Session 21 November 6, 2016

Session 21 November 6, 2016

Freelancer’s Guild, Mannheim

There are two candidates for Zho ni’s call for henchmen, Zacharius the herbalist and Embrek Fobolsom a matured Dwarven Warrior. Embrek’s fire and spirit impresses Zho ni, the dwarf is his latest lackey. Though Otiben is intriqued by Embrek’s skills and abilities, we pass on him thinking Urman would bump heads with Zach’s agenda. We take note of his location, hoping to tap him in the future.

Before leaving Mannheim for Port Finnesheim, Batukahn helps us purchase the best Pony, Riding, light and two heavy war horses to be had. This allows us to return several on loan mounts from the Udrjan Academy. The ride to Finneshein takes most of the day so that we arrive at the city gates late in the afternoon.

In addition to our search for a method to defeat Vorigan the Vampire, Otiben has been commissioned by Randolph to meet am Odagard merchant ship captain by the name of Drahsen Solbergsson-Annel. Otiben explains to Batukahn and Zho ni that Randolph accuses Solbergsson-Annel of sealing advanced weaponry to the invading Nothmen that threaten the Vale while the Ogres are raiding from the south. Knowing only that the captain should be in Finnesheim, we first visit the piers to ascertain if his ship the Golden Griffon is present. It is and can’t be missed since it is easily the largest ship docked.

A local street youth informs us about the Griffon, her captain and crew and of other frequenters of the port. Solbergsson-Annel is an unfriendly opulent man who spends his time in the richer side of town while his crew can be found haunting the salty taverns closer to the docks. There is only a skeleton crew on the Griffon currently. Solbergsson-Annel would likely be found at the White Lilly tavern but the kids on the block never visit that part of town. Captain Vincentius Lurio of the Javelin gets an unsolicited mention, if only because he is friendlier to the local youths than the arrogant Sobergsson-Annel.

Next up is checking in at the Baudy Sailor, our former hostel. Marcus the keeper greets us and suggests we visit the White Lilly if we want to speak with ship captains. After settling the henchmen’s for a night of drink, food and carousing, Batukahn and Zho ni join Otiben to the White Lilly. The cleric and fighter have drinks at the front of the White Lilly while Otiben checks out the servant’s entrance. The staff is mostly attractive human women scantily clad. Otiben doesn’t rightly fit in with this bunch. He does hear that Solbergsson-Annel is currently being entertained by several house harlots.

While Batukahn and Zho ni have met Captain Vincentius Lurio in the bar and began speaking about getting on board the Golden Griffen the next day, Otiben has hired a room and Half-Orc harlot. His escort tells him about Sobergsson-Annel excesses, masochistic perversion and general loathing by the staff. Tipping her for her time, he slips out of his room despite her regret they weren’t more intimate. In an unoccupied room, Otiben stages a distraction by setting a bed alight then returns to the half-orc harlot to await the general alarm. In the pandemonium that ensues, Solbergsson-Annel is caught in Otiben’s grasp from behind. A phial of poison is emptied into his mouth before the drunkard knows what is happening to him. Slipping into the shadows, Otiben makes his escape out another empty room and down the wall under its window.

The three adventurers share one last drink before leaving the White Lilly for the night. Knowing Otiben has fulfilled his obligation and likely saved many Valemen fighting in the northern front, we decide to visit the Finnesheim library the next day. Marcus greets us in the morning before we visit the library. He tells of three different rumors: a Dwarven Ironside has sunken an Ogre galleon found in the local waters, some have said people and things on board it have been found on the shore north west of Finneshiem; an elven noble has gone missing months ago, putting the local elves on edge; since the Mariners are North fighting the war, burglars and cutpurses are becoming a bigger problem.

At the Library, we are introduced to Librarian Maescia a drow, who is familiar with Vampire Lore. We share what we have learned of Vorigan and the Necropolis. She cautions over reliance on mirrors and holy symbols and explains she recognizes Vorigan as a name for an ancient magician thought dead long ago. She agrees to research the Vorigan problem in the library for the sake of the Vale. She also will investigate more about the unholy statue that blinded Bryn, all she can say at this time is that it must be a symbol of a primordial deity of Death. When we speak of the rumors told by Marcus, Maescia explains the missing elf is Lady Azaria who visited Maescia a few days before her disappearance. Lady Azaria was an ambassador of the druids and her disappearance is bad news for the guards responsible for her safety. This is how we learn that Druids can be found north of the city walls, perhaps we can enlist their aid against Vorigan? She also told us that Greymantle’s Wrath was the Ironside that sunk the Ogre Galleon.

It is hoped that we can meet with the Druids and investigate the shore to the north west while Maescia conducts her research.

One Reply to “Session 21 November 6, 2016”

  1. Looks good. Only thing I noticed was a mistake in the name of Vincentius Lurio’s ship, which is the Delilah. The Javelin is a Curabel ship 😛

    600XP for Zho Ni.

    Something I forgot to mention is the brothel (not attached to the White Lily, and is further down the street) was called Madame Sapphire’s.

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