Session 21 Summary and Roundup

Session 21 Summary and Roundup

In search of knowledge and objects that may level the playing field against the vampire, Vorigan, the party heads to Finnesheim and The Library. Whilst there, Otiben confides the truth of Randolf’s mission to his companions, and they track down the hedonistic Merchant Captain, Drahsen Solbergsson-Annel, delivering to him his final ‘message’. The party now idles in Finnesheim whilst the Chief Librarian, the Drow Maescia, collects the knowledge they may need.

– Visited Equine Heaven: Batukhan

– But a Simple Country Bumpkin: Zho Ni Apolsede

– James Bond or Batman?: Otiben the Maul

– Slain by Deadly Opulence: Captain Drahsen

– Dwarven Spirit Incarnate: Embrek Forbolson


– Purchased, Horses, a Pony and a Cart.

Enemies Slain

– Drahsen Solbergsson-Annel, 100XP

# of Combatants: 1

Experience for Otiben: 55XP Fighter, 50 XP Assassin

Knowledge Gained

Chief Librarian Maescia has provided the party on the known weaknesses of vampires (converting player knowledge to character knowledge). She also provided several other pieces of information:

– Known history of Vorigan in Vademor, before becoming a vampire (To be posted)

– The identity of what is presumed to be Vorigan’s patron, a primordial spirit of death from before the time of the Gods. (Represented by the statues,)

– Items that may prove useful in combating a vampire, if you can obtain them: Holy Artifacts, Sunstones, Anti-Undead Weapons, Mental Protection, Blood-drinker’s Bane (a legendary weapon), Certain Venomous/Magical Bloods(Injected/Imbibed/etc.), Death Wards.

– Ancient Maps of the Necropolis. (To be Posted)

New Hirelings/Henchmen

– Embrek Forbolson: An elderly Dwarven Warrior with experience in mining and carpentry. Joined the group as Zho Ni’s Henchman in search of glorious battle.

3 Replies to “Session 21 Summary and Roundup”

  1. So what’s the dwarf’s agenda that might clash with Urman?

    Urman’s sunstons is helpful against vampires?

    I am interested in seeking after anything of use to us/me that washed up from the ogre ship that was sunk. The primary interest is dealing with the vampire, but anything that helps improve Urman’s abilities or knowledge or survivability in general is good.

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