Session 137 – January 4, 2017

Session 137 – January 4, 2017

The afternoon of the 25th of Tanrilden in the library of Parnel Folet

AD clock reads

Chuq and Edan spend the afternoon researching Dragons until evening. Before taking leave, we discuss Folet’s lifelong fascination with Dragons. Chuq and Edan intimate they could introduce Folet to an actual Dragon for a face to face interview. When we determine from further questioning that Folet can’t help our party with money, services or outright enlistment, Edan decides to compare notes about the recent spike in trans spatial energy which Kalgunn deduces is Xeno Tel preparing for the Return. Edan confirms the relationship between modern magic and the ancient texts’ reference to trans spatial energy. He also explains that for some, their deepest desires are manifested physically due to the abundance of trans spatial energy. This is how he explains Folet’s patch of scales growing on his arm. The two wizards swap spells, then the party returns to the Wall District for the night.

During our walk, Thorfus and Chuq debate the merits of assassinating the Punter’s since we know their hideout. Thorfus wants to finish the job as promised; Chuq refuses to actively participate in Jardin’s political coup d’etat. Deciding not to decide just yet; the party escorts Edan to a haberdashery that is closed for business. On the way, a tail is noticed following us. Ronan ducks into an alley, then waylays the obviously homeless beggar. Sinnove the Triad dock master hired the man to follow and report on us. Ronan grapples the man and chokes him until he slumps unconscious to the ground.

Using an overly complicated knock to get the haberdashery’s attention, Edan somehow convinces the store owner, Andrea Shyrwud,  to service him after hours. Our half-elf wizard asks everyone to wait outside while he conducts his business. Chuq follow Thorfus into the alley where the beggar is sleeping. Realizing our leader means to kill the man, Chuq convinces him not to kill some sap who’s death would tell Sinnove as much about us as the beggar telling the story himself. After Chuq consults with the Night Court, Thorfus agrees changing the beggar’s memories of the day suits our needs as well.

When asked, Serithas claims he can influence the dreams of a sleeper by pulling their mind into the Night Cap like he had done to the soul/mind of Brice Bissel. Knowing Devil fish’s proclivity for devilry, Chuq suggests planting the fantasy of a day spent feasting, boozing and womanizing with several beauties on the Keeper’s coin in the beggar’s mind. Serithas reluctantly agrees to do so and after asking permission to use the night cap proceeds. After Serithas claims the deed is done, we join Ronan out on the street to wait for Edan. Problem is, we never see Edan. His disembodied voice informs us he is ready to go, seems he’s keeping his movements secret from those hired by Marchmain Sithis looking for Kalgunn.

At the Wall District/High Town gate, we meet Captain Ellisondro of the watchman. He catches up with Chuq and tells of the hardship throughout all of Vargen due to the Midmark Trade embargo. This sways Chuq so that when the party returns to the Jolly Gorgon, he suggests using the newly discovered power of Serithas on the punter’s. Everyone agrees (and decides to sleep with their ESP blocking rings from now on), so shortly after, Chuq and Ronan swim across Vargen harbor to search out the Punter’s ship. Keeping low in the water amid ship, Serithas reports he discovered the minds of our targets. The swimmers have to wade for some time before all three fall asleep. When they do, Chuq ask Serithas to plant memories of a letter from Lord Thornton promising money and men to use against the Harbor Triad since they have kept their Dog Froth prophets to themselves. To formalize the deal, all three are invited to Midmark to take possession of the money and troops. The mission was a partial success, the next day we learn one of the punters was sent to Midmark to meet with Thornton.

Captain Ellisondro also told of the half buried metal statue in the Quickling Copse. His men tasked with trimming the underbrush and deadfalls in the copse claim the statue’s pose has changed from one of supplication to lowered arms braced against the ground as if to lift itself. His entreat for us to investigate is obvious but we don’t commit. The following morning, the prospect of Thorfus commanding a giant autonatom moves us all to visit the copse.

Thorfus’ control circlet offers only the slight glimmer of a mechanical mind in the construct. The urge to respond to his bidding is felt but the force to act is insufficient. The two monkeys in a sack he brought along are eager to repair the autonatom but before they are released, Chuq confers with Serithas. Serithas calls the giant is a Berserker which is a weapon introduced late in the rebellion. If it’s mind was right, he claims it was once his specialty to coopt berserkers to the rebellion’s side but since this one is damaged he can not influence it. Hoping repairs might change this, Thofus lets loose the monkeys. While he supervises, Axel, Chuq and Ronan return to the Vargen for supplies and the other monkeys.

At the city gate, the watch men suggest Chuq visit Tericius the armorer for metal. The three split, Ronan heads to the Jolly Gorgon while Axel with Chuq shop at Tericius’s shop. Ronan is accosted by several street thugs but intimidates them down. He reports the incident to the watchmen at the gate. They respond quickly to investigate. Axel and Chuq secure two suits of armor and a rented cart from Tericius. The rest of the day is spent watching the monkey’s make their repairs then begin excavating the berserker. Unfortunately, the repairs don’t awaken the berserker’s mind. The berserker is left partially excavated.

At the Jolly Gorgon, Axel, Ronan and Thorfus telepath with Gronsk. He has Masculus the Merman Prince’s reply:

” To the Devil Fish Drayz, from Shakihel Gazarine of Shegarra, Chief Advisor to the Rightful Heir to the Merpeople Crown, the Exalted Prince Masculus. Please be advised that the Exalted Prince Masculus accepts his estranged brother’s request for an audience to discuss the discovery of the ancient device of great power known as the Sword of Dagon. Whether this is a sign that the Great Powers have smiled upon the Blessed Merpeople or not is debatable but perhaps an agreement regarding this weapon could mark the beginning of a healthy and cooperative relationship between all factions of our nation. The Exalted Prince Masculus, per the terms of the parley offer, designates the Fields of Smoke as the meeting place to discuss this and other matters, at the Middle Dark when the Short Moon is Complete, the Long Moon Just Past, and the Waters Deepest. As per ancient custom, the Exalted Prince Masculus and Prince Narusth are entitled to bring with them a small company of no greater than ten schools of ten warriors and this sacred rule of parley is assumed to be in full force. With my greatest respect and kindest regards, Shakihel Gazarine of Shegarra, Chief Advisor to the Rightful Heir to the Merpeople Crown, the Exalted Prince Masculus.”

Thorfus promises to deliver the reply to Drayz in Midmark, especially after Gronsk pressing him. In exchange for our sightings of the Ghost Ship, Gronsk agrees to investigate the bargem’s ship and learns Flowerrnave sent Merrick to Midmark to investigate the deal with acting Lord Mayor Thornton. Gronsk then leaves, expects us to return to Midmark to deliver the Merman message.

To finish the job, we plan to visit the punter hideout once again tonight to plant the memory of a positive reply from Merrick.

0 Replies to “Session 137 – January 4, 2017”

  1. Excellent summary, Ray. That’s worth 1050XP for Chuq. Quick note: your summary reminded me that Edan wanted to trade some spells with Parnel Folet. That’s certainly possible, but there wasn’t time on the 25th when you were in his home. Of course, Edan did not really participate with the group’s activities on the 26th, so he could have easily made his way back to Folet’s (using invisibility both ways if he’s worried about assassins and kidnappers) to make the trades.

    Alessandro Bertolucci: I believe you traded the story about transpatial energy for Comprehend Languages and also wanted Wizard Lock; Parnel will take any second level spell he doesn’t have (or two first level spells) in excchange for that one.

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