Session 124

Session 124

Pre-Dawn, 4th Tanrilden

Alainon is shocked as he opens the door to Perette and Em, though notices Thorfus after a second, calming him a little. Allowing the three inside, Em introduces herself as ‘Lady Em’ and explains the situation to the ex-clockmaker. Whilst he does keep casting suspicious looks at Perette throughout.

Visible to the group is a bed that has been set up in the former workshop, and occupying it, amongst the half-repaired clocks, is Itamad, Alainon’s wife. The woman is very ill and bedridden, and as such they don’t use the upstairs much. After emphasising the fact that he will not get involved politics, he agrees to let them stay upstairs.

After checking out the place, Em asks after an odd glowing brick displaying numbers. Alainon tells her that it was a gift from Desric Threehorn, an Ancient Dwarven Clock. It displays, and has been steadily counting down. He offers it to Thorfus, since he has no need of it.

Arranging for Alainon to meet the party in the Cock & Bull if he needs anything, Thorfus leaves.

Evening , 5th Tanrilden

Thorfus finishes up passing on his teachings to Ronan. The man feels much more confident in fighting taller opponents now. Thorfus’ automonkey troop finishes their repairs.

Chuq receives his order from Roland, and is able to finish studying up on Devilfish physiology.

Canis, during his training is able to refine a vial of poison from the Urchin spines. Unfortunately, he is unable to get the breathing coral plants to take in order to grow more.

Ronan decides to enquire after the remains of Desric’s shop, to see who owns it and if it is up for purchase. He also looks for some small canalside shack, and finds an old mill just off of West Copper Street near the Paper Bazaar that has a small room in the basement to let. Adhemar Gyll, the owner, charges him 2GP a month.

Edan receives his new travel hat. It is rather dashing. He also has some time to study the plans for the submersible, and the crystal system. It apparently has similarities to Bioforging.

Over the next few days, the party learns that the Wrath of Waves was found, drifting after running out of fuel. After being towed back, rumours are abound that a shadowy man was seen clinging to it as it sped away. Further rumours state that the man was the missing leader of the Grey Cloaks.

During the week, our hirelings bring back various rumours. One stands out, Edvard from the Flotsam and Jetsam reportedly saw Kottar. The ex-hireling-come-devilfish-host and his companions had been looking for passage to Vargen.

A man had been heard trying to drum a hunting party to go after giant lizards in the jungle.

Archer’s Irregulars made money on the Pyrolisk contract they failed by selling the eggs to Boscelin.

An old adventurer apparently knows the location of a stash of gold that belonged to an old Imperial leader. He would be willing to sell his papers to the location.

A single applicant responded to Chuq’s advertisement. A narrow-faced, blue-eyed woman named Sevare Keiser, who apparently had some mechanical skill. She once worked for the Marlboro gambling house, but found the work unsavoury. Whilst she had some skill in getting into difficult spaces, Chuq turned her down, as we didn’t need her skills, but agreed to send any martial or pious types to him. Apparently she knows a man of some mystical skill, although he is quite the shut-in, she agrees to arrange a meeting.

Towards the end of the triaining, Pons gathers the group together to deliver some news. He speechifies a little, but after all the whacky adventurers, decides he wants to lead a different life. Perhaps a little less dangerous and a little more profitable. He says his farewells, but leaves a note with a location so we can get back in touch with him and the remnants of the Raptors in Vargen. Chuq reads his mind as clear, and we have Bellisante vet his gear, and after a round of handshakes and nods (definitely no hugs), and leaves.

In response to this though, several of the hirelings express desires of moving on also, for similar reasons. Apparently, the beach at Agmar’s Folly was far too intense, though Chuq learns that the less than savoury rumours about the group held some part in it. They are thankful for Thorfus’ generosity however, and remain amicable.

Evening, 8th Tanrilden

Canis completes his training.

Late that night, whilst the party hang around the Cock & Bull, the door opens to a woman and a dwarf, Axel Rhom’khul and his companion Spite.

Both are battered, bloodied and tired, but they gather around in jubliant greeting, and after many drinks, begin to trade names and stories, the ominous things they’ve learned in the meantime. The realisation that it is a mere five months until the potential apocalypse is a sobering one.

