A Letter from Axel to his Mother. Sent on his return to Midmark

A Letter from Axel to his Mother. Sent on his return to Midmark

Dear Mother,

I do hope you and Father are doing well, and of course, please send my love to Grandfather too.

I understand that receiving this letter may cause some confusion. No doubt by now, Drexam will have returned home with Grandfather’s axe and a tale of my passing. However, I can quite happily tell you that my death is still some ways off. I was merely seperated from my companions and forced to find an alternate route home. It took some weeks, but I managed to find my way back to Midmark and my allies.

The full story will have to wait until I return to Xenilum’Khel of course, it is quite the tale, and one better told over a mug of ale.

Unfortunately, this letter does come on darker tidings. There is some great danger that threatens all of Curabel in the coming months and one that we may not be able to avert. I hope to return home before time is up, but rest assured that I am one of those fighting against it. Have faith that we can save this world.

I understand that Drexam at least has been working alongside the Silver Throne. Weeks ago, this would’ve alarmed me, but now I believe they may have some hand in the final solution, for good or for ill. I beg you however, do not trust them. Marchmain is not what he seems, and the Silver Throne is known to have some shady dealings. I pray Father heeds my warnings, but there is a reason why I write to you.

I know I was never the easiest son to raise, but my travels have taught me a lot, about both myself and the world. You may have heard of some of my exploits, and despite the attempts of many to besmirch our names, myself and my companions are a force for good. We have powerful allies, and have ended many an evil in these islands.

My exploits alone could mean lasting alliances between the Rhom’khul and Ironhand clans in Xeni’lum Khel, as well as the Midmark Navy and Order of the Celestial Dragon to name a few. It is not what was expected of me, but I know it is far more than I could’ve accomplished in the shadow of my Father and Brothers.

If I am unable to return home, or avert the coming danger, know that I love you all.

Your faithful son,

Axel Rhom’khul of Clan Rhom’khul

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