
Personal Blog

To avoid people shouting down my ideas on Facebook or other places. I will post my thoughts here.

I am not easily pigeonholed. I have unpopular beliefs.

  • Black Lives Matter
    • Of course all lives matter. Until black lives are treated as precious as white lives, we need to keep saying Black Lives Matter.
  • Teach Men Not To Rape
    • What a woman wears is not an excuse.
    • Just because you’re a good swimmer doesn’t mean you should have a light sentence to “avoid ruining your life.”
  • Your Freedom Ends Where My Rights Are Infringed
    • Wear a mask! I do just fine with my nose & mouth covered with a full beard.
    • Freedom to do things does not guarantee freedom from consequences.
  • Everyone does not have to be like me.
  • The right to life includes the right to defend that life.
    • Crossing state lines to shoot people at a protest is MURDER.
  • A Woman’s Body is her own and she should have autonomy over it.
  • All people should have body autonomy.
  • All people should be able to love whom they love.
    • Except pedophiles and any other kink that ignores the right to say “No” to all participants.
  • Logic and Reasoning and Evidence are important.
    • A link to a YouTube video is NOT evidence.
    • Assuming I know what you’re talking about when you disagree with me is NOT logical.
    • Accusation is not the same as Conviction.
      • However, the court of popular opinion has it’s own rules. Freedom of expression allows others to express their beliefs.
  • The scientific method is important.
  • Laws should be enforced with the same metrics against everyone from the richest to the poorest.
    • Police should either kill all suspects or bring them in alive.
      • Actually, that last bit is hyperbole. All suspects should be brought to trial.
    • The rate at which police kill non-white suspects is far larger than random chance allows.
    • Police should obey the laws they are enforcing.
    • Civil Asset Forfeiture should be banned.
    • Imminent Domain should be applied consistently.
    • No Knock raids should result in all officers involved losing their jobs if it happens to the wrong location. They should face the death penalty if someone dies.
    • Jury Nullification should be normalized.
  • NAZIs and white supremacists are scum.
    • Their ideas, symbols, etc. should be torn down.
  • The generals and soldiers of The Confederacy were TRAITORS not heroes.
    • Their symbols should not be praised or elevated.
  • Political Parties should vet their candidates to keep out the kooks and weirdos.
  • Political Parties should strive to have better candidates.
    • We need candidates WITH character, not candidates who ARE characters.

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