Session 22 Summary and Experience

Session 22 Summary and Experience

The party has finished gathering knowledge in Finnesheim, and after a brief cleanup mission to deal with some shipwrecked ogres, returned to Manheim. Now, they prepare to return to the swamp and face Vorigan, but the promise of hidden riches might be tempting enough for them to follow another path.

– Confounded by new magics: Urman

– Dreams of the sky, weighed down by gold: Otiben


– Traded in Hilda’s Spellbook

– Traded in Research on Moon Rituals

– Traded in 4 Ogre Jawbones

– 1550GP

– 20 Gemstones (100GP each)

– Sunstone (Worth 1000XP in Gold)

– Scrolls (Map of the Necropolis, History of Vorigan)

– Used Giantslayer Longsword, 900XP

Monsters Slain:

– 4 Shipwrecked Ogre Sailors,

Total Experience: 725 XP

# of Combatants: 8

Total Experience: 91 (Inc. Bryn, Embrek)

Experience Roundup:

Total Experience:  6175XP

Per PC: 1453XP

With Bonus: 1598XP

For Otiben: Fighter-799XP/Assassin-727P

3 Replies to “Session 22 Summary and Experience”

  1. “Lady Elspeth” Barge that took us down the river to the many mouths.”Hansel Bergfinn”, the ship master.

    “Waldemar” the old Dwarf that escorted us to the Base Camp in the many mouths,The camp is an old dwarven ironclad.used by the Urdjan knights.

    “Randolph” Spymaster Assasin. Otiben is training with.

    “Elyana” Alfbandes wife, missing her heart, and is undead.

  2. Going to award XP based on your highest level, which is 3 if I remember correctly.

    So, you get 300XP for 5 entries (165-Fighter, 150-Assasin).

    Small correction, Waldemar is an Urdjan Knight and a human. He was also present when you fought the witch in Djoside.

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