Book-keeping Notes, Session 138 (1/11/17):

Book-keeping Notes, Session 138 (1/11/17):

– We will start at 11:20PM on the 26th of Tanrilden with Thorfus’s monkey automata attacking the power-armored dwarves onboard the Jolly Gorgon.

– Can’t leave the kids home alone to run the simplest errand: Thorfus the Angry

– Wishing he were a bit less popular: Edan the Hunted

– Mumbling “Kottar” as he lays unconscious: Axel the Bloodied

– Wondering how many other enemies this group has: John “Ronan” Smith

– Feeling completely refreshed: Chuq the No-Longer Groggy

– Looking like it needs at least a touch of new paint: The Jolly Gorgon

– Dwarven Apocalypse Clock: (soon to be 18)!


0 Replies to “Book-keeping Notes, Session 138 (1/11/17):”

  1. I did find my power armor notes to confirm the bit about the batteries: they cannot be removed without tearing apart the armor when a charge is being drained; automata monkeys can reach between the parts and force open the operator’s compartment, though. The sad thing is, I’m pretty sure I referenced the same exploit in Fallout mentioned last night when originally explaining why the suites were designed this way.

  2. Plenty of intact suits on the top deck for me to pilfer later also!

    Axel’s gonna be having a bit of an internal crisis after this though. His early career was full of victories, hard-fought, but sure. He got used to wading into enemies and being able to weather most of their blows and then hit back just as hard, fighting on till the bitter end.

    Recent fights have left him only bloodied and fleeing. Every enemy just seems to be so much tougher than the last. Ever since Xen’Khel, he’s been in the losing end, with Jardin and this axeman, losing Spite despite his promises.

    A powersuit might level the playing field a little, but he’s going to be wondering what Araquil’s offer was way back when, and if he could’ve been stronger now.

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