FTP Notes

Download this outline (Right-click to download, Left-click to open in browser). This assists the user in using the built-in FTP command line program.


  1. About
  2. Command List
  3. Brief Instructions
  4. Ftp
  5. Link to Helpful site with Many useful PC terms, etc.
  6. Ftp: !
  7. Ftp: ?
  8. Ftp: append
  9. Ftp: ascii
  10. Ftp: bell
  11. Ftp: binary
  12. Ftp: bye
  13. Ftp: cd
  14. Ftp: close
  15. Ftp: debug
  16. Ftp: delete
  17. Ftp: dir
  18. Ftp: disconnect
  19. Ftp: get
  20. Ftp: glob
  21. Ftp: hash
  22. Ftp: help
  23. Ftp: lcd
  24. Ftp: literal
  25. Ftp: ls
  26. Ftp: mdelete
  27. Ftp: mdir
  28. Ftp: mget
  29. Ftp: mkdir
  30. Ftp: mls
  31. Ftp: mput
  32. Ftp: open
  33. Ftp: prompt
  34. Ftp: put
  35. Ftp: pwd
  36. Ftp: quit
  37. Ftp: quote
  38. Ftp: recv
  39. Ftp: remotehelp
  40. Ftp: rename
  41. Ftp: rmdir
  42. Ftp: send
  43. Ftp: status
  44. Ftp: trace
  45. Ftp: type
  46. Ftp: user
  47. Ftp: verbose
  48. Free_ftp
  49. Links
  50. FTP Folder

1. About

This NoteTab Outline is a collection of instructions, links, command descriptions, and other useful information for using ftp.exe that comes with Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP. This should enable the NoteTab user to develop or modify clips to assist them with their FTP needs. See http://www.notetab.com, for more information on NoteTab and NoteTab Outlines.

On Win9x ftp.exe is in the C:\Windows directory. On WinNT derivatives ftp.exe is in the C:\WinNT\System32 directory.

The NoteTab programmable text editor can access the ftp.exe via its clip scripting language, and can even create, edit, and store clips that can be edited with NoteTab.

This outline was compiled by Lawrence M. (Larry) Hamilton, Jr.(www.kairoscomputers.com)
I used http://www.google.com to help me find sites with information on FTP commands for ftp.exe. If you have any other helpful information related to ftp, please let me know! Nearly all of these commands should work with FTP on any Operating System, such as, Unix or Linux.

Thanks to Larry Thomas for his Clipstor clip library, which makes compiling outlines by just copying what you want under a topic to the clipboard.

As with any information of this type, the user is advised to use caution and make sure they have a backup of their data. It is the user’s responsibility to insure that this information is correct before proceeding.

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2. Command List

ftp> help
Commands may be abbreviated. Commands are:

! delete literal prompt send
? debug ls put status
append dir mdelete pwd trace
ascii disconnect mdir quit type
bell get mget quote user
binary glob mkdir recv verbose
bye hash mls remotehelp
cd help mput rename
close lcd open rmdirTop of Page ]

3. Brief Instructions

Local Directory is the place the program is looking for files on the machine you are at.
Remote Directory is the ip address the program connected to and the directory it is currently in.
ascii uses the ascii connection to download and upload files, this should be used before transferring text or html files.
binary uses the binary connection to download and upload files, this should be used before transferring executable or picture files.
ls lists the contents of the remote directory.
cd directoryname
cd can be used to change the current remote directory.
lcd directoryname
lcd can be used to change the current local directory.
put filename
put takes the file filename from the local directory and copies it to the remote directory.
get filename
get takes the file filename from the remote directory and copies it to the local directory.

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4. Ftp


Transfers files to and from a computer running an FTP server service (sometimes called a daemon). Ftp can be used interactively. See ftp commands for a description of available ftp commands. This command is available only if the TCP/IP protocol has been installed.

ftp [-v] [-d] [-i] [-n] [-g] [-s:filename] [-a] [-w:windowsize] [computer]



Suppresses display of remote server responses.


Suppresses auto-login upon initial connection.


Turns off interactive prompting during multiple file transfers.


Enables debugging, displaying all ftp commands passed between the client and server.


Disables filename globbing, which permits the use of wildcard characters in local file and path names. (See the glob command in the online Command Reference.)


Specifies a text file containing ftp commands; the commands will automatically run after ftp starts. No spaces are allowed in this parameter. Use this switch instead of redirection (>).


Use any local interface when binding data connection.


Overrides the default transfer buffer size of 4096.


Specifies the computer name or IP address of the remote computer to connect to. The computer, if specified, must be the last parameter on the line.Top of Page ]

5. Link to Helpful site with Many useful PC terms, etc.

Link to Helpful site with Many useful PC terms, etc.

This is where I got all the individual FTP command information and the information on the FTP parameters.


