2 Replies to “Can everbody please do me a favour and make sure your character sheets are up to date in the Google Drive folder,…”

  1. Had a quick look over those that updated, had unless Urman is carrying them, the party has several items they possess unrecorded.

    – A Potion of Goblin Control

    – The Berserker’s Blade (Greatsword w/ Minor Enchant, Orcish Origin)

    – A clay flask containing a pungent, earthy brew. (2 Doses I think it was)

    – The Book of Spirits (the tome that granted Zho Ni ‘Turn Undead bonuses’)

    – Lady Ironwood’s Robe (Midnight Blue, silver runes around hood.

    – The Ironwood Signet rings, assorted jewellry and jewellry book.

    Remember to confirm where all these items ended up, even if they’re merely being carried by Frike and Thogi. There’s a Loot List handout in game to help keep track of this stuff like we do in Curabel.

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