Session 15 – September 4, 2016

Session 15 – September 4, 2016

6th of Floranur – Early evening

We prepare to enter the barrow mound.

Otiben scouts ahead and finds an underground room filled with skeletons. Zhoni is able to turn about half of them. The party takes several minutes to deal with the ones that were not turned. Otiben and one of the dogs are knocked down, and it is several more minutes to deal with the others. Long enough that the originally turned group starts to return to the fight, but Zhoni turns them again.

We take the fight to the turned ones and focus on one at a time, to minimize the chances that they will be able to harm us. Finally, it is down to the last two. One is the skeleton that urged the others on, and it is very tough.

After it strikes a solid blow on Zhoni, Urman blasts it for 8 points with magic missile and it still stands. All after the others have hit it a few times. The others miss it, and out of frustration, Urman charges and crits for 6 more points of damage to finish it off. The last skeleton is quickly dispatched. We then heal up and rest overnight The tough boss skeleton had a magical blade which Otiben claimed.

The next morning, we partake of the holy meal for extra protection (HP).

Otiben checks the door, and finds no traps. We more forward and find a room with a circle and star on the floor in intricate silver design. There are elvish like silver runes on the walls, but none of us can read them. There is a fist sized moonstone just inside the door, sending light off to the side. We try various methods to get the light to shine on the opposite door, but fail.

Otiben goes to the center of the room, and it is a trap door, the whole circle containing the start spins. He is dropped 30 feet to water below. Some greyish oozing creature attacks. Urman uses the black staff to stop the floor from spinning and Batukan and Zhoni use a rope to help pull Otiben free.The oozing thing does not follow. We use two flasks of oil to dispatch it. Otiben then goes to retrieve more coins and gems.

We discover that the rotating floor is used to focus light on the door, which makes it open.

There is a room with a fancy stone sarcophagus, with more silvery elvish like writing that isn’t elvish. When Otiben steps in the door, a ghostly creature rises up. Zhoni urges the most vehement possible rebuke (20), and the creature is turned. Urman casts web to hold it, while the rest of the party uses silver arrows, magic missile, 2 spiritual hammers, and holy water to dispatch it.

Otiben then opens the lid and we find the body that resembles the creature we just fought, and it appears to have been the rumored druid. Nothing else is in it.

The final room appears to be a sanctuary with 4 thin pillars in the middle, and four alcoves each with a clay urn. On the altar is a scroll tied with a silvery thread.

Otiben carefully retrieves the scroll, with no issues. It is written int he flowery script in silver ink, that no one can read. Urman puts it in his bone scroll case.

Otiben searches each urn and finds gold, several scroll in the elvish like script, and two wizard scrolls and one priestly scroll. Urman added them to his bone scroll case. There was a fancy leather belt with two scabbards, each with a silver magical blade. One a longsword, and the other a dagger. The final urn held a poison needle trap and a bag of moonstones.

When we left, we retrieved the fist-sized moonstone that is finely carved.

We left off the mid morning of the 7th debating whether to press on or to rest and recover spells.

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