Session 124.1 – Master of Spring Adhemar’s revelation of THOSE WHO COME (as told by +John Carlson and + Rahm…

Session 124.1 – Master of Spring Adhemar’s revelation of THOSE WHO COME (as told by +John Carlson and + Rahm Benisaeko)

On another note, has Axel shared Moysant’s commission to spread his prophecy? Chuq needs to alert the order. Want to resolve that conversation via Google+ +John Carlson?

+Rahm Benisaeko: That would be fine; I imagine your intent is to let Adhemar (Master of Spring) know about the prophecy. Since you still had two days of training after Axel’s arrival, that should be easy to do while at the Ark Cathedral. What exactly do you tell him? Everything? Also, do you approach the Ark hierarchy, too, or leave that to Adhemar?

+John Carlson : yes, Chuq wants an interview with Adhemar. He reports the prophecy, his source (Axel) and our intent to pursue a solution in Vargen. If pressed, he will outline the circumstance of Axel’s abandonment and subsequent journey to the surface. Providing details about Axel’s travelling companions only if asked. I leave it to Adhemar to inform the hierarchy since I think the highest levels should be dealing with this. Of course Chuq is willing to join him or answer any future summons as long as we are in Midmark. And he solicits Adhemar’s advice including a speculation about the Mad Lord’s identify.

+Rahm Benisaeko: Chuq is able to schedule an audience with Adhemar on the afternoon of the 9th of Tanrilden, following his day of training. The Master of Spring sits and listens quietly to this report of a prophecy about the end of the world, its source with Axel, and the means by which this doom may be averted. After Chuq concludes his tale, Adhemar thinks for a moment before replying: “You say that this prophecy was given to your dwarven companion? By whom? Were they also dwarves and is the claim that this comes from Xen’Teler? I must admit, Master Nourus, that your friend’s story defies belief and I wonder if you are being sent after a red herring to obfuscate some danger closer to home … I will share this with Patriarch Darvo, though, and see if any of the Ark clerics have experienced premonitions of this danger of any kind. Any further details about the origin of this vision that could bolster your claims would be appreciated.”

“Regarding talk of a mad lord, I agree that there have been persistent rumors that the last few Dragon Emperors suffered from some kind of mental instability — but these are just rumors, started by the small number of refugees that have arrived on the islands in the last decades and spread by those who feel safer believing their enemy is brutish rather than cunning. No one can vouch for their veracity — believe me that the Order has investigated — but I would like to think that, if the world is endangered, we are not beholden to a tyrant. I noticed that you do not ask about the Consort and Liar, though … are they already known to you? Having a firm identity to go with those titles might make this story seem slightly less fanciful to those who do not implicitly trust the judgment of you and your companions.”

“Master Adhemar, your admonition of a red herring lies at the root of why I am reticent to answer your questions. Myself and my companions have learned to share our intelligence guardedly and unfortunately, the current political climate in the City of Gulls holds my tongue despite my duty to you as apparent leader of our Order. However, my band is in possession of certain items that can be used to authenticate not only my veracity to you but yours to myself. Please understand, the effectiveness of these tools will rely on your willful relaxation of your formidable mental disciplines but not before my own veracity can be ascertained. Once we are both satisfied, all that I know can be shared with you in less time than you can possibly believe. With your leave, I can arrange a private interview at private location in the Sellsword Quarter. What say you?”

John, the plan would be to invite Adhemar to our lair at the C&B. Then with the Boyz approval (attendance is optional) demonstrate the liar box, then use it to convince Adhemar I mean no harm as I use the night cap & box on his open mind to ensure his identity (likely ask him to imagine/remember his earliest memories of Chuq on Lonely Isle). Then either take him down if he is an impostor (with the Boyz help) or share all Chuq’s memories concerning Kaligan, Kotar/Arraguille, Bioforge, Marchmain – Xeno Tel dream, Desric, Engineering, Kalgunn, Pathogen, Special Research, Praxithalmus, Uthruk’s separation, Dark King forces, Axel abandonment then saga to the surface and rumors of Kotar’s last known sighting.

