Book-keeping Notes, Session 137 (1/4/17):

Book-keeping Notes, Session 137 (1/4/17):

– We will start at 9PM on the 26th of Tanrilden with the party resting before Chuq attempts to trick the remaining Bargemen Guild leaders into surrendering themselves to Thornton/Jardin in Midmark.

– Rehabilitating a Crazed Robot Killing Machine: Thorfus the Optimistic

– Letting the Mad King Loose on his Enemies’ Minds: Chuq the Ruthless

– Really Just Wanted to Buy a Boat and Go: Ronan the Pragmatic

– Keeping a Low Profile but couldn’t Resist a Flaming New Hat: Edan the Stylish

– Hey, Did you Guys make Progress on the Kottar Issue?: Axel the Ignored

– Dwarven Apocalypse Clock: (soon to be 18)!


0 Replies to “Book-keeping Notes, Session 137 (1/4/17):”

  1. Don’t worry Ronan, the ignored will join the pragmatic next week!

    As if we’re excavating that automaton. I suppose having something heavier than the monkeys is good, but ‘berserker’? I have so many questions for Sunday. xD

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