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6. Ftp: !

Ftp: !

Runs the specified command on the local computer.

! command



Specifies the command to run on the local computer. If command is omitted, the local command prompt is displayed; type exit to return to ftp

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7. Ftp: ?

Ftp: ?

Displays descriptions for ftp commands. ? is identical to help.

? [command]



Specifies the name of the command about which you want a description. If command is not specified, ftp displays a list of all commands.

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8. Ftp: append

Ftp: append

Appends a local file to a file on the remote computer using the current file type setting.

append local-file [remote-file]



Specifies the local file to add.


Specifies the file on the remote computer to which local-file will be added. If remote-file is omitted, the local filename is used for the remote filename.

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9. Ftp: ascii

Ftp: ascii

Sets the file transfer type to ASCII, the default.



 FTP supports two file transfer types, ASCII and binary image. ASCII should be used when transferring text files. See also binary.

In ASCII mode, character conversions to and from the network standard character set are performed. For example, end-of-line characters are converted as necessary, based on the target operating system.

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10. Ftp: bell

Ftp: bell

Toggles a bell to ring after each file transfer command is completed. By default, the bell is off.


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11. Ftp: binary

Ftp: binary

Sets the file transfer type to binary.



 FTP supports two file transfer types, ASCII and binary image. Binary should be used when transferring executable files. In binary mode, the file is moved byte-by-byte. See also ascii.

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12. Ftp: bye

Ftp: bye

Ends the FTP session with the remote computer and exits ftp.


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13. Ftp: cd

Ftp: cd

Changes the working directory on the remote computer.

cd remote-directory



Specifies the directory on the remote computer to change to.

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14. Ftp: close

Ftp: close

Ends the FTP session with the remote server and returns to the command interpreter.


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15. Ftp: debug

Ftp: debug

Toggles debugging. When debugging is on, each command sent to the remote computer is printed, preceded by the string —>. By default, debugging is off.


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16. Ftp: delete

Ftp: delete

Deletes files on remote computers.

delete remote-file



Specifies the file to delete.

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17. Ftp: dir

Ftp: dir

Displays a list of a remote directory’s files and subdirectories.

dir [remote-directory] [local-file]



Specifies the directory for which you want to see a listing. If no directory is specified, the current working directory on the remote computer is used. {I found that I had to do the same as mdir to make it work: “type – to use the current working directory on the remote computer.”}


Specifies a local file to store the listing. If not specified, output is displayed on the screen.

See Also: mdir ls mls

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18. Ftp: disconnect

Ftp: disconnect

Disconnects from the remote computer, retaining the ftp prompt.


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19. Ftp: get

Ftp: get

Copies a remote file to the local computer using the current file transfer type.

get remote-file [local-file]



Specifies the remote file to copy.


Specifies the name to use on the local computer. If not specified, the file is given the remote-file name.

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20. Ftp: glob

Ftp: glob

Toggles filename globbing. Globbing permits use of wildcard characters in local file or path names. By default, globbing is on.


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21. Ftp: hash

Ftp: hash

Toggles hash-sign (#) printing for each data block transferred. The size of a data block is 2048 bytes. By default, hash mark printing is off.


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22. Ftp: help

Ftp: help

Displays descriptions for ftp commands.

help [command]



Specifies the name of the command about which you want a description. If command is not specified, ftp displays a list of all commands.

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23. Ftp: lcd

Ftp: lcd

Changes the working directory on the local computer. By default, the working directory is the directory in which ftp was started.

lcd [directory]



Specifies the directory on the local computer to change to. If directory is not specified, the current working directory on the local computer is displayed.

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24. Ftp: literal

Ftp: literal

Sends arguments, verbatim, to the remote FTP server. A single FTP reply code is expected in return.

literal argument [ …]



Specifies the argument to send to the FTP server.

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25. Ftp: ls

Ftp: ls

Displays an abbreviated list of a remote directory’s files and subdirectories.

ls [remote-directory] [local-file]



Specifies the directory for which you want to see a listing. If no directory is specified, the current working directory on the remote computer is used. {I found that I had to do the same as mdir to make it work: “type – to use the current working directory on the remote computer.”}


Specifies a local file to store the listing. If not specified, output is displayed on the screen.

See Also: dir mdir mls

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26. Ftp: mdelete

Ftp: mdelete

Deletes files on remote computers.

mdelete remote-files [ …]



Specifies the remote files to delete.

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27. Ftp: mdir

Ftp: mdir

Displays a list of a remote directory’s files and subdirectories. Mdir allows you to specify multiple files.

mdir remote-files [ …] local-file



Specifies the directory for which you want to see a listing. Remote-files must be specified; type – to use the current working directory on the remote computer.


Specifies a local file to store the listing. Type – to display the listing on the screen.

