Archiving Character Sheets, 4/7/15

Archiving Character Sheets, 4/7/15

I have been collecting character sheets from Roll20 and the Google Drive. These will be the definitive version of the characters as of the completion of session 50 of the campaign. Below is a list of the files of which I have taken copies; please let me know if another version is more up-to-date:

1. Finklemur_Hu_MG_Riese.pdf (3/26/2015) from Google Drive

2. THORFUS_dwf_FTR_Larry (2).pdf (4/1/2015) from Google Drive*

3. Chuq Nourus (LVL 4).pdf (4/3/2015) from Google Drive

4. AXEL_dwf_FTR_Antony.pdf (4/2/2015) from Google Drive

5. Bard (4/7/2015) from Roll20

* I have renamed the Thorfus sheet, eliminating the “(2)” and moving the other versions to a sub folder.

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