
Privacy <> Secret

Privacy <> Secret

Privacy is about CONTROL.

Talking to Doctor is private as you expect them NOT to tell others.

Thus the right to privacy is about controlling who sees your private information, reads your papers, etc.


Remember Remember

Remember Remember
November the Third
When we finally vote out that orange turd.



If Only

MAGA stood for:

Make Assholes Go Away


Make rAcists Get A clue


Black Lives Matter

Do Black Lives Matter? Do you really care?

If Black Lives Matter to you when lumped in with All Lives Matter, then police need to stop killing black men for no reason.

Say her name, Breona Taylor. Shot while sleeping during a no-knock raid at the WRONG address. Those police who murdered her, what else do you call it when you are killed where you are sleeping, have still NOT been charged.

He couldn’t breathe, George Floyd. Doesn’t matte why he was being arrested. Police are supposed to deliver subject up for charges and possible trial. They are NOT supposed to murder them by cruel suffocation on the street.

The list goes on and on.


Personal Blog

To avoid people shouting down my ideas on Facebook or other places. I will post my thoughts here.

I am not easily pigeonholed. I have unpopular beliefs.

  • Black Lives Matter
    • Of course all lives matter. Until black lives are treated as precious as white lives, we need to keep saying Black Lives Matter.
  • Teach Men Not To Rape
    • What a woman wears is not an excuse.
    • Just because you’re a good swimmer doesn’t mean you should have a light sentence to “avoid ruining your life.”
  • Your Freedom Ends Where My Rights Are Infringed
    • Wear a mask! I do just fine with my nose & mouth covered with a full beard.
    • Freedom to do things does not guarantee freedom from consequences.
  • Everyone does not have to be like me.
  • The right to life includes the right to defend that life.
    • Crossing state lines to shoot people at a protest is MURDER.
  • A Woman’s Body is her own and she should have autonomy over it.
  • All people should have body autonomy.
  • All people should be able to love whom they love.
    • Except pedophiles and any other kink that ignores the right to say “No” to all participants.
  • Logic and Reasoning and Evidence are important.
    • A link to a YouTube video is NOT evidence.
    • Assuming I know what you’re talking about when you disagree with me is NOT logical.
    • Accusation is not the same as Conviction.
      • However, the court of popular opinion has it’s own rules. Freedom of expression allows others to express their beliefs.
  • The scientific method is important.
  • Laws should be enforced with the same metrics against everyone from the richest to the poorest.
    • Police should either kill all suspects or bring them in alive.
      • Actually, that last bit is hyperbole. All suspects should be brought to trial.
    • The rate at which police kill non-white suspects is far larger than random chance allows.
    • Police should obey the laws they are enforcing.
    • Civil Asset Forfeiture should be banned.
    • Imminent Domain should be applied consistently.
    • No Knock raids should result in all officers involved losing their jobs if it happens to the wrong location. They should face the death penalty if someone dies.
    • Jury Nullification should be normalized.
  • NAZIs and white supremacists are scum.
    • Their ideas, symbols, etc. should be torn down.
  • The generals and soldiers of The Confederacy were TRAITORS not heroes.
    • Their symbols should not be praised or elevated.
  • Political Parties should vet their candidates to keep out the kooks and weirdos.
  • Political Parties should strive to have better candidates.
    • We need candidates WITH character, not candidates who ARE characters.

A Gun Is A Tool

It’s not a weapon, it’s a tool. No different than a hammer to the skull or a screwdriver through your eye.

A gun can’t make you anymore dead than anything else that can kill you.

There are thousands of firearms laws in the USA and they are not fully enforced. If they were, many recent shootings wouldn’t have happened because the perpetrators would have been in prison, or watched too closely to get an illicit firearm.