Frost of Alenostr, Updated House Rules for the New Year

Frost of Alenostr, Updated House Rules for the New Year

I’ve updated the House Rules document to properly reflect this, but here is an overview of the new stuff.

New Spells (A number of UA spells are available.)

– Aid, Remove Paralysis and Precipitation are available to Clerics.

– Precipitation, Cloudburst, Goodberry, Slow Poison and Spike Growth are available to Druids.

– Melf’s Acid Arrow, Flaming Sphere, Evard’s Black Tentacles, Stoneskin and Bind are available to Magic Users.

Altered Spells

– Eostaria Meal now 3rd Level, d8 hp.

– Magic Missiles can be summoned and ‘held’, where they circle the caster for one turn. They can be released one-by-one or as a group as a regular casting during this time.

Weapon Mastery, Fight Master abilities.

– Tridents work as Spears.

– Daggers and Knives allow Criticals on a 19.

– Short Swords grant Dex Bonus to hit as ranged weapons.

Carrying Capacity

– Bastard/Great Swords take up two slots.


 – The roll to hit ignores the benefits of worn armour. Only dexterity and magical effects will count for AC.

2 Replies to “Frost of Alenostr, Updated House Rules for the New Year”

  1. I like the grappling change.

    The magic missile change makes it much more devastating. I’ll take it, but you might want to re-think it allowing it. If you decide to keep it, here are some questions for clarification:

    If the magic user is hit, during that turn, does he lose the held missiles?

    Is that an exclusive spell, i.e. can the M-U cast other spells in that turn?

    Can the M-U move and still maintain the missiles?

  2. Thanks! I can’t claim all the credit though, as it was something Rahm Benisaeko​ mentioned recently.

    As to MM though, I understand that it significantly increases the usefulness of the spell, and makes it much more devestating at higher levels. That said, I really am enjoying the high-powered feeling of the party in Alenostr. But to clarify:

    – If the caster is hit whilst maintaining the missiles, they must save to keep them. I’m thinking it should be tied to the chance to know spell percentage, to represent the Intelligence affecting concentration, but I may just go with Vs Spell. It’s under consideration.

    – Similar to a Druid’s Call Lightning (although that is something I would like differently IMO), the caster cannot cast other spells, but can still otherwise move, act and utilise items during this time.

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