Treasure Gained (Session 43: 2/4/15):

Treasure Gained (Session 43: 2/4/15):

Party Treasure:

– 120 Gold

– 2 Turquoise Gems

– 15 Platinum Coins (Crowns)

– Handful of copper/silver coins from footlockers (sorry – randomly rolled to see how many coins were dropped/missed during the slavers’ escape and don’t have the number in my notes)

– Medium Chest with Key (holding Egg)

– Bundle of Assorted Clothing 7x (In Axel’s sack)

– 3 Longswords

– Leather Helmet

– 2 sets of Leather Armour

– 3 Daggers

– Short Bow

– 3 Short Swords

– Potential Barracks & 2nd floor Weapon Storeroom Treasure

0 Replies to “Treasure Gained (Session 43: 2/4/15):”

  1. Considering the quality of people living on this island, perhaps putting down stakes is not the best idea. After all, can we trust the locals to respect our belongings that are left behind?

    Chuq thinks this might be just the kind of place the Order of the Celestial Dragon could either start a new home monastery or a sizable satellite. The ‘odd’ residents attest to the secluded nature of this locale. They could study freely behind the veil of such a ‘hospitable’ community. At the same time, the ‘cover’ might expose any heretofore players in the slave trade. The warehouses are already divided into monastic cells with areas large enough for communal training and feeding. He bets that Masters would jump at the chance to subsume any formerly imperial slave infrastructure for their own purposes.

    Wait, we should do both. If some Monks move into the warehouses, we can occupy the fort knowing they will keep an eye on things. What do you think about that? 

  2. That’s a good idea! Since we seem to be up against the way the empire is behind every major plot, we need all the allies we can get!

    At the very least, help get the monks set up. 

    This could be a base for some.

    Of course, we might find other places for a better base, but this is a good start.

    Now all we need is a ship….

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