NoteTab Clips

NoteTab™: is a top-rated text and HTML editor for Windows. It is user friendly and yet feature rich with many innovative productivity tools. Whether you create web pages, write source code, send E-mail, take notes, analyze text, read files, or do anything related to text, you will certainly find NoteTab a worthy tool and a great time saver. It even runs on Linux with Wine.

Here are the NoteTab Clips and Clip Libraries I have developed:

I am currently working on a “PHP IDE” Clip Library that runs a PHP page through the command line version of PHP and captures the HTML output to the browser. One handy piece is the ability to send PHP Source Code with Syntax highlighting to the browser. I will post it here for download when it is ready. In the meantime, below is a NoteTab Clip that will capture the HTML to the browser for PHP Syntax Highlighting. See my PHP Tips page for a sample of its output.Added: 10/20/2004

Just cut and paste the following into a NoteTab Clip Library, or start a new library.

<-- Copy below this line. -->
H="PHP Syntax Highlighting"
;10/11/2004 Lawrence M. Hamilton, Jr.
;Free to use with proper attribution.
;Please email me and let me know if you find this useful.
;^!SetDebug On
^!SetStdErrorName C:\Php4\php_err.log
^!SET %ErrorFile%=^$GetStdErrorName$
^!DestroyDoc ^%ErrorFile%
^!Set %file%=^$GetExpandedName(^**)$

^!IfAppOpen "* - Mozilla Firefox" SKIP_5
^!"G:\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
^!SetHintInfo ^$GetDate(hh:nn:ss am/pm dddd, mmmm dd, yyyy)$
^!FocusApp "* - Mozilla Firefox"
;Modify the following: Replace My Links with the name of your browser start page.
^!IfDiff "^$GetAppTitle$" "My Links - Mozilla Firefox" Skip_-2

;-q needed to surpress HTTP headers
^!c:\php4\php.exe -q -s ^%File% > c:\php4\phptoss.htm

;// No errors to refocus on source code document
^!SetDocIndex ^%DocIndex%
;For some reason there is a problem when Firefox is not already open,
it opens a blank tab at the site. This is not an issue if Firefox is already open. ;^!URL [Firefox] c:\php4\phptoss.htm ;^!URL [Firefox] file://c|/php4/phptoss.htm ^!URL [Firefox] ^$FileToURL("c:\php4\phptoss.htm")$ ;The following closes the browser too soon, need a more elegant way to handle this. ;^!DestroyDoc c:\php4\phptoss.htm ^!GOTO END <-- Copy above this line. -->

FTP Notes Outline (otl). Right click to download or you will see only the unformatted text.
FTP_Notes.otl Added April 29, 2000; Updated October 27, 2001.
About the FTP.exe command line program that comes with Win9x/ME/NT/2000/XP.
Most other operating systems have an FTP program and most of this information is universal.
There is now an FTP clip library that comes with version 4.82 and higher of NoteTab.
I have also updated the outline to correct spelling errors and add some clarifications. I have also converted the outline to HTML and posted it here FTP_Notes.htm.

Rundll Clip and Rundll Outline. Added March 31, 2000
About Rundll.exe and Rundll32.exe which can be used to run various programs in Win9x/NT.

Juno clip for version 4.0 of Juno. Added March 31, 2000

Juno clip for version 5.0 of Juno. Added September 29, 2000. This is the last update, since Juno has become a resource hog, and limits control over how one formats and sends email. Starting December 1, 2004 the Juno program can only be used by paying customers. This clip is good to get your data out to text files so you can delete Juno, if you do not wish to pay to use it. Juno is still free as web mail. If there is interest, and my time will be compensated, I will revise this clip to export from Juno format to generic mailbox format, so that it can be used by other email clients.

Just cut and paste the following into a NoteTab Clip Library, or start a new library.

<-- Copy below this line. -->
H="Change Header Name"
;Lawrence M. Hamilton, Jr. - 6/15/99
;Originally developed to change the header name from system date
and time as created by the clip "Clipstor", by Lawrence R.
Thomas,to the first line of current topic. This clip uses the
CONTINUE command to give the user control over the process. A loop
without this control could make the process much faster! I found
this good to use after using Clipstor to copy several items from
a program's help file. This clip starts at the current topic in an outline and works towards the top.
^!CONTINUE Change Header Name?
<-- Copy above this line. -->

NOTE: Larry Thomas (now deceased) updated Clipstor to include an improvement on this feature. See the NoteTab Clip Libraries pages for more information.