Edan fetches Kalgunn, and we sit around and force him to speak out loud. Edan asks him about the numbers, and the sword responds that it is too late now, we’ve messed up all his plans. His plan was to transfer himself into the orb, and ascend to the orbital palace and take Xeno’Tel’s place. Doing so would allow him to be in control of all the stones of the portals. He is very convinced that burying the orb and killing Prixithalmus means there is no hope.

To prevent the coming storm, we need to have control of the portal on the Orbital Station. Kalgunn trusted that Marchmain had a way of transferring the orb past the station’s defences. But now…

Marchmain’s plan was reportedly to restore Xeno’Tel and attempt to convince the AI to help lie to the incoming fleet.

Serithos chimes in at the mention of ‘dead dragon’, when we discuss the possible whereabouts of her corpse and whether she can be revived. Upon reviewing Chuq’s memories of the events, Serithas begins to laugh uncontrollably at the idea of killing the Emperor’s Consort and leaving her body with Araquiel. We suddenly realise we left her with the one person who could place her essence in a living body again.

Sometime later, there is a knock at the door. It is Owen, bringing a message that they can meet with his master, Drays. As we make to leave, Chuq notes a pair of men watching the Cock & Bull, and they note us leaving. Ronan immeadiately heads over to them proclaiming neighbourhood watch, and they scramble to make conversation between themselves (dog breeds). They try to pass off checking out the Marlboro and Cock & Bull, but he menaces them into moving along, they stop eventually, but Chuq learns mentally that they are Grey Cloaks.

We’re tailed for a while, but manage to lose them. Eventually, Owen leads us to an area of the canals near the wall to Hightown, where we are greeted with a familiar buzzing. He asks after our tasks, knowing it is complete, and our intentions on following through with it. Throughout this, the Night Court remains silent, and Drays does not seem to notice them.

We learn throughout the conversation that the only reasons for the Devilfish’s involvement in the Mermish Civil War is a power play amongst themselves, and a need to not be invconvenienced any longer by the disruption it is causing across the bay. We also learn that they are patiently working on the Grell situation.

Asking after the location and timing of the delivery of the weapon to the Mermen, Owen was apparently supposed to tell us to speak with Garspa, an advisor to the Mermish Prince, who is orchestrating some Peace Conference between the two factions. The meeting is supposed to take place in the Merman city of Shiggareth.

Ronan asks after the old man living out in the bay, to which Drays responds by wanting to make a deal. Apparently, he would settle for some share of the gems gathered from the man’s stash, and we suddenly get the idea this man is not all that he seems, and is apparently not even a man of the land, a troublemaker in fact. Drays is of the idea that should we go, we will leave with the man dead, but is unwilling to give up any more information unless we commit to going.

Eventually, we agree. The man’s name is Garmeth Saltbreeze, living on a houseboat above the wreckage of the Silver-Toed Strumpet, a ship laden with gemstones. The man is not such at all times, and is in fact a servant of Dagon, a shapeshifter who can take the form of a shark. He is not alone, and commands a force of sharks. Drays, in return for a single share of gemstones, wants Garmeth dead and his forces destroyed and scattered.

Drayz suddenly asks if there is someone new with us. He asks how many are present, and mentions that something is odd, before suddenly going silent. The buzzing that also accompanies a Devilfish’s presence disipates as well. We send off a confused Owen, and make way inland to head back home, casting questioning glances at the skull cap.

Serithas eventually speaks, and notes things as being ‘interesting’. They seem quite dismayed at the current state of their ancestors, and ask if we’re ok with them trying to drown the lands. They agree however, that the Devilfish seem petty, though Drays was clearly hiding stuff, not that it was news to us. He was eager to follow through with the deal with the Mermen.

We return to the townhouse easy enough, passing by Ronan’s new place on the way. He points out that between Canis and Edan, they could magically install a dock in the basement with access to the canal so they can store the submarine.

We stop to discuss our plans, starting with the sonic weapon. We postulate its use against the space portal, though that would depend on how the mechanism interacted with the vacuum. Delivery as well, would likely depend on what Marchmain was cooking up. We also suddenly realise that Axel has heard Glavnone somewhere before, that is, the fire giant working at the mines north of Xen’Khel.

