the end. Join with me to finish the Conclave’s work and together our family can undo the failures of ages past as last Lord Marshal of the Old Order and first Lord Marshal of a New Empire! Lower your weapon and call on your allies to do the same; this guardian will take care of those who do not heed your authority.).

Edan coordinates Axel, Chuq & Ronan to release Arum. Tragedy! The controls were trapped! Axel’s catwalk drops to the first floor. Chuq dexterously avoids slashing poisoned blades. Edan is electrocuted which we learn later transferred Kalgunn the liar from the sword. Ronan is gassed but seems unaffected.

Thorfus refutes the offer of an alliance then leaps to the first floor. Realizing our options are few, he lops the young gold dragon’s head off as he charge’s past towards Sutung waiting by the door to the north. Then an undying Fire Giant rips away the catwalk below Edan’s feet. Our nimble academic keeps his footing and flees to the north. The Dwarf and Elf are followed closely by Axel, Chuq and Ronan, the three shadow stepping into the hallway behind Sutung. With a flourish Axel dons an inquisitor mask assuming the visage of Marchmain Sivis. The familiar face convinces Sutung to help our escape from the forces of the Dark King. Thorfus uses the talkie broachie and contacts Kotar for an emergency pickup.

Axel & Thorfus cover our retreat by delaying the pursuing undying Fire Giants. Sutung leads us north then east when we reach an octagonal room. Edan uses the Merendur wand to trap the pursuers in a wall of ice in the octoganal room. Shortly after, their pummeling against the frozen barrier can be heard. Trapped in a dead end, we notice Sutungs drawings: plans to fix shuttles and orbital defense. Edan sees two glowing disc (2′ diameter). Desperate for an escape, Sutong clears the fire in the fireplace. Chuq clambers up and discerns the party can flee upward. Securing two ropes in the flue, the party and the giant escape upward as Edan sets another wall of ice to cover our retreat.

Sutung expects we will emerge in caves above Glavnone. Leading the group ever upward, Chuq stumbles upon a chockingly sooty section where the very air feels is as black as a darkness spell. Fishing for details, Sutong suspects Axel isn’t Marchmain Sithis. Eventually Axel slips and fails further cross examination. Dismissing the subterfuge we head on into the sooty darkness. Some are almost overwhelmed by the smoke but make it through with help. Socrates the invisible owl succumbs. He has not been seen since. After Axel using his power suit’s strength enhancement to yank an iron grate blocking the exit of the ventilation network, Edan faints from the acrid air. He recovers quickly as we rally in the before mentioned cave in the heights above Glavnone.

Sutung claims we are slightly west and above Glavnone. The sun indicates the time is 3:25pm. The cave mouth has an obstructions that can be hidden behind affording a concealed view of Glavnone from above. We are close enough that we can smell the cooking from the camps below. Sutung reports that a portable portal stone is proven; they were making more for multiple attack approaches against a foe. He wasn’t privy to their exact progress but heard things now and then. He has the developed a repair that Marchmain is striving for but doesn’t explain exactly what that is.

About twenty minutes later, the group treks west and up from Glavnone.  Eventually we climb up then turn back to the east keeping out of sight. When we reach the ravine, we decide to shadow step ferry everyone across. We come upon a shale slide and scramble over it as Chuq is violently buffeted by a freakishly strong wind. Feeling set upon, he can’t hit anything in retaliation. Neither can Thorfus when he rushes to the monk’s aid. The gale moves down the marching order and knocks Ronan off his feet. His tumult pulls the others tied to him. Seeing the calamity, Chuq and Thorfus lash their bindings to keep their footing. Sutung stops the other descent by grabbing hold of something. Those on the ground raise themselves to face this new threat…