The documents Maescia gives you include ancient maps of the city the Necropolis once was, the Orc Town, Burdrard.

The documents Maescia gives you include ancient maps of the city the Necropolis once was, the Orc Town, Burdrard.

The upper city looks as you’ve seen it, the roads and ruined buildings matching up with the districts marked, but the map of the crypt reveals some new information, and its original purpose. It was once a temple, and a large one at that, dedicated to the worship of Vahg, the ancient Orcish god of battle and law.

Batukhan and Otiben will recognise the name, synomonous with the more warlike members of their race, but they have not seen or heard of any organised worship, and it seems Vahg has become a forgetten member of the Alenostan pantheon.

Sorry about last night guys, my nap turned into an all night sleep!

Sorry about last night guys, my nap turned into an all night sleep!

Been up all week at five to go training in Dudley (about two hours of buses and walking), but it’s culminated in me passing my test and getting a forklift reach truck licence today, so the sleep was probably a good thing!

Looking forward to the summary of the ghostbusting. I’ll update you all on Sunday when I know better, if not, speak to you next week!

Session 22 Summary and Experience

Session 22 Summary and Experience

The party has finished gathering knowledge in Finnesheim, and after a brief cleanup mission to deal with some shipwrecked ogres, returned to Manheim. Now, they prepare to return to the swamp and face Vorigan, but the promise of hidden riches might be tempting enough for them to follow another path.

– Confounded by new magics: Urman

– Dreams of the sky, weighed down by gold: Otiben


– Traded in Hilda’s Spellbook

– Traded in Research on Moon Rituals

– Traded in 4 Ogre Jawbones

– 1550GP

– 20 Gemstones (100GP each)

– Sunstone (Worth 1000XP in Gold)

– Scrolls (Map of the Necropolis, History of Vorigan)

– Used Giantslayer Longsword, 900XP

Monsters Slain:

– 4 Shipwrecked Ogre Sailors,

Total Experience: 725 XP

# of Combatants: 8

Total Experience: 91 (Inc. Bryn, Embrek)

Experience Roundup:

Total Experience:  6175XP

Per PC: 1453XP

With Bonus: 1598XP

For Otiben: Fighter-799XP/Assassin-727P

Maescia’s Report on Vorigan

Maescia’s Report on Vorigan

The Vampire known as Vorigan is believed to have been born from the body of the Vademorian Noble, Claude Von Reegan, after being sired by an unknown vampire.

Claude was born in the capital of Vademor, Kernindorf. He was the second son of Senator Reinyar Von Reegan and Aldona Von Reegan (nee Dereux).

With his elder brother, Abram, being tracked to follow their father’s footsteps as a senator to the king, Claude turned to the arcane, joining the College of Arcane and Mechanical Studies. He graduated within four years at the age of eighteen, enrolling as a state arcanist thereafter.

Claude spent the next 14 years as a state arcanist, providing research and advice to the senate, and serving two tours as a military attache in engagements against both raiding parties from the steppe and the Odagardian Army.

At 32, he resigned as a state arcanist and returned to his family home, where he continued to study the arcane. In this time, he published several papers on the relation between magic and creatures of the undead. Additionally, he became betrothed to Lady Genevra Heilstadt, daughter of a wealthy merchant.

Around the time of Von Reegan’s fortieth birthday, and string of brutal murders took place within the upper districts of Kernindorf, beginning with his own father, Reinyar. Investigations uncovered the murderer was a vampire, not long after revealing themselves to be called Vorigan. After this, Claude was known to have taken ill, and remained largely unseen long after the mourning period.

Attacks continued for a year, claiming the lives of a number of Vademorian officials and their staff. Von Reegan and his fiance, Genevra were presumed to be amongst the victims, although their bodies were never found.

Instances of Vorigan popped up around both Vademor and Odagard over the next fifty years. A number of individuals claimed to know the identity of the vampire, citing various names, but the relevant information came from a self-proclaimed vampire hunter, Jacken Bessi, who managed to track down and confront Vorigan. Though mortally wounded, Bessi insisted on his deathbed that Vorigan was in fact Von Reegan, having met the arcanist as a child.

