Abbreviated Campaign Summary, 4/7/15

Abbreviated Campaign Summary, 4/7/15

Having now completed fifty sessions of play, I thought it would make sense to have an abbreviated summary of the campaign distilling some of the information in the individual session reports into a two or three-page report. This could be very useful to new players going forward as well as being a reminder to everyone of unresolved mysteries and conflicts from earlier sessions.

To this end, I have placed a link to a Google document in the “About this community” post. While I have already created section headers for this document and could draft the text if no one else is motivated, I thought it would be best to give you guys a chance to write the report. The goal is to have something brief and focused on the big picture rather than the blow-by-blow format of the session summaries. The reward for contributing substantive content to this report will be the same as for writing a typical session summary (i.e., 150xp times your character’s level). We can discuss this further at the beginning of tomorrow night’s session if there are questions.

0 Replies to “Abbreviated Campaign Summary, 4/7/15”

  1. You say that as if there isn’t already three entries. 😛

    Nicely done though Ray. Ahh those Halcyon days where our troubles were mostly random encounters and Gnolls.

    Will say that it was Axel that handed Talon the means for escape (one of the paralysation scarabs that later got fashioned into Axel’s gauntlets). But this was about the time when everybody got us mixed up as Thorfel and Axus, so I won’t hold it against you. xD

  2. Rahm Benisaeko I just read the new entry and it looks good — that’s just the sort of brevity we need given how many session summaries there are to condense. This addition to the summary of summaries is worth 900XP for Chuq.

  3. It is difficult to keep only relevant stuff without rambling on, but you’ve done well. Do want to go back and condense the first entry at some point too.

    I found it a good idea to bold important names as well, helps them stand out when searching for stuff.

  4. Very nice summary, Rahm Benisaeko — especially of the machinations of the guilds in Vargen (it nice seeing that it still makes sense when laid out point-by-point). That’s another 900XP for Chuq.

  5. Yeah, some connections and insinuations from back then coalesced into very interesting realizations as I researched the summaries.

    Fun to note we HAD heard of Fishwick way back when. But it was a third hand account.

    We must enquirer after Barnier Brockett the next time we speak with the Devil Fish. His location should be part of our negotiations.

  6. Rahm Benisaeko: A fine summary — I edited a few bits, clarifying the relationship of the hidden base’s curse to the imperial’s assassination of the elder Merfolk prince and the deal one of his brothers made with the Devil Fish to avenge that death. This installment of the summary of summaries is worth another 900XP for Chuq.

  7. Thanks. I missed that session and was unclear about some of these points. I probably would have been more suspicious of Araquel if I knew his complicity with the Mermen succession. Would be helpful to know Runnelbrook’s, Drayz’ and Gronsks’ opinion about the previous succession and Araquel’s involvement.

  8. Rahm Benisaeko: Yes, it’s just the same as regular summary XP. Also, all the Merfolk issues have been related to the current succession problems — the obvious heir was assassinated by imperials fifty years ago and there was a falling out between his twin brothers (with the previous king siding with one of the twins). Recently, the king died and now the twin brothers are engaged in a war (alternating between hot and cold) to unite the whole kingdom.

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