Check-in on State of the Party on the Doorstep of Xen’Khel

Check-in on State of the Party on the Doorstep of Xen’Khel

The party will be without the services of Finkelmur for the next five weeks while Riese gets ready for college and Belroar will be delayed each session due to Jacob’s night court internship. First, congratulations and good luck to both of them — this is good news and there is certainly no problem with either of them remaining in the campaign. Things come up in life — at least these are good things.

I did want to take the pulse of the remainder of the party, though. Does anyone else foresee any summer-time conflicts with our usual game time? Also, should I try to recruit any new players or are you satisfied with the number of PCs right now (i.e., Axel, Thorfus, Chuq, and Uthruk)? I don’t think it’s giving away any secrets to say that you’re about to enter some very dangerous areas, so more may be better; on the other hand, you do have a small army of hirelings, so perhaps it is a non-issue.

Anyway, please let me know your opinions in the comments on this post.

0 Replies to “Check-in on State of the Party on the Doorstep of Xen’Khel”

  1. At this point, I don’t have any plans that will interfere with Wednesday nights. Right now, Wednesday nights are best for me.

    This does make us without a non-clerical spell caster. Finklemur is a good asset, but having no spell caster might be ok.

    If we are not splitting XP with them, the better for the rest of us, right?

    I think I am OK with going on without a magic-user, but let’s see what the others have to say.

  2. Firstly, congratulations to both Jacob and Riese.

    I have no conflicts either, one of the benefits of playing at such an odd time. There might be one holiday at the end of July, though I’m not sure if I’m even going, and may be able to play anyway.

    I agree that with the current state of our small army of hirelings, we should be fine without Finklemur’s assistance. It might make things a little trickier, as Brice is simply a healbot at this point. It may hurt a little in the region of magical lore knowledge, but as this is a dwarven themed dungeon we should be able to skim through. I think with the levels of characters we have we’ll go far, it might just take longer, not as if we aren’t already slow dungeon crawlers 😛

    What are your plans for Finklemur in the mean time anyway? If he’s just camping out in the upper city, we can always pick his brain for lore whenever we come up for down time. You have to tell Riese what his character knows mostly anyway, so this wouldn’t be too big a depature I’m thinking, and just means his knowledge isn’t inmeadiately available.

  3. I asked Riese how he would like to handle it — assuming that the safest option would be for Finklemur to stay with Ghermin. However, Riese wants to let him keep adventuring (although ready at a moments notice to cast invisibility and run). I suppose that should be up to the group, though.

  4. Okay — I will assume that, in general, Belroar is scouting. There may be specific circumstances in which that doesn’t make sense, though, in which case he will remain behind/stay with Ghermin/something else that makes sense in context.

  5. I read some of your stuff about creating elves wow you are non Tolkien we can’t be friends jk:p I do agree with some of it I like how dragon age presents elves they started fights and lost but I don’t have a. Problem with Tolkien elves I have problems with as you saw in our Friday campaign with other people’s elves😆

  6. I say we go with the players wishes. Lord knows we’re a cautious party as is, Finklemur’s probably safer in a cocoon of hirelings mid-marching order than up in the city.

    Belroar will likely be fine too, if Jacob is merely late to sessions. Him and Chuq seem like they’ll end up being our new scouting dynamc duo, and if he’s up front, that just puts him closer to the two magically-armed level five dwarves… and Talon.

  7. Another update: the regular PCs will now be Thorfus, Axel, and Chuq. Belroar will join for the last hour of the game and Finklemur should be back in a little over a month. Everyone still comfortable with continuing as is or would you like to recruit some new players?

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