This was the last known sighting of Vorigan, who disappeared from records some one hundred and fifty years ago.

Session 21 Summary and Roundup

Session 21 Summary and Roundup

In search of knowledge and objects that may level the playing field against the vampire, Vorigan, the party heads to Finnesheim and The Library. Whilst there, Otiben confides the truth of Randolf’s mission to his companions, and they track down the hedonistic Merchant Captain, Drahsen Solbergsson-Annel, delivering to him his final ‘message’. The party now idles in Finnesheim whilst the Chief Librarian, the Drow Maescia, collects the knowledge they may need.

– Visited Equine Heaven: Batukhan

– But a Simple Country Bumpkin: Zho Ni Apolsede

– James Bond or Batman?: Otiben the Maul

– Slain by Deadly Opulence: Captain Drahsen

– Dwarven Spirit Incarnate: Embrek Forbolson


– Purchased, Horses, a Pony and a Cart.

Enemies Slain

– Drahsen Solbergsson-Annel, 100XP

# of Combatants: 1

Experience for Otiben: 55XP Fighter, 50 XP Assassin

Knowledge Gained

Chief Librarian Maescia has provided the party on the known weaknesses of vampires (converting player knowledge to character knowledge). She also provided several other pieces of information:

– Known history of Vorigan in Vademor, before becoming a vampire (To be posted)

– The identity of what is presumed to be Vorigan’s patron, a primordial spirit of death from before the time of the Gods. (Represented by the statues,)

– Items that may prove useful in combating a vampire, if you can obtain them: Holy Artifacts, Sunstones, Anti-Undead Weapons, Mental Protection, Blood-drinker’s Bane (a legendary weapon), Certain Venomous/Magical Bloods(Injected/Imbibed/etc.), Death Wards.

– Ancient Maps of the Necropolis. (To be Posted)

New Hirelings/Henchmen

– Embrek Forbolson: An elderly Dwarven Warrior with experience in mining and carpentry. Joined the group as Zho Ni’s Henchman in search of glorious battle.

Session 20 Summary and Experience

Session 20 Summary and Experience

When the vampire Vorigan sought to capture the party on their renewed assault, they instead elected to flee, utilising Andros Ashwind’s teleportation device to whisk them away. Seeing the threat for what it was, they now take the time to regroup and prepare themselves.

– Cowards (In Batukhan’s Eyes): Everyone else.

– He Who Turns Armies: Zho Ni

– Left In A Bad Place: Alfbrande

– Level Up: The Party, Yay.


– Enchanted Flail (Traded for Mace)

– Greenstone and Moonstone Collection, SOLD!

– 3 Suits of Platemail (Bryn, Frike, Thogi)

– Identified: Ram’s Ring, Barrier Ring, Dragonslayer Battleaxe (White), White Dragonscale Cloak, Enchanted Chainmail.

Experience Roundup:

– Already Given

Information Gained:

– Magical Tatooist: A man named Alexis can apparently provide magical tattoos to those of Spymaster Randolf’s order. They do cost a lot of Gold however. [Note: this information is known only to Otiben]

Things Owed:

– Zho Ni has been tasked with finding a way to refill The Vale’s coffers in repayment for the cost of his training,

– Otiben has been asked for the first favour; discreetly kill a merchant supplying the Northmen with weaponry.

Session 128

Session 128

Pre-dawn, 12th of Tanrilden

Having made it back to the sewers after leaving the Thornton manor, the party is kind of quiet, left standing around underground, unsure of what to do next. Eventually, we remember the time, and signal our ship. Talking to Sturloc through the magical brooch, we learn that they are currently anchored just our from the island harbour, Thorfus passes on the information of our situation, including the location of Grell.

Sturloc is understandably unsure of what to do, and has misgivings of even going near Hugue’s island with Em on board. He tells us to try not to die, and signs off. Ronan suddenly brings up the idea that the brooches aren’t necessarily a pair, which has us questioning a few things.

