Session 27 Experience and Summary

Session 27 Experience and Summary

The party have dispatched the giant, and with the sun trapping Vorigan within his crypt, they are able to pin him down and end his (un)life. The crypt is theirs, but with a temple to an ancient being known as ‘He Who Devours’, it may still prove deadly the group.

 – Bane of Undeath: Zho Ni Apolsede.

 – Blindfighters: Batukhan and Otiben

 – United in Love and Death: Alfbrande and Elyana

 – ‘Back, you fiend!”: Urman the Blackstaff

Items and Money

 – Vorigan’s Staff

 – Shrunken Head Charm

 – Vampiric Dagger

 – Gold ring with red stone.

(Two rooms filled with chests are also available, but not yet collected.)

Monsters Slain

 – Undead Stone Giant, 2354XP

 – 12 Zombies, 483XP

 – 3 Shadows, 1148XP

 – Skeletal Butler, 18XP

 – 4 Pit Ghouls, 318XP

 – The Vampire Lord Vorigan, Servant of He Who Devours, 4434XP

Total XP: 8755XP

Combatants: 15.5 (Half share for Embrek)

Experience Roundup

Total Party Experience: 17424XP

Per PC: 564XP

With Bonus: 621XP

Otiben: Fighter-310XP/Assassin-282XP

Embrek: 282XP

Session 26 Experience and Summary

Session 26 Experience and Summary

The party, with the aid of Kymil and his bodyguards, have began their assault on the Necropolis. With fire and lightning and steel, Vorigan”s forces within the city are utterly destroyed. Revelling in the destruction, the party awakens an undead giant from its slumber.

 – Magical Artillery: Urman and Kymil

 – Flee from me!: Zho Ni

 – Tread (not so) softly and carry a big blade: Otiben.

 – MV…G?: Puck, the cavalry.

Items and Money

 – None

Monsters Slain

 – 16 Superior Skeletons, 3535XP

 – 5 Bone Golem, 10900XP

 – 52 Skeletal Soldiers, 1043XP

 – 50 Zombie ex-slaves, 1946XP

Total XP: 17424XP

Combatants: 16

Experience Each (Inc. Bryn and Embrek): 1089XP

Experience Roundup

Total Party Experience: 17424XP

Per PC: 1089XP

With Bonus: 1198XP

Otiben: Fighter-598XP/Assassin-544XP

Puk, Goblin Extraordinaire

Through his actions and the experience gained, Puk has grown as a warrior. He is now a Goblin Captain!

 – HP rises to 8.

 – AC rises to 5.

– Fights as a 1+1 HD creature.

Hi guys.

Hi guys.

So, obviously we planned to miss the 18th and of course Christmas Day. Just wanted to gauge whether you all wanted to play on New Years Day.

I know we have the Holiday game going on already, just wanted to check and offer the alternative.

Additionally, if we do play, would you want normal time (midday), or a slightly later session? (I can start as late as 3pm).

If not, we’ll pickup back in Alenostr on the 7th, providing we have enough players.

Merry Christmas!

Session 25 Experience and Summary

Session 25 Experience and Summary

Upon return to Manheim, the party come under assault from Vorigan’s servants, a swarm of bats dropping skeletons right into the city. Seeing that the vampire needs dealing with once and for all, they wait only for Otiben to finish training, before making for the Many Mouths once more.

 – Driven batty: The party

 – Holidays shmolidays, let’s fight!: Embrek Forbolson

 – Exploding Enemies: Otiben

Items and Money


 – Thogi’s Shortsword (Damaged)


 – Sack of Giant Bats (5)

 – Sack of Normal Bats (24)

 – Sack of Skull Shards (10)

 – New Canoes

 – Clerical Scrolls (Crafted by Zho Ni)

 – Plant Matter from a Shambling Mound

 – 20GP, 30SP, 70CP

 – Deep Purple Gemstone

 – White/Pale Blue Gemstone (Obviously Moonstone)

 – Rusty Sword

Total XP: 21XP

Monsters Slain

 – 7 Superior Skeletons, 1700XP

 – 5 Giants Bats, 41XP

 – 24 Bats, 24XP

 – Shambling Mound, 1075XP

Total XP: 2840XP

Combatants: 9

Experience Each (Inc. Bryn and Embrek): 316XP

The Mine’s Assets

All the miner’s have returned to Manheim for the holidays.

 – Mithril ore has been completely dug out and awaits appraisal.

The Fighting Ring

– 11th-18th Rosenur: 10GP, 5SP, 7CP

– 19th-26th Rosenur: 18GP, 4SP, 7CP

Total Profits Uncollected: 41GP, 9SP, 14CP

Experience Roundup

Total Party Experience: 2861XP

Per PC: 321XP

With Bonus: 353XP

Otiben: Fighter-176XP/Assassin-160XP


Session 24 Summary

Session 24 Summary

The party is mysteriously whisked away during the night to do battle with a werewolf. Victorious, they are returned to the mine, but wonder as to the cause behind this and quickly suspect the witch, Elosha. They return to Manheim once more to gather information and new skills, and seek to continue their business efforts. The party now plans to return to the Silken Forest and gather spidersilk.

