In no particular order:

In no particular order:

– Edan has grown increasingly wary of Kalgunn – everyone he’s met that has encountered such items has warned him not to trust it. To make matters worse, he’s afraid if someone else holds on to the sword Kalgunn may be strong enough to take them over. What the Night Court have said about Kalgunn just reinforces his worry. He hates being manipulated is seriously considering destroying it or forcing Kalgunn out of the sword into the helmet and letting the Night Court have “fun” with him until he is more compliant. (Aunt Fel would approve)

– Seeing Imperial involvement in Curabel is worrying for Edan. Their return will not be good for the islands.

– The potential threat of Marchmain and the Dark King are equally worrying. As much as he admires Dwarven tech – seeing how ancients viewed “others” and used their wondrous technology to terrible ends makes him believe that their existence is may be just as bad if not worse than the return of Imperial forces.

– A haunted mansion hardly interests him.

– Edan doubts the Sword of Dagon should be used at all – it’s too dangerous. He wishes it didn’t work.

During the training week:

Edan will shop some fine clothes and commission a completely new stylish-ish red hat. Plus another red leather hat for travelling.

Kalgunn will be stowed in a handled steel box Edan has had specifically made for it (interior moulded to it’s shape) and hidden in a wall of our club house until I’m ready to retrieve him. Think of a steel briefcase (or coffin?) – for a sword. 😉

Complete studying the devilfish anatomy drawings and notes

Study the submersible plans – particularly the engine.

Transcribe the spell book spells to his own.

Speak with Runnelbrooke about the safest way to confront Kalgunn, without risking that he handle the sword (I explain to him my fear after seeing what happened with the helm) I believe we had already established something with using a dynamo. I now know for sure he doesn’t want to be destroyed.

See if Runnelbrook can teach him wizard lock or similar spell

See if he can get the undying control cubes the Grey Cloaks recovered from the bodies.

Experiment with manipulating a control cube without a pedestal – Kalgunm showed Edan how, but Edan is convince there must be a way to “read” them as well. Otherwise, how could Prix have done what she did?

0 Replies to “In no particular order:”

  1. 1. As with the other party members, dress clothes for Thornton’s banquet can be purchased from Clerica and Oswell Lallement whose shop sits next to the gate leading to the townhouse courtyard for 150GP. A hat could be included in that ensemble, but Edan will be able to tell that haberdashery is not the Lallement’s specialty. Instead, he can pick up his two special hats during the week from Azorius Wileson, a well-known hat maker in High Market who claims to have apprenticed with Shawnise Silverbrow on Curanost.

    2. A custom-made steel box for Kalgunn could be produced by Tylick Eraclid, the local blacksmith in the Cock and Bull’s neighborhood. It’s a rather specialized object that Edan wants, so it will cost 50GP to produce and take five days.

    3. Edan can finish studying the Devil Fish anatomical notes without any problem (+1 to hit Devil Fish plus general knowledge of powers and limitations). You don’t actually have schematics for the sub — you have research notes on the sonic weapon and the crystal material from which the domes/tunnels were crafted.

    4. There are ten spells in the book recovered from the reanimated inquisitor in Weland’Khel, although Edan already knows some of these. You will need to roll to see if you succeed in learning the spells this Wednesday. Materials to copy the new spells will be 50GP.

    [More to Follow]

  2. 5. Aldus Runnelbrook will be delighted to see Edan again, asking excitedly if he has learned anything more about the history and nature of trans-spatial energy. Regarding Kalgunn, he will reiterate his offer to setup a device in his workshop that should be able (theoretically) to disrupt the sword’s personality — that is, kill him — via electrical charge. Aldus suggests that this could be used to force Kalgunn to tell the truth, although the downside will be his likely resentment at such tactics.

    6. Aldus does not have Wizard Lock in his spellbook and cannot teach this to Edan.

    7. Access to the control cubes recovered from the Undying would be at the discretion of either Chief Magistrate Thornton or Commander Perette; since the first time to ask about this would be the banquet, we can address this question during Wednesday’s session.

    8. Edan, using the knowledge he has gained since beginning his adventures, can attempt to read one of the information reliquaries without an interface pedestal. Based on Kalgunn’s previous guidance, if there is a way to do it, it likely involves somatic and verbal components. This will be a major task without clear guidance, involving investment of time (working full-time most of two weeks with access to someone’s magical library) and research materials and tools (800GP). This will give Edan a percentage chance of unlocking this secret [this is basically the spell research rules from the DMG].

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