Deciding to stay underground until at least afternoon, there is nothing we can do but get moving, and decide to head towards the bath house beneath the University. We begin heading towards the direction Malakor was going, west and then south, looking out all the while for tracks or other signs of their passing. Eventually finding some signs of passing of a large group going either west or south themselves, and we follow them south. From there, the trail keeps south through several junctions.

In one of the junctions, Chuq suddenly feels a chill before a deep croaking echoes throughout the chamber. From out of the sewage, a number of Bullywugs leap up and attack, wounding Chuq in the process. As they strike at us, many more come charging from the surrounding tunnels.

Their numbers initially seem dangerous, but our counterattack fells seven before they can react. They turn to run, allowing the two dwarfs to cut down another two, Chuq stunning a third. Leaving the rest to disappear into the tunnels, we set about tying up the stunned Bullywug ready for questioning.

The creature is near naked, and clearly more emaciated than the ones we fought many months previously. These Bullywugs, if they are the same tribe, have clearly not been doing well. A few carry small pouches, filled with little more than worthless scraps; , goblin skulls, bones and even scalps that could’ve been human, though we do find a a couple dozen silver pieces and maybe twice as much copper. One of the pouches have rudimentary scrimshaw, a representation of Bullywugs bowing to what is probably a Devilfish.

Thorfus interrogates the prisoner, initially in Goblin, but learning that it speaks Common, albeit badly. It is not very forthcoming, and less than happy to realise we were the ones to have chased them out of the bathhouse before. He seems to think all the goblins are gone. We make it point the way to the bathhouse, though the directions are vague, so we push him to his feet and make him lead on a leash.

We continue south past half a dozen junctions, before veering east for another four, then south once more. After the second southerly junction, we start descending a slope that leads to a different junction that splits east or south-west rather than the four cardinal directions. Here, it is damper and there is a lot more sewerage, the surroundings looking more like a previous adventurer below ground.

The Bullywug leads us east, ignoring a passage leaving south and then another leading north. For the first time, the Bullywugs pauses at potential courses changes, but remains relatively sure of his direction. He takes the next southerly passage, which slopes down again. Here, the water is running quicker. At the next branch, he turns east crossing a little footbridge into a tunnel in a state of ill-repair.

Our prisoner seems to be quickening the pace here, prompting Thorfus to pull him back, and he indicates we are nearing the end of the journey. Worried about the creature raising an alarm, as he does seem to be slapping is feet harder and louder, and Chuq suggests Ronan carry it.

Continuing east, Thorfus takes the lead and remains on lookout. Another north branch we pass smells like something rotten, and the lack of running water suggests that passage is blocked in someway. Eventually however, we stop after hearing a noise in the distance, something running towards us from he north. Chuq reads dumb hunger and at least four entities, so we prepare to fight.

At the edge of our infravision, the dwarves see creatures moving across the floor and ceilings. They resolve themselves into the forms of centipedes with tentacled heads, each around 9ft long. Ronan tosses the Bullywug into the centre as a distraction, which croaks and closes its eyes. The first two creatures descends upon him, another surging past at Axel. Axel is able to get a shot in at his attacker, wounding it greviously, but both he and the Bullywug go stiff with the paralysing venom of the creatures.

Thorfus is quick to counter Axel’s attacker with another heavy blow, causing it to fall from the ceiling, dead. Adhemar brings down another with a flurry of blows, before Edan fills the passage with magical webbing, entangling all but one, which continues to attack. Thorfus gets caught in a ferocious assault and falls to the paralysation effects.

With the webbing in place, the monks and Ronan are able to quickly dispatch the remaining creatures. Eventually, the dwarves and the bullywug feel their limbs loosen slowly and become able to move again. After pulling everyone away from the webbing, Axel lights it up with his flint and tinder to dissuade any further attacks and gives us access to what would be their lair. Thorfus pushes the bullywug into the passage, and we follow it until we find the obstruction.

