Book-keeping Notes, Session 108 (5/12/16):

Book-keeping Notes, Session 108 (5/12/16):

– We left off at 7:45PM on the 15th of Jourilden with the party having just changed out of their stolen acolyte robes in the alley behind the Salty Judge. They now possess volume fourteen of the Imperial Rolls, having eluded all the traps and clerics at the Temple of Merendur.

– Already Burned Two of His Nine Lives: Ronan

– Wishing it had been Poison Instead: Random Librarian Guy

– Impotently Raging in the Darkness: Ink Elemental

– Picking up Bad Habits from his Henchman: Chuq


0 Replies to “Book-keeping Notes, Session 108 (5/12/16):”

  1. Ronan has the dubious honor of being the first PC in one of my games to almost die on two separate Save vs. Death rolls within twenty minutes of joining. The fact that both of those rolls were the absolute minimum needed to succeed is even more amazing. Congratulations (?) WickedWayz !

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