Session 81 11/03/15

Session 81 11/03/15 

6:00 pm 16th of Galrilden

The Boyz have wrapped up the loot auction with Marchmain and have cautiously listened to his private dissertation with unspoken suspicion. They are dismissed along with Idony after the level training details are settled. 

Once outside, Idony obviously has something she wants to discuss. Chuq notices their pause and slinks close enough to hear the conversation over the light rain. After inviting Edan to return the next day for training, Thorfus prompts her and she opens up. She explains that her former Master, the Wizard/Illusionist (??) Jagger (aka Mick to the Boyz) has sent a letter inviting her to return to his employ. For more privacy, we all agree to retire to her “Tower” before discussing anything further.

Within the Tower, she explains that Jagger is a Gnomish Imperial expatriate who holds domain to the north. She left his tutelage because his human experiments revolted her. Jagger is trying to recreate the ancient Dwarven bioforge efforts but his work has yet to succeed. As the deaths from his failures continued, she fled from the madness to Xen Khel where she sold her skills to the adventurers that used to reside here. Since the adventurers have left, Marchmain has retained her services and it appears notified Jagger of her current situation. By her account and the letter from Jagger, we learn that not only do Jagger and Marchmain correspond but Silver Throne supplies his lab rats (read people or Grell’s Lambs) from the throngs of laborers that they move through his domain to the Glavnone mines. The same mines that Suttung the Fire Giant resides. Jagger’s letter also mentions ST has asked him to research the same unique metal unearthed from the Lonely Isle (Crystal Tower dig) that Suttung also works with. Disinterested, it seems he hasn’t researched the metal at all. 

Jagger thinks that since the new subjects are willing, or at least pliable, she would be more comfortable returning. Sounds like the new ST subjects might be modern undying horde? Jagger’s letter also mentions he dealt with the Bagemen’s Guild at the time when Idony separated. After much deliberation, we suggest Idony politely decline Jagger’s offer and continue in Marchmain’s service. 

The next fortnight is very eventful. Between training with Idony during the first week, Edan consults with Finkelmur and learns many new skills. The most exciting of which is finding his first familiar, Boris, a playful Russian (whatever that is…) blue cat! Belroar completes all of his ongoing projects. Axel and Thorfus become fixtures in the Sleeping Colossus, quickly becoming local celebrates due to the countless rounds on the house put on Thorfus’ tab.

Rumor mill tells of strange metal creatures west of Vargen driving away the local people into the port city. We hear of the former Xen Khel adventurers employed by Peter Thorell in a series of fortification improvements for Vargen, no doubt funded by the Dragon hoard he seized from Rotho Waterman. It seems the Brother’s of the World Forge and ecclesiastes of Murender in Newton are being overwhelmed by undead and their days are numbered. There is more news of Devil Fish harassing shipping in the bay of Midmark causing the overland route between Vargen and Midmark to thrive. The Mercer’s coffers are growing. Alain Grell’s has become 2nd most wanted by the Midmark Navy. Ogres and Goblins have devastated Seahill village. Hill Giants have extorted the Town of Scale, but no one has heard from Scale since!

In popular culture, eager fans are anxious to learn if valiant Militia Captain Talon can rescue his damsel Lady Em from the clutches of the Dragon Emperor! 

Chuq spends his time alone, trying his best to learn the techniques of a Master of the Order of the Celestial Dragon. That is until the evening of the 22nd, when the venerable Master Dain walks through the door of the Sleeping Colossus. After quick introductions and drinks are served he gets right to it. 

Caton Elerio was found by the MidMark navy adrift right outside the harbor of Midmark. Her ship, the Bawdy Bachelor, was apparently beset by Devil Fish with her as the only survivor. The rub is that signs of armed conflict were noticed by the rescuers as well as an abandoned launch from the Bawdy Bachelor discovered south of MidMark city. When these happenings came to light, Lord Thorton commissioned Master Dain to investigate. Knowing the Bawdy Bachelor was hired by Peter Thorell of the Bargeman’s Guild of Vargen to transport Caton, he started in Vargen. Thorell claimed ignorance and sent Dain north to Xen Khel to consult with us. 

We explained Caton left Xen Khel with Immaculate Rostrom’s aged head, the letters of introductions from Marchmain to Thorell implicating Thorell’s connection with ST slavers and in the company of our former Mercer allies from Vargen. Considering the Mercers are currently openly allied with the Bargeman’s Guild, their treachery is obvious. Thinking her safe, we sent Caton away in the hands of death! He agrees to complete Chuq’s advancement to Master. 

Over the the next four days, Chuq’s tells him of our adventures here in Xen Khel and of our quest to interfere with ST’s plans to resurrect Xeno Tel. Learning of the Dark King’s Undying Hordes, the Imperial Gnome Jagger’s experiments, ST’s lonely isle Crystal Tower restoration then magically scrying with Thorfus’ mask, Master Dain sets off to report our findings directly to Lord Thorton. Finkelmur agrees to make him invisible before leaving (with 7,500 gp in precious gems from Chuq’s share of the loot auction and a year’s worth of rent for the Boys Townhouse from Thorfus’ purse), hopefully it will keep him safe. Before parting, Master Dain tells of the missing Grand Master Brum Langiston, last known to sail off to investigate a prospective new location for our Order’s Monastery. He commissions Chuq to return any news of the GM to our leadership in MidMark City. 

By the last day of Galrilden, Axel is once again a Mymidon, Chuq is a Master, Edan is a Conjurer and Thorfus is a Champion. We have had a second interview with Marchmain to better understand his expectations of us now that we are aware of the SilverThrone’s struggle with Imperial agents in Curasor. Our gear, provisions and adventuring tools have been replenished. Belroar has bagged three jaguars, a mated pair and their soon to be orphan. Since the cub was too feral, it’s orphanage is mercifully short…

On the 1st of Faurilden, our party marches through the Dwarven held districts on the mountain top until they meet a band of SilverThrone badged warriors loitering on the far end of the bridge nearest the Sister’s Temple. Lionet and Finnin briefly speak with Thorfus while Belroar pricks their ire. Irritated at his insolence, they walk off as Belroar taunts them further. After a quick exchange with the Temple guard, we descend the spiral ramp to the Hall of Pillars.

Curses! Our boots and cloaks of elvenkind have lost their enchantment while on the surface! Belroar’s inspection tells us that no others have entered under city since our last foray. Past the Hall of Pillars we can hear a rhythmic banging of metal on metal. Belroar notices recent monkey autonatom tracks. Temporarily ignoring this, we head to Lupa’s lair to report on our time above. Axel dons his power armor while we speak with her about Marchmain and other happenings during the last two weeks. She continues to encourage us to secure the under city to keep the evil within. Understanding we feel threatened by the machinations of the Monkeys, she agrees we should address them before we return to the Ancient Dwarven research bases. 

Before heading west to Hunt the Monkey, Hey Hey Hey!, we lean our load by leaving a stockpile with Lupa. 

0 Replies to “Session 81 11/03/15”

  1. Fluff? This is gold, Jerry – gold, I tell you! It is also a very complete summary and worth 900 xp for Chuq.

    One correction: Caton did not survive; she was found, though, before sinking beneath the waves.

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