Session 22 November 20, 2016

Session 22 November 20, 2016

Mid-Morning, 21st Floranur, Chief Librarian Maesica’s office, Port Finnesheim

Urman sells the Illusionist spell book to the Library. First we are offered money but when we ask for tools to use against Vorigan, another sun stone is added to the offer. We agree to the deal, Zho ni keeps the second sun stone. Then Urman asks after new spells but lacks the comprehension to learn his first choices: Stinking Cloud, Knock and Mirror Image. After our visit to the library, we exit the port and visit the Druid Garden not far from the city wall.

The party is greeted by two elves armed with bows that lead us to a small clearing then into a round hut. Within we meet a female and two mail elves sitting by the central fire pit. The eldest of the three, Kelzhan invites us to sit by the fire. He explains this group of druids have converged on the Vale to investigate the Vale’s resistance to a frosting that is sweeping over Alenostr. Besides the Vale, the Elvish Enclaves in the north west also effectively resist the frosting but both locals are slowly succumbing. They know the frosting commenced over a 100 years ago at about the same time the Enchantress emerged as a leader of the Ogres to the South. The effect moves across the land in waves starting from the south and sweeping to the north. The Thane and the Urdjan knights are cooperating with the Druids and as such they are willing to help the party with their mission to cleanse the Many Mouths.

Kymil of the 6th Circle is selected to join our next foray. He arranges to meet us at the Necropolis via his own path, we only have to send word as to when we expect to arrive there. Next we negotiate the sale of the various Druidic scrolls we have. Though Kelzhan is somewhat disinterested, we sell the lot for a good deal of coin. Then the conversation moves the various item we have collected and our encounter with Alosha the witch.

Kelzhan is repulsed by our tainted seeds stating they are allied with dark spirits. We learn Nisalia, a druid that abandoned the order to study with Alosha was the druid we defeated. Seems Alosha is an foe of the southern Ogres as well as the Enchantress. Before we depart, Kelzhan warns of Alosha, he feels we should expect her to exact revenge against us for chasing her northward.

Then we retrieve our mounts from Finnesheim and head out on the western road after having a serving of blessed meal. At Just Call It Home, a small fishing village, we meet a man repairing a door. He greets us friendly and explains the door was smashed by Ogres looting the food kept within two days ago. He didn’t witness the crime but his injured son did. Zho ni heals the lad’s wounds before we follow the obvious Ogre tracks leading to the west.

Eventually we find wreckage littering a beach. Searching about the wreckage for clues, Otiben notices a cave further west in the cliff face at the edge of the shore. We collect about the cave mouth, then Otiben springs a stone trap by the cave mouth. This precipitates a deadly altercation with four shipwrecked Ogres. Half of them fall quickly and the last two yield after they are caught in Urman’s web. Before they are euthanized, they tell us they were deckhands captained by Garam Thul’Mashka (Thul – sailor). Captain Garam was commissioned by the Enchantress to raid shipping and villages in the north.

The sailors of Just Call It Home are happy to hear of our success. After a celebratory fresh fish dinner, we return to Port Finneshiem and spend the night at the Bawdy Bachelor. The next morning we visit Lady Grim at the Mariners Fort to collect a bounty for the slain Ogres. There are no other bounties or odd jobs so we follow Otiben to the market place where he asks after the costs to fashion a silk balloon. The cost is too rich for our purses so we decide to pack it up and return to Mannheim.

On our return, Otiben confers with Randolph who is pleased with Otiben’s success. The surprising death of Solbergsson-Annel has caused a mass desertion of his crew leaving he first officer stranded in Port Finnesheim. Otiben is hoping to continue his training with Randolph but is disappointed Randolph doesn’t have any assignments at this time. While arranges his things, Urman notice the messenger ring has a response. It is “Orkarhest Help”. Orkarhest is an abandoned ruin, the former capital of the Orcs that ruled all of Alonestr in the ancient past. It is believed to be in the lands of the Northmen.

We decide our next step will be another confrontation with Vorigan after Otiben completes his training.

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