Anyone interested in doing some final (and quick) proof-reading on the Automata Run Amok adventure module? The…

Anyone interested in doing some final (and quick) proof-reading on the Automata Run Amok adventure module? The illustrations, maps, layout, and several proofs are already done and the files are loaded to DriveThruRPG/RPGNow for release as soon as I feel ready to pull the trigger. I would like to release the files either tomorrow or Friday, so if no one is available to proof that’s understandable — it’s almost certainly done, I’m just being a bit of a perfectionist. See the link below if you want to give it a read-through!

0 Replies to “Anyone interested in doing some final (and quick) proof-reading on the Automata Run Amok adventure module? The…”

  1. Looks great, the artwork really helps. Very professional looking.

    The only mistake I noticed is for the Deck of Many Suits. You have it referred to as ‘Suites’, so unless that is an American spelling I’ve not heard of?

  2. Style suggestion for the tables on page 2: (keep in mind I am a financial printer and review tables every day) – d6 Random Street Incidents could have a leader and footer/score OR the bottom of 3 and top of 4 scores can go. (looks like something is missing as it is).

  3. i think the Tables look fine, although im just a peon, simple is better. the only thing i saw that i would change was the index from the blue to one of the grays, since the whole theme is black and white. except for the occasional red, unless you added that because you had a certain amount of colors you needed for print. and if you want the blue i suggest changing a few things throughout to that say the Titles to each section….. but again im just a peon. so as is i think it looks pretty awesome.

  4. I like the full map on page 4. I believe that “storey” is the British English spelling, whereas in US we omit the ‘e’.

    It may just be my old eyes, but the text for the entrances and balcony seems a bit small. I set to 134% and it was relatively easy to read.

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