A literal mountain of corpses fills the tunnel, human, goblin, bullywug and even a carnivorous ape skeleton lying amongst the refuse. After scanning with his skullcap, Chuq is able to read a colonial human, a bullywug and two goblins still alive in the pile. After checking for an Inquisitor’s mask, Chuq reassures the human whilst Thorfus dispatches both the paralysed bullywug and our prisoner. He and Axel free the goblins and explain the situation to them, citing that we know Malakor.

Sorting through the bodies, we dig out some treasure. Ignoring the silver and copper, we recover 2125 gold pieces and a number of gemstones. We take some time to divide up the gold into sacks, by which time the human awakes and begins talking and thanking us. His name is Haunild Gotmeld, and had come below ground to deal with a sewerage problem, losing his entire group in the process. Luckily, none of the others were in the pile, and he’d been dragged here, so he reasoned the rest of the group escaped. From his story, it seems he entered from the same grate outside the University we used to use.

We convince the goblins to lead us to the bathhouse. They knew of this area, and generally avoided it, but are pleased to see the corpses of the creatures and bullywugs. As we follow the goblins, Haunild expresses the desire to leave as quickly as possible, and after swearing him to secrecy and giving him some gold. We agree for him to go.

They lead us back west, and then south-west, stopping at pointing the way to the bathhouse. At this junction, we see the faded yet familiar site of chalk markings noting ‘GFC’. With our bearings now on track, we escort Haunild back to a grate to the surface, then continue following the goblins back south back along a familiar trail. Before long, we are back at the broken wall with its waterfall leading down into a room with pillars and mosiacs. The saltwater smell previously present is now thankfully gone.

As before, we tie off a rope, and clamber down into the entrance to the bathhouse. Chuq senses nothing with his helm in the immediate vicinity, so we head towards a pair of double doors, until he begins to pick thoughts that sounds goblin-like. One of the goblins with us heads up to the door and knocks the ‘secret knock’, a 1, 1-2, 1-2-3 pattern, and then leads us into the large chamber where we had our first altercation with the Bullywugs.

As we enter, the goblins exchange cautious greetings with other hidden goblins. Eventually, Malakor is brought to us, and he thanks us again for saving more of his people. The deal still stands, we can pass through to the tomb, or stay here and rest. He asks for our word that the men and dwarves (meaning the archaeologists) won’t be returning, which we give, and he offers us a room with beds to stay in since they won’t be using it.

Thorfus asks after the dwarven warrior automatons that were present in the tomb previously, though the goblin believes they were taken. He checks to make sure, but aside from a patch of what may have been blood, there is nothing. We retire to the rooms in the south. They are a little stuffy, being old sauna rooms, but functional enough to rest in.

We bed down for a few hours, roughly until what we believe is around 3pm, giving Edan time to recuperate his spells. The goblins leave us mostly to our own devices, and we decide to leave and head back towards Thornton Manor, utilising Chuq’s helm to ascertain if it is safe to head up to the surface. On the way out, Ronan hands over a few darts as a gift, to which the goblins on guard repay him with a rat. Apparently, it is good food.

We make good time back to the sewers beneath Thornton Manor. On the way, Chuq managed to catch small hints of nervousness and worry from above, though no references to us, as well as some sadness at the death of Darvo. Getting close enough to the guards, he can tell they are on edge, as there has been some attack on Thornton. There is also a lot more guards present, as there are a number of high-ranking officials within the house. A Greycloak present has apparently been ordered to bring in the Starchie Boyz if seen, though he harbours some misgivings about those the Chief Magistrate is meeting with.

The party climbs up out of the sewers, and approaches the gates to the manor. The Greycloak approaches and asks if we were Baldric’s Boys, visibly surprised at the presence of the Master of Spring. Apparently we are welcome to enter, although he is thinking about the sight of the Master of Spring lying dead in the hall of the manor. It seems as if the agreement is proceeding.

We follow him through the front door, as the meeting is taking place in the main hall, with many more double-takes at Adhemar’s presence. In the hall is six men, one is ‘Thornton’, joined by five older men. On the floor are three corpses, one of which is the exact twin of Adhemar, the other two being the cook and the butler. He asks us to explain, so Axel steps fowards and begins pulling at the corpse-Adhemar’s face. He struggles with it, but eventually the ‘face’ begins to pull away, seemingly attached by some sort of sticky goo. Eventually it comes away, resolving into a plain silver mask.