Thorfus basically puts down that we have three things to deal with, maybe a fourth. The sub, Perette and Em, the sonic weapon, and perhaps Grell. Axel also puts forward the idea of chasing Kottar/Araquiel, and the Dark King will always remain a looming threat.

For the submarine, the party teeters between storing it and selling it, eventually deciding that for now at least, we will store it. Canis will spend some time working on shaping the cave for it.

For Perette and Em, we need to discuss things with Perette, although the idea is that they need to be spirited out of Midmark, using the Inquisitor Mask and ESP-blocking circlet to mask their identities. Ronan’s idea that we could send them to Hugue’s Island, or the Ironhand/Rhom’khul families in Xenilum’Khel. Of course, on top of all that remains the question of Thornton’s identity and agenda.

The Sonic Device, and the Were-Shark we reason that there are no time limits on dealing with.

We finish off the night considering plans to charter a boat for passage to Hugue’s island. Axel, finally back with the party, but feeling no more safer, sets down to pen some letters after checking on Spite.

Session 18 Summary and Experience

Session 18 Summary and Experience

The party has fought their way into the Vampire’s crypt, fighting a number of powerful undead foes to reach the second level. Will the strength of the monsters take it’s toll, or the insidious whispers of the Vampire himself?

– Saving his luck until the End: Zho Ni

– A Dark Soul is Most Useful: Otiben

– An Eye for An Eye: Bryn

– In a Bone-filled Wonderland: The Dogs.


– Orcish Dagger, 1750XP

– Axeman’s Head

Monsters Slain:

– 6 Skeletal Doormen, 1350XP

– Bear-cloaked Axe Warrior, 169XP

– 2 Shadows Disipated, 564XP

Total Experience: 2083 XP

# of Combatants: 11

Experience per PC: 189XP (Inc. Bryn)

Experience Roundup

Total Experience:  3833XP

Per PC: 626XP

With Bonus: 689XP

For Otiben: Fighter-344XP/Assassin-313XP

Session 17 Summary and Experience

Session 17 Summary and Experience

Coming close to murdering Alfbrande during thier conversation, the party nevertheless spares him, gaining the information needed to overcome the Evil Cleric Enok and gain access to Vorigan’s underground crypt.

– Murderhobo’ing Averted!

– The Invisible Assassinator: Otiben

– Driven by Love: Alfbrande


– Elven Cloak, 1000XP

– Enok’s Chainmail (Enchanted)

– Steel Ring (Magic Runes)

– Potion of Gaseous Form

– Potion of Extra Healing

– Iron Lockbox and Key

– Assorted Spell/Potion Components

– 3 Vials of Rich Honey

– Vial of Strong Acid

– Potion of Levitation

– Tome of Golem Construction

– Key to the Crypt

– Vial of Adder Poison (3d6, save for half damage)

– Snake Skin

– Sewing Kit

Monsters Slain:

– 6 Zombie Guardsmen, 229XP

– Enok, Evil Cleric, 429XP

– Lesser Flesh Golem, 1060XP

– 12 Boiling Zombies, 433XP

– Alfbrande and Elyana (Subdued, Half XP), 277XP

Total Experience:  2428XP

# of Combatants: 11

Experience per PC: 221XP (Inc. Bryn)

Experience Roundup

Total Experience:  3428XP

Per PC: 471XP

With Bonus: 518XP

For Otiben: Fighter-259XP/Assassin-236XP

Session 16 Summary and Experience

Session 16 Summary and Experience

Having successfully found the ancient Goblin necropolis, the party have found it an undead-infested hell. Making their way into one of the more intact buildings, they discover a plush sitting room and an oddly friendly elf greeting them.