Adhemar will look at Chuq with a puzzled expression. “That’s an interesting proposal — I suppose, as the most senior member of our Order available, that it would be sensible to check on the accommodations of the only monk in Midmark not currently housed at the Ark Cathedral. I believe your lessons with Master Archembaud conclude tomorrow afternoon; I will make arrangements to visit this location of yours after dinner to both inspect it and offer my official congratulations on your advancement.” With that, he has you relate directions to the meeting place.

So, his offer is to meet you at the location of your choosing on the evening of the 10th of Tanrilden (when we are picking up the game Wednesday). It’s up to you whether we save the resolution of that for the session itself or deal with it here in the comments — either would work, so it’s more a matter of how involved the other party members want to be.

It doesn’t seem like anyone objects to resolving the visit via G+, so let’s do that:

After Chuq finishes his last day of training with Archembaud, who has been mollified as to your dedication and attentiveness to his teaching after a rocky beginning, he makes his way back to the Cock & Bull for a quick meal before Adhemar’s scheduled arrival. Shortly after sunset, the Master of Spring appears as promised at the gate to the townhouse’s yard and is allowed entry by the hirelings. They escort him to the door and announce his arrival, whereupon he has Chuq lead him on a brief tour of the premises. He doesn’t comment during this walk-through, but afterwards quips: “No one, Master Chuq, would be able to question your commitment to asceticism after seeing these accommodations. I am satisfied that your lifestyle is in keeping with the Order’s tenets. Now, I believe there was some other business you wished to discuss?”

Yes, always staying true to the roots of MurderHoboing! – “Master of Spring, this box has an ancient enchantment that chimes when a lie is stated in its presence. We have learned in our travels that a family needed it to curb the excesses of an unruly uncle. I will start by demonstrating its capabilities and then will ask you to state your identity before I share all we know about the prophecy…My name is Chuq Nourus Superior Master of the Order of the Celestial Dragon and I was born on the Lonely Isle. I discovered a talent long lost or abandoned by the Order that allows me to step from one shadow to another without travelling the actual distance no matter how far the two shadows are.” Pause for effect…”The building we are in is a mansion with chandeliers, servants and marble floors; My wife is an Elf named Philomena; Immaculate Cantor and I had lunch today….”

“Before we begin, feel free to test the box further by stating some facts and/or lies”

The box reacts as expected to Chuq’s statements, rattling loudly at the lies and remaining quiet for the truth. Adhemar looks impressed and begins speaking: “I am Adhemar, Master of the Spring and highest-ranking member of the Order of the Celestial Dragon in Midmark. I am also Patriarch Darvo of the Ark Cathedral.” As you would expect, the box starts silent and then rattles … however, Adhemar simply closes his eyes, begins breathing deeply, and repeats: “I am also Patriarch Darvo of the Ark Cathedral. I am also Patriarch Darvo of the Ark Cathedral.” With each repetition the box grows quieter until it is silent.

Adhemar opens his eyes: “That is a powerful tool for the discovery of truth, but it can be tricked by means of mental discipline with effort and practice. The box doesn’t know truth itself, but rather compares the spoken word to what the speaker believes. While trickier and more invasive than any mind-reader I have encountered previously, if your innermost being can reflect the lie perfectly, the device will be blinded by that false image.”

“Brilliant deduction Master, now that you have discovered its limit we can adjust our usage appropriately. Boyz, let’s look upon the Master’s discovery as given in the spirit of faithful cooperation.” (FYI, this man’s AC is 2 and he attacks four times a round for 5-30 damage each hit).

“If there are no further objections, allow me to demonstrate the powers of this golden skull cap. When I don the cap, it allows me to read the thoughts and emotions of those around me. I can also send messages to other minds that are not only words but images, feelings and whole memories. This is how I plan to share all I know about the prophecy with you. Of course, you will have to relax yourself to allow me to penetrate you mental defenses. Shall we begin?”

Adhemar nods: “There are many in Midmark now who would question my sanity for agreeing to this request, but I have seen nothing to suggest duplicity or ill will on either your part or that of your companions. You may commence.” With that, he closes his eyes again, relaxing muscles and slowing his breath. Through the skull cap, Chuq can feel Adhemar purposefully lower his mental defenses.

