Session 109 May 18, 2016

Session 109 May 18, 2016

7:45pm 15th of Jourildan, in the alleyway after the heist

Calle leaves us, then we stow the robes and join the wagon for one last trip to the C&B. Cannis talks up Aliron Bartly a local clock maker with heavily damaged hands. After collecting Edan at the Town house, Thorfus speaks with Ferry at the C&B. They set up a tentative meeting later to sell some information or magical items.

We hire another wagon to New Town. Thorfus speaks with Edony the big hulking islander now the head guardsman of the New Town watch. Drays is waiting for us as we arrive. Pons wears the ESP blocking circlet to be kept out of the conversation.

We fulfill our end of the deal, first allowing Calle to ready the Imperial Scroll to Drays via Telepapthy then handing it over to Owen. Drays promises to send a Devil Fish to Gronsk around Vargen and have it return with news of where Grell’s secret base is. Before we leave, Owen slays Calle after we confirm to Drays that we would hunt for Alain Grell once we know where his secret base is. Chuq sensed Calle was at peace and welcomed her death. Drays explains she was the love child of Arden Grell and one of his maid servants. Her mother slew Arden’s wife in a fit of passion prompting Arden to kill her in return. Fleeing from Arden, Calle first encountered Drays when she was about to plunge into a canal to take her own life. Knowing the Grell family line will likely end at our hands, Drays arranged for her pain to end tonight. Mercy? From a devil fish? Will wonders never cease…

Drays proposes another job for us. After we bring Alain Grell to justice (our words), he wants us to deliver the fabled sonic weapon to his candidate heir of the Mermen in hopes is would tip the balance against Gronsk’s opposite candidate. Gronsk has promised to loan the Dragon Orb to his candidate. We can expect Owen two days hence with word of Alain Grell’s secret base.

As we exit New Town, Edony asks Thorfus to investigate a loiterer who keeps her post under scrutiny. Cannis, Ronan and Chuq shadow step behind him. He is very focused and displays little emotion. Cannis charms him but his behavior doesn’t change. The man claims he is a pilgrim and asks to be let go in an inflection less voice. Chuq yanks his hood showing that this man is actually an undying autonotom. Summoning Pons, we transfer the ESP blocking circlet from him to the undying which immediately crumbles to the ground lifeless. Throfus explains to Edony what it is while Cannis arranges the body for transport by binding it in it’s clothing and blindfolding it. The wagon driver extorts more cash from us for doing his civic duty. Next stop, Lord Thornton’s.

In a Grey Cloak interrogation room, the undying is strapped down. The ESP blocker is removed and the body is animated again. Chuq drops our control circlet onto Thorfus’ head ready to yank it off at the first sign of trouble. Throfus has a short conversation with a ‘Lord Marshal’ who drops control of the undying when he realizes the conversation is going nowhere. We tell Perrett it was likely the Dark King and of our encounters with him in Skarnwode. After more discussion, we leave the body here and return to the C&B.

16th of Jourildan

We shop, supply and explore. Runnellbrook identifies the wand, it summons ice storms (x4), walls of ice (x9) and cones of cold.

17th of Jourildan

Perrette walks into the C&B as we are casting calling for new meat bags . He speaks privately with Chuq & Thorfus over drinks. Apparently Peter Thorrell was killed then his office was set ablaze. His death has caused chaos in Vargen, one navy ship will be sent to deliver grey cloaks and rescue Midmark refugees.

We want to help, so decide to negotiate for safe passage for the Navy but Drays is not available until after dinner time that night. Owyn visits us at the C&B that evening with news that Arlain Grell’s base is at Angmar’s Folly. He then escorts us to a nearby canal to speak with Drays who tells us Grell’s armada is 6 ships including one that floats above the water and moves without oars or sails. In exchange for us delivering the sonic weapon to him, he promises the Midmark Navy will have safe passage in the bay and the seas about Midden.

Later that night, Edan works with Kalgunn to modify the undying cube.

18th of Jourildan

Our next meeting with Perrette brings news of Vargen’s Times of Trouble. We realize that the women who stuck Edan with an arrow was likely the other Imperial Dervish in disguise.

With tenacity and gaul, Thorfus succeeds in saving Sturrgard whose statue is now at the Ark Temple. We finish with hiring junior adventures to join our party.

0 Replies to “Session 109 May 18, 2016”

  1. 7th level magic users can make scrolls. What is the chance of getting enough water breathing scrolls from Aldus so all the party (characters) can have it? Not before we go after Allain Grell but to deliver the item to the Merfolk? Or does he know of another spellcaster that can sell us the same, or potions that last as long as the spell?

  2. Also, just a note that Thorfus had a brief meeting with Galron, the “last” of Baldric’s Boys.

    Assuming both Ir’Alle and Axel are dead.

    Was Sthorm considered a Baldric’s Boy? As I recall, he left play right before we got all the fame for that.

  3. A note on Water Breathing Scrolls: Aldus Runnelbrook can create them with the following costs/limits:

    – Each scroll spell will take a day per level of spell inscribed to create

    – Up to seven castings can be inscribed on a single scroll, but the cost difference for individual scrolls is negligible

    – There is an upfront cost of 3000GP (that covers ten spells) and 1000GP/Level for each spell inscribed

    – There is a percentage chance of failure (with loss of resources) for every spell inscribed

    – Spell inscription cannot happen at the same time as training or other business (e.g., Identification, Continual Light casting)

    So, for each Water Breathing Scroll, the cost would be 6000GP with a chance of failure (and loss of 3000GP in materials).

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