 – Still confounded by new spells: Urman

 – Entrepreneurial: The Party

 – Money Signs in their eyes: Embrek and Thrannum Coalfinger

 – Inked – Otiben

 – Level Up! – Batukhan and Urman

 – Paid off some debts: Zho Ni

Items and Money:


 – Obsidian, Rock Crystal and Lapis Lazuli, 62GP

 – Enchanted Longsword, 1800GP

 – 3 1/2 Bars of Mithril

 – All Amber Darkword Seeds.


 – Werewolf Remains (Pelt, 4 Fangs, 6 Claws, Vial of Blood)

 – Large Iron Boxes

 – 1 Vial of Darkwood Poisoned Oil

 – Lodestones

 – Bows for Bryn

Total XP: 1862XP (Not including Mithril)

Monsters Slain

 – Werewolf, 310XP

 – 3 Common Wolves, 232XP

Total XP: 542XP

Combatants: 7

Experience Each (Inc Bryn): 77

The Mine’s Assets (5th-12th Rosenur)

Embrek has tasked four miners to work on digging out all the copper and two for the iron whilst he works on the Mithril. Under orders from the party, and on his recommendation, he has hired a carpenter (to fix up usable buildings and build supports for new tunnels), and a blacksmith (to smelt the ores and set the metals into bars). Additionally, a master smith,  Thrannum Coalfinger has been brought in to work on the Mithril when it is found.

– Embrek Forbolson (Current Chief)

– 6 Freelancer Miners

– Carpenter (1GP per week)

– Smith (5GP per week)

– 2 Continual Light Helmets

– Vein of Iron (Unknown Size)

– Vein of Mithril (Unknown Size)

– Leftover Copper (Unknown Amount)

– 1 Week of Rations per Worker (27GP Weekly)

– 63GP Funds

– Thrannum Coalfinger is on 25GP retainer to work with Mithril

Total Cost of Mine: 27GP

Total Profit: 0GP

Profits from The Fighting Ring (3rd-10th Rosenur)

– 13GP (Unclaimed)

Experience Roundup:

(Mithril Experience already claimed and distributed)

Total Experience:  1862XP

Per PC: 542XP

With Bonus: 595XP

For Otiben: Fighter-298XP/Assassin-271XP

Something that came up in play recently, in that we expressed dissatisfaction with the Cleric’s spell Augury. As…

Something that came up in play recently, in that we expressed dissatisfaction with the Cleric’s spell Augury. As written, it is a simple ‘will the next three minutes be dangerous or not’ question, with a <30% failure chance and a high cost.

Sounds cool, but in practice, underwhelming for a Second Level spellslot. So far I’ve been waiving the component part of the spell, but I think I have a slightly better solution.

So, subject to playtesting:

Augury comes in two forms, a quick and dirty reading at the near future, and a more ritualistic casting that can reveal vague hints about a future action.

The quick version will function as we’ve been using it in game so far. The cleric takes a round to meditate on if a certain action (opening a door, destroying a rune, etc) will bring harm to the party if performed within the next 3 turns. The DM will roll to ascertain this, with a 70% + 1% per level chance of getting an answer, and the cleric will either get a feeling of assurance or foreboding.

The ritual version requires 1 turn of meditation. During this time, the cleric will use bones, cards, tea or a similar object to divine the outcome of a certain action within the next day. The chances of a true reading remain the same, and the answer (a vague vision, at the DM’s discretion) will be accompanied by an appropriate feeling. The ritualised version usually requires specialised components of great value (gilded cards drawn with special ink, dragon bone, 100gp crushed pearl in tea). There is a 5% chance (roll of 95-100) of the component being damaged and rendered unusable the act, representing bad omens or too much power being focused through them (cards bursting into flame, bones crumbling, tea tasting sour).

Session 23 Summary and Experience

Session 23 Summary and Experience

In need of more money and more experience in fighting the undead, the party returned to the valley where they fought the goblins, and the ghoul-infested mine there.

– Breaker of Bows: Bryn Freystein

– The NEW Blackstaff: Urman

– Proving Hirelings are still MVP: Frike

– One-hit Wonder: Otiben


– The New Blackstaff (Anti-Undead Staff)

– The Blackstaff Research Notes

– 1579GP

– 530SP

– 437CP

– 4 Ingots of Mithril

– Barrel of Lamp Oil (4 Pints)

– 3 Gemstones (Black, Clear, Blue with Yellow Flecks)

– Magic Longsword

– A Mine?

Player Shares: 394GP, 132SP, 109CP, 1 Mithril Ingot

Party Fund: 3GP, 2SP, 1CP

Monsters Slain:

– 1HKO Half Orc Boxer, 19XP

– 10 Ghouls, 890XP

– Ghast, 279XP

Total Experience: 1188 XP

# of Combatants: 7

Total Experience: 170 (Inc. Bryn (Embrek wasn’t present))

Business Owned?

– Underground Fight Club, Manheim: 50% Profits Weekly

– Southern Vale Valley Mine?

Hired Workers:

– 6 Miners

Experience Roundup:

Total Experience:  2795XP

Per PC: 699XP

With Bonus: 769XP

For Otiben: Fighter-384XP/Assassin-349XP