Anyone interested in doing some final (and quick) proof-reading on the Automata Run Amok adventure module? The…

Anyone interested in doing some final (and quick) proof-reading on the Automata Run Amok adventure module? The illustrations, maps, layout, and several proofs are already done and the files are loaded to DriveThruRPG/RPGNow for release as soon as I feel ready to pull the trigger. I would like to release the files either tomorrow or Friday, so if no one is available to proof that’s understandable — it’s almost certainly done, I’m just being a bit of a perfectionist. See the link below if you want to give it a read-through!

0 Replies to “Anyone interested in doing some final (and quick) proof-reading on the Automata Run Amok adventure module? The…”

  1. i suggested the titles of each section mentioned in the table to be blue. only because. in sign making when you want people too read or connect 2 lines at once. example name of company on the top blue

    information about company middle in black and then the phone number would go on the bottom but you would make that blue as well so you have that connection. so when looking at the sign the name and phone number is what is seen first.. just a color coding thing.

  2. Yeah … aesthetically, I would prefer black ink TOC entries; logically, though, I know that readers will not realize they are hyperlinks without the blue coloring. The section heads are not hyperlinks and I want to keep them their current color.

  3. ok looks good. let me know when the full version is available. as a person not up on the umm internet text protocol. i didn’t know the blue meant hyperlink. but thinking about it now i guess every link you click is blue LOL

  4. I started a mini-review of this to post once you release this to the wild.

    I also noticed that when viewing in Adobe Reader that some of the page numbers are not just numbers. For example, page 3 is Seq3, page 6 is Anat6, etc. Not a big deal, but wanted to point them out.

    I’m still working through the text and will comment if I find anything else.

  5. John Carlson my copy has a blank page numbered 21. Of course all books print in multiples of 4, right?

    Another style comment – some sections have a vertical line separating the two columns and others don’t. All or nothing?

    Copy editing comment – seems the Maps & Keys make a little more sense during the first read if each started with the box text currently at the end. For example, it wasn’t until finishing the basement did I realize that there is only one monkey for the whole level.

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