Via the Helm, “Master of Spring, see now my last memory of our monastery on Lonely Isle… now if you may, show me your earliest memory of myself.”

Assuming the shared information is as expected, Chuq says out loud “No worries, this is Adhemar. Now I will share with him…” All of the following :

1. Grimtooth’s tale of fleeing the Dark King.

2. Lifting Arraquill’s curse from the Imperial Fort.

3. Bioforge experimenter’s vivisection notes

4. Desynching ancient captives & Desric’s back story

5. Marchmain ESP attempt followed by Xeno Tel trip

6. Chief Bioforge researcher fight/notes discoveries

7. Edan intro (met Uthruk in Skarnwode) then Illske encounter (village massacre, our fight then flight)

8. Engineering exploration – Kalgunn & Dwarf Baby’s Mama message

9. Chief Pathogen researcher fights/notes discoveries

10. Illske capture of Axel

11. All of Special Research

12. Runnelbrook help with helm then Ark healing

13. Night court – agreement, ancient history & Brice revelations

14. Return of Axel

Of course if he fails the last test, I alert everyone via the helm and ask the Night Court to overwhelm his mind with noise as an initial distraction.

Chuq dives into Adhemar’s memories, focusing on the time before the Order left Lonely Island. Much of it flashes by quickly in a montage of daily devote living, but with the help of Serithaz you are able to focus quickly on an early memory of a young initiate in trouble for losing his temper while exercising in the keep’s yard. It’s a blurry picture, almost forgotten, but it does match your own hazy recollection of a senior monk scolding you. Following upon that are brief glimpses of Chuq over the years whenever he made an impression on Adhemar — which was, admittedly, not often prior to the last year.

Assuming that is sufficient proof of the monk’s identity, Chuq shares his recollections of the party’s adventures as outlined above. It flashes by so quickly, it’s impossible to even process every bit of the story as it bursts into Adhemar’s consciousness. His eyes flicker open and get a dazed and faraway cast to them; it is almost an entire minute after the sharing of memory before his eyes focus back on Chuq.

“I … I don’t know what to say. Your memories defy belief and yet they are as clear to me as my own. These dwarves … they truly have the capacity to do what Axel’s vision threatens? Those terrible wonders beneath Xen’Khel are real? Then you must go and find these potential saviors and prevent the arrival of these monsters. I must go and consult with the senior monks about the situation on Lonely Isle; to see our former home become the stronghold of these Silver Throne deceivers is unacceptable. Perhaps I can undo the mistake the Grandmaster and I made in leaving that place.”

Oh snap, had no idea the cap could search through another mind like Professor X or Spock!

“Now you see why despite all that besets Midmark, we are needed elsewhere. Consider that to any resurrected Ancient Dwarven soul, our occupation of the Lonely Isle can be viewed just as abhorrently as you feel now. Meaning they will likely feel the Orders return as more invasion and less reunion. Also, there would be a deep longing in my heart if I was not part of that return. Allow me to also share some secrets of the Ancient Dwarve’s constructs. The knowledge will serve our Order well in any combative encounters. Also, with Lord Ironhand’s permission, there is one other item we can exploit. Thorfus, would you be so kind as to use your mask and scry the Lonely Isle and share your vision with us?”

Chuq will night cap data dump his Automatom, bonuses and Thorfus scrying.

[Regarding Professor X, keep in mind — hah! — that you knew what was being sought and were helped by Serithaz; not necessarily typical circumstances.]

Adhemar considers Chuq’s words, but counters: “I cannot promise that the Order will stand by while these servants of the Ancient Dwarves corrupt our former home with their works. Any accusation of ‘invasion’ from those who would descend from the outer dark to enslave the world are laughable. Still, our Order’s numbers are reduced and we are dispersed throughout the islands, so I will promise that no move will be made precipitously.”

After that he will allow Chuq to share the automata information and scrying information (assuming +Follow Me, And Die! has no objections). When that is done, he will excuse himself to begin his consultations, wishing Chuq and the party good fortune in their hunt for Kottar/Araquiel.

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