See Also: dir ls mls

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28. Ftp: mget

Ftp: mget

Copies remote files to the local computer using the current file transfer type.

mget remote-files [ …]



Specifies the remote files to copy to the local computer.

Differences between this command and ‘get’ (From “Michael Gerholdt” <gerholdt@fredonia.edu>)

You cannot rename files or specify their location as a parameter of
‘mget’ as you can with ‘get’

Therefore it is necessary to use ‘lcd’ (local change directory) before
using mget and then rename the files after download if that is

MGET and the wildcard (*)

ftp> mget fyr*

and you will be prompted for all files with name starting with the
letters “fyr”


The above example will prompt you for a yes/no response before it gets
each file. If you would like to not be prompted, just use

ftp> prompt

Note that if you do this you will download ALL files that match “fyr”.
If you know there are some that you do not want, leave prompting
toggled on.

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29. Ftp: mkdir

Ftp: mkdir

Creates a remote directory.

mkdir directory



Specifies the name of the new remote directory.

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30. Ftp: mls

Ftp: mls

Displays an abbreviated list of a remote directory’s files and subdirectories.

mls remote-files [ …] local-file



Specifies the files for which you want to see a listing. Remote-files must be specified; type – to use the current working directory on the remote computer. {I found that I had to do the same as mdir to make it work: “type – to use the current working directory on the remote computer.”}


Specifies a local file to store the listing. Type – to display the listing on the screen.

See Also: dir mdir ls

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31. Ftp: mput

Ftp: mput

Copies local files to the remote computer using the current file transfer type.

mput local-files [ …]



Specifies the local files to copy to the remote computer.

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32. Ftp: open

Ftp: open

Connects to the specified FTP server.

open computer [port]



Specifies the remote computer to connect to. Computer can be specified by IP address or computer name (a DNS or HOSTS file must be available). If auto-login is on (default), FTP also attempts to automatically log the user in to the FTP server (see Ftp to disable auto-login).


Specifies a port number to use to contact an FTP server.

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33. Ftp: prompt

Ftp: prompt

Toggles prompting. Ftp prompts during multiple file transfers to allow you to selectively retrieve or store files; mget and mput transfer all files if prompting is turned off. By default, prompting is on.


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34. Ftp: put

Ftp: put

Copies a local file to the remote computer using the current file transfer type.

put local-file [remote-file]



Specifies the local file to copy.


Specifies the name to use on the remote computer. If not specified, the file is given the local-file name.

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35. Ftp: pwd

Ftp: pwd

Displays the current directory on the remote computer.


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36. Ftp: quit

Ftp: quit

Ends the FTP session with the remote computer and exits ftp.


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37. Ftp: quote

Ftp: quote

Sends arguments, verbatim, to the remote FTP server. A single FTP reply code is expected in return. Quote is identical to literal.

quote argument [ …]



Specifies the argument to send to the FTP server.

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38. Ftp: recv

Ftp: recv

Copies a remote file to the local computer using the current file transfer type. Recv is identical to get.

recv remote-file [local-file]



Specifies the remote file to copy.


Specifies the name to use on the local computer. If not specified, the file is given the remote-file name.

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39. Ftp: remotehelp

Ftp: remotehelp

Displays help for remote commands.

remotehelp [command]



Specifies the name of the command about which you want help. If command is not specified, ftp displays a list of all remote commands.

Following is a list of the remotehelp command that I captured to a text file, since they scroll by so fast they are unreadable. This is from a Unix web server. I did not have time to get more information on the various commands. I did try some of them, but only got invalid command messages. I tried to get help on them but same message. If anyone has any information on these, some are same as the commands I have already listed, but any information on the “new” ones would be greatly appreciated. Perhaps they are commands that require special permissions to use.

ftp> remotehelp
214-The following commands are recognized(* ==>’s unimplemented).

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40. Ftp: rename

Ftp: rename

Renames remote files.

rename filename newfilename



Specifies the file you want to rename.


Specifies the new filename.

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41. Ftp: rmdir

Ftp: rmdir

Deletes a remote directory.

rmdir directory



Specifies the name of the remote directory to delete.

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42. Ftp: send

Ftp: send

Copies a local file to the remote computer using the current file transfer type. Send is identical to put.

send local-file [remote-file]



Specifies the local file to copy.


Specifies the name to use on the remote computer. If not specified, the file is given the local-file name.

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43. Ftp: status

Ftp: status

Displays the current status of FTP connections and toggles.


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44. Ftp: trace

Ftp: trace

Toggles packet tracing; trace displays the route of each packet when running an ftp command.


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45. Ftp: type

Ftp: type

Sets or displays the file transfer type.

type [type-name]



Specifies the file transfer type; the default is ASCII. If type-name is not specified, the current type is displayed.


 FTP supports two file transfer types, ASCII and binary image.