The man beneath, is Ir’Alle.

Now eyeless, the ex-cleric of the Baldric’s Boys lies dead on the floor. ‘Thornton’ points out it must be Imperials, before recognising the cleric, and pointing out that he was a cleric of Xen’Telar. He explains the events of last night, how Ir’Alle impersonating Adhemar had slain Darvo, claiming that the Order of the Celestial Dragon had allied with the Empire.

We check the clerics body, finding no visible change but for his eyes, and a knife wound in his back. ‘Thornton’ says he threw a poisoned dagger at him. We do find a scroll however, written in Ancient Dwarven;

Brother Ir’Alle,

It is essential to reinforce Midmark’s hatred of the Empire. To that end, your mission is as follows: 1) Use the stolen Inquisitor’s Mask and Ancient Dwarven magicks we have provided to traverse the Shadow Realm like an Imperial Dervish while wearing the face of Adhemar, Master of Spring. Kill Patriarch Darvo in front of as many witnesses as possible; 2) Deliver a message to the Chief Magistrate that the Order of the Celestial Dragon has allied with the Empire and that together they will crush Midmark. Plant the idea that Thornton must ally with us to avoid that fate. Only then will we bring back Grell to reverse the Magistrate’s recent moves against us.

Varkum Krai’Thalum

Thorfus translates for everybody gathered, which causes some unrest among the officials until ‘Thornton’ can quiet them. Despite implicating the Empire, the letter was sent from a Lord of Xurnost’khel, a member of the Silver Throne. ‘Thornton’ takes great pleasure in laying out the plot, winking at the party as he does. He turns to the Lords, explaining that several Greycloaks had apparently reported plots to assassinate several Midmark leaders by the Silver Throne. Thorfus pipes up and throws Grell’s name into the mix.

Clearly, he says, someone is trying to turn us against the Empire. ‘Thornton’ is pulling out all the stops to shift tensions and blames to the Silver Throne from the Empire. Not entirely disagreeable, but so blatant it’s a wonder the lords cannot see it.

We relay our exploits in the sewers, and one of the older council member pulls out his purse with some senility, handing us three silver pieces and advising us to invest. His name is Rand Gatesheved. Another steps forward and introduces himself as Flann Kastens, thanking us.

Pulling back to the situation at hand, we make sure to check over the cook and the butler, confirming their identities. Both their throats had been slit.

After checking that Grell’s warrant still stands, Thornton gently pushes the Council of Elders out, promising to meet them later in the afternoon. Once gone, he tells us more of Ir’Alle’s fate. He had been on a ship called the Yellow Harpy when it had gone missing. In reality, it had been caused by Imperial Privateers, and Ir’Alle had died under torture. The missing eyeballs was apparently a reference to the Ancient Dwarven clerical custom, the very same Axel had seen on Moysant.

He also explains that whilst Xurnost’khel is the home of the Silver Throne, reportedly the leadership of Xenilum’khel is almost entirely tied up in the company. He offers to give us a list of names of who not to trust, though it may be possible to begin disentangling Axel and Thorfus’ home from them.

When we confirm we intend to deal with Grell once and for all, he says he will send a message ahead so that his agents step aside so not to get caught up in it.

Ronan also puts forward the idea, that whilst our group has been known by many names, it’d be a good thing if we had some sort of title or badge that shows who we work for. Something to solidfy our ties to Midmark. ‘Keepers of the Council’ is put forward, which ‘Thornton’ quite likes and he believes he could swing positive votes for. All he asks is that we bring in Grell dead, so that he cannot talk, as there had once been talks to allow him to return and reclaim his family home.

‘Thornton’ overall seems quite happy with the way things have gone.