– He Who Falls in Pits: Otiben

– Spectral Horses are Abominations: Batukhan


– Gold-Plated Tankard

– Gold-Inlaid Drinking Horn

– Stag Antler Chunks

Monsters Slain:

– Undead Urdjan Knight, 121XP

– Spectral Horse, 146XP

– 2x Spectral Stags, 274XP

– 6 Zombie Guardsmen, 227XP

Total Experience:  768XP

# of Combatants: 11

Experience per PC: 70XP (Inc. Bryn)

Experience Roundup

Total Experience:  768XP

Per PC: 70XP

With Bonus: 77XP

For Otiben: Fighter-39XP/Assassin-35XP

People and Places for Session 121

People and Places for Session 121

Hugue – Young boy found aboard drifting fishing boat. Father and Uncles murdered by an Inquisitor. Brought to Midmark for further questioning, family lives on a nearby island.

Elured – Father of Hugue. Fisherman. Was replaced by an Inquisitor (Mirror-Face).

Baswick Telman – Newly appointed Harbour Master in Midmark.

Alanon Bartley – Clockmaker who has suffered extensive damage to his hands. Though he claims this was a cart accident, in reality this was caused by torture at the hands of Thornton’s Grey Cloaks. Part of the cottage-industry printing ring.

Archer’s Irregulars – A seven-person adventuring group. Died to a man investigating the phantom that has taken root in the Grell Estate.

Intentions for Next Session

Intentions for Next Session


– Visit Verdant Fellowship to obtain training. (New Proficiency: Darts)

– Purchase formal Druidic robes and cloak for banquet.

– Collect Magical Leather from Orsibet.

– Sell 4 Scrag Hides to Orsibet.

– Start refining venom from urchin spines, if possible.

– Test what happens if Plant Growth is cast on a piece of the Breathing Coral. (Outside the City)


– Purchase clothes for Banquet (Canis is making her go).

– Upgrade Holy Symbol from Wood to Silver.

– Donate 200GP to the Ark.

– Buy Vial of Holy Water

Session 15 Summary and Experience

Session 15 Summary and Experience

The barrow of a long dead Druid, though dangerous, has been successfully explored and looted. The party now beds down in the entry chamber to recover.

– Turn baby, turn!: Zho Ni Apolsede

– Suddenly Hawkeye: Bryn Freystein

– Trap Springer, Scout Regretter: Otiben


– 1160 GP (500 marked with the moon), 806 SP, 26 PP

– Enchanted Bastard Sword, Moonstone in hilt – 400XP

– Green Gemstone

– Fist-sized Moonstone

– Scroll (Silver Letters, Unknown Language)

– 18 Scrolls, Various Texts

– 3 Magical Scrolls (Dispel Magic, Heal, Control Weather

– Silver Longsword and Dagger (Enchanted), with black leather belt and sheathes.

– 30 pebble-sized moonstones in small leather bag.

Total Money Gained Each: 290GP, 201SP (2SP party fund), 6PP (2PP party fund)

Total XP: 1652XP

Monsters Slain:

-19 Skeletal Guards, 358XP

– Superior Skeleton Commander, 190XP

– Grey Ooze, 120XP

– Druid’s Wraith, 718XP

Total Experience:  1386XP

# of Combatants: 7

Experience per PC: 198XP (Inc. Bryn)

Experience Roundup

Total Experience:  3038XP

Per PC: 611XP

With Bonus: 672XP

For Otiben: Fighter-336XP/Assassin-305XP

Session 14 Summary and Experience

Session 14 Summary and Experience

Having entered the deep marshland of the Many Mouths, the party have made thier way to the reststop and beyond, finding themselves at the entrance to a barrow.

– Breakfast King: Zho Ni Apolsede

– Bit off more than she could chew: Hilda the Hag

Experience from Monsters:

– The Undead 13 and their Ogre, 740XP

– A Hag and her goat-Imp, 566XP

– The Half-dozen Hot-rock Hurlers, 361XP

# of Party Members: 8

Total XP: 1666XP

PC Share: 208XP


– HIlda’s Spellbook

– 2 Throwing Daggers (I forgot these, they were in her robes.)

– Hilda’s Robes

– 23SP, 60CP

– Waterskin and day of Iron Rations

– Unknown Potion

– Imp’s Fangs, Horns, Wings and Tail (inc. Barb)

Experience Roundup

Total Experience: 208XP

With 10% Bonus: 229XP

Otiben: Fighter-114XP Assassin-104XP