Session 32 Experience and Summary

Session 32 Experience and Summary

After feasting and merriment with the Stonespear’s, the party have launched the first assault on the forces threatening Crossing. Buoyed by their success and with two newly charmed prisoners on their side, they turn now to planning the next attack.

– Finally Finished Training: Otiben

– When In Doubt, Nu… Fireball it!: Urman the Blackstaff

– Apparently not Celibate: Canon Zho Ni Apolsede

– Silent Archer: Batukhan

– Still thinks he can save his tribe: Jungah, Bugbear Shaman.

Items and Money

– 120CP, 114SP, 12GP

– 6 Vials of Stinging Cloud Bombs

– 2 Jars of Healing Salve

Total XP: 18

Monsters Slain

– 28 Immolated Bugbears, 3848XP

– Captured: Shaman Jungah and Ug, Bugbear Warrior, 427XP

Total XP: 4275XP

Combatants: 25 (Minus Otiben)

Knowledge Gained

Stinging Cloud Solution

– The Bugbear Shaman Jungah has taught Urman a new recipe, a noxious concoction that causes heavy burns to those caught in it.

– Requires Bo’rish (Spicy Bean), Misir Pollen (From Fungus, Itchy) and Fire Flower Seeds. The liquid solution from this, when combined with salt in open air, will cause a reaction that produces an acrid green cloud. The solution is recommended to being kept within an air tight container until use.

Experience Roundup

Total Experience: 4293XP

Per PC: 175XP

With 10% Bonus: 193XP

For Otiben: 4XP (Fighter Only)

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