After cleaning up, we call the ship to let them know we’re coming. We leave the manor, and the Adhemar and the other monks take their leave for now, the monks expressing their misgivings and the unnecessary nature of some of what just transpired. We return to the ship by carriage, explaining the situation to our crew. Then we stop by the mill’s basement and take the time to lower the sub onto some heavy beams so we can retrieve the golden rope. After that, Almeric talks to several contacts to sell the oxen and wagon, which we sell for 160GP.

The ensigns have arrived, and we board. In the cabin, our group naturally has some questions about our heading. Sturloc asks several questions on Em’s behalf, including asking after ‘our grey friend’, to which Thorfus replies that he’d gone to join Talon. We discuss whether or not to tell her anything, but in the girl’s current fragile state, we decide to merely tell her Perette is on a mission right now. We also notice that Sturloc and Bellisente are walking around hand-in-hand.

After a quick debate with the harbour master’s men, needing to pay an extra day for berth, we set sail, heading for Hugue’s island.

Session 19 Summary and Experience

Session 19 Summary and Experience

The party broke deeper into the crypt, discovering silent ranks of undead and strange servantile skeletons. The Undead remains of previous adventurers are enough to stymie the party though, and they retreat to lick their wounds.

– Worst Archer Ever: Undead Elf

– Slaying With Style: Batukhan


– Magical Mace

– Banded Mail)

– Silver-shod Small Shield

– Magical Longsword of Giant Slaying

– Longbow (Damaged)

– Magical Arrow

– Suit of Elfin Chain

– Buckler

– Pale Blue Stone in Pouch

– Magical Battleaxe

– White Scale Cloak (Aura of Cold)

– Quarterstaff

– Bracers (Armour Runes)

– Spidersilk Cloak

– Force Ring (Ram’s Head)

– Barrier Ring

– Shortsword

– Magical Throwing Dagger

– 2x Throwing Daggers

– Leather Armour

– Rope 50′

Monsters Slain:

– 5 Ex-Adventurers,

Total Experience: 1191 XP

# of Combatants: 11

Experience per PC: 108XP (Inc. Bryn)

Experience Roundup

Total Experience:  1191XP

Per PC: 108XP

With Bonus: 119XP

For Otiben: Fighter-59XP/Assassin-54XP

A Letter from Axel to his Mother. Sent on his return to Midmark

A Letter from Axel to his Mother. Sent on his return to Midmark

Dear Mother,

I do hope you and Father are doing well, and of course, please send my love to Grandfather too.

I understand that receiving this letter may cause some confusion. No doubt by now, Drexam will have returned home with Grandfather’s axe and a tale of my passing. However, I can quite happily tell you that my death is still some ways off. I was merely seperated from my companions and forced to find an alternate route home. It took some weeks, but I managed to find my way back to Midmark and my allies.

The full story will have to wait until I return to Xenilum’Khel of course, it is quite the tale, and one better told over a mug of ale.

Unfortunately, this letter does come on darker tidings. There is some great danger that threatens all of Curabel in the coming months and one that we may not be able to avert. I hope to return home before time is up, but rest assured that I am one of those fighting against it. Have faith that we can save this world.

I understand that Drexam at least has been working alongside the Silver Throne. Weeks ago, this would’ve alarmed me, but now I believe they may have some hand in the final solution, for good or for ill. I beg you however, do not trust them. Marchmain is not what he seems, and the Silver Throne is known to have some shady dealings. I pray Father heeds my warnings, but there is a reason why I write to you.

I know I was never the easiest son to raise, but my travels have taught me a lot, about both myself and the world. You may have heard of some of my exploits, and despite the attempts of many to besmirch our names, myself and my companions are a force for good. We have powerful allies, and have ended many an evil in these islands.

My exploits alone could mean lasting alliances between the Rhom’khul and Ironhand clans in Xeni’lum Khel, as well as the Midmark Navy and Order of the Celestial Dragon to name a few. It is not what was expected of me, but I know it is far more than I could’ve accomplished in the shadow of my Father and Brothers.

If I am unable to return home, or avert the coming danger, know that I love you all.

Your faithful son,

Axel Rhom’khul of Clan Rhom’khul