Session 49 Roundup

Session 49 Roundup

The party and thier Orcish allies, led by the Chieftain’s own son, heads back to the surface with plan of eradicating the final resistance of the Seer’s forces in the valley. At the same time, Zho Ni makes his stand and breaks from the party, heading back out through the caves and outside of the shield.

Items and Money

– Granted within session. See handout.

Monsters Slain

– 7 Ogres, 1405xp

– 2 Goblins, 27xp

– Goblin Shaman, 54xp

– Troll (Citadel), 757xp

– Troll (Cave), 709xp

Total XP: 2243XP (709XP)

Experience Roundup

Total Party Experience: 2243XP

Per PC: 160XP

With Bonus: 176XP

Otiben: Fighter-88XP/Assassin-80XP

Zho Ni and Embrek – 355XP

Session 48 Roundup

Session 48 Roundup

After several days of fraught battle, the party is left now in the catacombs of the Orcharest. The ancient apocrypha stands dormant, its heart stolen by the Seer. Otiben is returned to life after his fatal fall, guided by the near-forgotten Orcish deity. And the party seems altered, a momentary rift between them as they look to the next task.

Items and Money

– Assorted Holy Symbols

Monsters Slain

– 14 Ogre Warriors, 2815xp

– 2 Ogre War Chieftains, 485xp

– Seer Acolyte, 924xp

– 21 Goblins, 298xp

– 5 Goblin Riders, 106xp

– 5 Wargs, 372xp

– Goblin Shaman, 49XP

Total XP: 5049XP

Experience Roundup

Total Party Experience: 5355XP

Per PC: 841XP

With Bonus: 926XP

Otiben: Fighter-463XP/Assassin-421XP

Session 45 Roundup

Session 45 Roundup

Finshing up the weak ambush that blocked their exit from the catacombs, the party sent their Halforcs to scout the city. After circumventing the wandering partrols by utilising the viaducts, they find an entrance to the sewer system, hoping to break into the Citadel from below. They briefly battle an Otyugh, before setting forth along the ancient tunnels.

Items and Money

– Goblin Holy Symbols

– Rhino Horn

Monsters Slain

– 3 Wooly Rhinos, 4248xp

– 3 Ogre Warriors, 522xp

– 38 Goblin Soldiers, 533xp

– Goblin Shaman, 52XP

Total XP: 5355XP

Experience Roundup

Total Party Experience: 5355XP

Per PC: 765XP

With Bonus: 842XP

Otiben: Fighter-421XP/Assassin-383XP

Session 44 Roundup

Session 44 Roundup

After resting within the catacombs without reprise by the Seer, the party elects to move forwards. After opening the rest of the rooms, including storage for oil and a golem workshop, they find an entrance hall that was clearly the site of battle. More golems lie strewn around, as well as one imprisoned individual.

Shortly after, they reach the surface, and begin battle with a goblin ambush whilst the Seer mocks them.

New Allies

Ignotius Bavarian – Research Explorer

Monsters Slain

– Withheld until combat complete.

Session 43 Roundup

Session 43 Roundup

The party shores up their position in the catacombs, chasing down the remnants of the Seer’s forces down below.

Items and Money

– 2 Ogre Warchieftain Longswords (Magical Greatswords for Medium Creatures)

– Orcish Anthropology Journal

Monsters Slain

– 2 Ogre Warchiefs, 470xp

– 3 Ogre Warriors, 520xp

– 8 Goblin Soldiers, 98xp

Total XP: 1088XP

Experience Roundup

Total Party Experience: 1088XP

Per PC: 136XP

With Bonus: 149XP

Otiben: Fighter-75XP/Assassin-68XP

Session 37-42 Experience and Summary

Session 37-42 Experience and Summary

(It’s been a while since I actually tallied this up, so I apologise if I have missed anything.)

From the Frostleaf Clanhold to the Catacombs of Ancient Orcharest, the party has explored from forest to valley to subterrainean farmland. Battling goblin, ogre and stranger, they now stand in the chamber of what they believe to be the Soulforged Collossus, a mythical god-like weapon of prehistory.

