Abbreviated Campaign Summary, 4/7/15

Abbreviated Campaign Summary, 4/7/15

Having now completed fifty sessions of play, I thought it would make sense to have an abbreviated summary of the campaign distilling some of the information in the individual session reports into a two or three-page report. This could be very useful to new players going forward as well as being a reminder to everyone of unresolved mysteries and conflicts from earlier sessions.

To this end, I have placed a link to a Google document in the “About this community” post. While I have already created section headers for this document and could draft the text if no one else is motivated, I thought it would be best to give you guys a chance to write the report. The goal is to have something brief and focused on the big picture rather than the blow-by-blow format of the session summaries. The reward for contributing substantive content to this report will be the same as for writing a typical session summary (i.e., 150xp times your character’s level). We can discuss this further at the beginning of tomorrow night’s session if there are questions.

0 Replies to “Abbreviated Campaign Summary, 4/7/15”

  1. That would be Mascalus, the brother who does not live peacefully with the surface people. Araqiel was not asked, though, he was nominated by his people and left to rot in the fort because he wouldn’t shut up about the threat posed by Ancient Dwarven technology.

  2. Down the rabbit hole…

    Who jarred Araqiel into the Idol?

    What did he expect the younger Devil Fish to do about Ancient Dwarven technology?

    Mascalus is Gronsk’s or Drayz’s candidate?

    How do Mermen coerce Devilfish to curse a land dweller for indefinite decades/centuries?

    What do the Devilfish get out of the deal?

    Finally, (this question is for Perrette) is there any official diplomacy/trade between the Merfolk and the Marks?

  3. Many of these questions don’t have answers available to you. Here is what you do know:

    – Araqiel is not the only Devil Fish elder the party has encountered in statue form. There has been some suggestion that this is the natural progression for elders.

    – Mascalus attacks surface dwellers whereas Drayz’s candidate is friendly with Midmark.

    – A long time ago the party heard about a village south of Midmark that did some minor trade with friendly Merfolk. There has never been mention of anything large-scale or on the city-state level, though.

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