 ASCII should be used when transferring text files. In ASCII mode, character conversions to and from the network standard character set are performed. For example, end-of-line characters are converted as necessary, based on the destination’s operating system.

 Binary should be used when transferring executable files. In binary mode, the file is moved byte-by-byte.

See Also



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46. Ftp: user

Ftp: user

Specifes a user to the remote computer.

user user-name [password] [account]



Specifies a user name with which to log in to the remote computer.


Specifies the password for user-name. If not specified, but required, ftp prompts for the password.


Specifies an account with which to log on to the remote computer. If account is not specified, but required, ftp prompts for the account.

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47. Ftp: verbose

Ftp: verbose

Toggles verbose mode. If on, all ftp responses are displayed; when a file transfer completes, statistics regarding the efficiency of the transfer are also displayed. By default, verbose is on.


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48. Free_ftp


{This should give enough ideas for the NoteTab User to automate the use of FTP for their Web Site(s) needs.}

http://www.internet-95.com/company/starship/free_ftp.htm NOTE: This is now a dead link.

Free_ftp is a free batch file that allows you to instantly update you website in seconds using windows built in ftp software. It requires Windows 95 or better. You simply have to copy three small text files and edit them and create three directories on your hard drive.
Step One
Create a directory “free_ftp” on your hard drive. Then under that directory create one called “ascii” and one called “binary”
Step Two
Open notepad and with your mouse copy and paste the text below into a new file and save it in your “free_ftp” directory as “free_ftp.bat”
@echo off

echo Free_ftp will go into PAUSE in 30 seconds.
CHOICE /C:ABPX /T:P,30 A=Ascii B=Binary P=Pause X=Exit
if errorlevel 4 goto term
if errorlevel 3 goto sleep
if errorlevel 2 goto binary
if errorlevel 1 goto ascii
goto top

if not exist c:\free_ftp\ascii\index.htm goto top
ftp.exe -s:ascii.txt
del c:\free_ftp\ascii\index.htm
goto top

if not exist c:\free_ftp\binary\image.jpg goto top
ftp.exe -s:binary.txt
del c:\free_ftp\binary\image.jpg
goto top

echo Free_ftp is now in pause mode.
goto top

Echo Free_ftp Terminated!
Step Three
Edit “free_ftp.bat” inserting the name of any text file you want to upload in place of the file name “index.htm” in lines 13 and 15. In lines 18 and 20 replace “image.jpg” with any binary file name you want to upload.
Step Four
Copy the two files below and save them into directory “free_ftp” as ascii.txt and binary.txt


open ftp.server.com
cd \directory\path\
send c:\free_ftp\ascii\index.htm

open ftp.server.com
cd \directory\path\
send c:\free_ftp\binary\image.jpg

Step Five
Edit ascii.txt and binary.txt replacing “ftp.server.com” with the name of your servers ftp client.
Replace “username” with your user name,
replace “password” with your password.
Edit “directory\path\” to the directory on your server you want the files uploaded to
Edit “index.htm” and “image.jpg” to the file names you want to send.
In Windows95 click “Start” then “settings” then “taskbar”
Click “start menu programs” then “add”
In command line type or browse for:
click “next” choose “programs” or another directory
click “next” for shortcut name type “Free_ftp”
click “next” choose an icon, then “finish”
Whenever you have to update your website copy or save the text file into c:\free_ftp\ascii\ and the binary file into c:\free_ftp\binary\
run free_ftp and press “A” to send the ascii file or “B” to send the binary.
If no action is taken after 30 seconds free_ftp will automatically go into pause.
Free_ftp will delete the files after uploading so save a copy elsewhere if you don’t want to loose them. Press “X” to exit

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49. Links

These are the links I found the most helpful, check them out.


http://www.imsa.edu/~grung/ftphelp.html NOTE: This web page is now just a note that it is no longer there.

http://www.internet-95.com/company/starship/free_ftp.htm NOTE: This is now a dead link.

http://www.conpub.com/main/docs/FTP_HowTo.htm#GuidedTour_DOS_UNIX NOTE: This is now a dead link.

http://www.eas.asu.edu/~cse200/ftp.faq.html NOTE: This is now a dead link.

http://www.zdnet.com/pcmag/pctech/content/18/01/iu1801.003.html NOTE: This is now a dead link.


http://ocean.otr.usm.edu/~dunsfor/tips/useftp.htm NOTE: This is now a dead link.

Here is a beginner’s Tutorial Eric Fookes sent me:
How to use FTP http://www.relia.net/~jerry/website/ftp.html

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50. FTP Folder

>I have access to the ftp commands on my site. How do I
>make an anonymous login to a specific folder for download
>via ftp?

usr: anonymous
pw: e-mail address

Then type:

cd [directory]

ls [same as DOS dir]

help [to get help]

Easy, isn’t it?


Marco Bernardini