
So-Called Christians Focused On A Narrow Aspect

Too many who claim to be Christians focus on a narrow aspect of Christianity and those foci tend to be minor and irrelevant in the long run.

Such things are:

  • Which translations are “correct.” Forgetting that the original Hebrew and Greek are older than English.
    • The KJV was published in the 1600’s. That 1,600 years A.D. The lack of understanding of that time scale is a matter of ignorance they should resolve.
  • Focus on spiritual warfare and ceding more power to Satan than he really has.
    • I’ve met some that think that Satan is behind every bush waiting to jump out and get them.
  • Judging and excluding those who don’t do things “correctly”.
    • This varies from sins on a list, or a hyper focus on a single sin, or those who don’t “look right.” In short, forgetting to help those in need and setting them aside because they are in the “wrong category.”
    • That same list that you point to homosexuality also has gossip. Grey haired old ladies don’t like it when you point that out.
    • They forget to “take the log out of their own eye before removing the speck from another’s eye.”
  • Aligning with specific political parties and candidates, extolling them as virtuous, in spite of their obviously NOT being or behaving as one would expect a Christian to behave.
  • Forgetting to “be a light to the world”, and instead being hateful, small-minded, judgmental jerks who act like their “shit don’t stink.”
  • False teachers and scam artists seeking to get rich at the expense of the gullible. False teachers who claim that they know when Christ will return, when the Bible says that “no one knows (except the Father).”
    • Such lies and deceits and false teaching are driving people away. If you really cared about people, you would accept them where they are and go from there. Instead, you expect them to know all about what the Bible says instead of showing them hw to love one another.

I know atheists who are better Christians than most so-called Christians.

So many so-called Christians making lists counter to I Corinthians 13.

So many so-called Christians cursing and arguing with people online and threatening them.

So many so-called Christians acting holier than thou towards anyone who isn’t just like them.

Christianity has become the Pharisees and Sadducees. The minority genuine Christians are not standing up to the imposters.

Christianity is founded on a religion of murder and genocide. I’d rather focus on the common sense of treating others the way you’d like to be treated and forget all the laws and rules.

Love is doing what love requires, but the so-called Christians have a sick and twisted interpretation of love.

But the Church (all denominations) and God have failed to deliver. I was a pastor for a decade. I have a three-year graduate degree, a Masters of Divinity. It was a waste of my time, as I bought into the scam that God is real.

I’ll just be kind to others and help where I’m able. Keeping a huge building operating for a weekly meeting that is the usual suspects just keeping up appearances, is a waste. That time and money is better spent helping others.

The so-called “religious right” is really the irreligious wrong, the immoral majority, or is it a minority now? Donald Trump is no Christian. He cannot give an answer that isn’t doublespeak. If he ever told the truth it would only be something that serves him. He is sleeze and the way Republicans fall over themselves to put their noses up his ass makes me sick.

The so-called Christians seek to back laws denying votes to minorities, deny women bodily autonomy while arguing for their own bodily autonomy to ignore masks proven ability to keep others safe. If COVID-19 only infected ignorant selfish jerks, the problem would sort itself out. That’s not how the disease works. The most vulnerable receive the most harm. I doubt they are praying for forgiveness for their part in the manslaughter of those they helped to infect.

So many of them are from my generation, who have smallpox inoculation scars, and didn’t catch polio, measles, mumps, or many other childhood diseases, yet they rant and rail against the efficacy of vaccines.

If they believe God is real then they better be in fear for their place in eternity for teaching and encouraging no masks and no vaccines that lead to the deaths of the innocent. Teachers are judged more harshly. But the leaders are frauds and charlatans out for power, glory, and mammon.

Then they get upset when radical Islamists enforce Sharia in the areas they control, and wage terrorist war on the West. They follow the same lie that Allah exists. When they say, “There is no god….” they need to stop speaking. The truth is hidden in their lies. They were raised believing it and it takes years of conscious effort to unlearn that crap.

I hope humanity doesn’t end up killing itself through over reliance on religion and the ignorant masses who shamble along mindlessly agreeing to do their bidding.

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