A Few Outstanding Issues from Session 108

A Few Outstanding Issues from Session 108

– Alessandro Bertolucci: How much are you willing to tell Aldus Runnelbrook? He is inquisitive and will be curious about the source of your knowledge (which in turn would lead to questions about what the party was doing in Xen’Khel). As a sage, he is always hungry for more knowledge and will offer spells as inducement to Edan.

– WickedWayz !: One quick clarification since no one asked last night about the library key. Sthorm informed you ahead of time that one of the librarians in the Temple of Merendur had a Dog Froth addiction and would hand over the key when asked. The fellow did this, promising that you would be undisturbed for at least an hour.

Everyone in the Party: Edan has six more days of training, so the party will be in Midmark for a bit. In the interests of speeding things up next time, are there particular things you want to do (or sell) during that time? People you want to speak with? Etc.? Let me know and we can probably knock some of that stuff out with a quick summary.

0 Replies to “A Few Outstanding Issues from Session 108”

  1. I think we have a bunch, plus loads of bolts, but we can always grab a few extra arrows. I’ll check the document. Continuing that idea, if we could hire a longbowman or two, to put thise Longbows to use and supplement Sturloc’s magical crossbow.

    That’s actually a really good idea. I’m Elspeth and Holden would appreciate his presence. Outside of the charmed badge as well, it might be an idea to leave behind any Starchie Boy insignia, though I think that’s just Thorfus at this point (and Axel).

  2. Alessandro Bertolucci​ – perhaps Runnelbrook has sufficient stats to compel Kalgunn to fess up what he knows!?!

    John Carlson​ – just to be clear, splint armor is unknown or the idea of substituting wood for metal splints is a foreign concept?

    Also – how about tropical penguins, like the Galapagos penguin? Availability of otters (sea or fresh), osprey, heron, gull, turtle (sea or fresh), sea lions or seals?

    Other than the big mammals & avians, definitely getting my hands on toads and/or frogs. Can keep one of those in a pocket!

  3. Chuq would rather see Starchie’s retired in Midmark, IF that is what he wants. Chuq will ask when he has a quite moment with the old boy.

    John Carlson​, either locally at the C&B and/or the Ark Cathedral, Chuq will put out the word he is looking to hire an adventurer looking for opportunities as his henchmen. Burglers and cutthroats need not reply. Unless someone tells him otherwise, Chuq will mention the Starchie’s Boys in his announcement and keep the CL badge in his kit. If Pons asks, Chuq will explain his talents are appreciated but not as critical right now.

  4. I will be reviewing all these comments tonight and posting replies in regards to availability, sale prices, etc.

    Rahm Benisaeko:

    1. The idea of substituting wood is foreign; if attempted, the best that could be hoped for is protection equivalent to leather armor (and it would be poorly made, breaking on a 19 or 20 attack against it).

    2. Frogs and turtles are readily available in the markets of Midmark; the other creatures (otters, gulls, seals, etc.) would need to be hunted down in the wild.

    3. Starchie is feeling his age now and would be happy staying with Elspeth and Halden.

    4. No problem with advertising at the Cock & Bull or Ark (both would be free); is Pons being let go from Chuq’s service?

  5. Oh yeah, after that fumble with Cannis, he is yesterday’s news. In lieu of a letter of recommendation, he’ll get a severance of 150gp after his things are searched of course. Chuq will pay for new locks and keys to the town house. Better yet, Chuq will ask the Ark Patriarch to quest pons so he’d keep his mouth shut about what we have done since Xen Khel. If that doesn’t work out, Perrette will be asked to recruit Pons as a Grey Cloak on permanent training or arrange for the Navy to Shanghai him into service.

  6. John Carlson Oops just noticed I never replied.

    1. I reply not quite. It seems that there are hidden passages throughout the city connecting it to other ruins and chambers. The StarchieBoys found one such passage and followed it to another ruin far from here where I met up with them while searching those other ruins and together we found the sword. As for the magic – I suspected as much while I was studying/researching old diaries and testimonials from the Fall and their descriptions of dwarven magic, their descriptions seemed odd, and I wouldn’t/couldn’t accept the, “it was just the way they wrote,” excuse my peers and teachers used to sweep away the inconsistencies. Since I couldn’t prove it I eventually left to find the proof – that’s where I am now – thanks to the sword and other evidence I’ve seen I’m confident about it now more than ever.

    2. Yes of course, I’d be glad to introduce Kalgunn – with proper precautions and hopefully gain some insight.

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