There, they fought to keep the Seer, lieutenant of the Enchantress, from removing the seals put in place by the by the fallen Orc Empire.

Items and Money

– Gromash’s Battleaxe, 1000xp

– 2 Healing Potions (1 used), 200xp

– Unknown Potion (Bright Green, Sparkling)

– 11 Holy Symbols/Talismans (Representing Thymir the Storm Titan, the Enchantress and the Seer)

– 3 Greater Healing Potions

– Assorted Magical Components

– 4 Ogre Warchieftain Longswords (Magical Greatswords for Medium Creatures)

– 8 Ogre Battleaxes (Would be Halberds for Medium)

– 11 Ogre Greatbows (Unwieldable for Medium)

– Assorted Goblin Weaponry

– 3 Quivers of Crude Arrows

– Numerous Skins of Water and Ale.

– Numerous Ration Packs

– Several Wooly Rhino Steeds with full saddle gear

Total: 1200xp

Monsters Slain

– Storm Elemental, 3280xp

– 2 Manticores, 1562xp

– 10 Warg Riders, 117xp

– 10 Wargs, 700xp

– 5 Ogre Seer-Acolytes, 3500xp

– 2 Ogre Warchiefs, 470xp

– 11 Ogre Archers, 1815xp

– 8 Ogre Warriors, 1400xp

– 8 Goblin Soldiers, 112xp

– 3 Dark Stalkers, 681xp

– 12 Dark Creepers, 720xp

– 9 Ogre Cavalrymen, 1530xp

– 9 Goblin Archers, 130xp

Total XP: 16017XP

Experience Roundup

Total Party Experience: 17217XP

Per PC: 1565XP

With Bonus: 1722XP

Otiben: Fighter-861XP/Assassin-783XP


Puk, Goblin Hound Rider Extraodinaire, has reached the final stage of his evolution! He now counts as a Goblin Chieftain, and given time with unaligned and significantly weak Goblins may start forming his own warband or tribe. He also appears a little taller?

His stats will work as following:

Armour Class: 4 (with Leathers)

Hit Dice: 2

Hit Points: 12

Attacks: 1 (+1 non-magical bonus to damage)

Charisma: 4. (Counts as 16 for Goblins, 14 for Hobgoblins and Bugbears.)

Special: Cavalryman. (See House Rules)

Moves Silently, Hides in Shadows and Climbs as 3rd Level Thief.

Infravision 60ft

Sunblind (-1 to hit in Sunlight.)

25% Chance to spot new/unusual construction in caves.

Language: Goblin, Common, Basic Ogre.

Apologies all for my disappearance this weekend, a bout of illness and this strange thing in England called a…

Apologies all for my disappearance this weekend, a bout of illness and this strange thing in England called a “sun”(?) made for an uncomfortable few days.

Here’s a bonus as an apology:


It was cramped but functional, and the party’s mounts were left trussed up in line along the cave wall. With a few orders to those hirelings staying behind, the group sets off deeper into the cave, led by keen halforc eyes. Wide enough that two could walk shoulder to shoulder and still have enough room to swing a blade, it was easy going for now, a steady incline snaking back and forth into the darkness.

Soon enough, even the least aware can taste the moisture in the air. This was the biggest clue they had that this particular cave led somewhere of note, and during a short pitstop, Embrek announced that so long as senility wasn’t setting in, the path had twisted back upon itself. They were now heading east, and so long as no further diversion occured, it wouldn’t be long before they were under the city.

The party continues walking, and not long after this Urman feels a tingle of magic, not unlike a spell landing near him. Intincts lead to a cry, and weapons are drawn and spells readied. After some moments of staring into the dark, waiting for an attack that is not coming, they lower their weapons.

Urman searches his personage for the source of the magic, and pulls out the messenger ring. It now tingles with fresh energy, and the wizard examines its surface for a reply to his earlier question and is rewarded.

“Too late. Alone. Trapped under.”