0 Replies to “Was their a game I received no invite?”

  1. Yes, there was a game last night — I sent a G+ message asking about your character but didn’t hear anything back, so didn’t think to send an invite (also, long story short, G+’s new version won’t let me send advance invites like in the past).

    My apologies for not realizing you were available; we are back to a weekly schedule, though, and you can easily join next Wednesday (using the same character concept of a rescued prisoner since the party is still in Vargen). Just share a copy of your character with me ahead of the game session.

  2. That depends, Riese Fork. I get notifications in my gmail account for postings in the Curabel community. There’s also an extension for the Chrome browser that indicates when there are new messages for me. If you want email notifications, check your settings for the community page.

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