Book-keeping Notes, Session 47 (3/11/15):

Book-keeping Notes, Session 47 (3/11/15):

– The session concluded 2:10pm on the 23rd of Denrilden; Thorfus, Arus, and Finklemur were burning the wight’s body, the remainder of the party was guarding the workers building a crane.

– The party spent a total of 2 hours and 10 minutes (13 turns) exploring the dungeon; that finishes off the pint of oil from last time (7 turns) and leaves three hour (18 turns) of burning time on another pint (update inventory accordingly).

– Deaths: A bunch of monsters

– Knocked Unconscious: No one

– Level Drained: Finklemur


0 Replies to “Book-keeping Notes, Session 47 (3/11/15):”

  1. For those not there, taking the dead down by the warehouses is far enough away that they quit coming back to life. So it is a good thing we cremated Hengist and let the wind scatter his ashes and that we buried Ashton in the village cemetery.

    I propose that the hacked up zombies be moved and the bodies burnt.

    Also the other bag of leeches.

    This leaves the first and somehow different zombie that we will have to either leave locked up or hack up to get beyond the zone of influence, unless it is the influence. However, I suspect something deeper down to be the problem.

    For the eels, we may be better off spiking the door and finding the cause of the influence, or try to slay them without risking a shock, assuming they can shock when undead.

    There are also the centipedes in the room where we found the dragon’s head.

    We may want to search the room where we found the wight, perhaps the water will be warmer now.

    I am in favor of clearing the rooms we can, but now it seems we need to go to the north and figure out how to get to the source of this.

    I also had a thought that the undead in Newtown may have a similar cause, and figuring it out here may end up helping Newtown with a controlled amount of undead we have here.

  2. Yes, the fact that Chuq was in a position to pull everyone into the boat in one round saved the group’s bacon. Fighting a level-draining creature effectively invisible beneath the water (with all the attendant bonuses) would have been bad.

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